God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1385: They Are All Idiots (Part 1)

After Mu Qinglan came out of the God's Tomb, she saw Xueyou and the others still waiting in place.

Besides the people from Misty Divine Sect, a group of people from Wuyun Mansion were still there.

In fact, Xue Ning had just decided to leave at that time, but before he had walked a few steps, he heard movement behind him.

At that time, the road to the tomb of the gods was about to be closed, and time was urgent, so Mu Qinglan immediately decided to bring people out immediately.

And Xueyou just said in a few words about the people from Xiaoyaoling threatening them, and Xue Ning from Wuyun Mansion's help.

When Mu Qinglan heard this, she was a little surprised.

Although the two sides said that they would join forces, in fact, they only met each other for the first time.

When encountering an opponent like Xiaoyaoling, most people must be afraid.

Unexpectedly, Xue Ning was willing to continue to stand by their side.

Of course Mu Qinglan understood that they were doing it for the tomb of God, but she was still grateful for being able to do so.

What's more, not to mention the tomb of the gods, even the Lord of the Nine Thunders has already left with her, and they have waited here for so long in vain.

Therefore, by the way, the people from Wuyun Mansion were brought out together.

Although Xue Ning and the others regretted that they could no longer enter the tomb of the gods, they had no complaints against Mu Qinglan in their hearts.

After all, Mu Qinglan was obviously chosen for the tomb of the gods.

This kind of opportunity is predetermined, and others will not be able to grab it if they want to.

Originally, Xue Ning was already in despair. The road to the God's Tomb was suddenly closed, and they had no time to react.

Unexpectedly, Mu Qinglan came out in time! Even willing to take them along!

At first they still couldn't believe it, but when they walked out of Xishan Mirror and saw the people waiting here, the people of Wuyun Mansion finally understood that Mu Qinglan's previous promise was not a lie!

So at this time, everyone in Wuyun Mansion was full of gratitude to Mu Qinglan.

Seeing Xue Ning and others filing out, the other people present were already speechless in shock.

It can still be like this! ?

It's fine to bring your own people out, but you actually helped a whole other family by the way?

What kind of shit luck is this in Wuyun Mansion! ?

Xue Ning walked to Mu Qinglan's side, clasped his hands together, and said with emotion:

"This time, I really don't know how to thank Miss Mu."

Mu Qinglan smiled.

"Efforts with little effort are worth mentioning."

Everyone: "..."

It's a piece of cake...

So what is everyone working so hard along the way?

For a while, many people looked at Mu Qinglan with deep resentment.

Mu Qinglan looked at Yuan Longyuan with a frown.

"Master Longyuan, can we go now?"

Yuan Longyuan: "...oh...yes..."

Yuan Longyuan's mood is very complicated.

For some reason, when he saw Mu Qinglan at this time, an idea inexplicably appeared in his mind-this time, the grand meeting of the gods, maybe, because of the appearance of Mu Qinglan, it will become extremely exciting...

"The Misty Divine Sect, those who broke through... all fifteen people! Come out!"

Yuan Longyuan's voice was a little floaty.

"Five Yun Mansion, those who break out... all thirty people! Come out!"

After shouting these two sentences, Yuan Longyuan's expression was somewhat indescribable.

This is the first time he has seen all the people come out together...

Of course, it was also the first time I saw someone bring out all the other houses...

He took a deep breath and said again:

"Since this is the case, the members of the Yuan Clan present will select another forty-five people to go up to Shenmeng Cliff together!"

This sentence immediately excited everyone!


All of a sudden, there are so many more places!

Everyone who was a little frustrated at first showed excitement again.

In this case, adding these forty-five people to the original one hundred and seventeen people, there will be a total of one hundred and sixty-two people!

This is a little more than they expected before!

Regardless of what the other families thought, many members of the Yuan clan present were secretly grateful to Mu Qinglan.

After all, there are forty-five more places, which is a great thing for them!

For a moment, they looked at Mu Qinglan with more earnestness and sincerity.

Yuan Longyuan selected another forty-five people, and after counting the number of people again, he finally operated the star array again.

"Everyone, please!"

Everyone was accommodated in this star array. From the outside, it looked like a huge silver enchantment, covering everyone in it.

Mu Qinglan could see a bright star above her head.

And there seemed to be some kind of subtle connection between himself and that starburst.

It was as if his every move was under his control.

Of course one or two is nothing, but the point is, now all of them add up to more than 300 people!

And these three hundred people, each of them has such a star above their heads!

That is to say, Yuan Longyuan knew everything about these people's words and deeds!

This means that the power of the primordial spirit must be divided into more than three hundred shares, and keen observation skills must be invested in each share.

I also want to know how difficult it is to do.

Mu Qinglan narrowed his eyes.

With the strength of Yuan Longyuan, it seems that at least he is a star formation master...

However, she was not surprised by this.

Niangqin was already a master of the Star Formation more than ten years ago, and was able to perform the Eight Spirits Conferred God Formation.

