God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1417 Eccentric (Part 2)

The two sides confronted each other for a long time, Tian Zhi finally closed his eyes in despair and gave up resisting.

Lou Yuanming spat out a mouthful of blood, but even moving was painful.

Mu Qinglan looked at Yuan Chenghe.

"Now, can we announce the result?"

Yuan Chenghe took a deep look at Mu Qinglan.

When looking at this face, he would always think of that person involuntarily, so that he really couldn't have any good feelings for Mu Qinglan in his heart.

He originally thought that this Piao Miao Shenzong should stop here.

did not expect…

Yuan Chenghe looked around and said in a deep voice:

"The sixth round of the top twelve, Piaomiao Shenzong vs. Eight Star Pavilion - Piaomiao Shenzong wins!"

The deep and powerful voice spread far away!

Everyone in the square was speechless.

The Eight Star Pavilion lost!

Lost to Piao Miao Shenzong!

What's more, it was a disastrous defeat when it still had the upper hand in the realm!

Before this, no one thought that the Piaomiao Shenzong could win against the three Holy Masters of the Baxing Pavilion when there was only one Holy Master!

But now, the facts are in front of them, and there is no room for them not to believe it!

Countless pairs of eyes looked at Mu Qinglan and everyone at Piaomiao Shenzong.

Mu Qinglan didn't seem to notice it, turned her head to look at Lou Yuanming, raised her eyebrows and smiled brightly.

"Lord Pavilion Master, I have accepted it."

Proceed to the fart!

At this moment, Lou Yuanming wished he could yell at Mu Qinglan immediately!

Where did she give up?

I'm afraid she just can't wait to beat them all down, can't she?

Losing this game is really frustrating!

Without the golden dragon, Lu An would definitely have defeated Mu Qinglan and came to help him.

How could Mu Qinglan win?

What's more, if she hadn't contracted the ancient phoenix, she wouldn't even be able to survive the three moves under Lu An's hands!

But now, it's too late to say anything.

After all, these are things they can't do anything about.

I can only admit it.

People from Eight Star Pavilion quickly came up and helped all three of them down.

Now that you've lost, what do you do if you stay on the court? Being ridiculed?

The people in Eight Star Pavilion left in despair, but Piao Miao Shenzong's side was full of excitement.

Mu Qinglan didn't care so much, and walked straight back, and only blinked when he was in front of everyone.

"What? Are you unhappy after winning?"

"Happy! Why aren't you happy!"

Elder Wu Shen reacted quickly, even though he was still injured, he still couldn't help waving his arms vigorously, his whole face turned red from excitement.

"Hiss—Your Majesty is really powerful!"

He pulled the wound, his painful facial features twisted, but he still couldn't hide his ecstasy.

The rest of the elders also responded in the same way.

A group of people surrounded Mu Qinglan and the three of them.

"Good job, Your Majesty!"

"I knew our Lord would definitely be able to do it! Haha!"

"Elder Chang Si and Elder Jin Qi are too! Hahaha!"

Seeing their excited faces, Mu Qinglan felt a burst of joy in her heart.

She knew that before this, even they themselves did not know what kind of results they could achieve in this pantheon of gods.

Especially after coming here and comparing it with other homes, I feel even more uneasy.

Although they didn't say anything, Mu Qinglan knew it very well.

After all, compared with other families, their strength does not have an advantage, and they even belong to the weaker side.

At least among the top twelve, there is no one like them, even the Holy Master of the competition.

But now, they still won!

Top six!

Nothing can prove strength more than victory!

In the entire square, only Piao Miao Shenzong's lively cheers were the most prominent.

Elder Jin Qi looked around hesitantly and coughed.

"Ahem, everyone... Let's keep a low profile, shall we?"

Originally, winning these two games was already enough to attract people's envy. If they do this again... I'm afraid it will irritate many people.

All the elders looked at each other.

Mu Qinglan smiled lightly.

"Don't worry about those. We're not afraid of confrontation, let alone other things? This Shenmengya has to be someone who has the strength to have the last laugh, isn't it?"

Her tone is brisk, her face is bright, and what she said is extremely simple, but it makes people's hearts surge.

The elders, who were still a little worried at first, felt certain after hearing the words.


Didn't they come to the Ten Thousand Gods Festival just to win?

Now that they have made it all the way to the top six, why should they have so much fear?

Mu Qinglan said word by word:

"Remember, not only can we win, but we dare to win!"

So what if you invite envy or even resentment?

This is an inevitable thing!

Not to mention Xiaoyao Ridge, the people of Netherworld Mansion, I'm afraid they can't wait to find another chance to deal with them severely, right?

There is also the Eight Star Pavilion, which is obviously not convinced.

so what?

