God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1432 Abolished (Part 2)

The next moment, Lu He's body flew upside down without any warning!

It was as if an invisible hand had ruthlessly deleted it!


Lu He fell heavily to the ground, and even dragged it for a long distance.

On the transparent rock, a long bloodstain was scratched instantly!

Among them, even sporadic flesh can be seen!

Finally, at the edge of the arena, he finally stopped!

However, he was already lying on the ground, dying.

His whole body was covered in blood and flesh, especially his right arm, which was already a blur, with bones visible.

The black dragon scales were lifted off directly, exposing bright red wounds, as if a layer of flesh had been peeled off, making one's heart tremble.

The entire square fell into dead silence instantly!

Everyone stared at this scene dumbfounded, speechless.


It was clear that he was going to win just now, why did it suddenly become like this?

This...he is the pinnacle of the Holy Master!

This scene happened so suddenly that it took a while for everyone to gradually react.

Their first reaction was to look at Mu Qinglan on the opposite side!

Mu Qinglan was also hit by a force just now, and her whole body was thrown out, but the situation is obviously much better than that of Lu He.

On her neck, there were several clear scratches, obviously left by Lu He just now.

There was bright red blood, slowly oozing out.

Mu Qinglan barely supported herself to stand up, her throat was hot, and she couldn't help coughing.

In this way, he coughed up blood again.

A few drops of blood were stained on her chin, like a few red plum blossoms blooming in the white snow, which was a bit mournful.

However, she finally stood up!

On the other hand, Lu He on the opposite side was already lying on the ground, completely silent!

Who wins and who loses, you can tell at a glance!

Mu Qinglan raised his hand and touched his neck. Seeing the blood on his palm, he laughed.

Just now... If she had moved a little later, she would be the one lying on the ground and unable to get up now.

"Master, thank you very much."

Mu Qinglan said in her heart.

Lord Nine Thunder God snorted softly:

"The mere peak of the Holy Master, you think too much of yourself! My dear apprentice, when the star formation trapped him just now, if you had directly attacked for the teacher, you would have won directly. Why wait until now? You have a look , if you hadn’t reacted quickly in the end, you would have fallen into his hands! Even if you want to help me as a teacher, it still takes time to react, doesn’t it?”

Originally, he planned to deal directly with Lu He early in the morning.

But Mu Qinglan did not agree.

That's why Lu He was clearly trapped by the star array, but he was still able to absorb the energy of the heavens and the earth, and even launched an attack on Mu Qinglan.

——Purely because the Nine Thunder God Lord hadn't done anything at that time.

Otherwise, with his strength, how could he give Lu He such a big leeway?

Even if he wasn't in peak form ten thousand years ago, he was still more than enough to deal with Lu He?

Mu Qinglan's eyes flickered slightly.

"Naturally because... there are other plans."

God Lord Nine Thunders was wondering, but suddenly felt that there was something more in Mu Qinglan's sea of ​​Qi.

He "looked" carefully, only to find that it was...

A dragon scale?

The dragon scale was only the size of a fingernail, and it was black as a whole, floating there quietly.

But when it turns, it can be seen that it seems to be wrapped in a gorgeous streamer.

Just looking at it is dazzling.

"This is…"

God Lord Nine Thunders was startled, and gasped.

Of course he knew what it was!

"You actually snatched his Blood Lin!?"

This thing is the blood Lin of the ancient dragon!

Mu Qinglan laughed, feeling a little regretful:

"Unfortunately, the blood scale he got is not complete."

Nine Thunder God Lord did not speak for a while.

Because he suddenly realized that his precious apprentice... was too deep and unfathomable!

In that situation just now, she could still think about it?

Mu Qinglan looked at the dying Lu He opposite, and explained:

"His holy body is fused with the blood essence of the ancient dragon. I feel something is wrong. After all, even if it is a contract, it is difficult for the power of the human race and the primordial beast to be so perfectly integrated. After investigation, I found that there is blood in his body." Lin's breath. Moreover, after he summoned the holy body, the blood Lin was hidden on his right arm."

To be precise, the blood scale was originally in Lu He's body, but when he summoned the holy body, the blood scale would appear on his right arm, hidden among those dragon scales.

Only in this way can he explain why he can possess such a dragon armor holy body.

Another person might not be able to notice this at all, because the blood Lin hides it too vaguely.

It's a pity that he met Mu Qinglan.

Mu Qinglan also has blood in his body.

