God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1443 Undoubtedly confirmed (one more)

There was an uproar in the entire arena!

All the members of the Yuan Clan opened their eyes wide, looking at the woman in the middle of the square in disbelief.

What was that hanging over her head?

Yuan Lantern!

Yuan Lantern!

The sea of ​​stars around her is even more unmistakable!

In Mu Qinglan's body, there is actually a Yuan Lantern that only a member of the Yuan Clan has hidden! ?

Yuan Ruili didn't say anything, and immediately waved his sleeve robe, and he was about to strike!


Seeing this, Yuan Longyuan stepped forward quickly, stopped his movements, and hurriedly dissuaded him.

"Patriarch! You just wait!"

Now is not the time to do it!

On the one hand, the game is still going on, on the other hand...if Yuan Ruili makes a move at this time, what will the people around him think?

Although everyone recognized that it was the Yuan Clan's Yuan Lantern, it was precisely because of this that they had to be more cautious!

Yuan Ruili's chest rose and fell, and the blood in his body was rushing like a river, and even his whole body seemed to be boiling.

He was staring at the field, and there was already a huge wave in his heart!

Mu Qinglan!

No wonder, she was born with such a beautiful face!

No wonder, she said her surname is Mu!

No wonder, everything about her has subtle similarities with that person!

Now that the yuan lamp appears, everything has the answer!

There was a brief blank in Yuan Ruili's mind, but soon, various thoughts flooded in!

Mu Qinglan's identity - ready to be revealed!


Yuan Longyuan yelled again, and then pulled Yuan Ruili's rationality back.

He took a deep breath, slowly clenched his fists in his sleeves, and he didn't move forward, but he didn't retreat either.

Yuan Ruili's eyes were still fixed on Mu Qinglan, his voice was cold, and he asked word by word:

"How are you going to explain this?"

This is naturally a question to Yuan Yikang and others.

Because in private, the task of investigating that incident and finding that person has always been entrusted to Great Elder Yuan Chenghe.

Of course, Yuan Yikang is also among them.

At this time Yuan Chenghe was beside the arena, so naturally he didn't want to ask more questions.

Therefore, these words are questioning Yuan Yikang.

After the second elder Yuan Liangzhou was shocked, he twitched the corners of his mouth imperceptibly when he heard this question.

He knew that the matter had been investigated by the boss and the third child.

Originally, he thought it was an expression of the patriarch's trust in those two people, and he still brooded about it for a long time.

Didn't expect... a scene like today would happen?

Yuan Yikang was also taken aback.

In fact, when he saw the Yuan Lantern, he was as shocked as Yuan Rui Li.

At this time, Yuan Ruili asked coldly, and he also became flustered in a rare way.

"This... this... how is this possible... Patriarch, this is wrong!"

You also know it's wrong!

Yuan Ruili gritted his teeth, anger surged in his chest and abdomen!

After so many years of investigation, they didn't even know how many children she had!


Yuan Yikang is also used to seeing storms and waves, it can be said that Mount Tai collapsed in front of him and his expression remained unchanged.

But at this moment, he finally couldn't hold back anymore.

Yuan Yikang lowered his head, a little embarrassed.

After all, he was the third elder with a respected status, so it was a bit embarrassing to be reprimanded by Yuan Ruili in public like this.

"Patriarch calm down. This subordinate will send someone to investigate—"

"Check what!?"

Yuan Ruili shouted angrily.

Mu Qinglan was standing in front of her eyes! Do you still need to check?

When the game is over, just ask and find out!

Yuan Yikang closed his mouth obediently, and couldn't express the pain in his heart.

How did he know this would happen?

After that incident happened back then, Yuan Yixuan broke with the Yuan Clan and left with that man.

The Yuan Clan used all kinds of power to search all over the world but failed.

The only clue is the fate card left in the Yuan Clan!

Some time ago, after finally something happened, they traced it all the way and found the villain.

On the life card, there is clearly only one life breath, which means that there is indeed only one child!

And now that evil son is in their hands!

How could there be an inexplicable Mu Qinglan?

Yuan Yikang hesitated for a moment, looked at Mu Qinglan again, and couldn't help asking:

"Patriarch, could it be...we guessed wrong...maybe she...not..."

He didn't finish his sentence.

Because Yuan Ruili gave him a warning look.

Yuan Yikang's heart trembled, knowing that Yuan Ruili was on the verge of breaking out at this time, so he didn't say any more.

Yuan Ruili looked at the arena again.

He stood here, and anyone who saw him would know that he didn't intend to let Mu Qinglan go.

That's right, Yuan Lanterns were originally only available to members of the Yuan Clan, but now they appeared in Mu Qinglan's hands. Yuan Ruili would respond in this way, and it was normal.

Kagura was stunned for a while, and then came back to his senses.

Yuan Lantern…

Does Mu Qinglan have a Yuan Lantern? !

Isn't that—

Unlike Yuan Ruili's reaction, Kagura jumped up happily in an instant.

