God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1387 The old man (three more)

The one who rushes to the forefront is still the peak.

Yuan Longyuan raised his eyebrows lightly, and sneered in his heart.

Didn't Gao Feng really think that with his little ability, he would be able to find the tomb of God if he got to the top of Shenmeng Cliff earlier?

According to the rules, every leader of the sect that comes up must first meet with the leader of the organizer.

Therefore, Gao Feng came straight towards Yuan Ruili and the others.

At this time, his face was full of reverence and flattery.

"Xiaoyaoling, Gao Feng, I have met the head of the Yuan clan!"

While speaking, Gao Feng bowed his head and saluted.

Regardless of seniority or strength, Yuan Rui Li should accept this gift.

Gao Feng still knows when to lower his stance.

Yuan Ruili nodded with a light smile, but didn't say much, there was still a dignified gesture between his brows and eyes.

Gao Feng is not yet qualified to talk to him.

He simply doesn't like the strength of Xiaoyaoling, and now he is able to smile at Gao Feng, it's because of Netherworld Palace.

Gao Feng could see that Yuan Ruili didn't think much of him, and he felt a little nervous for a while, but he didn't dare to offend the Yuan family after all, so he didn't even dare to show any displeasure on his face.

"Lord Gaoling, please."

Yuan Longyuan raised his hand, signaling Gao Feng to go to the side.

Gao Feng took a look, and sure enough, in that direction, there was already a chair in front of it, and there was a sign of "Xiaoyaoling".

That's his place.

Gao Feng nodded, saluted Yuan Ruili respectfully, and then walked towards his seat.

And the other people from Xiaoyao Ridge, who followed closely behind, also hurriedly followed.

Except for those in power, the rest of them are not qualified to greet Yuan Ruili.

What's more, Lie Qi and others also followed, greeted Yuan Ruili one after another, and found their own positions.

The people who came up from the west field were all located next to each other.

Unfortunately, Su Yin and Lou Yuanming were arranged together, and they looked at each other with sneer.

The discord between each other can be seen by everyone.

Yuan Ruili took another look.

Yuan Longyuan is used to observing words and expressions, and immediately explained in a low voice, briefly explaining the grievances between the two families.

Yuan Rui smiled knowingly.

It turned out to be for the tomb of God, no wonder...

It's hard not to fight now.

Today, there are four players in the West Arena.

Yuan Ruili asked:

"Which family entered the tomb of God?"

Yuan Longyuan hesitated for a moment, but did not answer immediately.


Yuan Ruili immediately sensed something and narrowed his eyes slightly.

Yuan Longyuan smiled helplessly:

"When she...they come up, you will naturally know. This family...you probably haven't heard of it before."

"Oh?" Yuan Ruili seemed a little interested, "It seems that this is the first time you have successfully broken into the road to the tomb of God?"

Yuan Longyuan pondered for a moment, and said: "To be precise, this is their first time participating in the Ten Thousand Gods Festival."

As soon as this remark came out, not only Yuan Ruili, but also the elders behind him all looked over with surprise in their eyes.

It's the first time to participate in the Pantheon of the Gods, and you actually entered the tomb of the gods?

I really don't know if I should say I am too powerful, or I should say I am too lucky...

Yuan Yikang suddenly thought of something, showing a dazed expression.

"Could it be - the family that tied with Xiaoyao Ridge?"

Yuan Longyuan had talked to him about this matter before.

It was the first time he participated in the Pantheon of the Gods, and it was impressive, and he only remembered this.

Yuan Ruili and the others looked at him in surprise.

"Exactly." Yuan Longyuan nodded.

Yuan Ruili asked: "Why didn't you mention this before?"

Yuan Yikang smiled wryly.

"The subordinates didn't expect that...they could do this."

At first he was just a little surprised, thinking it was a trivial matter, so he didn't report it to Yuan Ruili.

Who knows——

At this moment, a group of people jumped out again!

Yuan Ruili and the others all turned their heads to look.

The first thing that caught my eye was a woman in a black dress.

And when the woman raised her head and looked this way, everyone including Yuan Ruili was shocked!

that face!

that face!

Yuan Longyuan had already expected that they would react like this, and he sighed helplessly in his heart.

When he saw Mu Qinglan for the first time, it took him a long time to recover.

She and her are really similar... especially when you look at it suddenly from a distance.

Even though he had seen it before, at this moment, at a glance, he still suddenly felt that it was Qing'er who had appeared before his eyes again.

No wonder everyone else reacted this way.

Mu Qinglan jumped up, and suddenly saw the few people standing in the center of the square.

Almost instantly, she was sure that the old man standing in the middle must be the patriarch of the Yuan Clan!

Mu Qinglan landed lightly, without dodging or evading, facing each other from afar!

At this moment, she clearly felt a force rushing past her!

Those sharp and deep eyes seemed to see through her completely!

Mu Qinglan took a deep breath, then stopped her back, held her head high, and walked forward step by step!

She took every step very seriously!

She has waited too long for this day!

She just wants to stand in front of these people with her true appearance!

