God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1390 Kagura (three more)

The person who came was an old man, dressed in a white Taoist robe, with an immortal demeanor.

Mu Qinglan didn't even see how he was moving, but he was floating down!

She was secretly startled, it seemed that this master Yiran must be a strong divine master.

Behind Master Yiran, there was a child who looked to be about five or six years old.

He was also wearing a Taoist robe, combing his hair up to the sky, and his small round face was full of curiosity and excitement.

He obediently followed behind Master Yiran, step by step, his words and deeds were very well-behaved, but his round eyes couldn't help but look around, which was a little more cute.

Yuan Ruili cupped his hands:

"Master Yiran, long time no see, please stay safe."

Master Yiran stroked his beard and smiled kindly.

"It's been ten years since the last farewell, but Brother Yuan seems to be more energetic than before."

Yuan Ruili laughed.

"Master Yiran, don't make fun of me, please—"

The two exchanged pleasantries for a while, and then the master took the child behind him and walked towards the previously arranged position.

Because the rulers of these four clans are all gods, they will not sit with their own clansmen, but have special chairs placed together.

Mu Qinglan took a look and found that there were seven special chairs over there.

In addition to the four clans... there are three?

She turned her eyes and suddenly thought of something.

Come to think of it, that should be a location with the Phoenix Valley.

Perhaps, there is also the ancient dragon.

However, in that case, there is still one place left...

Mu Qinglan said in a low voice:

"Palace Master Xue, why is there an extra seat there?"

Xue Ning was taken aback, and followed her gaze:

"One more? No. There are always seven chairs."

Mu Qinglan frowned slightly.


Mu Qinglan's previous performance had convinced Xue Ning that Mu Qinglan didn't understand many things about Shenmotian.

So he was not surprised at this time, and patiently explained:

"Apart from the four major clans, the remaining three positions, one belongs to Phoenix Valley, one belongs to Shenlong Island, and the last one...in fact, no one has been here, but the position is still reserved."

Mu Qinglan asked in surprise:

"Nobody came?"

"Yes. I heard that it only came out when the first Pantheon of Gods was held, but after that, it never appeared again. But for some reason, everyone has not removed that position. Instead, it has been kept. "

Mu Qinglan nodded, feeling somewhat curious.

Over the years, how many times has the Ten Thousand Gods Festival been held?

If they don't come, the position here has not been removed... I really don't know what to think.

"It's such a grand occasion, so if you think about it, your status should be very high in the God and Demon Heaven?" Mu Qinglan asked.

Xue Ning shook his head.

"This is not clear, because that power is very mysterious. Except for a few people who can sit there, the others don't even know who that position represents. But after a long time, everyone gets used to it and doesn't care much about it. .”

Mu Qinglan smiled lightly.

This is interesting...why do you still seem to be hiding it?

"So, Phoenix Valley and...Shenlong Island will both be here?"

When Mu Qinglan asked this sentence, he obviously felt fluctuations in the sea of ​​​​qi.

Zhuzhu and the golden dragon both held their breaths and listened intently.

Xue Ning laughed:

"Miss Mu, aren't you joking with me? You have contracted the ancient phoenix yourself, so how can you not know about this? Phoenix Valley and Shenlong Island, although not participating in the competition, will attend. After all, apart from the competition, There are many things to be dealt with among these forces. And this grand meeting of the gods is an excellent opportunity."

Mu Qinglan was noncommittal.

She did contract the ancient phoenix, but she didn't come out of the Phoenix Valley.

The reason why she asked this question was actually because Zhuzhu had swallowed the blood essence of the divine phoenix back then.

Mu Qinglan had an intuition that this should have something to do with Phoenix Valley.

In fact, Zhuzhu also said that if she had a chance, she would go to Phoenix Valley once.

If someone comes from Phoenix Valley this time... Maybe Zhuzhu's matter will also be involved.

She is still not sure what kind of attitude Phoenix Valley will have towards Zhuzhu, so she has doubts.

