God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1427 Grabbing things (three more)

Elder Wushen looked at that one star in disbelief, but then, he saw two more appeared next to it!

This is…

Weiyue and the others finally made a move?

Ever since they expected that the soul-suppressing stone would be reawakened and the new monarch had appeared, the three elders, Wei Yue, began to retreat at the same time.

By now, a long time has passed.

Earlier, he was still thinking that if the three of them were here, the situation of Piao Miao Shenzong would definitely be very different!

Because the strength of the three elders, Wei Yue, was only stronger than that of him and Fourth Elder Chang!

I thought there was no hope, but I didn't expect that there was movement again now?

Elder Wushen was happy for a while, but then thought of other problems.

——Even if the three elders, Wei Yue, really break through and pass through, how can they get here?

This is almost impossible.

From Piaomiao Shenzong to here, even if it is to tear the space, it will take several days.

What's more, Shenmeng Cliff is not that easy to climb.

And at that time, perhaps their game was over...

The elders next to him didn't understand what the movement on the soul-suppressing stone meant, but they couldn't help being curious when they saw the expressions of the elders of Wushen alternately excited and sometimes depressed.

But in this case, few people really dare to ask.

The atmosphere became a little stagnant.

Elder Wushen took a look at Mu Qinglan, her eyes were still closed, her eyelashes were trembling slightly, showing signs of wanting to wake up.

And the speed at which she devours the energy of the surrounding world is also much faster than before!

It seems that it is really about to break through...

The elder Wushen secretly clenched his fists.

If... if Elder Wei Yue and the others can come in time, that would be great...

The situation on the court is not optimistic.

Fourth Elder Chang and Lu Min are also mid-stage Holy Lords, but Fourth Elder Chang, like Xue You, has lost part of his strength in previous matches.

Most importantly, he had been poisoned before.

Even though Xueyou had already detoxified him and even recovered his own strength almost completely, but it was only a few days, after all, it was still somewhat affected.

Lu Min was different.

Huoyun Pavilion brought over thirty people, almost all the strongest members of the entire sect.

From among these people, they can choose those who have not done anything before.

Lu Min is like this.

He is in the best condition now, and compared with the fourth elder Chang, he naturally has an advantage.

So after playing, it didn't take long for Elder Chang Si to gradually fall into the disadvantaged.

Huoyunge thought that he could win easily, but he didn't expect to be beaten with a sap at the beginning, and Xueyou even solved two opponents of the same level by himself.

Now their people are all awake, and naturally they will go all out when they play.

But the pressure on Elder Chang Si is also very great.

In the entire Piaomiao Sect, only he and Xueyou are in the middle stage of the Holy Master.

Xueyou was already unable to fight anymore, and once he also went down, he knew what would happen after that.

Therefore, after the Fourth Elder Chang and Lu Min fought for a while, they began to change their attack methods.

When the enemy retreats, we advance, and when the enemy advances, we retreat.

Although the Fourth Elder Chang had exhausted a lot of physical strength, his speed was still very fast.

If he wanted to escape, Lu Min couldn't trap him.

In this way, every time Lu Min wanted to launch a big attack, the fourth elder Chang always wandered around, making it impossible for Lu Min to do it accurately, so he had to try again and again.

Just like that, Lu Min gradually became impatient.

"It's time to end."

After Fourth Elder Chang fled from him again, Lu Min finally lost his patience!

With a wave of his sleeve, the red flames of the sun formed an enchantment around him.

Fourth Elder Chang is not Xueyou, he still has a little fear of Sun Chiyan.

Lu Min folded his hands in front of him, and a mass of red flames danced in his palms.

But then, a shadow gradually appeared inside the mass of red flames of the sun.

It seems that there is something, gradually showing the outline.

Elder Chang Si took a look and frowned slightly.

He could feel the increasing coercion in the mass of red flames of the sun.

This time... Lu Min is going to get serious!

Sure enough, the next moment, a crimson flame pattern suddenly appeared between Lu Min's brows!

The vast coercion spread instantly!

He actually awakened the seal of God and used the power of the God Lord!

Fourth Elder Chang's heart sank, he tapped his toes, and immediately backed away quickly!

At the same time, he set up two barriers in front of him one after another!

At this moment, Lu Min put his hands together fiercely!

A red flame instantly transformed into a sharp arrow, heading towards Elder Chang Si!

The long arrow pierced through the air and directly split the space!

At the tip, the flames are gradually peeling off!

A mass of black is gradually revealed!

"Flowing Fire Ghost Arrow!"

I saw that the black arrow tip gradually transformed into a skeleton!

