God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1428 Know nothing (one more)

At the same moment, the soul-suppressing stone also returned to Mu Qinglan's body again.

But at this moment, everyone's eyes were on the bronze clock in her hand.

Although that thing was small, the power it displayed just now was astonishing!

Yuan Ruili stared at Mu Qinglan closely, and said slowly:

"Of course not. It's just that the bronze bell was a little abnormal just now, so the patriarch took action."

He is the dignified patriarch of the Yuan clan, with a distinguished status and extraordinary strength. Why is there any need to compete with Mu Qinglan?

Even if this bronze clock is really a treasure, he wouldn't do such a shameful thing.

This Mu Qinglan, speaking this sentence, really makes people a little unhappy.

Mu Qinglan smiled brightly, suddenly:

"I see! It seems that I misunderstood Patriarch Yuan! I'm sorry! Patriarch Yuan has a big heart, so he probably wouldn't care about these things with me?"

Yuan Ruili frowned imperceptibly.

Mu Qinglan...changed her face too quickly.

Perhaps in the eyes of other people, what she said just now was just a joke, but he stood opposite her, and the two looked at each other, he could see clearly.

When Mu Qinglan asked that sentence, there was no smile in his eyes, and even... there was a hint of hostility and provocation.

Yuan Ruili has been an all-powerful person throughout his life, and has seen countless people. This subtle atmosphere can still be seen.

But after thinking about it, he didn't know why Mu Qinglan had such an attitude towards him inexplicably.

Ordinary people have no chance to please him, but this Mu Qinglan seems to be...

But at this time, in the blink of an eye, she laughed again, as if nothing had happened just now.

Perhaps, we should look up the origin of this Mu Qinglan...

Yuan Ruili looked indifferent.

"It's okay. This is your thing, as long as it doesn't cause trouble to everyone. It's my patriarch who worried about it."

After speaking, he sat down again.

Seeing this, everyone didn't want to say much.

Mu Qinglan smiled and cupped her hands.

"Patriarch Yuan really has a broad mind."

Hearing these words, Yuan Ruili felt something was wrong for some reason, but he couldn't tell the specifics.

Mu Qinglan looked at Yuan Chenghe again.

On the field, Fourth Elder Chang and Lu Min fell to the ground in a state of embarrassment, unable to get up.

The impact force on the bronze bell just now was too strong, and directly swept the two people out.

With a "bang", something fell in front of Lu Min.

It was his flaming ghost arrow.

At this time, the pointed skull has been distorted and deformed, and it is obvious that the whole thing has been scrapped.

In the quiet square, this sound was very clear.

Fourth Elder Chang spat out a mouthful of blood, and several bones on his body were broken, looking very miserable.

But there was a bit of joy on his face.

"Now, can we decide whether to win or lose the game?"

Yuan Chenghe still had no expression on his face, but he gave Elder Chang Si a meaningful look.

He fought desperately, even at the risk of his own life... just for this match.

This loyalty is admirable, but also dreadful.

Because Elder Chang Si is not the only one in Piao Miao Shenzong who dares to do this.

That Xueyou in front is actually the same.

As a referee, he actually sees the most clearly.

These people in Piaomiao Shenzong seem to have extraordinary loyalty to Mu Qinglan.

This is rarely seen in other denominations.

For example, Fire Cloud Pavilion.

The people they sent one after another were not bad at all, but they all lost in the end.

In the final analysis, to a large extent, it is because they did not work hard.

——The Wanshen Festival is a competition after all, and this round is a wheel race. For many people, there is no need to risk their own lives.

Comparing the two, it is not surprising that Piao Miao Shenzong won such a situation under such unfavorable circumstances.

He was silent for a moment, his eyes swept over Chang Si Elder and Lu Min.

There is no doubt that these two people have no fighting ability now.

That is to say...

"Piao Miao Shenzong Chang Si, against Huoyun Pavilion Lu Min——Pie!"


Another draw!

The originally quiet crowd became restless in an instant!

A series of low-pitched discussions sounded one after another.

"It's still a draw? I thought Lu Min would win!"

"Who said it wasn't? The state of Chang Si before was obviously not very good. It stands to reason that Lu Min had an absolute advantage. He almost won just now! It's a pity—"

"Hey, what's the pity? This is the way this game is! I didn't see that Chang Si was desperate? I dare say that his injuries are more serious than those of Lu Min at this moment! In exchange for such a fight A draw is worth it!"

The faces of the people in Huoyun Pavilion are not very good.

I thought I could win easily, but now?

Only two people from Piaomiao Shenzong went down, but three of them have already gone down!

What a shame!

Lu Heng put one hand behind his back, clenched his fists tightly, and his face no longer had the relaxed look before.

"I didn't know that your strength is nothing more than that."

Everyone in Huoyun Pavilion trembled and lowered their heads.

Although this is ugly, who made them lose?