This time, she will let them know what a stupid and unforgivable mistake they made back then!

What was owed back then should be paid back now!

Seeing the woman approaching, everyone from the Yuan Clan still didn't react for a while.

When she was a few steps away from Yuan Ruili, she finally stopped.

Mu Qinglan looked at them frankly, and bowed his hands in salute.

"The Misty Divine Sect, Mu Qinglan, met Patriarch Yun."

Although she spoke politely, she just arched her hands and did not bend down.

But how can everyone care about these small details at this time?

Their attention was all on Mu Qinglan's face!

It really does look alike when viewed from a distance.

But when she got closer, she could clearly see that there was still a big difference between her and that person.

Yuan Ruili stared at Mu Qinglan, and heard in a deep voice:

"Your name is Mu?"

It's not good to have a last name, but it's this last name...

Yuan Longyuan felt a "thump" in his heart.

The patriarch really cared about what happened back then.

Even a surname is so sensitive.

Mu Qinglan laughed, with crooked eyebrows and eyes, and said word by word:

"Yes. My father's surname is Mu, so naturally I am also surnamed Mu."

Yuan Ruili's breath stagnates.

Just now I felt that this woman was only two or three points alike, but with such a smile, she looked a little bit more alike.

Especially those eyes... They are really like the stars in the dark night, bright and moving.

There are few people in the world with such magnificent, unparalleled, clear and bright eyes.

Looking at it like this, it's really hard not to think of that person.

The strange feeling in his heart became more and more intense.

For a moment, he couldn't help thinking.

If she had a daughter, it seemed, it would be like this...

Just as this thought flashed through his mind, Yuan Ruili closed his eyes and dismissed the thought.

He really thinks too much.

Isn't that evil son in their hands now?

This woman is the ruler of Misty Divine Sect, so how could she have anything to do with that person?

If there is even the slightest connection, how dare this woman come up the mountain?

After thinking this way, the turmoil in Yuan Ruili's heart finally calmed down.

Mu Qinglan looked at him and smiled innocently:

"Patriarch Yuan seems to be looking at me, and he seems to be looking at other people through me."

Yuan Longyuan was taken aback, he didn't expect Mu Qinglan to be so courageous, to talk to Yuan Ruili like this!

He quickly winked at Mu Qinglan.

Mu Qinglan pretended not to see it.

She wanted to ask that on purpose!

Yuan Longyuan felt uneasy, he thought that Mu Qinglan was very smart and polite before, but he didn't expect her to say such words at this time.

He took a careful look at Yuan Ruili, but found that he didn't seem dissatisfied, but smiled lightly instead.

"You are an old friend of mine, and they look somewhat similar, so I was a little surprised to see you just now."

Yuan Longyuan, along with several elders beside him, were secretly surprised when they heard the words.

I didn't expect the patriarch to say it so bluntly!

For such a long time, that person has always been a taboo of the Yuan clan, and no one dared to mention it too much.

But at this time, Yuan Ruili himself brought it up on his own initiative.

Mu Qinglan nodded in a clear manner, the corners of her mouth curled up.

"I see. Master Longyuan said the same thing just now. It seems that I am indeed somewhat similar to your old friend."

Yuan Ruili nodded.

The atmosphere was a little delicate for a while.

Yuan Longyuan stepped forward quickly and said:

"The location of Misty Divine Sect is over there."

As he spoke, he pointed in the direction and, by the way, stared at Mu Qinglan.

She is so bold!

So you are not afraid of getting into trouble!

Mu Qinglan blinked and smiled even brighter.

"Thank you, Master Longyuan."

Yuan Longyuan was startled, and then realized that they knew that that person was taboo, but Mu Qinglan didn't.

She doesn't know what happened back then...

The two sentences just now, I think, are just random questions.

Yuan Longyuan took a deep breath, his expression became much gentler.


Mu Qinglan nodded, turned around and left with the people.

Yuan Longyuan glanced back, and sure enough, Yuan Ruili and the others were still looking at her.

His heart skipped a beat, and he became inexplicably nervous.

"Just now you said that the one who entered the tomb of God...is she?"

Yuan Ruili asked suddenly.

Yuan Longyuan nodded.


Yuan Ruili was silent for a moment, then said lightly:

"It does have some talent. I haven't heard of it before."

Yuan Longyuan didn't know what to say for a while, so he just kept his mouth shut.

Fortunately, people from Wuyun Mansion followed soon after.

Yuan Longyuan quickly let them go to his position.

But obviously, seeing Mu Qinglan before gave them a great shock, so that no one paid much attention to Xue Ning and others.

Several elders looked different.

Yuan Yikang took a deep look at Yuan Longyuan - he hadn't said before that this Mu Qinglan had such a face!

Yuan Longyuan avoided his sight.

When everyone was quiet, Mu Qinglan, who had just walked for a while, suddenly turned around.

She smiled brightly, and asked clearly every word and every word:

"Patriarch Yuan seems to be quite concerned about that old friend. If there is a chance, I would also like to meet your old friend. Is it possible?"

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