God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1440 Life and Death Chess (Part 2)

As soon as this idea emerged, it was immediately denied by Lu Heng.

—Is he crazy! Such an idea would come up! ?

Lu Heng closed his eyes and suppressed the chaotic emotions in his heart.

Can't be messed up... can't be messed up...

Although Mu Qinglan has a lot of cards now, but they are not unprepared.

How can I give up after finally getting to this point?

On the side of Piaomiao Shenzong, there is only one Mu Qinglan supporting the facade.

As long as Mu Qinglan can win, then...today's match is considered a win!

The position of one of the top four will definitely belong to them!

"You go down first."

Lu Heng took back all the scolding and scolding, and only uttered this sentence.

Lu Xing nodded, then put away the Yin-Yang Fire Sword and walked to the back.

Seeing this, the others in Huoyun Pavilion naturally didn't dare to say anything more.

At this time, Yuan Chenghe's voice came again——

"The ninth member of Fire Cloud Pavilion: Lu Yun!"

Lu Heng turned his head and looked at one person.

It was a man who looked extremely young, but in his twenties.

He was wearing a brocade robe in Xiang color, with a handsome face and clear eyebrows.

Even at this time, his face still looked calm, with a faint bookish air.

Unlike the previous attitude towards Lu Xing and others, Lu Heng was obviously very polite to him.

"Get rid of you, brother."

Lu Yun nodded slightly.

"I shall do my best."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and walked towards Mu Qinglan.

"Is he Lu Heng's senior brother?"

Mu Qinglan was secretly surprised.

Lu Heng is the owner of the Huoyun Pavilion, and it stands to reason that he is the person with the highest status in the entire Huoyun Pavilion.

But it seems that his attitude towards this senior brother is very respectful.


God Lord Nine Thunders suddenly snorted suspiciously.

Mu Qinglan's heart moved, and he asked:

"What? What did Master see?"

Lord Nine Thunder God let out a hey.

"This Lu Yun... seems to have something."

Although the tone was teasing, Mu Qinglan could hear the seriousness in the words of Lord Jiu Lei Shen.

He didn't pay attention to those people before.

Being able to make him like this proves that Lu Yun is indeed difficult to deal with.

At this moment, Lu Yun finally stood still, facing Mu Qinglan far away.

He arched his hands and said with a smile:

"Miss Mu is really impressive. Next, please give me your advice."

Mu Qinglan could tell that this was not a polite word from Lu Yun.

He was not like the previous few people, who seemed to be polite, but actually he didn't take it seriously.

Mu Qinglan nodded:

"Senior, please—"

By this time, anyone with a discerning eye could see that this competition basically had nothing to do with Mu Qinglan herself—more importantly, how to beat her backer!

The key is that she doesn't only have one backer.

The inheritance power she obtained from the tomb of the gods was extremely mysterious and powerful, and it was already difficult to deal with, but now with the addition of three divine beasts...

This is a tough question for anyone.

Lu Yun is no exception.

However, unlike the previous few people, even in the face of such a situation, he still has some confidence.

Although they are both at the peak of the Holy Master, there is still a difference in strength between them.

Among the Huoyun Pavilion, the strongest one should be Lu Heng.

But few people know that Lu Yun is definitely not weaker than him.

The two of them are brothers, and the position of the Pavilion Master should belong to him, Lu Yun.

However, Lu Yun was not interested in these, so it was Lu Heng's turn.

That's why Lu Heng was so respectful and polite to him.

Neither of them made a move immediately.

Lu Yun looked up.

Above the sky, most of the brilliant light around Silver Wind and Jin Ling had dissipated, and their figures were clearly visible.

And the coercion on them is even greater than before!

It won't be long before she will be able to completely transform into an ancient dragon...

If there is only one ancient phoenix, it can still be handled, but at this time, there are two more ancient dragons, it will be a lot of trouble.

"It's really a headache..."

Lu Yun watched and couldn't help murmuring.

Even though he said that, his face still had the usual indifferent expression.

In fact, his headache was not how to deal with these beasts.

What troubled him was the power represented by the three beasts.

Needless to say about Phoenix Valley, Fengtian had already stated his position in front of everyone just now, and he was on Mu Qinglan's side.

And Shenlong Island...

He actually saw Long Zhan's reaction just now.