Although it belonged to the golden dragon, it belonged to the lineage of the ancient dragon, so Mu Qinglan was still very keenly aware of it.

When the blood in her body fluctuated just now, she felt something was wrong.

Then, after discussing it secretly with the golden dragon, it occurred to him that the blood scale of the ancient dragon might be hidden in his body.

As a result, as expected.

That's why, she had already thrown out the star array, but she didn't immediately ask Jiu Leishen to take the initiative, but instead asked him to release the water.

——She just wanted to lure Lu He over to take a look at his bloodlin!

Although Lu He is very strong, he underestimated her.

When he first noticed the coercion of the God Lord in the star array, his mind became confused. After several times of suppression, I became no longer calm, and all I could think about was how to fight back successfully.

This idea was too strong, so when he summoned the energy of heaven and earth and successfully broke through, he didn't have any doubts at all.

How could he have imagined that under such circumstances, Mu Qinglan still had the thought and courage to set him off?

After that, things went more smoothly.

When he arrived in front of Mu Qinglan, he was about to win!

In order to win quickly and simply, he even stretched out his right arm directly, intending to strangle Mu Qinglan!

But he didn't expect that it was himself who was strangled.

Under the guidance of the blood lin, Mu Qinglan had already determined the hidden location of his blood lin when he made a move!

So, no longer hesitate, just start!

When Jiu Lei Shen took the initiative, she also stepped forward and snatched his blood Lin!

Everyone only thought that his right arm was damaged. How could they expect it? In fact, for Lu He, the biggest loss was not this, but the loss of the blood Lin!

Only then did Lord Nine Thunders come to his senses, and he sighed deeply.


He is worthy of being the apprentice of his Lord Nine Thunder Gods!

This brain, this mind, this strength!

Which is not the strongest? !

"Although it's not a complete Blood Lin, it may be used when we break through in the future."

Breakthrough, naturally refers to the golden dragon and the silver wind couple.

This Blood Lin belonged to the ancient dragon. If he could get the power from above, it would be much easier to cross that threshold.

Mu Qinglan said, controlling the piece of blood Lin, and flew in front of the golden dragon.

The golden dragon looked at the piece of blood Lin, but something suddenly flashed in the golden eyes.

Then, it looked at the two beside it.

Yinfeng and his wife are about to break through...

After Mu Qinglan put Xue Lin into the sea of ​​​​qi, he quickly withdrew his soul and looked at the field again.

On the opposite side, Lu He finally moved.

It's just obvious that it is difficult for him to stand up again, let alone the game.

Because they were too shocked, until now, everyone was still dead silent.

Just looking at Mu Qinglan's eyes was like watching a ghost.

Mu Qinglan didn't care, he let out a long sigh of relief, and then looked at Yuan Chenghe.

"Now, can we announce the result?"

Yuan Chenghe had a lump in his throat.

He thought that Lu He had won...

The woman's face and body were stained with blood, but there was a smile on the corners of her eyes and brows, and she was lazy and at ease, as if she didn't take it seriously.

Even if she wins a Holy Master Peak!

Even though it is known that she achieved this step by relying on the mysterious inheritance obtained from the tomb of the gods,...it is still shocking.

Yuan Cheng and his Adam's apple rolled, and they glanced at the jade tablet in their hands with complicated expressions.

"Piaomiao Shenzong—Mu Qinglan wins!"

The voice fell, and everyone was in an uproar!

Mu Qinglan actually won! ?

Yuan Chenghe looked at Huoyun Pavilion:

"The eighth member of Fire Cloud Pavilion: Lu Xing!"

Lu Heng's face was livid with anger.

"Master... then Mu Qinglan was lucky to win this match... we..."

As soon as the people below persuaded him, they saw that his face became even uglier, and they didn't dare to say any more.

Lu Hengqi was half dead.

Where does he care about winning or losing this game? !

Lu He's Blood Lin was taken away!

His holy body is equivalent to being destroyed!

This is a huge loss to Fire Cloud Pavilion!

He closed his eyes, and the voice came to the ears of Lu Xing who was about to play——

"No matter what method is used, Mu Qinglan must be abolished!"

"Across the Wilderness: Kingsman vs Savage Husband" - Fu Xing'er

Introduction: What is it to travel through ancient times, travel through the wilderness to tame savages, and find a leader to be your husband? It's exciting to be shameless.

Make an appointment for afternoon tea at four o'clock in the afternoon, okay?

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