"It's her! It really is her!"

When she saw Mu Qinglan earlier, she already had a premonition! Sure enough!

Yuan Longyuan sighed softly in his heart, and couldn't help looking at Mu Qinglan again.

That woman...really...

Mu Qinglan took a deep breath, looking at the disintegrating chessboard around her, feeling a little headache.

Qinglin is really crazy... unexpectedly let out the Yuan Lantern on purpose?

How is she going to explain it now?

No matter how suspicious those people were before, she could directly deny it without evidence.

But now...she has the yuan lamp on her head, but she couldn't be more clear!

Even if she didn't have to look back, she could still imagine the expressions of Yuan Ruili and others who had seen a ghost.

Mu Qinglan was stunned for a moment, but quickly figured it out.

Now that it has been exposed and there is no way to save it, why not... face it directly!

She had nothing to lose anyway.

Thinking of this, Mu Qinglan felt a little relieved.

She got rid of the distracting thoughts in her heart and looked at Lu Yun again.

——This competition is not completely over yet!

But she wanted to fight, but Lu Yun lost his mind.

He looked shocked at the red lantern that suddenly appeared above Mu Qinglan's head, and was speechless.

He has seen this thing before!

How could Mu Qinglan have it?

Could it be... She has something to do with the Yuan Clan?

But soon, he ran out of time and energy to think about it.

Because Mu Qinglan's counterattack directly ruined half of the chess game of life and death!

Fortunately, Lu Yun's reaction was quick, his hands formed seals in front of him, and a divine seal appeared between his brows!

Soon, a red and blue divine seal appeared between his hands!

Then he waved his hand, and the divine seal flew out.

Wherever it passed, it directly suppressed the energy of that riot!

The red and blue lines that were originally breaking are now reconnecting!

But this obviously consumes a lot of energy.

After a while, Lu Yun's face began to turn pale.

In fact, his inner situation at this time is much worse than it looks.

Mu Qinglan's blow just now destroyed half of the chessboard, but it also destroyed half of Lu Yun.

Now, he is just holding on.

Mu Qinglan frowned as she looked at the rapidly recovering chessboard.

Lu Yun's fighting power, as well as the power of this life-and-death chess game, exceeded her previous expectations.

"Hey, baby disciple, don't worry! That kid is at the end of his rope now! He won't last long at all!"

Nine Thunder God Lord was very excited.

Mu Qinglan was a little helpless.

"Master, you seem a little too happy..."

"Hey? Really? Is it so obvious?"


"Hey, baby disciple, your lantern... seems to belong to the Yuan clan, right? Then, do they know your identity now?"

In the tone of God Lord Nine Thunders, there was an unconcealable gossip.

Mu Qinglan: "..."

Master, in such an urgent time, not only do you not care about the exposure of your apprentice's identity at all, but you are also very excited and looking forward to it. Isn't it a bit too much?

Nine Thunder God Lord didn't feel that he was going too far.

Isn't that why Mu Qinglan went up to Shenmeng Cliff?

He's still waiting to help his precious apprentice let out a bad breath!

Losing Mu Qinglan, who is amazingly talented, even forced her to fight against the Yuan Clan... Those people in the Yuan Clan don't know what they will regret!

Mu Qinglan could probably guess what Lord Nine Thunders was thinking, and couldn't laugh or cry for a while.

Immediately, her eyes rolled, and there seemed to be a sly light flashing from the bottom of her eyes.

That's right, now that the Yuan Lantern has been exposed, then...

It's better to do it thoroughly!

Thinking of this, Mu Qinglan raised his hand, and a red golden flame appeared in his palm.

Then, she swung forward suddenly!

The red-golden flame instantly transformed into several streams of fire, heading in all directions!

Everyone was shocked - because the flames turned into several lines, suspended in mid-air, parallel to the red lines of the life and death chess below!

This is... what is she going to do?

Immediately afterwards, another mass of silver-white ice appeared in Mu Qinglan's hands.

Without hesitation, she threw it again!

The ice mass shattered and turned into countless translucent silver icicles!

The point is - it is exactly parallel to the blue line on the life and death chess!

The red golden flames and the silvery white icicles intertwined, forming a checkerboard!

Then, Mu Qinglan looked up:


Zhuzhu was fighting with Lu Yun's holy body, but when she sensed Mu Qinglan's thoughts, she immediately changed her mind! Fly towards the middle of the chessboard that Mu Qinglan built in mid-air!

In this way, once up and down, the two chessboards will fall into a confrontation!

There was a "creak" sound from Yuan Ruili's fist, almost gnawing his iron teeth.

This chessboard!

The way it's built!

Obviously, only people from the Yuan clan can do it!

Mu Qinglan's identity - confirmed without a doubt!

Aunt Pain went to bed early yesterday. Two more, three more, four o'clock in the afternoon.

As for the fourth watch...

If you want, there will always be.

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