God Concubine Supreme

1419 Chapter 1419

Mu Qinglan looked at this scene a little strangely.

Under normal circumstances, if she doesn't take the initiative to call the soul-suppressing stone, it won't make any movement.

But now, a star suddenly lit up on it.

A bright light shone, tiny but impossible to ignore.

Mu Qinglan faintly felt that there seemed to be an unusual aura in it, but when she wanted to observe it carefully, she couldn't catch it.

She waited for a while, and then saw another one appearing next to her!

This time, the feeling of hiding the breath became stronger.

However, these two stars seem to be somewhat different.

Mu Qinglan kept thinking about it in her mind - after she got the soul-suppressing stone, except for the complicated star array left by Dean Xiling, she didn't seem to mention this situation.

Moreover, it has not been a day or two since she obtained the soul-suppressing stone soul, but this is the first time she has seen such a situation.

No matter how she thought about it, she couldn't guess how it happened.

Just when Mu Qinglan was puzzled, a third one appeared on it!

Mu Qinglan just quietly "watched" Zhenhun Shipo, and after a while, there was no other movement on it.

Those three starbursts, like star dots that suddenly appeared in the dark night, shone quietly.

Mu Qinglan vaguely felt that there seemed to be something trying to rush out of it, but it was always close.

She didn't know what the sign was, and she even thought about everything related to Dean Xiling, including the Xing Tu Zhi, but still couldn't find a solution.

Fortunately, the movement of the soul-suppressing stone soul did not cause any sense of threat to Mu Qinglan.

After observing for a while, she simply ignored it.

When she turned her attention to the field again, she saw that several other companies had also handed in their jade cards.

In Yuan Chenghe's hands, there are a total of six jade cards.

At this time, a faint light radiated from the jade plaques, covering up all the names on them.

Yuan Chenghe tossed his hands, and the six jade tokens flew up in an instant, and then began to spin in front of him.

The speed of rotation was not fast, but because the light above became more and more dazzling, it gradually merged into a larger light cluster.

At this point, the people around could no longer see clearly the appearance of the jade plaque inside, let alone whose it belonged to.

All the family members watched intently.

Soon, Yuan Chenghe reached into the light group and took out a jade tablet.

He didn't look at it carefully, and then took out the second piece.

Afterwards, he held a jade tablet in one hand and glanced at it.

"The first person in Tianwen Temple: Hong Xiao! The first person in Baihong Temple: Bai Hefei!"

This is Tianwen Temple, against Baihong Palace!

The crowd was quiet for a moment, and then there were whispers, and many people subconsciously looked at the Baihong Palace.

The faces of the people in the Baihong Palace all turned bitter.

Really bad luck!

He actually met Tianwen Temple!

Among these few, Tianwen Temple and Jishang Shrine are the two most powerful.

There is almost no chance of winning against them.

What's more, this is also different from the previous game rules, but it has become a ten-person wheel race.

Although Tianwen Temple is a group of monks, their fighting power is not weak at all!

Except for the Baihong Palace, the other families gave a sigh of relief.

As long as the remaining people don't get the Supreme Shrine, that's the best.

Tianwen Temple's first appearance was a young man in his twenties.

Although he was wearing a monk's robe, he had delicate features and a fair face, making him look like a scholar.

He walked forward slowly, with a shy smile on his face.

Soon, a muscular man in his thirties walked out of the crowd in the Baihong Palace.

It seems that he is almost twice the size of Hong Xiao.

But when he walked up, he was obviously very nervous, his fists were clenched tightly, and the veins on his arms were bulging.

The two stood in the middle, facing each other.

Hong Xiao politely saluted:

"Tianwen Temple Hongxiao, please give me more advice."

Compared with him, Bai Hefei looked very tense, clasping his fists with a serious expression:


After the words fell, he stopped hesitating and took the lead!

Although he has a strong figure, his steps are very sensitive.

What's more, his arms are extraordinarily long. After spreading them out, they look like a white crane flying up.

In the blink of an eye, he was already on top of Hong Xiao's head!

Hong Xiao glanced at him, but didn't see what he was doing, but just slapped him lightly upwards!

"Hundred Refined Buddha's Palm!"

In his palm, a golden character suddenly appeared!

The golden light spread, and Bai Hefei's movements gradually slowed down!

"The two of them are both in the early stage of the Holy Master, why is this Bai Hefei a little afraid of that Hong Xiao?"

Elder Jin Qi and others who were watching the battle began to discuss in a low voice.

Elder Wushen glanced at them and lowered his voice.

"You don't know? This Hong Xiao, and Hongshi who went to look for the tomb of the god just now, are both direct disciples of Master Yiran! You know, Master Yiran has only accepted five apprentices in hundreds of years! These two people How high is the talent, I want to know."

Although the elders of Wushen and the others were not very clear about the rules of the competition on Shenmeng Cliff, they were clear about all the big and small things in Shenmotian that could be inquired about.

