God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1426 Constellation (Part 2)

As everyone expected, the match between Xueyou and Lu Xiao was extremely difficult.

The strength of the two is equal, and they are wary of each other, and they have exerted their full strength from the beginning.

Lu Xiao also has Sun Chiyan, but at this moment, he knows that this is no longer his advantage.

As for Xueyou, after all, she had already fought two times before, and her opponents were not low in level.

Although he won relatively easily both times, he had some luck and means to some extent.

The same trick can be used once or even twice, but it must not be used a third time.

Because Lu Xiao himself was ranked second, he paid close attention to these when Lu Mingyan played.

Because of this, he could clearly see what Xueyou did just now.

With his own strength and rich combat experience, he quickly discovered some problems.

This also made the competition between him and Xueyou more intense.

An hour passed in a hurry.

The two on the field still couldn't decide the winner.

However——Xueyou's physical strength has gradually begun to show its disadvantages.

After all, the previous two matches consumed a lot of his energy.

Finally, Lu Xiao launched another palm!

"Heavenly Heart Palm!"

A huge red palm print, with the hot red flames of the sun burning on the edge, quickly moved towards Xueyou!

Xueyou wasn't afraid of the sun's red flames, but Lu Xiao's palm gathered 100% of his body's strength!


Even the ground is shaking!

Everyone couldn't help holding their breath——

Xueyou was about to condense her energy, but suddenly felt a sense of exhaustion in the sea of ​​qi.

His heart sank, knowing that he couldn't hold on for too long!

Lu Xiao's palm print has already flown in front of his eyes!

Xueyou suddenly raised her eyes, in her blue eyes, like a magnificent deep ocean, something flashed by!

Lu Xiao on the opposite side narrowed his eyes.

He seemed to see that something was wrong with Xue You, but the distance between the two of them was a bit far, so he didn't see it clearly.

Xueyou suddenly closed her eyes!

The palm print struck, but before it arrived, the powerful aura had already curled up Xueyou's long hair!

He was dressed in loose clothes, with flying blue hair, raised his chin slightly, and his face was as delicate as a heavenly carving.

It was clearly such a tense moment, but there was an inexplicable and thrilling beauty about him.

Perhaps it is not appropriate to use the word "beautiful" to describe a man, but at this moment, this is indeed the first word that pops up in many people's minds.

Originally, Kagura was just watching leisurely, but at this moment, she suddenly felt that Xue You seemed to have an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

It's not the appearance, nor the figure, but... a certain temperament.

In her mind, a figure seemed to gradually emerge.

Kagura couldn't help but sat up straight, her eyes fixed on Xue You who was standing there.

She didn't feel it before, but now, she seems to have suddenly discovered something...

who is it?

Who is it like?

Kagura Liu frowned slightly.

Although it was subtle, she felt that it was not her inexplicable feeling.

But before she could remember, Xueyou had already moved!

Without any warning, he just pointed his toes and rushed towards Lu Xiao!

You know, there is a huge palm print between the two of them!

The fiery red flame has completely covered the palm print.

Get a little closer and you might get hurt.


Among the crowd, there were several exclamations.

Countless people opened their eyes wide, looking at the scene before them in disbelief.

Because——Xueyou actually broke into that palm print directly!

From the outside, he looks like he has suddenly jumped into a ball of flames!

In an instant, the palm print exploded from the middle position!

The red flames of the sun around were actually burning more intensely than before!

The next moment, a figure wrapped in flames rushed out of it!

The target - it was Lu Xiao!

This is Xueyou!

Those who were watching immediately knew that the one who had become a Burning Man was Xueyou!

He is crazy!

Everyone in Huoyun Pavilion looked at it, and they were also taken aback.

At this moment, Lu Heng saw the silver needle on Lu Mingyan's body, which was gradually changing color, and his complexion gradually improved.

Hearing the movement, he finally looked back.

With just one glance, he sensed that something was wrong.

