God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1402 Water Droplets (3rd watch)

Xueyou paused when she heard this sound.

His back was facing Yuan Ruili and the others, so at this moment, they couldn't see his expression. "

After a short stay, he turned his head slightly, revealing only his delicate and perfect side face.

The distance between the two sides was a bit far, and the broken hair on Xueyou's forehead covered his eyebrows and eyes, so he couldn't see clearly.

Immediately, the corner of his mouth hooked slightly.

"What did Lord Youfu just say?"

Seeing that Xueyou really stopped, Youyue thought he was being restrained by himself, and raised his voice:

"My Palace Master said that you acted like this, it is too much! You—"

"Isn't this a grand meeting of the gods? It's a competition. Why, there's no winner or loser? Or...You Palace Master thinks that only his own people can win, and if others want to win, it's a heinous crime?"

You Yue choked.

Many eyes around him swept over.

Everyone had different expressions, but it was obvious that Xue You's words were reasonable, and many people agreed.

"That's right, isn't this a competition? At the Ten Thousand Gods Gathering, what happened? Not to mention this kind of thing, it's not like nothing happened."

"Hey, it seems to me that the Nether Palace is in a hurry! This is their first match! If they lose, they will be eliminated directly! The Nether Palace is one of the four major sects, how can they afford to lose this person? "

"So what? The Netherworld has not been so beautiful in recent years. Although there is a Youjue, this grand gathering of the gods is a contest between sects! They themselves have no strength, so they have to blame others?"

"Nanzhu has been under pressure from the very beginning, so it's only natural that this situation will happen! Youyue relied on his own status to block the game like this, it's too much..."

At first, there were only slight discussions, but soon, everyone started talking.

You Yue's heart tightened, and he suddenly became guilty.

Xue You chuckled lightly.

"Master Youfu, you just said that I have gone too far, it is not objective enough. I just did what I should do, so why go too far? If you want to blame, you can only blame yourselves for being too weak and stupid. I've given him several chances, isn't he the same as the mud that can't support the wall?"

What he said was naked, and he didn't save You Yue any face.

You Yue is neither standing nor sitting.

If he continued to argue, he would indeed be unreasonable, but if he just let it go...wouldn't it make him look even more useless?

He collected himself and said in a deep voice:

"But he's already planning to throw in the towel—"

"That would have to have the ability to admit defeat. Unfortunately—he didn't."

Xueyou interrupted him with a half-smile and a cold tone.

"However, since Palace Master You is the Palace Master, he naturally has the qualifications to admit defeat on their behalf. Now, as long as you say 'I lost', we will immediately stop the game, how about it?"

You Yue's eyes widened, and he pointed at Xue You angrily.

"Are you crazy!?"

What is his identity, dare to make such a request! ?

Xueyou sneered.

"If you can't do it, then shut up!"


Youyue is so angry that he is half dead!


This Xueyou, Mu Qinglan, and the entire Misty Divine Sect are all too arrogant!

"Okay, what they said is right. This is not the first time that this grand event of the gods has been held. My palace master has seen beautiful and ugly people. Except for your lowly concubine, I have never seen you so shameless."

Kagura spoke lazily beside her.

"The competition is not over yet, it's too ugly for you to eat like this!"

This scene is almost equivalent to giving You Yue several slaps in public.

You Yue's face was pale and white, and his chest was almost about to explode!

Xueyou took a deep look at Youyue, and smiled inexplicably.

"Since Lord Youfu thinks I'm cruel and merciless, then... I'll take this name for granted."

You Yue suddenly felt uneasy:

"What are you going to-"

Before she finished speaking, a three-section long whip suddenly appeared in Xueyou's hand!

The whole body of the long whip is no more than the thickness of a thumb, and the whole body is blue-purple in color, with a cold metallic color.

But the most shocking thing is that there is a layer of barbs on the three-section long whip!

This time it goes down...unbelievable!

Everyone couldn't help holding their breath.

Xueyou withdrew her gaze, cast a cold glance at Nan Zhu who was already trembling with fright, and smiled gently.

"You are such a good master."

The voice fell, and the long whip was raised!


The next moment, Nan Zhu was slapped hard!

With a flick of Xueyou's wrist, the long whip cut off a large piece of meat from the belt!

Blood splattered on the spot!

And almost at the same time, the breath of Youjue on the other side skyrocketed again!

There was a layer of reddish armor on his body, spreading rapidly!

Everyone was shocked.

There were several exclamations from the crowd.

"Holy Lord Middle Stage!"

"It's a secret technique!"

"The power of the divine master in him is increasing—he must have obtained this secret technique from the divine tomb!"

"It seems that this game is about to end..."

Although he temporarily broke through to the middle stage of the Holy Master with the secret method, it has a decisive effect on the current game!

Mu Qinglan must be unable to bear it now!

You Yue, who had looked very embarrassed before, finally recovered a little at this time.

It's okay, it's okay, he still has a child...

And everyone in the Nether Palace also showed joy.

"Princess, you can rest assured now. The young master will definitely win!"

The people behind said earnestly.

Gao Rong's tense body finally relaxed.

She smiled slightly.

"It seems that this time, Jue'er got a big chance..."

The next moment, the smile on her face froze suddenly.

Because on the square, between Mu Qinglan's hands, there is a ninth star formation!

Mu Qinglan opened his eyes and looked down.

A clear drop of water hangs in the last star formation.

That was a drop taken from the lake of Qianye Honglian.

She waved her palm lightly, and that drop of lake water flew forward along with the star array!

Hope to sleep well... This train is rattling and I'm going to fall apart...

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