God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1392: A Woman With Super Fighting Power (Part 2)

A middle-aged man in a black brocade robe suddenly appeared.

He looked to be about forty years old, tall, handsome, and well-mannered.

Even at this age, one can vaguely see that he must have been a rare handsome man in the past.

Beside him, half a body behind, there is a woman in a red dress.

She looks to be only about thirty years old, with a good appearance and exquisite facial features, especially the clear eyebrows and eyes, and the movement of her eyes is naturally touching.

She must be the princess of the Nether Palace—Gao Rong!

Gao Feng is three or four points similar to her, while You Jue is five or six points in full.

But compared with her, they are still much worse.

She has a slender figure and a weak willow supporting the wind. It seems that a gust of wind can blow her away at will.

She is really a beauty made of water.

But if she was really as weak as she appeared on the surface, how could she be a concubine and a high-ranking concubine back then?

Even raised such an arrogant and domineering younger brother?

Over the years, the reputation of the Nether Mansion has been dragged down by Gao Feng a lot.

If it weren't for his own sister Gao Rong to mediate, I'm afraid the Nether Palace would not tolerate him until now.

This woman - is a powerful character!

Mu Qinglan was actually a little worried about Xueyou, but suddenly a chuckle came from his ear.

His voice was so low that even Mu Qinglan, who was the closest, could only roughly hear it.

Others naturally needless to say.

"You Yue, you are a bit slow to come this time!"

Yuan Ruili laughed and made a joke.

Judging by his appearance, it seems that he has left all the previous things behind.

You Yue fell to the ground silently, cupping his hands repeatedly.

"I'm really sorry, I didn't expect the first round of competition to end so early this time, so we came out in a hurry. It's a step late, so I'm sorry for everyone."

Master Yiran stroked his beard, still smiling kindly.

"It's okay. I just arrived not too long ago. You Palace Master don't need to care."

You Yue cupped his hands, Gao Rong standing behind him also bowed his knees.

Yuan Ruili's eyes darkened slightly, and he said with a faint smile:

"I didn't expect the princess to come too."

In fact, on such occasions, when the rulers of several major clans come, they are unlikely to bring other people with them.

The Yuan family was originally the host of this time, so it was an exception.

The Lord of Kagura Palace came by himself.

Yiran, although Master brought a child with him, but he was only five or six years old, so everyone would not care.

Only You Yue brought his concubine here.

No matter how you look at it, it's a bit strange...

Moreover, the most important thing is that these people present all know Gao Rong's background.

Everyone knows all about the messy things that happened in the Nether Mansion back then.

Although Gao Rong is now a princess, in the hearts of these noble and powerful clansmen, she is still just a concubine.

Even though You Yue dotes on her very much, everyone doesn't quite recognize Gao Rong's identity.

"Hey, who is the master of the palace? It turns out to be you."

Kagura on the side suddenly opened his mouth in a strange way.

You Yue's expression froze, and then he saluted Palace Master Kagura with some helplessness.

"Master Kagura, I haven't seen you for a long time, don't come here without any problems."

Mu Qinglan looked at it, feeling a little curious.

In terms of status, this Youyue is the master of the Nether Palace, and should be equal to the master of Kagura Palace.

Why looking at it now, he seems to have lowered his head.

But just now, between him and Yuan Ruili, it seems that this is not the case...

Kagura smiled coquettishly, like a jingle of silver bells, but there was no smile in her beautiful eyes like purple jewels.

"It's really rare... I thought you had forgotten about my Palace Master. It seems that these years, your little life has been extremely comfortable."

The sarcasm inside and outside the words can be heard by everyone.

You Yue moved his lips, and was about to speak, but Kagura suddenly laughed again and again.

"Look at my memory! A man is something that can go to the sky for a little bit of sweetness, not to mention you, a man who has died as a wife, without the slightest restraint, maybe you can wake up laughing in bed every day?"

Mu Qinglan was dumbfounded.

This, this... the fighting power is too strong! ?

How could this be ironic, this was simply tearing off You Yue's face, throwing it on the ground and trampling it hard!

For a while, Mu Qinglan's affection for Kagura soared.

The entire square fell into dead silence again.

No one can accept this...

So Kagura decided to pick it up by himself.

As if she didn't see You Yue's liver-colored face, she suddenly clapped her hands.

"Tsk, look at me, how can you say that? It's not easy to wake up with a concubine waiting by your side, following on the bed and under the bed? I'm afraid that all the men in this world will envy you eighteen or nine times out of ten. What a concubine who is proficient in all martial arts!"

The atmosphere in the square has dropped to freezing point.

At this moment, it seemed that even breathing was afraid of disturbing something.

Mu Qinglan took a deep breath and was in awe of Kagura!


Really great!

She herself has a sharp mouth, and she has scolded people a lot on weekdays, and can even directly drive the other party to death.

But now compared with Kagura, it is completely insignificant!

How could he still be able to bury people like this! ?

These two sentences not only scolded You Yue bloody, but also directly stripped Gao Rong clean!

She glanced at You Yue and Gao Rong standing there.

Tsk, it's really horrible.

You Yue's face was completely dark. Gao Rong on the side lowered her head, her face was flushed, and she was about to cry.

"Master Kagura, don't go too far!"

Yu Yue knew before coming that Kagura would definitely not let him go easily.

So when he came, he had already made full mental preparations.

He even specifically told Gao Rong to endure the calm for a while.

But now, he couldn't bear it anymore!

Those present today are all figures with heads and faces in the gods and demons!

Kagura's words did not save them any face at all!

If he doesn't say something, don't talk about him in the future, the whole Nether Palace will be ridiculed!

