God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1386 Up the Mountain! (two more)

Mu Qinglan simply explained:

"The marriage of my father and mother was opposed by them back then, so my mother had already broken with the Yuan clan at that time. Now, my mother and elder brother have been taken back by them. So this time , I’m here to take them home.”

Lord Nine Thunders reacted for a while.

He has lived for so long, what has he not seen?

Immediately, he made a wild guess about Mu Qinglan's life experience.

"It turned out to be like this... Ha, then the people of the Yun Clan really seem to be fools! If they know that losing a genius like you, I'm afraid they can't wait to take the medicine of regret! Hahaha!"

Lord Nine Thunders laughed out loud.

He is just such an apprentice, of course Qian Bao Wan loves him very much and likes him very much.

He can remember the face of others to his precious apprentice, let alone this kind! ?

I want to know why Mu Qinglan came here!

I'm afraid it's just for revenge!

"Don't worry, Master will support you when the time comes!"

The Nine Thunder God Lord can naturally see that the Yuan Clan is powerful, and it is almost impossible for Mu Qinglan to fight against them alone!

But since Mu Qinglan is now his disciple of the Lord of the Nine Thunders, of course he will not let her be wronged!

Mu Qinglan laughed.

"I hope you don't bother Master."

However, since she dared to come, she was fully prepared!

A group of people went up the mountain very fast, but because Shenmeng Cliff was extremely high and steep, it took them less than half an hour to finally arrive.

Yuan Longyuan stopped, looked at everyone, and seriously said:

"Everyone, further up is the top of Shenmeng Cliff. Due to the battle of the gods thousands of years ago, countless powerful people fell here. Therefore, the top of Shenmeng Cliff can be said to be full of dangers. It may lead to disaster. Please do not act casually. Otherwise, even we may not be able to help."

When everyone heard the words, they all nodded.

Yuan Longyuan knew that what he said was in vain.

Originally, everyone came here to find the tomb of the gods and get the inheritance of those once powerful god masters.

After finally getting to the top of Shenmeng Cliff, they wished they had an extra pair of eyes to investigate.

Where would you care about others?

If he was really worried, he might not have come in the first place!

Although everyone seemed to be nodding seriously at this time, Yuan Longyuan knew very well that after going up, most of the people would not abide by what he said earlier.

"Everyone, please!"

Yuan Longyuan jumped up! Heading towards the final top!

The crowd behind was silent for a moment, and then someone quickly followed!

Mu Qinglan took a look, and the person who acted first was actually Gao Feng.

It seems that he has already prepared, and even can't wait.

After the peak moved, the people from Xiaoyao Ridge quickly chased after him!

People from other sects also stopped hesitating and followed closely!

At this time, one step faster might be able to discover the tomb of the gods earlier than others, and everyone naturally rushed to go up first.

Even the Yun people who accompanied him were eager to try.

Looking around, it was Mu Qinglan who was the calmest.

——She has not only entered the tomb of the gods, but also received the inheritance of the god master, and even directly recognized the god master as her master. Of course, she doesn't have to compete with these people anymore.

Xue Ning, who was standing next to her, looked up at the people who had left quickly, but did not follow up immediately. Instead, he looked at Mu Qinglan, stretched out a hand, and said politely:

"Miss Mu, please—"

Mu Qinglan laughed.

"Why doesn't Palace Master Xue go up with them?"

Xue Ning laughed out loud.

"My Wuyun Mansion was able to get the qualification to go to Shenmeng Cliff, thanks to Miss Mu's help. I don't have time to thank you, how can I walk ahead of Miss Mu?"

He was sincerely grateful to Mu Qinglan, and his expression was very sincere.

Although Mu Qinglan is a woman, after going through this series of events, he feels that she is more righteous, stronger and more courageous than many men.

Now, he finally understands why she is so young and a woman, but she can be followed by so many strong men!

Although he was envious of Qinglan entering the tomb of the gods in his heart, but at this time it was more appreciation and admiration.

Mu Qinglan smiled and said:

"Palace Master Xue, you don't have to be polite, you and I have joined forces, and mutual help is what should be. Everyone has already gone up, let's go too!"

Xue Ning laughed: "Okay!"

After all, the two of them headed towards the top of the mountain, one behind the other!

The people of Misty Divine Sect and Wuyun Mansion also hurriedly followed!

The top of Shenmeng Cliff is a huge flat square.

At first glance, it was like being cut horizontally by an extremely sharp sword.

The entire square was dark red, obviously it was completely stained red by blood during the battle of the gods ten thousand years ago.

Although it has been a long time now, the bloodstain has left traces on the rock, which can no longer be erased.

The square is a huge circle with seats already arranged around it.

On the left and right of the seat, there are people from the Yuan clan waiting.

These are naturally reserved for the various sects that came up.