What's more, this Hongshi Hongxiao can be regarded as a leader among the younger generation of Tianwen Temple, but anyone who inquires about it will know this.

"I see--"

Not only Elder Jin Qi, but even Mu Qinglan nodded secretly.

She said that looking at this Hong Xiao, she looked shy, but her footsteps landed silently, her body was full of breath, she didn't look like an ordinary person.

It turned out to be Master Yiran's apprentice.

Although that Bai Hefei was in the same realm as him, and even seemed to be more dominant, his aura was actually not calm.

Moreover, he was obviously afraid of Hong Xiao, and he was in a disadvantaged position from the moment he played.

Even he himself thought that he would lose, so how could he win this match?

Mu Qinglan shook her head lightly.

Tianwen Temple is indeed unusual.

Wheel races are very particular. The first one to appear must not be too weak, but it cannot be the strongest either.

If you are too weak, you will lose, and you will directly lose your morale. If you are too strong... if the opponent is strong later, there will be no one who can turn the tide.

Bai Hefei was still at the early stage of the Holy Master, and he was at the upper-middle level in the Baihong Palace.

It's a pity that I met Tianwen Temple.

The duel between them is almost doomed.

Sure enough, when the two fought against each other in the first move, Hong Xiao had the upper hand!

Bai Hefei was the first to fight. He already had a lot of courage on his shoulders, and he had a burden in his heart, so he failed to fully display his strength.

Ever since he was restrained by Hong Xiao, he has been shrinking everywhere.

In his heart, he probably wanted too much to win this match for Baihong Palace. After being suppressed for a while, he started to attack aggressively.

In the end, not only was he unsuccessful, but Hong Xiao caught his fatal weakness.

Soon, Bai Hefei was completely defeated!

When he fell heavily on the ground and announced that he had surrendered, everyone in the Baihong Palace showed expressions of regret.

Although they had already thought that the possibility of Bai Hefei's loss in this match was extremely high, but when it actually happened, they still felt a little aggrieved.

Although Hong Xiao's movements were steady and ruthless, he had no intention of harming others, so Bai Hefei was not seriously injured.

Anyway, they all know that it's meaningless to compare any more, it's nothing but a waste of time.

Bai Hefei came down with a face full of shame, and the second person from Baihong Palace took over.

Hong Xiao was still very polite, with a shy look on his face.

But everyone knows that his strength is definitely stronger than everyone imagined!

"You little apprentice, you teach well."

Yuan Ruili watched, then suddenly opened his mouth.

"If I remember correctly, he seems to be only twenty-three years old this year, right?"

Master Yiran smiled and nodded.

"Not bad. Patriarch Yuan has a good memory."

Yuan Ruili smiled lightly.

Hongshi and Hongxiao are the two most outstanding geniuses among the younger generation of Tianwen Temple.

Of course he remembered things about them clearly.

Although there is usually no obvious competition between the various companies, they are more or less comparative.

Although there are not many people in Tianwen Temple, most of those who can be selected to enter it are extremely outstanding geniuses who concentrate on cultivation.

Therefore, Tianwen Temple can still firmly occupy the position of one of the four major clans.

"I heard that when he was twenty-one years old, he had already broken through to the Holy Master? Looking at it now, it is indeed extraordinary."

Master Yiran laughed.

"Compared to those two from the Yuan Clan, Hong Xiao is a bit inferior."

Mentioning those two people, a smile finally appeared in Yuan Ruili's eyes.

"Where. But they are all children. It's hard to say what will happen in the future."

Master Yiran sighed.

"Being able to break through to the Holy Master at the age of twenty... Even a child is extremely outstanding... I wonder if those two are here this time?"

Yuan Ruili nodded.

"It will definitely come, but some things have been delayed before, and it will take about a while before it arrives."

Master Yiran nodded knowingly.

Kagura next to him snorted softly.

"Is there anything more important than the Pantheon of the Gods? You, the patriarch, are here. Two children, you are quite airy."

Yuan Ruili frowned slightly, wanted to say something, but closed his mouth again.

Anyway, Kagura's attitude towards their entire Yuan clan is the same.

Say a few ugly words, right as if you can't hear them.

After all, it doesn't matter much.

Kagami was so happy that he was bored, he didn't care, and said something with a half-smile:

"Nowadays, the twenty-year-old who broke through to the Holy Master is actually liked by you so much. I don't know how you were willing to—"


Yuan Ruili immediately realized what she was going to say, and gave her a warning look.

His eyes were rare and sharp and deep.

How could Kagura be afraid of him?

If she hadn't happened to be retreating at the beginning...how could Yuan Ruili have the opportunity to do those things?

She leaned back in her chair and sneered:

"If you don't say it, don't say it. Anyway, you know best whether the younger generation in your clan can show their hands."

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