God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1418 Omen (3rd)

The top six have been decided, and the rest is to win the final three.

And once these top three appear, they will automatically start the final top four competition with the Yuan family.

Mu Qinglan took a deep breath, and then let it out slowly. It seemed that only in this way could the blood in the body that was gradually boiling be calmed down.

There seemed to be something gradually rising up in her chest, which made her heart ache.

But vaguely, there was an unspeakable expectation and excitement.

She knew that she was approaching her goal step by step.

She had waited too long for this day.

Even though she was as calm as her, she finally couldn't hold back at this moment.

Top three...

In other words, they must win another game! Only then did she have the chance to face off against the members of the Yuan Clan!

Mu Qinglan sat quietly, and the people behind Piao Miao Shenzong became cautious again after being happy.

Even better than before.

The more it is like this, the more nervous it is.

Because they got closer to the top a little bit and had real feelings, their expectations gradually increased, and infinite desires arose in their hearts.

——Go one step further!

Among all the people, Xueyou is the most calm and indifferent.

He had already fought against people from the Nether Palace before, and he had completely calmed down at this time.

He knew that the Netherworld would not just let it go, but after experiencing the previous ups and downs, he had some expectations and curiosity about what might happen next.

He looked down at Mu Qinglan.

From his angle, he could just see Mu Qinglan's long black hair, black eyebrows, and long eyelashes.

Although there was no expression on her face, her lips were pursed slightly, and one hand was also habitually tapping the armrest of the chair.

She is nervous.

Xueyou and her have lived and died together for many years, and have experienced countless dangerous situations, but the number of times Mu Qinglan was nervous is only a handful.

He knew she wasn't afraid.

In fact, she is very similar to him.

So he understood Mu Qinglan's current state very well.

He reached out and tapped Mu Qinglan's head lightly.

"What are you thinking?"

Mu Qinglan raised her head and saw that although Xueyou was smiling loosely, but the expression in her eyes was firm and trusting, she couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

she laughed.

"It's nothing. I was thinking... I don't know who our next opponent will be?"

Xue You shrugged.

"Who is the opponent is actually not very important. You still think about how to proceed in the next game."

Mu Qinglan asked "Huh?" in confusion.

The corners of Xueyou's mouth hooked slightly, with a meaningful smile.

"You will know soon. The next game will not be so easy."

Mu Qinglan quickly understood what Xueyou meant.

Because Yuan Chenghe announced the rules of the next game.

"The top six will advance to the top three. Please prepare yourself. Choose ten people each, mark the order on the jade card, and then return the jade card to me. Draw lots in groups of two. When the result of the lottery comes out, we will Start the competition directly. In addition, the sequence arranged on the jade card cannot be changed after the competition starts.”

Mu Qinglan froze for a moment.

Ten people?

it means...

"The two sides of the game will fight with each other. If you lose, you will be replaced. If all ten players on either side are defeated, it will be a failure!"

Yuan Chenghe's words were very clear, and everyone present could hear them clearly.

Everyone obviously knew this a long time ago, so there was no expression fluctuation.

But Mu Qinglan's heart sank severely!

ten people!

Wheel battle! ?

This is simply the most unfavorable thing for them!

Not only are they few, but compared with other sects, they are indeed much worse!

Except for Elder Chang Si and Elder Wu Can, the other elders are all from Shengyuan Continent!

They were all top-notch powerhouses there, but here, they were completely lost in the crowd!

No, it can even be said that they are indeed the weakest family!

Even including Xue You, they only have three Holy Masters in total!

The previous two games could barely survive, but what should we do now?

Each family has to send ten people, and it's a one-by-one comparison!

No matter how calm Mu Qinglan was, she could hardly sit still at this moment.

According to the rules of this game, no matter which one they face, they will definitely lose!

And several of the strongest ones were injured to some extent.

How can this compare?

The elders standing behind Mu Qinglan were also dumbfounded after hearing this rule.

This is their first time to participate in the Ten Thousand Gods Grand Gathering, so they didn't know much about the rules of the competition above God's Dream Cliff.

