God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1439 Admitting defeat (one more)

Lu Xing still held the Yin-Yang Fire Sword tightly in his hand.

But at this time, his fighting spirit had completely dissipated, and he couldn't get any more energy.

——Whoever it is, standing here must look like this!

He also really wanted to continue, really wanted to win Mu Qinglan, really wanted to win this round!

But nine out of ten things are not going well in this world, how could anything really happen if he thought about it?

Mu Qinglan herself is just the pinnacle of the Lord, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

Normally, for a cultivator of this level, Lu Xing might not even bother to take a second look.

But she has the inheritance power of a divine master! There are three more beasts!

In this case, what is the point of continuing the game?

After Mu Qinglan finished speaking, her brows and eyes curved into smiles.

She really let go of her heart completely, so she was ready at this time, regained her spirits, and went all out.

Lu Xing looked at the smile on the woman's face, and felt extremely irritable in his heart. His breath was stuck in his chest, he couldn't get up and down, and he was about to explode!

Just admit defeat like this?

He still needs face.

Bite the bullet and continue fighting?

Losing is just as embarrassing.

Lu Xing was stiff and stood there without moving.

Only then did Mu Qinglan realize that there seemed to be something wrong with his expression.

When she rolled her eyes, Mu Qinglan guessed 70% to 80% of it in her heart, and couldn't help laughing even more cheerfully.

It seems that there is no reason for the large number of people...

"Oh, by the way, I almost forgot about that."

Mu Qinglan suddenly remembered something, raised her hand and waved lightly.

The reddish enchantment quickly closed, and finally turned into a ball of flame again, falling on her palm.

As soon as Mu Qinglan gave it away, the flame fell into the lotus seat again.

Afterwards, Mu Qinglan looked at Lu Xing very sincerely.

"Senior, please—"

Now, even if Lu Xing doesn't want to fight anymore, he has to fight!

He took a deep breath, suppressed the chaotic emotions in his heart, and re-activated the energy in his body!

On the Yin-Yang Fire Sword, red and blue rays of light quickly intertwined, forming a terrifying sword energy!

Compared with the previous blow, this time, the power contained in the sword energy is more powerful!

Lu Xing was confident before, so that blow only took 80% of his strength.

But now, he had no way out, so he directly chose to attack with all his strength!


He quickly stabbed forward with a sword!

However, before Mu Qinglan could make a move, suddenly there was a brilliant light above the sky, like a sharp arrow, it struck down suddenly!


There was a sharp and ear-piercing impact!

The Yin-Yang Fire Sword flew upside down in an instant!

Lu Xing suddenly raised his head, but the Yin-Yang Fire Sword immediately brushed past his cheek!


The Yin-Yang Fire Sword pierced directly into the transparent rock!

The bloody lines that were wandering below, seemed to have been greatly impacted, and scattered towards the surroundings one after another.

Everyone watched this scene in shock and speechless.

Even Mu Qinglan looked at the Yin-Yang Fire Sword extraordinarily.

It is worthy of being a divine weapon... It can actually pierce into this rock!

You must know that the entire top of Shenmeng Ya'e Mountain has been soaked in the blood of countless divine masters ten thousand years ago, and it contains extremely strong power.

Especially this rock, which looks transparent and fragile, is actually extremely tough.

Even though there are already countless strong men fighting on this rock, and the battle is extremely fierce, but few of them can leave traces on this rock.

However, this Yin-Yang fire sword can directly pierce...

Because of the powerful impact, the hilt was still shaking violently and buzzing.

From this we can see how powerful the Yin-Yang Fire Sword is.

Of course, in contrast, what is even more impossible to ignore is the colored light arrow that hit back the Yin-Yang Fire Sword.

Mu Qinglan suddenly felt something approaching above her head.

She looked up, only to see that Yinfeng had returned to her side at some point.

And Mu Qinglan also took this opportunity to finally see the situation of Yinfeng clearly.

It seems to be shrouded by the colorful divine calamity at this time, and the outline of the body can be vaguely seen.

In fact, the surrounding colored light is gradually disappearing, and Yinfeng's figure is becoming more and more clear.

That also means that the power above the divine calamity has been absorbed by Yinfeng and transformed into its own strength.

Lu Xing froze, as if lost in thought.

Then, he raised his hand and slowly touched his face.

The tentacles are sticky and the smell is fishy and sweet.

——This is the mark left when the Yin-Yang Fire Sword was bounced back and brushed past his cheek.

In fact, this scar was nothing to him.

What kind of injuries hasn't he suffered so far? I don't know how many times I have wandered between life and death.

The wound was not even half as thick as a fingernail, but it was just a streak of blood oozing out.

However, at this moment, the last sliver of fighting spirit that Lu Xing could barely sustain in his heart collapsed at this moment!

He was silent for a while, and the blood dried quickly on his fingertips.

While everyone was thinking about how he should respond, they suddenly saw Lu Xing turn around and pull out the Yin-Yang fire sword.

Afterwards, he looked at Mu Qinglan and opened his mouth expressionlessly.

"I surrender."

I surrender!

His tone was extremely calm, but these three words instantly set off a storm on the field!

The Huoyun Pavilion immediately became agitated!