At this time, an old man was standing in the middle of the square.

With white hair, calm and calm, he stood there casually, with one hand behind his back.

Although he didn't do anything, he still exuded a terrifying and awe-inspiring coercion all over his body!

Especially those old eyes, not cloudy in the slightest, but shone with hale and hearty light.

In it, it seems that thousands of stars are hidden!

The Yuan people around looked at the old man with reverence on their faces.

This person is the patriarch of the Yuan Clan——Yuan Ruili!

Behind him, there were also a few old men standing, all of them standing with their hands down with respectful expressions.

In the silence, Yuan Ruili suddenly noticed something, tilted his head slightly, and looked towards the west.

The old men behind him also followed suit.

"It seems that this time, the people from the West Arena are the first to arrive." Yuan Ruili smiled lightly.

Several elders behind him nodded.

"This time, the performance in the west arena is indeed very outstanding. They were also the first to finish the first round before. Now it is reasonable to be the first to reach Shenmeng Cliff." Third Elder Yuan Yikang smiled Said.

"Long Yuan seems to be leading the West Field this time, right? Sure enough, he is always clean and neat in his work." Fourth Elder Yuan Yuquan couldn't help but praise.

"Early ending does not mean that the results will be good. Besides, the leaders of the four sub-fields are only responsible for the process of the competition and do not interfere too much. Although the west field ended quickly, it seems that the performance of Longyuan is good or bad. , there is no contact, right?"

The second elder Yuan Liangzhou said lukewarmly.

Yuan Yuquan looked a little embarrassed, but Yuan Yikang didn't seem surprised, still smiling.

"The second elder is also right. It should be said that Longyuan's luck is better."

After a pause, he said with a meaningful smile: "After all, not all arenas are divided, and there are people who are on the road to the tomb of the gods, so they can enter the tomb of the gods."

Yuan Liangzhou choked.

Although the Ten Thousand Gods Grand Meeting has not yet officially started, these news have already spread among the elders.

After all, sometimes, in the entire pantheon of the gods, no one may be able to break into the tomb of the gods!

Yuan Liangzhou was already at odds with them, so after hearing the news, he inevitably felt aggrieved by being overwhelmed.

It's a pity that these are still facts, and he can't refute them.

After pausing for a while, he sneered inexplicably.

"Although that's what I said, but this time, the West Arena ended a little too early, right? Calculating the time, it seems that there should be two more days before the Road to the God's Tomb will be closed, right? The other three arenas People, they are still on the road to the tomb of the gods."

Yuan Yikang's expression remained unchanged.

Although this thing is a bit strange, it has no effect on the whole.

A day or two earlier, what does it matter?

But he didn't want to fight with Yuan Liangzhou anymore, so he smiled lightly:

"These, but we have to wait for Long Yuan to come up, and then ask carefully."

Great Elder Yuan Chenghe frowned slightly, finally took a look at them, and said:

"If you have this time, think about what you should do. If you wait for the grand meeting of the gods to start, it would be a shame if your people can't find the tomb of the gods."

Several people stopped talking.

In fact, the Yuan Clan's performance at the Ten Thousand Gods Festival in the past was extremely outstanding.

This year it was their turn to be the organizers, so their people did not enter the road to the tomb of the gods. Only after the grand meeting of the gods began, their people had the opportunity to find the tomb of the gods on the top of the mountain.

Of course, they have the largest number of people, so they also have the most advantage.

On weekdays, the several elders could not get used to each other, and there would be friction to some extent, and neither the patriarch nor the great elder would take it too seriously.

But this time, they still have an extremely important thing to do, so the spirit of the Great Elder is even more tense.

As for the patriarch... the people below have always been unable to see through him, and dare not see through him.

However, those who can reach the position of elder are all people with exquisite minds, so they immediately understood the meaning of the elder, closed their mouths, and waited quietly and patiently.

After a short period of silence, a figure finally appeared in front of everyone!

It was Yuan Longyuan!

He stepped forward quickly, and landed lightly in front of Yuan Ruili.

"Yuan Longyuan, the leader of the West Arena, has met the patriarch!"

Yuan Ruili raised his hand, motioning for him to get up.

"You did a good job this time."

Yuan Longyuan got up, bent down again and said modestly:

"The patriarch is too famous. This is what Longyuan should do."

Yuan Ruili smiled meaningfully.

After he came out, he had already heard the third elder Yuan Yikang tell them all about those things, and he also knew about the accident that happened in the west arena.

He is still very satisfied with Yuan Longyuan's handling method.

He looked in the direction behind Yuan Longyuan.

"Let them come up."

Yuan Longyuan nodded, then waved his palm lightly, and a silver light flew back to his hand quickly.

It was the removal of the star formation that enveloped everyone just now.

Soon, several figures jumped out!

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