Not to mention Lu Heng, even they themselves felt feverish on their faces! I can't wait to find a seam in the ground and get in!

After a while, someone finally stepped forward and advised:

"Pavilion Master, don't be angry. In the previous situation, we didn't find out their details... But in the future, we will never lose again!"

Lu Heng snorted coldly.

The man lowered his voice again and said:

"Pavilion Master, Piao Miao Shenzong, there is no Holy Master that can be sent out."

This sentence really reminded Lu Heng.

He narrowed his eyes and looked up at Mu Qinglan and the others.


There were only three Holy Masters in total, two of them had gone down before, and the only one who didn't play was the five ginseng, who was still covered in blood and his breath was unstable.

In the previous battle, Wu Shen was seriously injured and could no longer fight at all.

They will never play him again.

Even if he plays, his strength will be greatly reduced, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

As for the rest of you...

All are Lords.

Mu Qinglan has an ancient phoenix to help, and even a golden dragon.

But so what?

There are still seven people in Huoyun Pavilion.

Mu Qinglan and the others... can they still win?

Lu Heng's expression softened a little.

"What to do next, you all know in your own hearts. Don't embarrass me in Huoyun Pavilion again, do you understand?"


"Go, bring Lu Min back."

The people from Huoyun Pavilion rushed up and carefully carried Lu Min back.

The previous blow from the bronze bell had completely destroyed him, making him unable to fight again.

If he hadn't relied on the last ounce of will to support him, he would have passed out long ago.

But the blood was blocked in his throat, and he couldn't speak, he just kept vomiting blood.

When passing by Lu Heng, Lu Heng glanced at him and suddenly had a question.

——What happened to the bronze clock just now? Even if it is a heavenly element, its power is too strong...

He couldn't help looking at Mu Qinglan.

But she was holding the bronze clock in her hand, so she couldn't see anything at all.

Mu Qinglan knew that many people were looking at her, or rather, they wanted to look at the bronze clock in her hand.

She looked down and raised her eyebrows slightly.

In fact, she didn't know that Elder Chang Si had this thing in his hand before.

But because this appearance is too familiar, she can basically guess that it should be something related to Elder Xingxiu left by Dean Xiling after the establishment of Piaomiao Shenzong.

The power of Piaomiao Shenzong spread throughout the entire Shengyuan Continent, and there were bronze bells in many strongholds.

In this sense, this bronze bell is also a symbol of Piao Miao Shenzong.

She twirled her fingers lightly, playing with the bronze bell, but suddenly remembered in her mind that when she was in Honghe City, she also directly killed those members of the Shui family after ringing the bronze bell.

At that time, she clearly didn't have that kind of strength, but... the power of the bronze bell was astonishing.

She didn't pay much attention before, but now that she thinks about it, maybe... she should have a careful chat with Elder Chang Si and the others...

Elder Chang Si has been brought back.

Mu Qinglan handed over the bronze bell.

Fourth Elder Chang's face was pale, and he could hardly stand up, but he still shook his head.

His lips moved for a while, but only a few vague syllables came out.

Mu Qinglan was puzzled.

Elder Wushen said next to him:

"Your Majesty, what he meant was that you leave this thing for the next person to play."

Mu Qinglan was a little surprised.

"Can this be used by others?"

She hadn't actually seen this little bronze clock of Elder Chang Si before, but after regaining consciousness just now, she felt a very familiar and friendly atmosphere from it.

Perhaps because of her status as the emperor of Piao Miao Shenzong, the bronze bell can obey her will.

But if it is given to other elders...

Elder Wushen coughed and explained:

"Your Majesty, have you forgotten our identities?"

Mu Qinglan was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized - twenty-eight constellations!


There seems to be some kind of special connection between these elders...

At this moment, Yuan Chenghe's voice came again.

"The third member of Piaomiao Shenzong: Ba Ruo! The fourth person of Fire Cloud Pavilion: Lu Yang!"

Mu Qinglan glanced back, and the opponent who played this time was indeed a Holy Master.

But fortunately, it is an early stage of the Holy Master.

And their side...

Elder Ba Ruo is now at the peak of the Venerable Master, and there is still a thin line between him and the Holy Master.

If there is no accident, they will still lose.

Mu Qinglan looked at Elder Baruo, then stretched out his hand, and presented the small bronze bell to Elder Baruo.

With faint excitement in his eyes, Elder Ba Ruo took the bronze bell with both hands, and said in a deep voice:

"The subordinates must do their best to live up to your majesty's entrustment!"

It seemed that he knew about the bronze bell.

"This thing can only be used twice a day, Ba Ruo, you must not waste this opportunity."

It is rare for the elder Wushen to speak earnestly.

Elder Baruo nodded seriously.

Mu Qinglan rubbed her nose lightly.

Could it be... that she is the only one who knows nothing about this in the entire Piaomiao Shenzong?

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