God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1399 Scolding (third shift)

When Mu Qinglan's hand was about to strangle Youjue's neck, Youjue's body suddenly fell back! Get out of the way!

A strong wind brushed past his head and face! A burst of burning pain!

You Jue put one arm on the ground to support his body, and then kicked towards Mu Qinglan!

Mu Qinglan turned around and avoided it!

The two separated again, and there was no winner!

Youjue got up, his face was ugly.

He had been contemplating that move for a long time, and he never expected that Mu Qinglan would break his trick so simply and directly!

Before he could react just now, he felt a soreness in his arm, and then subconsciously bent it.

With such a move, all previous efforts will be in vain!

Panting for breath, he stared at Mu Qinglan, he really couldn't figure it out - how did she do it just now! ?

Even he himself didn't know the weakness of this move was at the Chize point on his arm, but Mu Qinglan seemed to be very clear about it!

Who is she and how much does she know?

Nan Zhu on the side watched this scene with his hands on his chest, feeling extremely anxious.

——He can basically be sure that Mu Qinglan would do that just now, most likely because Xueyou was helping her!

Others don't know, but he knows the feeling of being cut off halfway!

There must be something wrong with this Xueyou!

But just when he was about to speak, Xueyou next to him suddenly noticed something, turned his head and gave him a condescending look.

Nan Zhu suddenly shivered inexplicably.

The two are clearly of the same level, but for some reason, Xueyou seems to have an inexplicable aura that makes people feel intimidated.

Although he was smiling, Nan Zhu knew that if he made any moves, Xue You would definitely attack him immediately!

With such hesitation in Nan Zhu's heart, the words in his throat could not be uttered.

You Jue couldn't help but let out an angry cry.

"Nanzhu! What are you eating!?"

I didn't expect him to win, but he couldn't lose so quickly, right?

Moreover, Jing Tian next to him has been unable to take down the opponent for a long time!

If this continues, they will really lose!

Nanzhu wants to cry but has no tears.

"Young, young master... I—"


Before he could finish his sentence, a piercing sound came instantly!

He was startled, and quickly hid to the side!

However, when in action, the body feels more heavy!

He looked down in panic, but saw several blood lines on the transparent rock under him, and at some point, they had already converged to his side!


Nanzhu's heart sank, and he subconsciously got up!

But it's too late now!

Terrible hostility continued to surge up, crashing against the rock above.

Even with a layer of barrier, it didn't completely isolate the breath!

Nanzhu could clearly feel his body becoming heavier little by little!

He couldn't help looking at Xueyou in front of him in horror.

——He didn't seem to be affected much by the looks of it!


You Jue glanced at it, and knew that Nan Zhu was already unreliable.

Jing Tian next to him tried to rush over several times, but the elder Wushen was always able to hold him back at the last moment.

Now, he can only rely on himself!

You Jue snorted coldly, his eyes gradually became cold.

Even if he is alone, he must win today's match!

What about alone?

He also found the tomb of God alone!

Thinking of this, You Jue must be sure!

Afterwards, he waved his sleeve robe, laying a barrier in front of him!

Light blue enchantment, radiant! Surround him completely!

Mu Qinglan took a look and knew that the barrier was not so easy to break.

After all, he is a powerful Holy Lord.

Within the barrier, You Jue took a deep look at Mu Qinglan for the last time, and then slowly closed his eyes!

Then, between his brows, a symbol of a blue flame suddenly appeared, gradually appearing!

God seal!

The blue light quickly enveloped him completely.

Everyone looked at this scene with complicated expressions.

No one expected that it would be so difficult for Youjue and the others to win this first match.

Mu Qinglan and the others... are indeed stronger than they imagined...

"Unexpectedly, Mu Qinglan was able to force Youjue to use the divine seal... Her strength is definitely not just in the middle stage of the Lord!"

"I think so too! Seeing that she made several steady and ruthless shots just now, she is clearly not a simple character! No wonder, she was able to drag Gao Feng to a tie before, and even became the only person in the West Arena who found the tomb of God..."

