God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1403 Explosion (1 more)

Compared with the eight star arrays that surrounded Mu Qinglan that appeared before, the ninth star array that appeared last appeared very small and delicate.

It is only the size of a palm, and even after flying out, it has only more than doubled in size.

The complicated streamers on it are intertwined with each other, and many stars are shining, making it almost impossible for people to see the whole picture of the star formation.

And the drop of water in the middle was naturally no one saw it.

From a distance, it looks like a small bright astrolabe, heading towards Youjue!

At this time, the red armor on Youjue completely covered him!

He opened his eyes and looked at Mu Qinglan indifferently, with mad killing intent surging in his eyes!

Then, he raised his right hand.

All the power around him poured into his hands!

In the blink of an eye, the palm gradually became transparent!

At first glance, it looks like a hand carved from ruby!

If you look closely, you can even see the bones and tendons inside!

He glanced at the star array flying towards him, and sneered in his heart.

This Mu Qinglan is indeed very talented on top of the star array, and he does have some strength.

It's a pity that the power of the divine master that I want to use to deal with him is still a little short!

Especially—in addition to the blood of the God Lord of the Nether Palace, he also obtained the most precious secret technique of another God Lord in the God Tomb!

This time, the outcome is decided!

He held his breath and pushed forward with a palm!

"Red Dragon Glass Palm!"

I saw several red lights flying out of the ruby-like palm in an instant, merging with each other quickly!

In a moment, it became like a dragon!


A dragon chant suddenly resounded through the world!

The ground under everyone's feet began to tremble violently!

For a moment, the space in the middle of the square seemed to be completely frozen!

The blood dragon raised its head and let out a dragon cry, then quickly rushed towards the star array thrown by Mu Qinglan!

The few people sitting at the top, seeing this situation, couldn't help but look at the patriarch of the ancient dragon who hadn't spoken much—Long Zhan.

It seems that this move should also be the formula that You Jue obtained from the tomb of God earlier.

It's just that this palm obviously fused the power of the dragon's blood.

Generally speaking, such tricks that incorporate the power of the dragon blood are actually condensed from real dragon sacrifices.

But Dragon War is still here.

When You Yue saw it, he felt a "thump" in his heart, and looked at Long Zhan with some trepidation.

This... this in person... is really embarrassing...

Long Zhan has a straight body and a handsome appearance. Although he looks only forty years old, his actual age is as old as Feng Tian's, over a thousand years old.

He has a kind of cold and solemn aura that no one should enter, even if he doesn't speak, it always makes people feel timid when looking at him.

When he saw the blood dragon, although his expression didn't change, the breath on his body became more condensed obviously.

Kagura clapped his hands and laughed.

"What a coincidence! Unexpectedly, this first match was so exciting!"

She turned her head and glanced at You Yue, smiling brightly and flamboyantly.

"You Yue, your son is really outstanding. Not only was he able to find such a formula that combines the power of the dragon blood, but he can even execute it so smoothly. Tsk, it's really amazing!"

You Yue's face was on fire, but his limbs were cold.

He didn't bother to refute Kagura, but just looked at Long Zhan uneasy.

"Patriarch Long, this... this is purely accidental... don't mind..."

Long Zhan's face was expressionless, and his voice was low:

"The Chilong Glazed Palm is a top-level heaven-ranking formula. Among the dragon clan, there is no Chilong lineage. It must be possible to condense it into such a shape, it must have used extremely cruel means when creating this formula. Killed the Dragon Clan."

The rest of You Yue's words were blocked in his throat.

What can he say?

Could it be said that the person who created this formula in the first place died ten thousand years ago? It was just an accident that Jue'er got this formula?

But even so, Long Zhan is watching here, can he be in a good mood?

Long Zhan has an upright personality, coupled with his status and strength, he is at the top, so he almost never hides his emotions.

He is not angry now, but because he is still playing at this time.

In addition, he also understands that this incident cannot be completely regarded as Youjue's fault.

But this didn't prevent him from crossing Nether Palace again in his heart.

You Yue obviously understood this, and originally wanted to justify a few words, but Long Zhan stared forward, his side face was cold and hard, making it clear that he didn't want to talk to him, and he wouldn't listen to what he had to say.

He sighed secretly in his heart, he just felt that he really went out today and didn't read the almanac, and he was unlucky to get home.

Now I don't care about so much, as long as Jueer can win this game, let's talk about other things——

With that thought in his mind, he retracted his gaze and looked towards the arena.

Just at this time, the crimson dragon finally collided with Mu Qinglan's star array!

It opened its bloody mouth wide, and actually swallowed the star array directly into its belly!