Kagura frowned, stood up suddenly, crossed his arms, sneered, and said:

"This palace lord is too much? You are talking about it, which one of my palace lord's words is not true? You helped this concubine to the throne before your wife's bones were cold. How dare you say that you are worthy of your wife!? Besides, there is no one around you. There is only this one concubine, but I chose this slut! If you want to be born or not, if you want to be strong or not, if you want to talk about this appearance...she doesn't even have a face, what kind of appearance is there!? If it wasn't for her in other places Skill is good, you will spoil her so much? Oh, I really think everyone is stupid!"

Mu Qinglan lowered her head, almost unable to hold back her laughter.

A woman can't stand being said that in public, right?

You Yue just refuted a sentence just now, Kagura counterattacked so many like a cannonball, and the fighting power was beyond compare.

Ordinary people would not dare to talk to You Yue like this, after all, the Nether Mansion is powerful.

Among the other sects, most of those who are qualified to fight him like this will not do so.

For example, Yuan Ruili.

He would never break up with You Yue because he doted on his concubine and killed his wife.

After all, it is someone else's family business and has nothing to do with others.

But Kagura is different.

She not only has strength and status, she is also a woman.

All the women in the world would probably scold a few words when encountering such a thing.

Even if Kagura herself is not married, it still does not prevent her from having such a terrifying fighting power.

Mu Qinglan couldn't help but moved to Xue Ning's side, lowered her voice and asked:

"Master Kagura...seems to be very aimed at You... You Palace Master..."

Xue Ning said carefully:

"The princess in the Nether Palace back then was born in the Supreme Shrine... I heard that she was the junior sister who grew up under the watchful eye of the Lord Kagura..."

Mu Qinglan understood.

No wonder…

No wonder Yu Yue felt guilty when he saw Kagura.

It turns out that there is still this stubble in it!

Then don't talk about scolding, she just did it directly, even if it was You Yue, she didn't dare to move.

But... Having said that, Youyue's courage is really very big.

With such status as the main wife, he dared to do such a thing.

All I can say is that Gao Rong is too resourceful...

Mu Qinglan paused, then asked seemingly unintentionally:

"Then...just now, who did Palace Master Kagura recognize me as? It seems...she and that person have a different relationship..."

Xue Ning looked a little complicated, then shook his head lightly.

"Actually, I'm not very clear about this, but...if it's related to the Yuan Clan...forget it, you'd better not ask. Anyway, it has nothing to do with you, so don't worry, and it's best not to get involved in it."

What happened back then was full of uproar, and those present, even if they hadn't seen that person before, could probably guess who it was.

So he was afraid in his heart, and he still didn't dare to mention it.

Mu Qinglan's eyes moved slightly, and then she chuckled.

"I'm just asking casually."

Afterwards, he withdrew his gaze and looked at the two of Youyue again.

The blue veins on You Yue's forehead stood up.

"Master Kagura, I respect you as an elder, but it doesn't mean I'm afraid of you! If you have done some things, don't blame me—"


Kagura interrupted him.

"Know that the lord of the palace is an elder, just shut up! The lord of the palace is lecturing, and you just listen to me! What? Your heart hurts when you say it? You don't have to think about it with your stupid brain, what kind of cat or dog is this place? Can everyone come?"

You Yue gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice:

"Rong'er is no longer a concubine, she is now the princess of the Nether Palace—"

"Yue...Palace Master, don't offend Palace Master Kagura because of Rong'er..." Gao Rong gently tugged You Yue's sleeve, and after saying a word, tears seemed to be aggrieved.

Seeing this, You Yue felt even more distressed.

Kagura glanced at her coldly.

"What are you? Do you have the right to speak?"

Gao Rong seemed startled, and quickly closed her mouth. The moment she lowered her head, tears fell on You Yue's hands.

You Yue frowned.

"If you don't want to offend my palace lord, just get out of here now! Don't be an eyesore here!"

Kagura hit the snake with the stick, leaving no room for them to fight back.

Gao Rong bit her lip and stopped talking.

You Yue was dying of a headache.

In fact, this time, the reason why he brought Gao Rong here was mainly to see Jue'er's performance together.

Of course, by the way, there was her ineffective younger brother.

Moreover, Gao Rong had already promised that Gao Feng had done a lot of things that made the Netherworld lose face, so he will definitely perform well in this grand event of the gods.

You Yue is not interested in Gao Feng, and only tolerates it again and again because of Gao Rong's face.

If he really changed it this time, he would have saved himself some trouble.

In this way, he brought Gao Rong here.

Unexpectedly, after such a long time, Palace Master Kagura still refused to let them go!

You Jue at the side suddenly stood up with a gloomy expression.

No one could bear to see his mother being humiliated in public like this.

What's more, their mother and son have always been superior before?

It would be strange if Youjue could bear this situation suddenly.

But before he could open his mouth, You Yue glared back at him.

Where is this?

Who are these people here?

Where is it his turn to speak?

You Jue clenched his fists and sat down angrily.

Gao Feng's face was pale and white.

Finally, Yuan Ruili spoke.

"Okay, Kagura, calm down too. It's been so long, why are you still brooding about this?"

Kagura brushed her long hair slowly and smiled.

"This palace lord is worried about more than just this matter."

Yuan Ruili choked, then shook his head.

"After all, this is a feast of the gods."

Then Kagura snorted, sat down, pointed at Gao Rong and said.

"Youjue, if you still want to sit here, send her to the side! My palace master is afraid of getting hot eyes!"

After speaking, she leaned back on the chair lazily.

"Everyone get ready, let's start the game. Huh—I'm really exhausted."

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