God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1401 Cruel and merciless (second more)

But soon, Yuan Ruili realized that he had guessed wrong.

Because he clearly felt that Mu Qinglan's main star was a sixth-level star formation master, not a star formation master!

But - such a complex star array, logically speaking, only the star array master, or even the star array master can display it!

And Mu Qinglan...

He suddenly looked at Yuan Longyuan who was not far away, and asked:

"Long Yuan, you said earlier that she dismantled the star array in the arena?"

When Yuan Longyuan saw that Mu Qinglan was going to use the star array, he knew that it would definitely cause everyone to be shocked.

However, he did not expect that Yuan Ruili was the first to ask.

He respectfully bowed his head and saluted: "The words of Patriarch Hui are indeed true, and it is also because of this that Misty Shenzong and Xiaoyaoling finally came to a draw."

You Yue's complexion became even uglier.

The people lost in Xiaoyao Ridge are not all counted on their Nether Palace!

If it wasn't for Gao Rong being gentle and considerate enough, and Jue Er's amazing talent, he wouldn't tolerate Gao Feng being so indulgent!

Yuan Ruili's eyes were deep, and after listening to Yuan Longyuan's words, he didn't speak for a while.

The star array in the arena was specially constructed by the Yuan Clan for the grand event of the gods.

It seems simple, but in fact it takes a lot of thought.

Even if Mu Qinglan is a sixth-level star formation master, it would be a bit strange to be able to crack it.

Besides, she didn't seem to spend much time on it.

This can only explain one thing - Mu Qinglan's talent above the star array is extremely amazing!

Kagura on the side laughed lazily.

"This girl, Ben Gong, really likes it more and more. Patriarch Yuan, her talent in the star array is not inferior to that of the younger generation of your Yuan clan, right?"

Yuan Ruili was silent for a moment, then said lightly:

"Her talent is indeed good, but the specifics still depend on her age."

Members of the Yuan clan have a strong talent for star arrays.

Therefore, the number of star formation masters in their clan is much higher than that of other sects.

This is also why the Yuan Clan has been able to sit firmly as one of the four major sects for so many years.

A powerful star array master can even defeat ten thousand with one!

In contrast, the Yuan Clan has very strict requirements in this regard.

Sometimes, for other families, they are already considered extremely outstanding Star Array Master geniuses, but for the Yuan family, they are nothing at all.

People of the Yuan clan have always regarded themselves as the number one in this respect.

Therefore, what Kagura said just now, Yuan Ruili still somewhat disapproved in his heart.

Mu Qinglan's talent is good, but... her age should not be as young as it seems on the surface.

Otherwise, how could she have become the ruler of the Misty Sect, so that the Holy Lord and the powerful would follow her sincerely?

Kagura pouted secretly.

This old thing is not only stubborn, but also very proud!

Anyone can see that it is absolutely rare for Mu Qinglan to be able to display such a star array at the level of a sixth-level star array master.

But he still doesn't want to admit it!

Hmph, if she insists on asking that girl's age later, it's best to slap Yuan Ruili in the face severely!

Everyone looked at the star formations that appeared one after another, with different thoughts.

Mu Qinglan in the arena remained unmoved, concentrating on manipulating the star array.

Eight star formations coiled around her!

Countless streamers are intertwined with each other, emitting a bright light! Her face reflected in it was as flawless and clear as jade.

Between Mu Qinglan and Youjue, two flames are still devouring each other! Hard to tell!

"Have you seen enough?"

When Nan Zhu lost his mind at this scene, a chuckle suddenly came from his ear.

He shuddered, looked up, and bumped into Xueyou's face that seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

Nan Zhu's heart sank suddenly!

He actually forgot that he was still on the field!

After Xueyou knocked him to the ground before, although she was standing not far from him, she didn't continue to attack.

And it happened that Mu Qinglan and You Jue were fighting in full swing, Nan Zhu saw Xueyou had been watching there, and thought that he had relaxed his vigilance at this time, and focused all his attention on Mu Qinglan.

Originally, he was planning to take advantage of this opportunity to counterattack, but when he saw Mu Qinglan cast the star array, he was surprised for a moment, and then he was delayed for a moment.

At this moment when he was in a daze, Xueyou suddenly turned around!

Seeing the undisguised mockery on Xueyou's face, Nan Zhu suddenly understood something in his heart.

"You, you did it on purpose!?"

