God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1400 Master of Star Array? (one more)

Mu Qinglan didn't expect that Lord Jiulei's temper would be so irritable. Halfway through the match, he couldn't hold back anymore.

Of course, these words were not directed at her, but obviously directed at the person who let You Jue enter the tomb of God before.

There was a moment of silence without any response.

Mu Qinglan was a little embarrassed for a moment and coughed.

"Master...that...youjue entered the tomb of the gods, it should be on the road to the tomb of the gods... You shout here, but the other party seems to be unable to hear you?"

Lord Nine Thunders hummed angrily.

"Why can't I hear you!? In the first battle, although the place of death was different, it was still very simple to pass messages to each other. I don't know who it is, who is so blind!"

Mu Qinglan knew it in her heart.

That's right, the power of the god master is as high as the sky, and these things should be nothing to them.

But... since Youjue can enter the tomb of the gods, it means that he should also have good talent and strength.

Of course, there must be luck in it.

My master just spoke so directly... Wouldn't it be easy to get into a stalemate with the other party?

Mu Qinglan persuaded:

"Master, calm yourself down. Although Youjue also entered the tomb of the gods, don't we know exactly what we got? After all, this is his choice..."

Lord Nine Thunder God snorted.

"This kid has a bad mind, and the power in his body is mottled and complicated. It is obvious that he has fused the energy of many people to reach such a level at this age! What qualifications does such a filthy person have to receive the inheritance of the strong God Lord? !"

Mu Qinglan was startled: "You said—he still has the power of other people in his body?"

The amount of information contained in this sentence is too terrifying!

If what God Lord Jiulei said is true, then...youjue's cultivation... must be problematic!

"Can this be fake? Otherwise, the old man, I wouldn't just say that the person who gave him the inheritance is blind! This kind of thing is obviously forcibly devouring the energy of many other people before and transforming it into my own." Strength! Such a person, even an ordinary cultivator, is inferior to him, so what qualifications does he have to obtain this inheritance?"

Hearing the lingering anger of God Lord Nine Thunders, it took Mu Qinglan a while to react.

She looked at You Jue in shock, and many thoughts flashed through her mind.

Youjue actually practiced like this...

"But, Master, if that's the case, why didn't the people present expose him? Such a person... Even if he comes from a noble background, it seems that people will look down on him, right?"

Yuan Ruili and the others who were present did not say anything.

Lord Jiulei snorted indifferently:

"They just don't have enough eyesight!"

Yuan Ruili and those people, although they are all god masters, but they are all just god masters.

If they don't look carefully at the secret in Youjue's body, it will be difficult for them to see it.

Before, he felt that there was something wrong with You Jue, but after Mu Qinglan fought him, he quickly confirmed this point.

Mu Qinglan frowned slightly.

"But... Youjue is the young master of the Nether Palace, with a high status, how could he think of doing this..."

"Hey! Why don't you think about it, how did he get his status? Without talent and strength, it would be difficult to survive in such a family!"

What's more, Youjue is still alive and well!

Mu Qinglan was stunned.

She had forgotten this.

Youjue's mother, Gao Rong, came from a humble background, so she was not qualified to be a righteous person.

Even if You Yue, as the palace lord, insisted on going his own way, he might not be able to do it.

Because of such a giant as the Nether Palace, not one Palace Master can decide everything.

But if Gao Rong had a son with extraordinary talent, it would be completely different!

Mu Qinglan looked at Youjue again, and saw the divine seal between his brows became brighter and brighter.

And the power around him is constantly gathering towards him!

There is a sea of ​​flames under him, burning crazily, and it is spreading towards this side!

Mu Qinglan frowned.

"Master, if this is the case, then his body should have been unable to bear it long ago. How can he still cultivate to the Holy Master?"

The mixture of various mottled forces may allow people to break through one after another, but it is definitely not a long-term solution.

Youjue can still use this method to break through to the Holy Master?