Yuan Longyuan is so old and highly regarded by the Yun Clan, so it is only natural that he has such strength.

And looking at his reaction earlier, it seemed that he and his mother were quite close.

Mu Qinglan's expression was slightly restrained, he suppressed the thoughts in his heart, and looked around.

Surrounded by majestic and steep mountain peaks, the end is invisible at a glance, and the gray-white rocks are layered and accumulated, with large dark red traces in the middle.

Mu Qinglan vaguely sensed a faint smell of blood.

That is the smell of the vicissitudes of time emanating from the rock.

Thinking about it, this should be the trace left by that shocking battle during the battle of the gods thousands of years ago.

The more upward, the thicker the breath.

In fact, a long time of ten thousand years has passed, and the bones and blood have already weathered.

It's not so much the smell of those bloodstains, it's better to say that it's the chilling breath that can't be completely dissipated after a long time.

Mu Qinglan gradually felt a bit of coldness, the wind in the mountains, blowing past her body, was like a sharp blade, gently scratching, with slight pain.

Everyone gradually became aware of something and became much quieter.

Gradually, even the low exclamation and discussion disappeared.

Everyone looked up the mountain vigilantly, nervous and looking forward to it.

Mu Qinglan looked around.

Shenmeng Cliff does not refer to a specific mountain, but refers to an entire continuous mountain range.

After scanning around, all he could see were all kinds of undulating ridges, and it was impossible to see the scene beyond the mountains.

And on this Shenmeng Cliff, there is nothing but rocks.

Flowers and trees seem to have disappeared here.

Mu Qinglan even suspected that there would not even be a single bird in the area of ​​a hundred miles.

Even though time has passed for a long time, the aura left behind by so many god masters who fell that year is still shocking!

And this is the enchantment laid by Yuan Longyuan!

If they were really exposed to the outside world, I am afraid that some people would not be able to stay in Shenmengya at all.

"Hey, this place is clean."

Within the sea of ​​qi, God Lord Nine Thunders suddenly sighed.

Mu Qinglan was taken aback for a moment, and then heard the Lord of Nine Thunders laugh.

"I think back then, this place was very lively! But obviously, the group of old people who stayed here died even worse, and it was hard to leave even a soul! Hey, fortunately, I was wise back then! Only now can there be reborn Chance!"

Mu Qinglan couldn't laugh or cry for a while.

Originally, she thought that God Lord Nine Thunders would feel a lot of emotions when he came to this place. Now it seems that worrying is completely in vain.

"Xiao Qinglan, you seem to have some connection with this Yuan clan!"

Lord Nine Thunders suddenly said.

Mu Qinglan was startled: "Master, where did you say that?"

Lord Jiulei was in a good mood when he heard the "Master", so he laughed and said:

"The primordial veins in your body are somewhat similar to them..."

Mu Qinglan was really shocked now.

God Lord Nine Thunders could even see this! ?

After he came out of the tomb of the gods, he has been staying in this ancient divine tome, how could he know what the Yuan veins of those Yuan people are like?

Mu Qinglan couldn't help asking: "This... how did you see it?"

She didn't realize that Lord Nine Thunders was trying to test those people!

Lord Jiulei snorted: "What's the matter? Are you really a master who can't afford it? Wouldn't it be a piece of cake to check the origin veins of these people?"

Mu Qinglan rolled his eyes: "Could it be that you are looking for Lord Longyuan?"

He is a powerhouse at the peak of the Holy Master... If he was really investigated, he should be aware of it, right?

Lord Nine Thunder God coughed.

"He... I didn't check it. As a teacher, I just looked for a few people around you on a whim just now, and I didn't expect to find that they were somewhat similar to you. Since Yuan Longyuan is also a member of the Yuan clan, he must be Same, don’t need to do it again.”

Mu Qinglan couldn't help laughing.

He was obviously worried that Yuan Longyuan would discover something, but he could take it for granted. This kind of kung fu was probably only possessed by the Lord Nine Thunders.

Mu Qinglan didn't expose it, and directly admitted it.

"Yes. You guessed right, I... do have half of the blood of the Yuan Clan—my mother is from the Yuan Clan."

Although she didn't want to admit it, let alone have anything to do with the Yuan Clan, it was indeed true.

Lord Nine Thunders said strangely:

"I see! But since this is the case, you have such a talent, why didn't they cultivate it well—no, they don't seem to know you at all!"

When Mu Qinglan talked to Yuan Longyuan and others just now, they were obviously very polite.

That's definitely not the way people in the clan treat their descendants!

Mu Qinglan smiled lightly.

"It's true that they don't know me now. However, after the Pantheon of Gods, they won't necessarily..."

Lord Nine Thunders suddenly said:

"Wait, you just said that you have half the blood of the Yuan Clan, but these people don't know you... Didn't you grow up in the Yuan Clan?"

Don't let such a peerless genius! ?

These Yuan people are all fools!

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