Others could not understand, but as opponents, both of them understood the meaning of these words.

——Xue You did not continue to attack him before, it was intentional!

He was just waiting for Nanzhu to make a move!

Xueyou shrugged and smiled indifferently and sarcastically.

"I've already given you a chance... It seems that there is no cure for a stupid person."

Panic suddenly surged in Nan Zhu's heart.

He didn't know why Xueyou had to leave a gap to wait for him to make a move!

But seeing Xueyou like this, he became inexplicably afraid.

Xueyou took a step forward.

Nanzhu's body trembled, and he subconsciously retreated.


A sharp breath suddenly came through the air!

Nanzhu's heart beat violently, and then he felt something brushing past his head!


The crisp sound came suddenly!

Nan Zhu subconsciously turned his head slowly, and saw a dagger stuck in the rock behind him!

There is only an inch away from his body!

If he really retreated just now, then at this time... the dagger did not penetrate the rock, but pierced his body!

Nan Zhu's body stiffened, he didn't dare to move anymore, his face was pale, his lips trembled, and he looked overly frightened.

Seeing this useless appearance, everyone in the Nether Palace was very angry.

Anyway, he is also a mid-term powerhouse of the Holy Lord, so he is so cowardly and incompetent, he really disgraced the Nether Palace!

In fact, Nanzhu himself was also very broken.

He is not weak, but for some reason, facing Xue You, he is always restrained everywhere!

He didn't even show one-fifth of his strength, and the situation has already become like this!

Xueyou's behavior like this makes him even more useless!

All eyes from around fell on him.

Nan Zhu felt ashamed for a while.

He couldn't help but clenched his fists, gritted his teeth and asked:

"You—you did this on purpose, just to humiliate me better, right!?"

Xueyou chuckled lightly.

"Congratulations, you finally got your brain back."

Nan Zhu held his breath in his chest.



Just as he opened his mouth and was about to get up, Xue You quickly stepped forward and stomped on his chest fiercely!

Nanzhu's body hit the ground again!

He even heard the sound of his bones breaking clearly!

There was a sharp pain inside!

Xueyou glanced at him lightly.

Then, he raised his foot and walked towards Nanzhu's shoulder again!

Nan Zhu was startled, only then did he realize that Xue You was going to destroy him completely!

He quickly circulated the energy in his body, and stretched out his hand to stop Xueyou's movements.

Xueyou frowned slightly, turned the direction of her toes, and stepped on Nanzhu's arm!


Nan Zhu's arm snapped!


Nan Zhu let out a cry of pain, his whole body trembling from the pain.

Xueyou turned a blind eye, and her eyes fell on his other arm.

"It's superfluous."

He said lightly.

Nan Zhu was terrified in his heart——Xue You is really crazy! He is so ruthless, do you want to solve him completely?

He wanted to hide, but his body was seriously injured, how could he be Xueyou's opponent?

Seeing that Xueyou's feet were about to fall again, Nan Zhu gritted his teeth and finally said:

"I think--"


Before he could finish his sentence, Xueyou's feet had already fallen!

The rest of the words just shattered in the throat.

Nanzhu's blood surged, and he began to vomit blood again.

Xueyou frowned in disgust, and took a step back.

Nan Zhu's face and body were already stained with blood, and he was very embarrassed.

But at this moment, he couldn't care about anything else, seeing Xueyou finally backed away, swallowing the sticky blood in his mouth, struggling to say:

"I, I believe—"

With a wave of Xueyou's sleeve robe, a tyrannical aura suddenly landed on Nanzhu's body!

Nan Zhu suddenly felt that his neck was strangled by something!

I can't move, and even talking has become an extremely difficult thing!

At this time, he finally understood Xue You's intentions.

——He's not playing at all! He clearly wanted to take this opportunity to torture him with all means!

Nan Zhu couldn't figure out when he offended Xue You and caused such a disaster!

Such means... It seems that he has a deep hatred with him!

At this moment, other people who were watching had already noticed this.

During the whole process, Xueyou had several chances to directly win.

But he didn't choose to do that.

Even when Nanzhu wanted to surrender, he blocked it.

Where is this game?

You Yue clenched the handrail, frowned, and finally couldn't help standing up, and said in a deep voice:

"The Misty Divine Sect——Xue You! What kind of heart are you in?! Nanzhu is about to admit defeat, but you refuse to let him go, and you still use such cruel means to rape him! It's too ruthless!"

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