God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1433 Sea of ​​Qi (third shift)

"It seems that her luck is indeed very good..."

Yuan Ruili tapped the armrest of the chair slowly with one hand, and said calmly.

At this time, anyone with a discerning eye can see that Mu Qinglan's victory is likely due to the inheritance she obtained in the tomb of the gods.

Even, this is stronger than everyone imagined before.

Otherwise, with her current strength as a peak lord, how could she win against a peak lord like Lu He?

"Luck is also part of strength."

Kagura on the side continued to contradict him and said with a smile.

Master Yiran stroked his beard and sighed softly.

"Above the grand meeting of the gods, it has been a hundred years since anyone has entered the tomb of the Lord Shangshen, right? Mu Qinglan can do this, presumably, there must be something special about her."

A few of them are god masters, so they can't see the tricks here.

Especially, when Mu Qinglan and Lu He made the final blow just now, it was difficult for them to ignore the terrible breath.

There is no doubt that she borrowed the power of the God Lord!

Natural talent is good, coupled with an excellent opportunity... how many people can stop her?

Only You Yue didn't say a word, his face was gloomy as if water was about to drip.

He didn't like Mu Qinglan's eyes, and even thought about how to punish her before, but what's the situation now?

The Nether Mansion was defeated in the first battle and became a laughing stock, but Mu Qinglan took this opportunity to shine!

It doesn't feel good to put this on anyone.

On the other hand, Feng Tian and Long Zhan, who were at the side, both had a much better impression of Mu Qinglan.

Fengtian originally thought that Mu Qinglan was not good enough for Zhuzhu, but considering that Zhuzhu had followed her since she was a sixth-rank Suzaku, he couldn't say anything.

But now, he found that Mu Qinglan was much stronger than he had imagined before!

Among other things, this fight with Lu He alone is enough to make her famous in the entire gods and demons from now on!

How many people would care if she borrowed the power obtained from the tomb of God?

Even if it is used, it is her ability to get it!

This is a world where the weak prey on the strong. As long as Mu Qinglan shows super strength, he can always destroy those messy things directly and make everyone shut up!

Now seeing Zhuzhu standing behind Mu Qinglan, he actually started to feel that it was not bad...

Although the contract with the human race has always made him feel uncomfortable, but if that person is very outstanding and can be called the top... then it seems that it may not be a bad thing?

As he thought about it, he couldn't help looking at Long Zhan beside him.

Others don't know, but as divine beasts, they themselves know it best.

The deadliest thing Mu Qinglan did just now was to forcibly take away Lu He's Blood Lin!

Regarding the blood Lin, there are actually different opinions.

He vaguely knew that the Blood Lin belonged to an ancient dragon who had just broken through back then.

However, that ancient divine dragon was not very lucky. Just after crossing that threshold, it accidentally broke into a dangerous situation and fell directly.

Lu He was able to get the Blood Lin because of various chances and coincidences.

Although the blood scale was not complete, it happened to be fully utilized by Lu He to condense his holy body.

A piece of incomplete blood from the ancient dragon is enough to greatly enhance the strength of a holy master.

It's a pity that Mu Qinglan snatched this blood Lin away again.

"Brother Long Zhan, what do you think of this...?"

Feng Tian asked with profound meaning.

Long Zhan didn't look at him, he didn't even have any expression on his face, and his voice was always cold and indifferent.

"Lu He overestimated himself, and no one else can blame him for falling into such a situation."

It was clear that he had an absolute advantage, but because he didn't take Mu Qinglan seriously, he missed several chances to win.

When he realized something was wrong, Mu Qinglan had already set a trap, and when he got in, he solved it directly.

Where is there room for Lu He to fight back?

Besides, that blood Lin...

As the owner of Shenlong Island and the patriarch of the ancient Shenlong clan, he valued everything about the ancient Shenlong very much.

Back then, Lu He picked up the leak, so he was lucky. Although he was upset that the blood scale of his clan was taken away, the ancient dragon had already fallen, and Lu He didn't mean to snatch it deliberately, it was still incomplete, so he didn't mind it. So much to say.

But now, the blood Lin fell into Mu Qinglan's hands.

What does he think?

He could remember clearly that Mu Qinglan also contracted a golden dragon!

She was able to snatch the blood lin with incomparable precision, 100% because of the golden dragon!

If it can get this Blood Lin, maybe it will also break through the ancient dragon in the future...

In the final analysis, it was the blood of their ancient dragon clan.

This is better than falling into the hands of the human race!

Long Zhan let out a sigh of relief in his heart, but it didn't show on his face.

However, Feng Tian could probably guess his mood, even if he asked a question, he was only teasing, and did not continue to investigate further.