Lu Heng's heart skipped a beat!

"Lu Xing! What are you doing!?"

He is crazy! ?

Lu Xing didn't seem to hear his voice, but still looked at Mu Qinglan.

The distance between the two is neither far nor close, but it is enough for them to see the emotion on each other's face and eyes clearly.

Mu Qinglan was a little surprised.

When she saw Lu Xing's expression just now, she knew that his mentality was a little impetuous. But he didn't expect that he simply chose to admit defeat after the fight.

This is the first person in Huoyun Pavilion to voluntarily admit defeat.

No one thought that the person who did this was actually Lu Xing?

The peak of the Holy Lord!

Lu Xing turned a deaf ear to the chaotic discussions around him.

It's just that when he heard Lu Heng's voice, his brows were slightly frowned, and his expression became colder.

Of course he wasn't crazy!

No one knows better than him, in this place, in this situation, what kind of consequences will there be if you take the initiative to admit defeat!

But at this moment, how could he care so much?

If the blow just now had been more precise, it would definitely not have scratched his face, but his neck!

The ancient dragon is not easy to deal with, let alone with the help of the power of God Tribulation?

Before, he still felt that it was a bit shameful to admit defeat, so he planned to fight to the end and fight with all his strength.

But now, his thoughts have completely changed.

——Because he clearly realized that even if he tried his best, he would not be the other party's opponent!

That hit just now was a counterattack and a warning!

Lu Xing is a smart person.

He is not willing to throw his own life into it for a moment of pride.

After figuring this out, Lu Xing directly made a choice.

Mu Qinglan blinked.


Lu Xing's tone was cold: "Do you think I'm joking?"

Mu Qinglan's eyes turned away, and they fell on the people in Huoyun Pavilion behind Lu Xing.

Lu Heng's face was already ashen.

Mu Qinglan even felt that if it wasn't because of his scruples about his identity, Lu Heng couldn't help but rush forward at this time.

Then, she smiled.

"Senior Lu Xing is straightforward enough, this junior admires him."

Lu Xing felt a pang in his heart when he heard this.


He was the one who conceded defeat. Wouldn't Mu Qinglan feel heartbroken when he said this?

of course not.

On the contrary, Mu Qinglan was in a very good mood.

I thought we would have to entangle for a while before this round could be resolved, but now that Lu Xing took the initiative to admit defeat, wouldn't everyone be happy?

It just so happened that Yinfeng and Jinling hadn't fully absorbed the power of God's Tribulation, so they were relieved a lot.

Lu Xing didn't want to face Mu Qinglan again, so he turned to look at Yuan Chenghe.

Although he didn't speak, the urging look on his face was already very obvious.

Yuan Chenghe paused, then said:

"Piaomiao Shenzong—Mu Qinglan wins!"

After the sound fell, the square quickly fell into a strange silence.

Mu Qinglan won again!

All in all, she has defeated the two peak Holy Masters one after another!

This is something they didn't even dare to think about before!

Even seeing it with my own eyes, I still feel ridiculous!

Lu Heng tightly closed his eyes.

Holding the Yin-Yang Huojian, Lu Xing turned around and walked towards Huoyun Pavilion step by step.

Some people were looking at Mu Qinglan, and some were looking at him.

Especially the elders of Huoyun Pavilion.

Lu Xing admitted defeat, which was beyond their expectations.

In fact, they could see clearly the situation on the court.

The current Mu Qinglan has too many cards and too many helpers. It is simply not something that ordinary people can handle.

Even if it is Lu Xing, it is very likely that he will lose.

But—you should hold on for a while longer!

Even if it consumes more of Mu Qinglan's strength, it's fine!

Everyone in Huoyun Pavilion watched Lu Xing return, but no one made a sound.

Lu Xing walked up to Lu Heng and stopped.

"Lu Xing is incompetent, please punish him."

Lu Heng looked at him and suddenly sneered.

"This is your confession?"

Lu Xing didn't say anything, just raised his hand and handed over the Yin-Yang Fire Sword.

Lu Heng thought he was saying that he was not worthy of this artifact, and was planning to take the blame, but suddenly he heard Lu Xing say lightly:

"Master, please take a look."

Lu Heng frowned, and then looked down carefully.

Looking at it, you can see that something is wrong.

Because the hilt of the Yin-Yang Fire Sword was actually stained with a small red petal.

It looks a bit like lotus petals, but compared to ordinary lotus petals, it is a little more clear and moist.

At first glance, it seems that there is still a faint light.

The Yin-Yang Fire Sword is originally a red and blue sword, so the small petals attached to it are actually not inconspicuous at all.

It's easy to miss if you don't look carefully.

However, Lu Xing could see clearly.

Therefore, he chose to admit defeat without hesitation!

Lu Heng's throat was dry, and he held back all the reprimands he had prepared.

Suddenly, that small petal seemed to be blown by the wind.

After fluttering up, it quickly disappeared into nothingness, as if it had never appeared before.

Seeing this, Lu Xing took the Yin-Yang Fire Sword back.

Lu Heng clenched the hand in his sleeve again.

He raised his eyes and looked at Mu Qinglan.

An idea suddenly appeared in my mind.

Wouldn't it be better if...he also directly admit defeat now?

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