God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1391 She is not (one more)

For a moment, the entire square was silent!

The expressions of all the elders of the Yuan clan changed, and they subconsciously looked at Yuan Ruili, but saw that his face was expressionless, only those deep eyes were unpredictable.

The air tensed and condensed in an instant!

Mu Qinglan sat on the chair, the blood in her body seemed to stop flowing at this moment, and her temples were throbbing violently.

Then, she noticed a pair of cold gazes falling on her body.

Yuan Rui Li!

He is looking at her!

Mu Qinglan took a deep breath calmly, suppressed the turmoil in her heart, then raised her eyes, and looked at Yuan Ruili squarely!

The eyes of the two met.

Mu Qinglan even felt that she had been seen through!

Then, she blinked her eyes, seemingly curious, but also at a loss.

After a brief stalemate, Yuan Ruili finally uttered a few words.

"Kagura, you made a mistake."

Kagura was stunned for a moment, and then subconsciously refuted.

"How could it be wrong? This—this face! It's definitely her!"

As she spoke, she quickly walked towards Mu Qinglan.

Because her pace was a little rushed, her skirt covered with flowers also fluttered with the wind, and at first glance, it looked like a fairy descended.

She frowned slightly, and tears could be seen faintly in her eyes.

Even if you can't see the whole face, just seeing such eyebrows and eyes, it is still breathtakingly beautiful.

But at this time, Mu Qinglan didn't have the heart to admire her appearance.

The closer Kagura got closer, the more her heart sank.

She had made all the preparations before she came here.

When she decided to show her true appearance and appear here, she already thought that someone would guess her identity.

However, this is what she bet on!

She is so blatant, the people of Yuan Clan will not believe her true identity!

However, she didn't expect that before the members of the Yuan clan opened their mouths, they would be punctured by the Kagura Palace Master of the Supreme Shrine first!

While speaking, Kagura had already arrived in front of Mu Qinglan.

Mu Qinglan got up and was about to salute.

"I've seen the Kagura Palace—"

Before she could finish her sentence, Kagura immediately grabbed Mu Qinglan's hand.

Mu Qinglan was shocked.

She didn't even notice when Kagura did it! In such a blink of an eye, Kagura caught her so easily!

Don't even think about it, Kagura must also be a strong God Lord!

Mu Qinglan lowered her eyes and glanced. Fortunately, Kagura was holding her palm at this time.

If what she was grabbing was her wrist, after a little inspection, she would be able to discover the secret of the vital veins in her body!

Kagura looked at her closely, and asked repeatedly:

"You are her daughter, aren't you? Your mother, where is she now? Is she finally willing to come back?"

It seems that she still doesn't know the news that Yuan Clan has captured mother and elder brother back.

Mu Qinglan thought to herself.

But this is also understandable, after all, for the Yuan family, this is a big event, and they will definitely not handle it simply and roughly.

Although I don't know what the relationship between Kagura and Niangqin is, and why she cares about Niangqin so much, but she is a member of the Supreme Shrine after all, and naturally she won't talk too much about the internal affairs of the Yuan Clan.

Mu Qinglan's face revealed a nervous and bewildered look.

"What are you talking about? The younger generation doesn't quite understand..."

At first glance, it seems that he really doesn't know anything about Kagura's words.

"Why can't you understand? You must know what I'm talking about, don't you? Look, you and your mother look so much alike! Such eyes... no one else in the world will have them!"

Kagura was very stubborn, and continued to pull Mu Qinglan, as if she had already made up her mind.

Mu Qinglan was stunned for a moment, and then showed a dazed look.

"Ah... you mean, that one who looks somewhat similar to me... the old friend of Patriarch Yuan and the others?"

Kagura was startled.

Mu Qinglan laughed.

"It seems that I'm really similar to that one. Master Long Yuan and the others said the same thing just now. Now I'm even more curious. I don't know that one...what does he look like?"

Kagura looked at her and couldn't help muttering.

"How come...you laughed, it was clearly carved out of the same mold as her...you must be lying to me, aren't you? She must be still angry, so she asked you to come on purpose, right!?"

Seeing Kagura talking too much, Yuan Longyuan's heart almost jumped out!

This one is really bold!

Although she is the Palace Master of the Supreme Shrine, she can't disrespect the Yuan Clan like this in front of so many people!

Those present, anyone with any power, knew what happened back then.

After seeing Mu Qinglan, he believed that most people would be suspicious.

However, no one dared to take the initiative to say this matter!

Even the members of the Yun Clan are the same!

But when Kagura came up, he said these things...and dragged Mu Qinglan into such an argument. If this continues, maybe he will bring up some things from the past!

Yuan Longyuan gritted his teeth, and finally couldn't help taking a step forward, saying:

"Master Kagura, there are many people who look similar in this world. Mu Qinglan is indeed not... You misunderstood her."

Kagura suddenly turned around:

"You said her surname is Mu?!"

Yuan Longyuan: "..."