"His body should have collapsed once before, but he managed to control it later. He looks very strong now, but in fact he hasn't fully adjusted inside. In fact, he has reached this point, and the impact has already been It's hard to get rid of it completely. Sooner or later one day...huh."

Lord Nine Thunder God's tone was disdainful. Although he didn't finish his sentence, the meaning was already obvious.

Mu Qinglan was stunned:

"That's right! I heard that he did retreat for several years, presumably because of this..."

However, it did take a lot of effort for Youjue to find a way to survive until now.

In other words, the current Youjue is just a paper tiger.

At this moment, Youjue made a sudden attack!

The Netherfire beneath him actually formed the appearance of a divine seal!

Then, he raised his hand and moved forward slightly!

"The Nether Finger!"

The Netherfire rose up, overwhelming towards Mu Qinglan!

Compared with him, the Netherfire at the previous peak is nothing but a big witch!

Anyway, Gao Feng just borrowed a wisp of Netherfire sealed within the Yuan Qi.

But you are absolutely different!

He is the young master of the Nether Palace, and he has the power of a divine master in his body, so he can naturally control the Nether Fire freely!

The ghost fire in his body is inexhaustible!

Mu Qinglan became vigilant all over, and with a thought, a red-golden flame pierced the air!

The next moment, Zhuzhu appeared in front of her, her small face condensed, looking at Youjue.

As soon as she stomped her feet, the red-gold ancient phoenix real fire instantly swept towards the opponent like a sea wave!

On the square, one is cold and the other is hot, and it even gives people the illusion of being in a world of ice and fire.

Under everyone's gaze, the two flames collided fiercely!

For a moment, the red gold and faint blue flames, like rich paint, collided and blended together!

chi chi!

The ear-piercing sound of power confrontation is endless!

At the same time, a huge finger suddenly broke through from behind the flames! Arrived in front of Mu Qinglan!

The terrible coercion suddenly descended!

Mu Qinglan felt that her internal organs seemed to be squeezed together and were about to explode!

At this moment, it was extremely difficult for her to even breathe!

As soon as her heart moved, she was about to back away immediately!

However, the body seemed to be tightly trapped by something, making it difficult to move!

After all, Youjue is the Holy Lord, and in terms of realm, he has an absolute crushing advantage over Mu Qinglan!

Zhuzhu noticed something, looked back, snorted softly, and raised her hand.

A fire whip suddenly appeared in her hand!

The next moment, she swung it violently! It hit the position in front of Mu Qinglan!


There is a crisp sound of breaking through the air!

Mu Qinglan's body suddenly lightened!

But the feeling of being restrained has not completely dissipated!

"The only thing that can compete with the power of the Divine Master is the power of the Divine Master." Nine Thunder Divine Master sighed softly.

In Mu Qinglan's body, there is actually the power of a divine master.

Even, her Yuanmai talent is much higher than Youjue's.

But now she can't use it.

——People from the Yuan Clan are still watching!

He had heard what Mu Qinglan said about her before, so he naturally understood what she was thinking at this time.

Now the people of the Yuan Clan don't know her true identity yet.

She took a deep breath.

She came this time not only to rescue her mother and brother, but also to stand upright in front of these people, win today's competition, and feel proud!

Therefore, the current Mu Qinglan will never use the power of the real divine master in her body!

Mu Qinglan nodded unrecognizably.

Of course she knew this.

Youjue's realm was already higher than hers, and she tried her best to win, but it was as difficult as reaching the sky.

What's more, she still has many restrictions now.

Except for the power of the primordial spirit, she can't use it, even the Eight Spirits Sealing God Formation.

Zhuzhu can help her stop Yi Er, but it is far from enough to really win this game.

Mu Qinglan glanced at Zhuzhu:

"Zhuzhu, help me protect the law!"

Zhuzhu and her looked at each other, immediately understood her thoughts, and nodded seriously.