"Actually, You Jue used the divine seal, not entirely because of Mu Qinglan. Have you forgotten that there is Xue You next to him? That's really a powerful character!"

"Isn't it? Nanzhu is at the same level as him, but the strength of the two is very different. If I were Nanzhu, I'm afraid I'd be ashamed to get into the cracks in the ground now! I really don't know Mu Qinglan , and this Misty Divine Sect, where did it come from..."

From the very beginning, Mu Qinglan and the entire Misty Divine Sect became one of the most noticeable dark horses at this grand gathering of the gods.

Everyone's attention is of course indispensable.

But everyone asked and asked, and finally found out that no one knew the details of people like Mu Qinglan!

I heard that Xiaoyaoling and them are old enemies, but it seems... there is no useful news.

Therefore, as time went by, seeing Mu Qinglan and the people around her becoming more and more shocking in combat effectiveness, the doubts in everyone's hearts became more and more intense.

Even the few people sitting at the top couldn't help but fix their eyes on Mu Qinglan at this moment.

Kagura sat on the chair with her chin resting on her hand. Although she covered her face, her beautiful eyes were still very moving.

She looked at Mu Qinglan at this moment, and her purple-like eyes shone with light.

From the very beginning, she has paid close attention to Mu Qinglan, and now, she can't wait to put all her thoughts on her!

Originally, when she saw that the opponent Mu Qinglan drew turned out to be the Nether Mansion, she was quite upset.

What are the Nether Palaces?

It's a dead end for this little girl to face them!

So, she had already thought about it before: If nothing else, just looking at this face, she would definitely not stand by and do nothing.

If people from Netherworld dare to bully her, then she will not let them go easily!

Unexpectedly, things gradually developed into what they are now!

She was very happy in her heart, and couldn't help saying:

"This girl is really a good seedling... Not only does this face look exactly to my liking, but even this talent and strength make me have to like it!"

She sighed, her voice as soft and sweet as ever.

"Could it be that people who are born with this appearance are so likable?"

Yuan Ruili, who was sitting next to her, looked as usual without any fluctuations, as if he hadn't heard a word.

Everyone knew who she was alluding to, and they all closed their mouths cautiously, even breathing lightly, for fear that Yuan Ruili would explode.

Anyway, they have never dared to take the initiative to bring up those things all these years, let alone mention that person.

But Kagura has no scruples.

She not only has status, but also has top-notch strength.

So even if these words were pierced into Yuan Ruili's heart, she still dared to say them with a smile.

And Yuan Ruili... chose to endure.

Anyway, this is not the first time Kagura has done this.

What's more, he had already prepared some things for this grand meeting of the gods...

So at this time, Yuan Ruili was very calm.

Kagura hates him the most.

It was as if those things never happened at all.

She snorted softly, and leaned softly in the chair, her delicate body under the white skirt stretched out graceful lines.

Every move is a style.

"My lord said it first, this little girl, my lord has taken a fancy to it."

You Yue, who was sitting on the side, finally frowned.

These words were clearly meant for him!

Kagura wants to cover Mu Qinglan!

What on earth is she thinking?

Is it because of that face?

"After all, it is a competition, and the outcome is what matters."

He said something lukewarm.

Kagura sneered.

Just when she was about to say something, a powerful coercion suddenly burst out from above the square!

Everyone looked together, but they saw that there was a blue sea of ​​flames under Youjue's body!

The divine seal between his brows is brilliant!

A coercion of the divine lord descended suddenly!

——He actually used the power of the God Lord directly!

Many people quickly looked at Mu Qinglan, wanting to know what she was going to do in the face of such sobriety.

However, they saw Mu Qinglan standing there, motionless, as if he had a headache and was a little embarrassed.

Could it be... She is going to give up?

What they didn't know was that Mu Qinglan's attention was not on You Jue at all.


Lord Nine Thunders is cursing.

He stayed within the sea of ​​qi, cursing loudly.

"Grandma's! You're all blind!? Who passed the inheritance to this kid on the other side! Let him spit it out for me!"

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