Compared with its huge figure, the ninth star formation that Mu Qinglan flew out really looked very small.

Seeing this, there was an uproar outside the arena.

I thought I could resist one or two, but who knew that Mu Qinglan's star array was swallowed up the moment they met?

This combat power seems to be a bit weak...

Some people who were still waiting to see the good show couldn't help showing disappointment.

"that's all?"

"It's too soon... Could it be that this game is over like this?"

"I used to think that Mu Qinglan's star array would be very powerful, but I didn't expect to be killed in seconds..."

"Hey, don't even think about it, it's the magic formula of a strong divine master! It even incorporates the power of the dragon's bloodline! Coupled with the power of Youjue's own divine master... Wouldn't it be a piece of cake to deal with Mu Qinglan? "

Everyone in Piao Miao Shenzong sweated a lot and was too nervous to speak.

When Mu Qinglan and Gao Feng fought before, it was already dangerous.

Fortunately, she directly destroyed the field later, so she was able to even and advance.

But this time is different.

Entering the finals, other means can no longer be used, only the front bar!

But Mu Qinglan is only in the middle stage of the Lord, and Youjue is in the early stage of the Lord!

What's more, he still uses the secret method to directly break through to the middle stage of the Holy Master?

Even if he didn't use any tricks, his Yuanli coercion could almost directly crush Mu Qinglan!

What's more, he also used the heavenly formula?

Only the fourth elder Chang's expression was quite calm.

The soul-suppressing stone soul was specially left by Lord Xiling back then.

How strong it is, even the few of them who have been guarding the Misty Temple don't know.

But - definitely not to be instantly killed by this red dragon!

Junshan, she...should have a second move...

You Jue sneered, stood up, and faced Mu Qinglan far away.

"It's an honor for you to let me use this hole card."

He still looked aloof, as if he had already won this match.

Mu Qinglan still sat cross-legged quietly. Hearing this, she raised her eyes and glanced at him lightly.

You Jue was taken aback.

Because he didn't see any look of fear in those eyes!

He frowned slightly, always feeling that something was wrong with Mu Qinglan's reaction.

He suppressed the worries in his heart and took a step forward.

Zhuzhu standing in front of Mu Qinglan also became alert immediately! The body's breath soared!

The red-gold skirt on her body fluttered with the powerful air current, dancing wildly like a flame.

"Just because of you, you want to stop me?"

You Jue gave a cold snort in disdain, and then suddenly threw something out!

It was a small blue ball. After flying into the air, it suddenly exploded and became a huge net!

"Zhenshen Net!"

The giant net immediately engulfed Zhuzhu!

With a wave of Zhuzhu's little hand, she planned to cut that thing open!

However, the red-golden flame hit the giant net without leaving even a single trace!

It just paused for a short while, then continued down!

A strong binding force quickly trapped Zhuzhu!

She was startled, only then did she realize that the so-called Zhushenwang was actually stronger than what she had seen!

She can barely move!

When Yuan Ruili and the others saw the Zhushenwang, their expressions moved slightly.

This Shenshen Net is one of the treasures of the Nether Mansion, and You Yue has already given it to You Jue. It can be seen that he has confirmed his identity as the future Palace Master...

The smile in Kagura's eyes has completely dissipated.

That Gao Rong mother and son really have a plan!

This Shenshen Net is a treasure that You Yue cherishes very much.

Unexpectedly, he actually took it out and gave it to You Jue...

He really has a brain problem! There is no salvation!

With a thought in You Jue's mind, Zhu Shenwang directly threw Zhuzhu aside!

Feng Tian frowned.

You Jue continued to walk towards Mu Qinglan.

At this time, Xueyou had just cleaned up Nanzhu, and was helping Elder Wushen deal with Jing Tian.

Sensing this movement, he turned his head and took a look.

Everyone thought that Xueyou was going to help, but they didn't expect that not only did he not step forward, but he suddenly pulled the elder Wushen back!

Elder Wu Shen was seriously injured at this time, but he still had Mu Qinglan in his heart.

Realizing that he was being dragged away, he still looked nervously at Xueyou.

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty—"

Before she could finish her sentence, she saw Xueyou suddenly smile.

"Who is in danger, you will know immediately."

The elder Wushen didn't react for a while.

He followed Xueyou's line of sight subconsciously and looked back.

You Jue has already walked in front of Mu Qinglan, the distance between the two is only a few steps!

He raised his hand, and the crimson transparent palm was about to fall!


An explosion sound suddenly came from behind him!

He turned around in shock, only to see that red dragon whose body suddenly exploded!

A powerful impact is coming!

There are two more changes left at about ten o'clock

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