God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1398: Counterattack (Part 2)

After the competition started for a while, everyone finally discovered that things did not develop as they expected.

Because Mu Qinglan was not instantly killed by Youjue, and when Nan Zhu faced Xueyou, he quickly lost his advantage and fell into a disadvantage.

As for Elder Wushen... Although it was true that Jing Tian was crushing and beating him, he was still pestering Jing Tian all the time, leaving him with no time to care about other things.

In this way, the battle, which was thought to be over soon, gradually fell into a stalemate.

The expressions of some people gradually changed.

Those who can appear here are all the top figures in Shenmotian, how can they not see anything tricky?

That Mu Qinglan and Xueyou are clearly abnormal!

Although Mu Qinglan contracted the ancient phoenix, he has not yet formally summoned him. Instead, he just used the real fire of the ancient phoenix, but he has been fighting with Youjue for a long time.

After all, she is only a mid-stage lord, how could she persist for so long under the hands of You Jue, who is already a strong lord?

"Her strength is definitely not just in the middle stage of the Lord..."

Everyone in the Nether Palace watched, and the smug smiles on their faces gradually disappeared.

Mu Qinglan was more difficult to deal with than they imagined.

"Just now, the young master also made two close moves with her, but it didn't seem to have any effect on her... In my opinion, this Mu Qinglan's physical strength is definitely higher than her own realm!"

"So what? No matter how strong she is, she can still grab the Eucharist?"

"That's true. It's just the beginning, and the young master should still be testing her strength. When the young master shows her true strength, then Mu Qinglan will be punished in a few moments, right?"

Gao Rong folded her hands in front of her, watching calmly.

Suddenly, she whispered to the person behind her:

"Go and invite the Lord Gaoling."

The so-called Gao Ling Lord is naturally her own brother, Gao Feng.

The people below got the order and hurried to do it.

Gao Feng was originally watching the battle intently, and when he learned that his sister was looking for him, he hurriedly followed.

This square is very wide, everyone forms a circle, basically any behavior can be seen clearly.

So when Gao Rong sent people to invite Gao Feng, many people noticed.

"Sister, what do you need from me?"

In front of Gao Rong, Gao Feng automatically became lazy.

The relationship between their siblings is very good, Gao Rong is Gao Feng's umbrella, and Gao Feng will do things for Gao Rong that are inconvenient for her to do.

For a long time, the relationship between siblings has been good.

Gao Rong didn't put on any airs at this time, and waved at Gao Feng. When he walked in front of her, she asked softly:

"I was busy just now, and I didn't talk to you properly. How are you doing?"

Gao Feng shrugged indifferently.

"What else? That's it!"

Gao Rong smiled.

"Oh? How did I hear that when you were on the road to the tomb of the gods, you didn't seem to be going very well?"

It's okay not to mention this, but when it comes to this, Gao Feng is full of anger.

He frowned suddenly:

"Sister, you already know, why are you asking me on purpose?"

And in front of so many people!

Isn't this intentional to embarrass him! ?

Gao Rong shook her head, her voice still gentle.

"What other people say is what other people say after all. You know the details, don't you? Tell me yourself."

Although Gao Feng was arrogant and domineering, when he faced Gao Rong, he was still in awe.

So at this time, although Gao Rong still looked normal, Gao Gao knew that she was not easy to provoke at this time, so he restrained his breath obediently, and honestly told her all the things before and after.

Of course, adding oil and vinegar is indispensable.

However, it was not the first time Gao Rong met her younger brother. She always only listened to his words.

But these five points are enough.

After Gao Feng spoke, the resentment in his heart still persisted.

"Sister, let Jueer avenge me this time!"

Gao Rong glanced at him lightly.

"He didn't come here specifically to avenge you."

Gao Feng trembled, knowing that he had touched Gao Rong's bottom line, and felt resentful.

"I know... Anyway, as long as he can win against Mu Qinglan... I will have a way to deal with her after the Wanshen Festival is over!"

The smile on Gao Rong's face faded a little.

"Don't make trouble again."

As she said that, she turned her eyes, and glanced at Feng Tian in the distance as if she hadn't seen anything.

Although this Mu Qinglan had never had any name before, but now, she has already been related to Phoenix Valley!

It's not that easy to move her anymore...

Gao Feng was very depressed.

Gao Rong seemed to ask unintentionally:

"By the way, just now you said that when she was fighting you, she used the star formation?"

Gao Feng nodded impatiently.

"If she hadn't ruined the field by means, I wouldn't have been drawn to a draw by her!"

Gao Rong was too lazy to talk to him so much.

She just wants to know how many cards that Mu Qinglan still has!

Although Jue'er's strength is far superior to hers, for some reason, she always feels a little uneasy in her heart.

"Her strength should be higher than her realm. At least her physical strength should not be underestimated..."

Gao Rong looked back at the arena, only to see that Mu Qinglan and Youjue had already fought against each other again.

