God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1404 My Son (Part 2)

You Jue has a bad heart, so he must dodge immediately!

However, he was very close at this time, and before he had time to move, the impact force rolled in and crushed him directly!

You Jue only felt a tightness in his chest, and then his whole body flew upside down uncontrollably!


He fell heavily to the ground, his body shook, and he spit out a mouthful of blood!

Everyone was shocked by this sudden scene.

Mu Qinglan is right behind Youjue!

Just when they thought that it would be difficult for Mu Qinglan to escape this terrible impact, they suddenly discovered that the force had stopped in front of Mu Qinglan!

In front of Mu Qinglan, there seemed to be a transparent barrier, blocking all those waves!

She sat there quietly with a calm expression.

Immediately, she finally got up and looked down.

——You Jue was lying at her feet, in a state of distress.

The two looked at each other.

The corner of Mu Qinglan's mouth curled into a smile.

"The game should indeed be over."

Inside and outside the arena, there was a dead silence!

No one expected that in the end, there would be such a reversal!

Look at Mu Qinglan standing there with a sloppy smile, and then look at Youjue lying on the ground with blood stains on his body, dying. Everyone can see that the victory of this match has been decided!

You absolutely couldn't believe it, and stared at Mu Qinglan, wanting to say something, but his throat moved and he spit out blood.

He is full of unwillingness and dissatisfaction!

He has no idea what's going on!

He was clearly about to win just now!

But he could also see clearly that the red dragon had been completely smashed to pieces!

On his right hand, cracks also appeared at this time! Streams of bright red and viscous blood flowed out from it!

The palm that looked like a piece of ruby ​​before had obviously been severely injured!

Severe pain hit him, making him miserable.

That star formation just now...how could it be so strong! ?

It was obviously swallowed by the red dragon, but it exploded inside its body! ?

How can a star array compete with his divine power?

Youjue really can't figure it out!

Mu Qinglan was too lazy to talk to him so much.

Seeing the indignant look on You Jue's face, she lightly waved her palm, and a cold light suddenly flashed across!

The next moment, Youjue felt a chill on his neck!

His body froze immediately!

The sharp and cold touch on his neck, as well as the undisguised killing intent in Mu Qinglan's eyes, convinced him that if he made any changes, Mu Qinglan would definitely attack without hesitation!


You Yue finally couldn't hold back anymore, stood up abruptly, and shouted angrily:

"Mu Qinglan! How dare you!"

Mu Qinglan frowned slightly, and turned to look at Youyue.

"Why do you talk so much?"

You Yue choked.

Mu Qinglan lazily said:

"It's just the first game. How long has it been? You've already jumped out several times. It's the first time for us Piao Miao Shenzong to participate in the Wanshen Festival, so we don't know much about many things here. Could it be... this is Wanshen Isn’t the rule of the God’s Grand Meeting okay?”

Mu Qinglan's words made You Yue's face much ugly.

Yuan Ruili glanced at Youyue.

"Brother Youyue, let's wait until the game is over."

It doesn't matter if he is ashamed, and even the other clans of them are shamed, but it can't be justified.

Youyue didn't know what happened today, he seemed to be very irritable...

You Yue couldn't help showing Yuan Rui a face, gritted his teeth, and sat down with his sleeves waved.

Mu Qinglan tilted her head.

"Everyone, the outcome of the match should be decided now, right?"

On the other side of Netherworld Mansion, Nan Zhu had no good place on his body, and passed out in pain.

Mu Qinglan's knife was pressed against You Jue's neck, and his life was already in his hands.

As for the only Jingtian who is still standing...

Facing the three of Mu Qinglan, who dares to say that Jing Tian can turn the tide?

Elder Wushen looked at Xueyou blankly, and murmured in a low voice.

"No wonder you took me away just now..."

If they were still in that position, they might be implicated as well.

The blow just now was too powerful! Directly let You Jue lose most of his life!

Xue You smiled without saying a word.

He had been with Mu Qinglan for so long, and seeing her movements and expressions, he could basically guess what she was going to do.

As a result, as expected.

However, he didn't expect that Mu Qinglan was already so strong... Or, she seemed to have another hole card?

It seems that she did get good things in the tomb of the gods...

After Mu Qinglan asked this sentence, the atmosphere on the field became a little awkward.

Everyone could tell that Mu Qinglan and the others had indeed won.