This Xueyou... doesn't seem to be afraid of the sun's red flames at all?


In a moment, Xueyou had already rushed in front of Lu Xiao!

He was covered in fire, and he couldn't even see his face clearly, so he just rushed over!

Lu Xiao was taken aback, he never thought that Xueyou would adopt such a method!

It was this stupid kung fu that gave Xueyou the last chance!

Xueyou's hand suddenly stuck out!

He was extremely fast, and Lu Xiao wanted to avoid it, but he couldn't make it in time, so he could barely block it with his arms.

Xueyou's hand grabbed his arm in an instant!

For a moment, Lu Xiao almost thought that he was trapped by some iron claw!

He immediately understood what was going on, and with a sudden force, he was about to break free from Xueyou!

But Xueyou has already arrived here, how could she let him leave so easily?

Therefore, Lu Xiao's flick not only failed to throw Xueyou away, but made Xueyou follow his strength and get closer!

Between the two, there is only the last arm's length left!

At this moment, Lu Xiao suddenly saw Xueyou's eyes!

Inside those blue eyes were cold and indifferent.

But in the depths of the pupil, there seemed to be a cluster of flames, which suddenly flashed!

Just for a moment!

Lu Xiao suddenly felt a sting of icy cold!

He lowered his head and glanced, and saw a handful of blue ice picks appearing in Xueyou's hand at some point!

The ice pick is no more than the length of a palm, as thick as a human thumb.

Xueyou grasped like this, except for the sharp head, she couldn't see anything at all.

That's why, when he approached just now, Lu Xiao failed to notice that there was something in his hand!

Without hesitation, Xueyou pierced the ice pick towards Lu Xiao's chest and heart!

Lu Xiao suddenly felt uneasy - for some reason, he always felt that if the ice pick really pierced his body, it would be dangerous!

He didn't even think about it, he went to stop it with his bare hands!

He originally thought that he was also a strong Holy Lord, and when he made a move, he had already covered his hands with a thick barrier, so he could stop Xue You one or two no matter what.

But, he underestimated the power of Xueyou's blow!


All I heard was the sound of sharp objects rubbing against flesh and blood!

The ice pick directly pierced Lu Xiao's palm!

Because the red flames of the sun were still burning on Xueyou's body at this time, and the two moved very quickly, so almost no one could clearly see what happened between them.

But Lu Xiao is not a vegetarian either.

He resisted the pain, and immediately grabbed Xueyou's neck with his other hand!

Xueyou didn't hide at all, just let him move.

Lu Xiao felt something was wrong.

"After fighting for so long, you are not tired, I am tired."

Xueyou smiled at him, and then stabbed the ice pick forward again!

In his eyes, there is an indomitable killing intent!

In fact, at this time, Lu Xiao was pinching his neck. If he wanted to do it, he could actually go faster.

But Lu Xiao didn't expect Xueyou to be so desperate!

At this moment, the ice pick finally pierced his chest!

Lu Xiao immediately tightened Xueyou's neck!

Xueyou's face quickly turned red!

However, his expression was still relaxed and calm, and even the smile on the corner of his mouth never faded.

Lu Xiao had a bad feeling in his heart.

Then, he felt a cold air pouring into his body suddenly.

He lowered his head and glanced, only to see that the ice pick suddenly melted away, turning into a ball of flames, drilling towards his body from the wound!

It's not an ice pick!

This is--

Before he could figure it out, Xueyou suddenly slammed his head into Lu Xiao's head fiercely!


The dull voice sounds sour.

Lu Xiao almost passed out.

Everyone was also taken aback. Who would use such a trick for a strong man of this level?

But Xueyou used it!

And it works!

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Xueyou's neck finally escaped from his grasp!

But Lu Xiao reacted very quickly. After realizing that his hand had left Xueyou's neck, he quickly grabbed Xueyou's shoulder, and then yanked hard!