Soon, there was another fluctuation in the sky

"Supreme Shrine—the Lord of Kagura Palace has arrived!"

As the announcement spread, Mu Qinglan saw that a sedan chair suddenly appeared in front of her eyes!

No one was carrying the sedan chair, but it moved freely. It was covered with red and golden flowers, and clusters of them were blooming lively.

There are translucent white veils all around, blowing down.

When the wind blows, the veil dances freely, very elegant.

At the same time, there seemed to be a strong fragrance of flowers permeating the air.

Mu Qinglan sniffed lightly, and immediately felt as if her body was soaked in a hot spring, and her whole body was numb.

Her heart froze, she immediately bit the tip of her tongue, and woke up!

There is something wrong with this floral fragrance!

Looking up, I saw that many people in the square were blurred, as if they were immersed in a dream.

This man is really amazing!

It's just that he just came out, and before he saw his face, he already took down half of the people here!

If you want to do something...these people are probably decapitated!


A heavy drum sound suddenly spread!

This time, it was Yuan Ruili himself who swung a wave of Yuanli on the square!

This sound immediately shocked many people and woke them up.

After realizing what happened, everyone showed shock and fear.

When looking at the sedan chair, there was a bit of awe in his eyes.

Yuan Ruili shook his head helplessly.

"Kagura, why do you still enjoy playing this game after all these years?"

A charming smile came from the sedan chair.

Mu Qinglan instantly felt that his bones were going to be crisp.

This woman... is truly enchanting!

Even if you don't see the face, just this laugh is already too strong!

"Usually it's very boring, and finally I have the opportunity to join in the fun. Naturally, it's fun. Besides, isn't this just for you to see, how many seedlings can there be in this Pantheon of the Gods?"

The woman said in a loud voice.

At the same time, a hand suddenly lifted the veil.

Just one hand is already extremely beautiful.

Then, a woman appeared in front of everyone.

She was dressed in a white dress with many blooming flowers adorned under the skirt. She had a graceful figure and her every move was breathtaking.

It's a pity that her face was covered with a veil, and she could only see the hazy face, but couldn't see the specific features clearly.

However, those eyes were light purple, like gems, clear and translucent, and a little strange.

She waved her onion-like fingers lightly, and the sedan chair was quickly taken back by her.

Then, she fell towards this side with incomparable lightness.

Even facing Yuan Ruili and the others, she couldn't help being cowardly. Instead, every word and deed had a hint of coquettishness, but it wouldn't make people think it was too coquettish, but just felt coquettish.

Supreme Shrine…

This ruler Kagura is quite interesting.

Just as Mu Qinglan was thinking, she suddenly noticed a pair of eyes falling on her.

She looked up, but saw Kagura who had just walked in front of Yuan Ruili and others, and suddenly turned her head to look at her.

There was a sparkle in those beautiful purple eyes.

"Ah, there is such a beauty here? My palace lord has never seen it before."

As she said that, she walked towards Mu Qinglan.

Following her words, everyone also looked over.

Kagura took two steps forward, then suddenly stopped, as if remembering something, slightly opened his eyes wide.

"Wait, your face..."

Mu Qinglan sighed inwardly.

It seems that Kagura also knew her mother?

For some reason, Kagura's gaze made her feel a little burdened...

Kagura stood there in a daze and didn't speak for a while.

Just when Mu Qinglan was hesitating whether to take the initiative to speak, she saw tears flickering in Kagura's eyes.

At first glance, it seems to be a magnificent gemstone, which is shining and touching.

Mu Qinglan was a little surprised, but didn't know how to react for a while.

This Kagura, how could it be this expression...

Just when she was extremely confused, Kagura suddenly turned her head, looked at Yuan Ruili, and asked quickly and eagerly:

"You found her!? This is her daughter, isn't it?!"

Mu Qinglan was shocked! The palm tightened instantly! The whole body tensed up!

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