God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1384 Foul (three more)

Then, that figure finally flew out from the Western Mountain Mirror! It landed on the ground lightly!

It's a woman!

When he saw that figure clearly, Yuan Longyuan suddenly felt certain in his heart!

is her!

Definitely her!

There was a dead silence in the crowd, and everyone lost their words at this moment, just staring blankly at that person.

Then she stood up.

A beautiful face appeared in front of everyone!

Mu Qinglan!

Gao Feng almost shouted, his eyes widened, and he couldn't believe what he saw!

How could it be Mu Qinglan! ?

Isn't the road to the tomb of the gods completely closed?

How could Mu Qinglan come out! ?

Xishan Mirror... They saw it clearly just now, and the Xishan Mirror has clearly dimmed completely!

Everyone looked at Mu Qinglan dumbfounded, not knowing what to do for a while.

Mu Qinglan exhaled lightly, raised her eyes to look forward, and asked Yuan Longyuan:

"Lord Longyuan, I'm not late, am I?"

Only then did Yuan Longyuan come to his senses, and subconsciously shook his head.

"No... you... came just in time..."

According to the rules, only those who come out before the Road to the God's Tomb is closed are eligible to go to God's Dream Cliff.

But...Mu Qinglan's situation...

After the road to the tomb of the gods was closed, it opened again!

Looking at it this way, it seems that it should be regarded as a success... After all, the person has already come out of the Western Mountain Mirror, right?

When Mu Qinglan heard this, she immediately smiled brightly.

"That's good! Thank you, Master Longyuan!"

When she realized that the road to the tomb of the gods was closed, she was still a little worried.

But looking at it now, it should be fine.

Although it didn't catch up with the most suitable time, it has arrived anyway.

If she didn't come out and thus lost the chance to go up to Shenmeng Cliff, then she would be very upset.

Seeing the radiant smile of the woman in the distance, Yuan Longyuan was in a trance for a moment.


really like...

If it was said that the original appearance was only two or three points similar to the charm, such a smile actually has four or five points.

At that moment, he thought he saw Xuan'er again.

Yuan Longyuan's heart skipped a beat, only then did he realize what he had thought of, and quickly turned his gaze away.

It's really not going to work like this...

"How can this be considered a success?!"

Suddenly, a voice full of anger, even somewhat sharp, came.

Yuan Longyuan woke up suddenly, turned his head to look, but it was Gao Feng who was speaking.

His face was slightly distorted, and he pointed at Mu Qinglan with one hand, and said angrily:

"The road to the God's Tomb was clearly closed just now, and she shouldn't be eligible to go up to God's Dream Cliff at all!"

Yuan Longyuan was even more bored with Gao Feng, and a slight coldness appeared on his usually gentle and refined face.

"Why, Lord Gaoling is saying, is the commander's judgment wrong?"

Although his voice was not harsh, he called himself "Commander"!

This is showing your identity!

Gao Feng choked.

He just wanted to refute subconsciously, but forgot to say this, which was really an offense to Yuan Longyuan.

As the commander of one of the four arenas in this grand meeting of the gods, Yuan Longyuan has a noble status, needless to say.

Moreover, he is the youngest commander in the Yuan Clan, which shows how much the Yuan Clan values ​​him!

If he offends Yuan Longyuan, his life will not be easy in the future!

"Master Ryuuan misunderstood, Ben—I didn't mean that! I just wanted to say... This, this is against the rules!"

Gao Feng's thoughts turned, and he quickly came up with a reason.

"The Ten Thousand Gods Festival has been held so many times, and the rules have always been like this. How can the rules be changed just because of Mu Qinglan now? If this gets out, I'm afraid it will cause everyone's dissatisfaction!"

Yuan Longyuan frowned, with a somewhat sarcastic smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Changed the rules? What rules have been changed? Didn't she come out of the Road to the God's Tomb by herself?"

"But the road to the tomb of the gods is clearly closed—"

"But the road to the tomb of the gods has also been opened again, isn't it?"

Yuan Longyuan interrupted Gao Feng's words lightly.

"Since it is opened for the second time, those who come out will naturally be considered successful."

Gao Feng blushed.

Yuan Longyuan asked inadvertently:

"Besides, dissatisfaction? How could this arouse everyone's dissatisfaction again? According to the commander, it should be said that it will arouse dissatisfaction among some people, right?"

Gao Feng was speechless for a while.

He wanted to refute, but on the one hand, he was afraid of Yuan Longyuan, on the other hand, he himself knew about it, and what he said just now didn't make any sense.

Because everyone saw with their own eyes that the road to the God's Tomb opened again, and then Mu Qinglan came out!

It's just that he really couldn't figure it out, how could such a situation suddenly happen on the road to the tomb of the gods?

Never heard of it before!

Yuan Longyuan glanced at him with no expression on his face, but Gao Feng shuddered inexplicably.