But—that's Netherworld!

For so many years, there has never been a situation where the four major clans were directly eliminated in the first round!

And it was still defeated by a little-known sect that participated in the Pantheon for the first time!

Yuan Chenghe glanced at Yuan Ruili for instructions.

Yuan Ruili's expression remained the same: "Just do whatever you want."

You Yue unconsciously grasped the armrest of the chair, almost gnashing his iron teeth!

This is to judge them to lose!

His Netherworld has never been so embarrassing!

They were eliminated in the first round... What qualifications do they have in the future to occupy the position of the four major clans?

You Yue only felt that coming here today has completely disgraced his face!

He wanted to stop it, but with so many people watching, how could he veto it?

Yuan Chenghe responded respectfully and turned around.

He took a deep look at Mu Qinglan.

In fact, he felt a little displeased with this Mu Qinglan.

Because of her face.

I didn't expect that she would have such strength and luck...

Yuan Chenghe suppressed the thoughts in his heart, and said in a deep voice:

"The first round of the finals of the Ten Thousand Gods Festival, Gone with the Wind—"


Before Yuan Chenghe finished his sentence, You Jue, who was lying on the ground dying, suddenly moved!

To be precise, he summoned his own holy body!

His body was still lying at Mu Qinglan's feet, but the holy body suddenly appeared, turning his palms into claws, and grabbed Mu Qinglan's neck!

The distance between the two was extremely close, and he summoned the holy body without any sign at all!

So, when everyone realized it, You Jue's hand had almost touched Mu Qinglan!

"Your Majesty, be careful!"

All the elders of Piaomiao Shenzong became nervous again!

Mu Qinglan raised her eyes, her eyes were piercing!

She bent her legs slightly and was about to dodge!

However, just when Youjue was about to succeed, his movements froze suddenly!

His hand was only three fingers away from Mu Qinglan! But—but I can no longer move forward!

Mu Qinglan was stunned for a moment, and immediately realized something. With a glance, he saw that the sacred body of Youjue was tightly entangled by a three-section long whip!

The countless barbs on it have penetrated deeply into his body!

She turned her head and saw Xueyou blinking and smiling wantonly.

"Since he refuses to admit defeat, then——I won't be polite!"

After finishing the words, his eyes finally fell on You Jue.

He was still smiling, but it was a little bit more bone-chilling!

At this time, You Jue finally realized that something was wrong, and a wave of panic arose in his heart!

For some reason, he felt that Xueyou seemed to be in terrible danger!

Especially when he looked at him, those blue eyes were shining with a terrifying murderous intent!

You Jue secretly hated, just now he was only focused on sneaking up on Mu Qinglan, but he forgot that there was Xue You next to him!

I wanted to take this opportunity to make a comeback, but I didn't expect——

Xueyou's hand suddenly pulled!

The three-section long whip tightened instantly!

Severe pain, sweeping over!

You Jue's facial features twisted together, his knees softened, and he fell down immediately.

Although the Holy Physique is powerful, Xueyou is not a vegetarian.

The three-section long whip that can easily penetrate the Eucharist is difficult to deal with!

With a movement of Xueyou's arm, Youjue's holy body was instantly dragged over!

Mu Qinglan lowered his head and glanced, Youjue's body was obviously also suffering from this pain, and he looked like he was in great pain.

She frowned slightly.

It seems that Xueyou finally couldn't hold back anymore...

You Jue was dragged over, and a bloodstain soon appeared on the ground.

Everyone could even see his flesh being torn apart.

Ordinary people would be terrified looking at this scene, let alone You Yue and Gao Rong?

The gentle smile on Gao Rong's face had long since disappeared.

The hands in her sleeves were tightly clenched, and the delicately manicured nails were deeply embedded in the palms.

But she doesn't feel pain.

If it wasn't for the last sliver of sanity left, she would have already rushed forward at this time!

She took a deep breath, her eyes were already filled with tears, and she looked at You Yue pitifully.


It would be strange if You Yue could bear it.

He got up again, pointed at Xueyou with one hand, and said angrily:

"You dare to hurt my son! I will definitely not give up with you today!"

Xueyou paused and glanced at him.

His eyes were very calm, with a hint of sarcasm.

The third night is slightly later, as compensation, a little extra will be added as a supper.

It will be adjusted tomorrow, and the normal update will start at 9 o'clock in the morning the day after tomorrow

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