The aura on You Jue's body was very cold, and it brushed past Mu Qinglan's body dangerously several times.

It stands to reason that she is a lord, so she should be affected to some extent.



From the beginning to the end, Mu Qinglan didn't seem to have any problems because of this!

"What is her real body?" Gao Rong asked suddenly.

Gao Feng frowned.

"I do not know!"

Gao Rong was startled suddenly: "You don't know? When she was fighting you before, you summoned the holy body, but she didn't summon the real body of the Lord?"

When she said this, Gao Feng also realized that something was wrong, and murmured:

"It seems... really not..."

At that time, Mu Qinglan was supported by the ancient phoenix. After delaying the time, he directly demolished the arena.

From the beginning to the end, he did not seem to have really seen Mu Qinglan's real body of the Lord...

Then her physical body is truly terrifying!

Gao Rongliu frowned.

This Mu Qinglan is really suspicious...

"Sister, do you want to send someone to investigate? In fact, this Mu Qinglan has never appeared before. We have fought against the Misty Sect for many years in Xiaoyaoling, and there have always been only those five people in their broken place. After that, I don't know. Why, it seems that overnight, there is an extra Mu Qinglan, and those people behind..."

Gao Rong said lightly:

"What's the point of checking now? Let's look again."

Gao Feng didn't dare to refute, so he could only respond.

Originally, Gao Rong wanted to get some useful information from Gao Feng, but found that there was nothing at all.


There was a dull impact sound, Gao Rong and the others looked closely, but saw that it was Nan Zhu being kicked out by Xue You! He fell heavily to the ground!


Xueyou didn't hold back in this blow, she directly kicked Nanzhu until her internal organs ruptured, her chest trembled, and she spit out blood.

His breath suddenly sank, and he fell to the ground, unable to get up for a while.

"How come... Aren't the two of them in the same realm? How could Nanzhu lose so quickly..."

Everyone in the Nether Palace finally realized the seriousness of the matter at this time, and they were dumbfounded.

Gao Rong also looked at Xueyou.

At this moment, Xueyou had already walked in front of Nan Zhu.

He crossed his arms and looked down at Nanzhu from above, then the corners of his mouth slowly curled up.

He seemed to be smiling, but the corners of his eyes and brows were all cold!

Gao Rong watched from a distance, and suddenly her heart was shocked!

this smile...

How can it be a little familiar?

Like, where have you seen it before?

This feeling came very suddenly, and before she could think clearly, her heart was already beating violently!

It seems that something terrible suddenly struck!

Gao Rong couldn't help but clenched her fists tightly, staring at Xueyou tightly.

But Xueyou raised her brows slightly and narrowed her peach blossom eyes.

Looking at it like this, there is no such strange feeling...

Gao Rong closed her eyes.

She must have read it wrong...

After so many years, she had already almost forgotten that feeling, but at that moment just now, when she saw that Xueyou's smile, she seemed a little unable to control it.

She suppressed the waves in her heart, and when she opened her eyes again, her expression had returned to normal.

Now, it is still the Jueer scene, which is more important.

Seeing that Nanzhu has completely fallen into a disadvantage, and there is almost no possibility of turning over, Youjue finally realizes that the situation is more serious than imagined.

If Mu Qinglan is not dealt with, he will be in danger when Xueyou makes a move!

You Jue was certain in his heart, and then suddenly took a few steps back.

With a wave of his sleeve robe, a blue flame instantly ignited!

The previous talisman was only mixed with the power of Netherfire, to test Mu Qinglan.

Now, he must make a quick decision!

Blue flames wrapped around his fist, burning blazingly.

Then, he punched out!

"Tiangang Nether Fist!"

The majestic Yuanli began to frantically gather around his fist!

Mu Qinglan sneered.

Finally getting serious?

Then, it's time for her to do it!

However, just when Mu Qinglan was about to mobilize the strength in his body, Xueyou's voice suddenly came from his ear.

"Attack his chize acupoint!"

Mu Qinglan's heart was shocked, and then without even thinking about it, she tiptoed and rushed towards Youjue!

"She's crazy!"

There was an uproar in the crowd!

Mu Qinglan put her fingers together and waved a wave of Yuanli! It hit the Chize acupoint on Youjue's arm hard!

Youjue's arm immediately bent uncontrollably, and the fist shadow that was about to form was instantly impacted and became slack.

He was taken aback, and looked up at Mu Qinglan!

It's time!

Mu Qinglan's thoughts turned, and he speeded up again!

You Jue's eyes widened—there was hostility under their feet, but Mu Qinglan's speed didn't seem to be affected at all? !

Before he could figure it out, Mu Qinglan had already arrived!

A cold wind suddenly flew over the neck!

Alas, there was a problem with the second watch review, so I went out early in the morning and made revisions along the way, but failed, sorry.

The third watch is about twelve o'clock. Tomorrow's train, when I get home, it should be able to update stably.

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