He rolled his Adam's apple, and finally swallowed the rest of the words.

In the end, he could only look at Mu Qinglan gloomyly.

That's fine, when he reaches Shenmengya, he will find another chance to deal with Mu Qinglan properly!

Mu Qinglan ignored his warning.

Anyway, Liang Zi has already formed a knot, and it will be a matter of time before Gao Feng is resolved.

Yuan Longyuan looked at Mu Qinglan, his expression softened a bit, and said:

"Since you have also come out, then I will call all of you from the Piao Miao Shenzong."

As he spoke, one of his hands was placed on the jade tablet on his left chest again.


Before he could make a move, Mu Qinglan shouted quickly.

Yuan Longyuan showed doubts.

Mu Qinglan coughed and said:

"I won't bother you with such a small matter."

"This is not a trivial matter. Since you have succeeded, all of you from Piaomiao Shenzong are qualified to go to Shenmeng Cliff. If you don't summon them, then you will be sent back to Shenxia Desolation." Yuan Long Yuan explained patiently.

He was so serious, Mu Qinglan felt a little embarrassed.

She rubbed the tip of her nose and said hesitantly:

"Master Longyuan, I understand what you said. But...maybe I don't need your help..."


Yuan Longyuan didn't react for a while.

Mu Qinglan simply turned around and looked at Xishan Mirror again.

Then, she waved her hand lightly.

Several red dots of light instantly diffused out!

Those light spots were bright and bright, and quickly gathered together to form a road, which spread from in front of her to the Western Mountain Mirror!

A vast and vast breath emanated from the light path!

Everyone's expressions changed drastically!

Yuan Longyuan suddenly opened his eyes wide!

That is - the power of the God Lord!

In an instant, everything flashed through his mind quickly!

He understood almost immediately:

The person who entered the tomb of Shangshenzhu God was indeed Mu Qinglan!

Otherwise, her powerful aura is totally inexplicable!

Even though he had vaguely guessed a little bit before, when he actually saw this scene, Yuan Longyuan was still extremely shocked!

After all, he saw with his own eyes what a strong reaction there was on the Western Mountain Mirror!

Yuan Longyuan was so shocked, let alone other people?

Especially Lie Qi and others who came out later were even more stunned and completely dumbfounded.

God's breath!

Mu Qinglan must have entered the tomb of God!

Because everyone on the road to the tomb of the gods didn't know about each other's situation, so until just now, they didn't know that someone entered the tomb of the gods on the road to the tomb of the gods in the west field !

So at this moment, they were shocked when they saw this scene!

On the Western Mountain Mirror, a cloud of shadows soon appeared.

In fact, everyone can probably guess something at this time, but if they don't see it with their own eyes, they always feel that it is too absurd and incredible!

Everyone stared blankly at the scene in front of them, but they were reluctant to blink, for fear of missing something.

Finally, a figure walked out of the Western Mountain Mirror!

Then, one foot lightly landed on the red light path connecting with the Xishan mirror.

The visitor was tall, with broad shoulders and narrow waist, with long blue hair hanging down. When he walked forward step by step, he seemed lazy and free and easy.

Especially a pair of blue peach blossom eyes are even more soul-stirring.

It was Xueyou!

And behind him, several figures appeared one after another!

Fourth Elder Chang...

Elder Five Ginseng...

The people from Misty Divine Sect followed suit!

They all had novelty and pride on their faces.

As he walked forward, he looked at the situation here.

When they came to Mu Qinglan's side, they all jumped down and saluted respectfully, then walked behind Mu Qinglan and stood up neatly.

Everyone was silent.

Mu Qinglan turned her head and smiled at Yuan Longyuan with crooked eyebrows.

"Lord Longyuan, I told you that you don't need to take action. Isn't this because our people have arrived?"

Yuan Longyuan: "..."

As one of the four great rulers of the Yuan Clan, Yuan Longyuan, who is top-notch in talent and talent, felt short of words for the first time.

He really didn't know how to respond to Mu Qinglan's words...

Do you want to say: Well, I saw it, and it was really good?

Yuan Longyuan suddenly felt a little headache.

This Mu Qinglan seems to always be unexpected.

It is not uncommon to bring people out by yourself before, but there is no such thing!

What on earth does this take Road to the Tomb of God for?

Yuan Yongyuan finally found his voice:

"Well... there are fifteen of you, right... Now that everyone is here, then... then let's go..."

"Master Longyuan, please wait first." Mu Qinglan said suddenly, "I haven't finished coming out yet!"


Yuan Longyuan subconsciously asked: "Didn't you only come to a total of fifteen? Isn't this already—"

"Oh, the remaining people are not from our Misty Sect." Mu Qinglan laughed, "Because Senior Xue Ning and others from Wuyun Mansion also helped me a lot, so I even took them over. This... It should be okay, right?"

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