He knew that Kagura would never give up so easily!

The patriarch did the same thing just now, now it's Kagura's turn!

One and two, they both hold on to their appearance and surname!

Before Yuan Longyuan could speak, Mu Qinglan laughed first.

"Master Kagura, my surname is indeed Mu. Why? Is this strange?"

Of course it's strange!

If it's this last name...

Wasn't that man back then surnamed Mu?

Kagura stared closely at Mu Qinglan, her eyebrows slightly frowned.

"Why don't you want to admit it? Is it because she won't let you tell? But you have already come to the Yun clan... Where is she now?"

Yuan Longyuan finally couldn't help but speak again: "Master Kagura...don't scare the little girl."

If Mu Qinglan was really her daughter, how dare she come here! ?

"you shut up!"

Kagura interrupted him abruptly, turning his head and glaring at him.

"You're just too stupid and indecisive, that's why she looked down on you back then!"

Yuan Longyuan: "..."

Mu Qinglan: "..."

She seems to know something...

Being reprimanded by Kagura, Yuan Longyuan felt as if he had been stabbed with a knife, and his face darkened for a moment.

For a moment, he shook his head helplessly.

Everything is her choice, and he has no complaints.

It's just that these words are no longer enough for outsiders.

Kagura wanted to say something more, Yuan Ruili finally spoke again.


Yuan Ruili's voice was very calm, but with a bit of coldness.

Kagami a meal.

"She's not. Don't ask any more questions. Don't forget that this is Shenmengya Cliff."

Kagura gritted her teeth, struggling endlessly.

In the dead silence, Mu Qinglan said in a low voice:

"Master Kagura, you... you grab lightly..."

Kagura came back to his senses, only then did he realize that Mu Qinglan's palm had been turned green and white by himself.

After all, he is a strong God Lord, and the bones in Mu Qinglan's hands were about to be crushed when he grabbed it in such a hurry.

Kagura also realized that it was inappropriate for him to do so, and quickly let go of his hand.

"Ah...my Palace Master didn't do it on purpose..."

Her eyes lingered on Mu Qinglan's face with some reluctance, with a hint of disappointment.

It should...really not...

In fact, she also knew that the incident back then was too violent, that person would never come back, let alone let her daughter come here at risk.

She could see clearly just now that the little girl in front of her had clear eyes, and it seemed that she really had nothing to do with those things and those people.

If she is really... At this moment, she should be very nervous, why would she care about the pain of her hand being scratched?

Kagura was a little lost.

"It seems that I have identified the wrong person..."

Mu Qinglan breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, but there was a slight smile on his face, and he asked seemingly unintentionally:

"It seems that you really care about that old man."

Kagura hesitated to speak, took a deep look at Mu Qinglan, shook his head slightly, then turned around and walked towards his position.

Seeing that she finally calmed down, everyone let go of their suspenseful hearts.

Yuan Longyuan closed his eyes.

Usually this is a master who doesn't play cards according to common sense, but I didn't expect it to be even more...

The patriarch's face was so gloomy that it almost dripped water!

If it weren't for the extraordinary strength of the Kagura Palace Master, I'm afraid the patriarch would have exploded long ago...

He smiled at Mu Qinglan comfortingly.

"Are you okay?"

Mu Qinglan shook her head.

"That's good, the next game is the focus, and the rest...you don't have to worry about it."

Mu Qinglan thanked her, and after Yuan Longyuan returned, she sat back down again.

From beginning to end, it looked like it was completely out of the way.

The eyes looking at her around her became even more strange.

Mu Qinglan didn't care anymore.

In fact, she felt that Kagura's doubts had not been dispelled, and even these people from the Yuan clan still held a trace of doubt.

However, this is not necessarily bad.

Because there is no evidence, they can only keep thinking about it like this.

Now that she's here, how can she make it easier for them?


Then continue to doubt!

Kagura seemed to have received a huge blow, and walked to her place in a disgruntled manner.

However, after sitting down, she still couldn't help looking at Mu Qinglan.

It's really... so similar...

Because of this face, she remembered many things from that year, and her mood became even worse.

And the atmosphere in the entire square is obviously different from before.

It was quite lively at first, but now everyone seems to be apprehensive and quiet a lot.

Fortunately, this calm was soon broken.

Because there was another wave in the sky!

Mu Qinglan felt something in his heart, looked up, and narrowed his eyes.

If the guess is correct, the person who came this time... should be someone from the Nether Palace!

Xue You...

She finally couldn't help but cast a glance at Xueyou from the corner of her eye, but saw him standing with his hands behind his back, looking up with a calm expression.

But Mu Qinglan could feel the tense breath on his body!

She rarely sees Xueyou like this.

It can be seen that, for him, the Netherworld cannot be ignored or forgotten at will!

Soon, two figures appeared in front of everyone!

"The Lord of the Nether Palace—Youjue has arrived!"

Mu Qinglan immediately felt Xueyou's aura, and it became dangerous!

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