The crimson sun's red flames, like blood, flowed out of the skeleton!

This scene is really frightening to watch!

In the blink of an eye, the flaming ghost arrow had already arrived in front of Elder Chang Si!


There was a slight sound of explosion, but it was the first layer of enchantment laid down by the Fourth Elder Chang, which had been pierced without any suspense!

Immediately afterwards, there was the second enchantment!

This time, the enchantment finally blocked it for a moment.

However, this time is of no use at all.

Soon, the second enchantment shattered under the impact of the flaming ghost arrows!

Fourth Elder Chang had no time to lay down the third floor!

His body was quickly covered with a layer of armor!

There is no way to hide any longer, Elder Chang Si simply chose to face it head-on!

A bronze bell flew out of his sleeve!

The bronze clock was only the size of a thumb, but it was very delicate, with intricate carvings on it.

Seeing the Fourth Elder Chang summoning the bronze bell, all the elders of Piao Miao Shenzong were shocked.

"Bronze Bell! How did Fourth Elder Chang summon it?!"

If Mu Qinglan could open his eyes and take a look at this moment, he would see that the small bronze bell was actually exactly the same as the bronze bells on the bell tower left by Piao Miao Shenzong back then.

It was also the bronze bell she rang when she was in Honghe City.

It was suspended in front of Chang Si Elder, spinning around.

All the energy in the fourth elder Chang's body gushed out!

Then, all of them were poured into the bronze bell!

The bronze clock suddenly shook slightly.


A crisp sound, suddenly remembered!

Above the small bronze bell, suddenly there was a terrifying aura gushing out! Like invisible waves, rushing towards the surroundings!

The ground began to shake violently!

Then, the bronze bell suddenly flew out! It actually directly collided with the Flowing Fire Ghost Arrow!

Just heard a shocking sound!

Inside and outside the arena, countless people's expressions changed drastically, and they hurriedly covered their ears!

Some of the movements were relatively slow, and the internal organs began to churn, and the terrible roaring sound kept echoing in the ears!

In addition, even the ears were shocked and blood came out.

Everyone looked at the bronze clock with shocked faces.

"What the hell is that? It's so powerful?"

"But it's the size of a thumb...it looks like a bronze clock?"

"Look! The Flowing Fire Ghost Arrow has been stopped!"

There was an exclamation from the crowd.

It was Lu Min's fast-moving flaming ghost arrow that was finally stopped by the little bronze bell!

To be precise, it was just that the bronze clock hit the skull in front of the Fire Ghost Arrow.

However, Flowing Fire Ghost Arrow could no longer take a step forward!

Fourth Elder Chang's face was pale, but he was still staring at the scene in front of him.

Even if he can't win, he can't lose!

Now, all he can do is to abolish Lu Min as well!

Afterwards, the Fourth Elder Chang rushed forward without hesitation!

Lu Min felt bad!

The Fourth Elder Chang is going to fight to the death! ?

Lu Min subconsciously retreated.

If a mid-term powerhouse of the Holy Lord fights desperately, it will be very terrifying!

Although he wanted to win, but—the other party's eyes were too terrifying!

He had no doubts at all that Chang Si elders would pull him to die together!

Why are the people of Piaomiao Shenzong so insane? ?

This thought quickly flashed through Lu Min's mind, the Fourth Elder Chang had already arrived in front of the bronze bell!

He bit the tip of his tongue, and a few drops of blood fell on the bronze bell!

All of a sudden, there was a loud roar!

Terrible power suddenly spread from the bronze bell!

Both Lu Min and Fourth Elder Chang flew out uncontrollably!

"That bronze clock is wrong!"

Yuan Ruili stood up suddenly, and with a wave of his sleeves, the entire square was covered!

However, the power on the bronze bell is too strong!

Yuan Ruili's enchantment also began to crumble!

At the same moment, a sound of something breaking suddenly came from Mu Qinglan's body!


Just hearing this sound, Mu Qinglan's aura suddenly changed!

Lord Peak!

She suddenly opened her eyes!

As soon as Yuan Ruili moved, he was about to take down the bronze bell!

However, the bronze bell suddenly swayed and flew in a certain direction!

Everyone looked, but saw that Mu Qinglan had gotten up at some point!

The bronze bell flew in front of her, and suddenly became extremely docile.

She held the bronze bell in her hand!

Afterwards, she raised her eyebrows and looked at Yuan Ruili with a smile that was not a smile, her eyes seemed to be covered with ice and snow, and she asked word by word:

"What? Patriarch Yuan, are you planning to grab something from me?"

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