Although Long Zhan hasn't said anything yet, but...if something really happened to the ancient dragon, wouldn't he just ignore it?

The biggest characteristic of these two great beast races is that they place great emphasis on bloodlines!

They will definitely not ignore these three.

Even if they were not born in the clan.

Lu Yun looked at it for a while, then looked away.

Afterwards, he waved his sleeve robe lightly.

A blue light suddenly appeared!

The blue light, about the thickness of a person's little finger, flew out of his sleeve, and then fell silently.

From a distance, it seemed as if a blue line suddenly appeared on the ground, spreading from Lu Yun's feet to Mu Qinglan's side.

Mu Qinglan looked down and frowned slightly.

——She didn't feel any power fluctuations from the blue line!

From the looks of it, this thing doesn't seem to pose any threat.

But it is precisely because of this that it makes people feel more uneasy!

Would a top powerhouse do useless work at a time like this?

Mu Qinglan's heart gradually lifted.

With a thought in her mind, she took off a flame again, and used the power of Qianye Honglianzi in it to form an enchantment around her body!

Lu Yun glanced at her and chuckled lightly.

Mu Qinglan is smarter and quicker than he imagined.

He had just started, and she seemed to feel something.

But...that doesn't help either.

Lu Yun raised his other hand and waved it casually.

In the sleeve robe, another red light flew out!

Like the blue light before, this red light quickly fell silently.

However—the red and blue lines overlapped to form a "ten"!

If you look down from above at this time, you can see that Lu Yun is at one end of the blue line, and Mu Qinglan is at the other end!

The red line is in the middle, as if dividing the space where the two are in two!

Mu Qinglan's eyes were fixed on the middle of the "ten".

For some reason, the uneasiness in her heart gradually increased...

Everyone in the Huoyun Pavilion was surprised when they saw Lu Yun perform this move immediately after making a move.

But thinking about it, this seems like the best thing to do.

Fighting Mu Qinglan now is not a simple one-on-one.

"Elder Lu Yun actually used this trick...No matter what the result is today, Mu Qinglan's name will spread throughout the God and Demon Heaven..."

"I heard that Elder Lu Yun seldom makes moves. I didn't expect this attack to be such a killer move... In fact, even I have only heard of this move. I didn't expect that I could see it with my own eyes today."

"So do I. It's really scary for Mu Qinglan to come to this point... But since Elder Lu Yun made this move, it must be that Mu Qinglan has no power to recover, right?"

Lu Heng looked at it, and he also breathed a sigh of relief.


He almost forgot that Senior Brother Lu Yun still has such a trick!

Lu Yun moved his fingers lightly.

The second blue light appears quickly!

Then, it lightly landed next to the first one just now.

Side by side, parallel.

Mu Qinglan's eyelids twitched, and he suddenly guessed something in his heart.

Could it be...

Lu Yun is planning to build a chessboard?

As if to verify her conjecture, a second red light flew out of Lu Yun's hand.

This time, it really landed next to the red line.

In this way, a "well" character appeared on the ground.

Everything was silent, without any waves.

Mu Qinglan looked at the intertwined red and blue lines under her body, and couldn't laugh or cry for a while.



She never expected that Lu Yun would use this trick!

Seeing Mu Qinglan's reaction, Lu Yun raised his eyebrows slightly.

It seems that she already knows something...

Lu Yun didn't pay much attention to it and just continued with his actions.

The further back he goes, the faster he goes.

A series of red and blue lines gradually appeared on the field!

Mu Qinglan could already feel that the surrounding space was tightening.

It seems that some invisible force is squeezing from all directions!

"I heard that Lu Yun has the first of the three artifacts left by the ancestors of Huoyun Pavilion in his hand - the chess of life and death! Looking at it now, it really deserves its reputation..."

"As soon as you enter the game of life and death, it is a dead game! This time, Mu Qinglan is probably going to fall!"

"Lu Yun has never missed a life-and-death chess game, but Mu Qinglan's ability to push Huoyun Pavilion to this point is even more powerful from a certain point of view..."

There were murmurs of discussion among the crowd.

Mu Qinglan let out a breath slowly.

Life and death chess?

What a...unlucky thing.

She also has a chess board.

She can play chess too!

If you have something to go out, make an appointment at 4 pm in the middle of the night~

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