Mu Qinglan took a deep breath, then lifted the hem of her clothes and sat cross-legged on the ground!

Seeing this scene, after a brief surprise, everyone showed anticipation and curiosity.

It has long been heard that Mu Qinglan is an excellent Star Array Master, and even relied on this to draw with Gao Feng.

So at this time, seeing that she was finally going to use the star array, many people were interested, and wanted to see if her strength was as powerful as the previous rumors.

Mu Qinglan took out the soul-suppressing stone and put it in front of him.

This time, the ground finally did not collapse.

However, the hostility that was originally drifting towards Mu Qinglan from below dissipated a lot without a sound.

At this time, Mu Qinglan was focusing all her attention on the soul-suppressing stone, but she didn't notice it.

In fact, after the soul-suppressing stone appeared, other people present also looked at it.

Perhaps it was because everyone present was a respectable person named Shen Motian, so after seeing Mu Qinglan take out the soul-suppressing stone soul, everyone was surprised, but not too much.

Especially Yuan Ruili and the others.

To them, this thing is not considered a rare treasure.

However, Mu Qinglan has this thing in his hand, which makes people curious...

"Didn't you say that Misty Divine Sect is just a small gang? Why does Mu Qinglan have such treasures as the soul-suppressing stone?"

You Yue frowned slightly and asked.

He was caught and humiliated by Kagura before, and his mood was already very bad.

I wanted to wait for Jue'er to win this match well, to save face for him and the whole Nether Palace, but after waiting for so long, not only the game is not over yet, but the performance of several people is not satisfactory.

A mere Misty Divine Sect, a small sect that I have never even heard of, shouldn't it be easy to solve it?

As a result, the scene is completely different from what I imagined!

If Youjue can't take down Mu Qinglan sooner, it's still unknown who will win this match!

Looking at such scenes, can You Yue feel better?

Even now, he has begun to secretly doubt Mu Qinglan's origin!

"What kind of treasure do you have, and you have to report it to you in advance? You are allowed to bully others, and they are not allowed to fight back?"

Kagura still sat there lazily, mocking lukewarmly.

You Jue shut his mouth.

Maybe...it was the thing that Mu Qinglan got when he entered the tomb of God...

Kagura smiled even more happily.

"If the Nether Palace really loses in this match... that would be wonderful! You Yue, don't you think so?"

You Yue couldn't help but said coldly:

"Although the soul-suppressing stone is rare, it is just a piece of jade after all. It would be too naive to rely on a soul-suppressing stone to turn defeat into victory in such an arena!"

Kagura chuckled and tapped her finger lightly.

"It's a pity, my palace lord looks at the soul-suppressing stone, it's not that simple..."

You Jue looked along her fingers, his pupils shrank suddenly!

Because at this moment, Mu Qinglan suddenly raised his hand!

From her fingertips, several silver streamers danced!

And that's not the most important thing.

The most important thing is that the soul-suppressing stone in front of her suddenly had a light flickering!

There seems to be something engraved on it...


The power of Mu Qinglan's primordial spirit gushed out crazily! Then pour all of them into the soul-suppressing stone!


A huge silver star formation suddenly appeared from above the Soul Suppressing Stone!

The people who were discussing something in a low voice before were all taken aback when they saw this situation, and looked at this scene in shock and speechless.

"There is actually a star array on the soul-suppressing stone!?"

You Yue couldn't help but whispered in shock.

Kagura changed her hand to rest her chin, and said leisurely:

"Look clearly, that's not a star array."

Before You Yue could understand her words, the next moment, he suddenly saw a second star array flying out of the soul-suppressing stone, entrenched around Mu Qinglan's body!




Soon, Mu Qinglan's body was surrounded by eight star formations!

Yuan Ruili finally couldn't help but lose his voice:

"Master Star Formation!?"

Now on the train, I can only put the computer on my lap to write... I will try my best to get three shifts, the time is late, please don't wait.

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