"This, isn't this too much!?"

Elder Liu Ten couldn't help frowning and said.

Including Mu Qinglan, they only had fifteen people in total!

The strongest few have already gone up before, and their strength has been somewhat lost.

Xueyou looked calm and said:

"Actually, it's not too much. The rules have always been like this. Moreover, the Wanshen Festival is not an individual competition, but a contest between the various sects of the Gods and Demons. Therefore, ten strongest people are drawn to fight. It is also a way to measure the overall strength. It's just..."

He glanced at Mu Qinglan with a half-smile.

Mu Qinglan pressed her temples with a headache and smiled helplessly.

"It's just that we have too few people?"

It is indeed too little.

Other families brought thirty people according to the highest number.

Even if the first few games were worn down, there are still enough strong players to support them.

Mu Qinglan let out a long sigh, unable to laugh or cry for a while.

"Compared to others, we, the top six, are really... dilapidated."

All the elders who said a word followed suit.

Xueyou was very optimistic.

"You can also think about it from another angle. Just us, we have survived from hundreds of sects, and even become one of the top six. Isn't it more proud?"

Those people are well prepared, now they are not eliminated, and they are watching helplessly?

Mu Qinglan raised her eyes:

"Are you serious about your consolation?"

"Of course." Xueyou raised her chin and smiled without any scruples, "How many can win against the Nether Palace?"

Everyone in the Nether Palace turned black.

Mu Qinglan chuckled.

While comforting her, he did not forget to mock the Netherworld.

It seems that Xueyou is really not too worried.

"Where did you get your confidence?" Mu Qinglan couldn't help asking.

Xueyou blinked.

"Of course it's... you."

Mu Qinglan's heart skipped a beat, and she suddenly felt a warmth.

She paused, and finally nodded slightly.

"I will do my best."

Then, she turned around, smiled and said:

"Let's decide the order of the games!"

All the elders looked at each other.

This...Your Majesty is really sure?

Fourth Elder Chang smiled faintly and said:

"Everything is up to the emperor. We will follow to the death."

What he said encouraged all the elders to settle down.

"Your Majesty alone is the master!"

Mu Qinglan tilted her head and considered for a while.

"Then I'll decide for myself?"

All the elders nodded in agreement.

Up to now, all they can do is to trust Your Majesty and do their best!

Mu Qinglan looked around, and then began to write on the jade plaque.

It seems that it is very straightforward and decisive.

After a while, she raised her head and looked at Yuan Chenghe.

"Yuan Cheng and Elder, we have already made a decision."

With a sound, everyone looked over in surprise.


So fast?

Don't you need to consider the distribution of strength and weakness? Overall layout?

"Hey, it seems that they have simply given up. In this match, if you think about it with your toes, you all know that they are bound to lose!"

"That's right. In a wheel race with ten people, which one can they survive? The remaining few are not easy to deal with..."

"They should be content if they can get to this point."

"I guess they must be the first to end the game. Even if Mu Qinglan has two powerful contract beasts, it's the same! She can fight one or two, can she still win ten?"

There was a lot of discussion.

Mu Qinglan didn't care, she just held the jade tablet and looked at Yuan Chenghe frankly.

Yuan Chenghe nodded, then raised his hand.

Mu Qinglan let go of his hand, and the jade plaque flew towards Yuan Chenghe.

Yuan Chenghe took the jade tablet, glanced at it, and then narrowed his eyes.

This ranking order...

Her courage must be too great! ?

Yuan Chenghe then looked up at Mu Qinglan.

Mu Qinglan smiled cheerfully and relaxedly, her eyebrows and eyes curved.

The uncomfortable feeling in Yuan Chenghe's heart reappeared.

He frowned imperceptibly, then turned his gaze away.

Someone will always teach her what is the law of the jungle.

Mu Qinglan sat down again.

Suddenly, she felt that the soul-suppressing stone in her body seemed to move a bit.

She held her breath in doubt, staring inwardly with her primordial spirit.

In the sea of ​​qi, above the soul-suppressing stone that has been waiting quietly, suddenly there is a star shining!

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