Originally, the two families had always been rivals and could not understand each other, but now, it seems that because Mu Qinglan contracted the ancient phoenix and the golden dragon at the same time, the atmosphere between Fengtian and Longzhan has become delicate stand up.

When Lu He heard that sentence, he just woke up and passed out again.

The people from Huoyun Pavilion quickly came up and took him away.

No matter who has suffered such a large loss, it will not be able to calm down in a short time.

What's more, the attack of Lord Nine Thunder Gods was no joke.

The two sides drew again.

Mu Qinglan and Lu Xing are both the eighth members of their respective sects.

Lu Xing looked younger than Lu He, and was even considered handsome.

And his aura, like Lu He's, is the peak of the Holy Lord.

——In fact, the few people at the bottom of the Huoyun Pavilion are all at the peak of the Holy Master.

He looked at Mu Qinglan with a very calm expression on his face.

"We really underestimated you."

He said frankly.

"Before this, I thought I wouldn't have a chance to play."

Everyone, including themselves, when they knew that Huoyun Pavilion's opponent was actually Piao Miao Shenzong, they took it for granted that the outcome was settled.

Lu Xing was ranked eighth. He thought that the seven people in front were enough to deal with Piao Miao Shenzong.

Mu Qinglan smiled.

"Thank you for the compliment."

Lu Xing looked at her, and also gave a faint smile.

"From today onwards, Shenmotian, you must have a place in the Piaomiao Shenzong."

Even for this small sect, even the thirty people who went up to Shenmeng Cliff couldn't get together.

Even before this, they were still unknown.

Even among them, the strongest one is only in the middle stage of the Holy Master.

However, they have Mu Qinglan.

Before, I wondered how such a young woman with average strength could become the ruler of Piao Miao Shenzong.

Now, I finally know.

Being able to enter the tomb of the gods and obtain the powerful power of inheritance is enough to prove many things.

Mu Qinglan smiled brighter.

"I would like to borrow your good words."

However, what she wants is more than that...

"Your performance before was very good." Lu Xing changed the subject, "So, even if you lose this round, it will not do any harm to you and the entire Piao Miao Sect."

Anyway, the reputation has already been made.

Mu Qinglan blinked.

This means... that she is sure to lose?

Seeing her expression like this, Lu Xing stopped talking and smiled slightly.


After the last syllable, a pattern of flames suddenly appeared between his brows!

Mu Qinglan had seen this pattern before, and it was the divine seal of Huoyun Pavilion.

However, Lu Xing's divine seal is obviously different.

Because Mu Qinglan soon felt a heavy coercion gushing from Lu Xing's eyebrows! Come all over the world!

Mu Qinglan was startled: Lu Xing actually has the pressure of a God Lord in his body!

——He has also received the inheritance of the divine master!

In fact, Mu Qinglan guessed right.

However, Lu Xing didn't get the inheritance of the divine master at the Ten Thousand Gods Festival.

What he got was the inheritance of the ancestors of Huoyun Pavilion!

Therefore, even if he and Lu He are both the peak Holy Lords, his strength and status must surpass Lu He's!

His strength is already much stronger than Mu Qinglan's, and coupled with the power inherited from the God Lord, he is against Mu Qinglan...

In this game, there is almost no suspense!

Lu Xing waved his sleeves.

Mu Qinglan was shocked, and was about to back away, but suddenly found that the surrounding space had frozen!

Every movement she made became extremely heavy!

Lu Xing's slender fingers moved.

Mu Qinglan immediately felt that the surrounding space began to distort, as if controlled by an invisible force!

A series of black space cracks appeared crazily!

Soon, behind Mu Qinglan, a mass of red flames from the sun suddenly ignited!

The flame continued to spread, and soon formed a red hexagonal frame!

And Mu Qinglan was trapped in it!

From a distance, Mu Qinglan seemed to be trapped on a target!

Lu Xing raised his arm and made a posture of drawing a bow in the air!

He raised his head slightly, his expression as calm and indifferent as ever.

A long bloody arrow appeared in his hand in an instant!

No one doubts that once shot by this long arrow, they will definitely lose!

Mu Qinglan wanted to break free, but found that she couldn't move at all.

She seemed to be trapped in a glass cover, unable to advance or retreat!

Zhuzhu stepped forward and waved out the real fire of the Phoenix, but it didn't affect the red flame of the sun in any way!

——At this time, on the red flame of the sun, there is already the power inherited by the divine master! How can pearls be shaken?

Lu Xing flicked his fingers slightly.

The long arrow headed towards Mu Qinglan's lower abdomen!

He is going to destroy Mu Qinglan's anger!

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