She dared to come today, she never thought of losing!

Seeing Mu Qinglan's determined expression, all the elders were deeply encouraged and completely put aside their worries.

"Your Majesty is right!"

Try their best, they will continue to win!

Elder Chang Si was beside him, looking at Mu Qinglan and then at the other elders, he felt extremely relieved.

Mu Qinglan once said at the beginning that he would fulfill Lord Xiling's last wish and lead Piaomiao Shenzong to the peak.

She can do it.

It is indeed a great blessing for Piaomiao Shenzong that General Xilingjun passed it on to her...

Everyone was happy for a while before calming down, and then began to recover their injuries and physical strength.

Although Mu Qinglan didn't suffer any serious injuries, his energy was exhausted, so he soon began to recuperate.

After all, there is still the next round of competition.

The people of Piao Miao Shenzong were happy and settled down, but the others were not so easy to calm down.

Piaomiao Shenzong became one of the top six?

Those who entered the top six with them, not to mention the top sects such as Tianwen Temple and Jishang Jingu, even the other three schools are also well-known in Shenmotian.

Except for Piao Miao Shenzong, the remaining five families all have the blood of the God Master.

That is to say, their ancestors, even now, have strong god masters appearing.

In contrast, Piao Miao Shenzong seemed out of place.

Without any reputation, even before, a small sect that I hadn't even heard of...

Even they couldn't even make up thirty people!

But it happened that such a family became one of the top six... It would be hard to hide the shock in anyone else.

Kagura rested her chin in one hand and looked at Mu Qinglan with great interest.

"Bengong's vision is really good... I said she was a seedling, but now you believe her?"

Yuan Ruili and the others didn't speak.

Who can't see that Mu Qinglan is Miaozi?

Being able to enter the God's Tomb on the road to the God's Tomb, and taking these dozen or so people up to God's Dream Cliff for the first time participating in the Ten Thousand Gods Grand Gathering, how could it be possible for ordinary people to do it?

Yuan Ruili was in a particularly complicated mood.

Because he knows better.

Yuan Longyuan had told him everything that happened at Xishanjing before, so he already knew that Mu Qinglan not only brought his own people out of Xishanjing, but also directly helped Wuyun Mansion. People have obtained the qualifications to go up to God's Dream Cliff!

At first, he just thought that this Mu Qinglan was indeed talented and lucky.

But now, he has to pay attention to it.

——He didn't believe that Mu Qinglan didn't have any background.

She seemed to appear out of nowhere, appearing very suddenly, but immediately and easily captured everyone's attention.

Although he had never heard of the Piaomiao Shenzong sect before, but according to Yuan Longyuan, it seemed that he had a grudge with Xiaoyaoling for many years.

And Piaomiao Shenzong, in the past, did not have a ruler.

This is why, they have never participated in the Pantheon of the Gods before.

Someday, they suddenly had Mu Qinglan.

Among other things, just the absolute talent and aura Mu Qinglan showed when she used the star formation earlier, he was enough to conclude that she must have been taught by an expert.

Otherwise, how can a sixth-level star formation master activate the star formation that can only be constructed by a star formation master?

None of these people responded, but Kagura didn't care.

She suddenly thought of something, and said with a smile:

"It's a pity that she is already the ruler of the Piaomiao Shenzong, and she will definitely not be willing to return to the Supreme Shrine with me. Otherwise... it would be good to accept her as an apprentice."

Hearing what she said, the people next to her were finally moved.

Master Yi Ran clasped his palms together, with kind eyebrows and kind eyes.

"Amitabha. It seems that there are some things, and Kagura finally sees it."

Kagura glanced at him, and hummed softly.

"What do you want to see or not? Isn't it just to accept an apprentice? Besides, this little girl will definitely not agree. This palace is just saying."

Master Yiran smiled lightly and didn't say anything more.

On the other hand, You Yue couldn't help frowning.

It seems that Kagura really values ​​this Mu Qinglan.

Before, he thought she was just talking casually, but now, she even said such things as accepting apprentices?

Who doesn't know that since that incident, she has made up her mind that she will never accept apprentices again?

But Mu Qinglan actually made her move her mind...

In all likelihood, it was directed at Mu Qinglan's face!

If he troubles Mu Qinglan in the future, Kagura won't sit idly by...

I don't know how much trouble it will cause.

Several people fell silent for a moment.

Kagura looked at Mu Qinglan who was not far away, and saw her smiling with crooked eyebrows and eyes.

There are stars in the eyes, shining brightly.

The smile on Kagura's face gradually faded, and a look of loneliness flashed in his eyes.

If...she had a daughter, she would definitely look like this, right?

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