The bones of Xueyou's shoulder shattered!

Even his half of the shoulder has faintly collapsed!

Blood oozed slowly, staining his clothes red.

Then the speed of blood smearing became faster and faster, most of Xueyou's shoulder, and even that left arm, were all soaked in blood!

The two looked at each other, and finally delivered their respective blows!


Two terrifying forces collided fiercely!

The figures of the two finally separated! Then fell to the ground!

A fierce fight is finally over!

——Both lose-lose!

Yuan Chenghe glanced at it, and found that the two people on the field had no fighting power at this time.

Such a result...

"Piaomiao Shenzong vs. Huoyun Pavilion, the second match—a tie!"

Among the crowd, there was an uproar.

Before this, who would have thought that this match would be a draw!

Originally, Xueyou was not in the upper hand, but she fought to the death, and even directly crippled her own shoulder for this, in exchange for a draw!

When Lu Xiao heard this sentence, he hammered the ground angrily, but he only felt a surge in his internal organs, his eyes turned black, and he almost passed out.

And Xueyou's situation is not much better.

He fell to the ground in embarrassment, half of his clothes were stained red, and he looked shocking.

Then, he smiled, lazy and free and easy.

He turned his head and looked at Mu Qinglan.

This girl, hasn't broken through yet...

Elder Jin Qi and the others hurried up and carefully helped Xueyou up.

None of them dared to touch his completely shattered left shoulder.

Xueyou didn't seem to care, and said with a smile:

"Although we didn't win, it's not a loss. The rest is up to you."

Elder Jin Qi and the others felt sad and moved when they heard this.

Xueyou worked so hard, but it was actually for them, for the emperor, and for Piao Miao Shenzong!

Even if he can do this, then... the rest of them must do their best no matter what!

Xueyou was helped back to Mu Qinglan's side.

On the other side, although the people in Huoyun Pavilion felt very sorry, they had no choice but to hold back their anger.

Yuan Chenghe took a look at the jade plaque.

"The second person of Piaomiao Shenzong: Chang Si! The third person of Fire Cloud Pavilion: Lu Min!"

Everyone was shocked.

Is Mu Qinglan planning to throw out all the hole cards in one go?

Isn't she worried at all, at the end of the game, Huoyun Pavilion will release a big move! ?

Oh, their Piao Miao Shenzong might not make it to the end at all.

Some people shook their heads secretly, they didn't quite agree with Mu Qinglan's approach.

"It seems that Mu Qinglan is really planning to break the pot, and the two strongest people are actually ranked first and second?"

"Hey, what else can I do? Just rely on the few lords under her? Oh, I almost forgot, even she is a lord herself! How long can such a lineup last? You know, until At the current position, the real top expert in Fire Cloud Pavilion, but he hasn't made a move yet..."

"Do you need to ask? Piaomiao Shenzong has no hope at all. If you can win once or twice in the first few games, maybe it will look better."

"Haha, you didn't read it, Mu Qinglan hasn't broken through yet? Will she still be like this when there is no one left in Piaomiao Shenzong?"

There was a low roar of laughter from the crowd.

No one thought that Piao Miao Shenzong would really win this match.

Even if Xue You and Chang Si can deal with one or two people, but more, it is still impossible.

It should be here...

Many people looked at the situation on the field and thought of this in their hearts.

In fact, on Misty Divine Sect's side, everyone was also a little worried.

Why on earth did Mu Qinglan arrange things like this?

Suddenly, Mu Qinglan's eyelashes trembled slightly!

The elder Wushen became excited instantly.

——Your Majesty, this should be a breakthrough!

Then, in front of Mu Qinglan, the soul-suppressing stone suddenly appeared!

Elder Wushen and others looked at the soul-suppressing stone strangely.

Why did it come out all of a sudden?

The next moment, Elder Wushen saw a star shining above the originally dark soul-suppressing stone!

He gasped, his heart beating fast!

That is--

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