God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1444 Reversal (Part 2)

Now that Mu Qinglan had figured it out, she simply started to let herself go.

The huge one is entrenched in the mid-air, the warm red gold and the cold ice white are intertwined with each other, outlining a thrilling beauty.

It seems that compared with the life and death chess below, it is not much better.

The two chessboards confront each other, and the space gradually becomes condensed.

Zhuzhu arrived at the center, facing Lu Yun's holy body.

With her own strength, she is not yet the opponent of Lu Yun's holy body.

So Mu Qinglan didn't hesitate, and simply let Yinfeng and Jinling follow.

In this way, the three divine beasts jointly besieged, and Lu Yun's holy body fell into a disadvantage instantly.

Lu Yun frowned even tighter, and his heart became more and more irritable.

Originally thought that once the game of life and death was played, Mu Qinglan would have no possibility of escape.

Who would have thought that she would have such a trick?

The lotus seat under her was not ordinary in the first place, and now with the lantern on top of her head...

At this time, her whole body was covered by the sea of ​​stars, and if he wanted to make a surprise attack, it would be as difficult as climbing the sky!

Lu Yun couldn't help turning his eyes to Yuan Ruili, but saw the expression on his face was even uglier.

It's like... suppressing some kind of anger.

This anger...is aimed at Mu Qinglan?

Lu Yun's thoughts turned, but he became more and more confused.

Mu Qinglan has Yuandeng, Yuan Ruili and the others, really don't know?

It wasn't just Lu Yun who had such doubts. In fact, at this moment, this thought flashed through the hearts of almost everyone in the square.

It's fine if it's next to it, but it's a yuan lantern!

You must know that Yuan Lantern is of great significance to Yuan people.

The family of the Yuan family has a great career, not everyone has a Yuan lantern.

Only those with the best talent, the strongest strength, and those who have achieved a high level in the family blood test can have it.

In other words, this thing is a symbol of status among the Yuan clan!

Now, suddenly appearing on Mu Qinglan's body, who can not doubt it?

The battle on the field was fierce, and the discussion outside the field gradually sounded.

"Could it be that the Yuan Clan is directing and acting on their own... The Yuan Lantern is such an important thing. If there is nothing tricky about Mu Qinglan, how could there be this?"

"What do you mean? Are you saying...Mu Qinglan is a member of the Yuan clan? But it was clear from the previous look..."

"Could it be Mu Qinglan that they cultivated secretly?"

"Tch, what is the status of the Yuan clan? Do you not lose your share if you do this kind of thing?"

"Then how do you explain this Yuan Lantern?"

"This...who knows! But, look, people from the Yuan Clan don't look very good..."

This is also the point that everyone is most puzzled about.

It seemed that the people of the Yuan clan knew nothing about Mu Qinglan.

"Hiss—do you remember, when the Yuan Clan... When Mu Qinglan came up just now, Palace Master Kagura said whose daughter she was?"

I don't know who suddenly said something in a low voice, but just halfway through, he was interrupted by the people next to him:

"Shh! I don't want to live anymore! That's something you and I can mention? Stop talking!"

The tone was anxious and worried, obviously genuinely afraid.

The crowd was instantly quieter.

Back then, the incident of the Yuan Clan caused a lot of uproar in the city, and the entire Heaven of Gods and Demons was almost alarmed.

In the nearly twenty years since then, no one dared to mention anything, let alone in front of many members of the Yuan clan.

The most uncomfortable one is Fire Cloud Pavilion.

I thought that Lu Yun was sure of winning, but who knew that Mu Qinglan was so difficult to deal with?

What's more, her identity is now like a cloud of fog, which is unpredictable!

"Pavilion Master, I don't know what Mu Qinglan's origin is, but looking at it now, maybe... it still has something to do with the Yuan Clan..."

Lu Heng closed his eyes fiercely.

Others may not be very clear, but he has already guessed a bit.

Because he has seen that person before!

Mu Qinglan's face, when he looked at it suddenly, was two or three points like that person, and if he smiled, it would be three or four points like that.

Previously, he thought it was just a coincidence, and there were plenty of similar-looking people in this world.

But now that Yuan Deng came out, Mu Qinglan's identity was almost certain!

Lu Heng was also very tangled in his heart.

Before, he thought that it was a great luck for his family to draw Piao Miao Shenzong, but now it seems that it is clearly bad luck!

Not only is Piao Miao Shenzong not as easy to deal with as imagined, but also because of Mu Qinglan, there are a lot of troubles!

It was enough to annoy him that the blood lin was taken away directly, and Mu Qinglan took it for his Yuan beast to break through the ancient dragon.

Now it's coming again?

If Mu Qinglan's identity is confirmed, then their match... will be really embarrassing.

After a long time, are they fighting the Yuan clan?

"Ignore those for now, let's talk about it after the game is over. Piao Miao Shenzong, as long as Mu Qinglan is defeated, all problems will be solved."

Lu Heng struggled for a while, but finally gritted his teeth and made a decision.

--who cares! Anyway, everything is still inconclusive!

What's more, according to the extent of Yuan Clan's attack on that person back then... I'm afraid they won't look good towards Mu Qinglan now!

Mu Qinglan began to play chess above the sky.

She condensed her elemental force into a chess piece, and quickly dropped a piece on the chessboard above the sky.

Because it is black Yuanli, the chess piece looks very similar to the real chess piece.


When the first piece fell, the lines of the chessboard at that place sank slightly.

Compared with the current fluctuations of life and death chess, it is completely inconspicuous.

But seeing this movement, the people of the Yuan clan became even more restless.

——This method is indeed only known by the people of the Yuan Clan!

Mu Qinglan turned a blind eye to those movements and looked at Lu Yun instead.

"Senior Lu Yun, please!"

Lu Yun looked up and narrowed his eyes.

Mu Qinglan is going to fight him to the death...

He stared at the slightly sunken place, feeling more alert in his heart.

From there, he seemed to be able to feel the subtle pull.

If you really wait for Mu Qinglan to finish this chess game completely, maybe you will really find a chance to turn defeat into victory!


With a wave of Lu Yun's sleeve robe, a son followed him!

The location is right next to Mu Qinglan's first son!

At the same time, the chess of life and death has almost recovered more than half.

After all, it is an artifact, and it is not so easy to be completely destroyed.

Although Mu Qinglan destroyed most of the chess game, with the help of the power of the seal of God, Lu Yun still restored it.

Seeing those broken red and blue lines, almost reconnected again.

As soon as Lu Yun moved, he continued to play chess with the number of moves just now!


A buzzing sound came suddenly.

Mu Qinglan raised her brows—is she planning to play two games of chess with her at the same time?

Not bad!

Mu Qinglan followed closely behind.

Seeing the movement of the two of them, the onlookers were all shocked.

How...how could it be like this?

One up and one down on two chessboards, fighting against each other at the same time?

In this way, you come and go, and the scene is once again deadlocked.

Moreover, these two chess games are obviously not that simple.

With the game of strength between the two, more and more chess pieces are distributed on the two chessboards, and the chessboard itself is inevitably affected more and more.

Gradually, the chessboard above the sky, undulating, gradually turned into an undulating appearance of mountains!

The coercion on it is getting heavier and heavier!

Mu Qinglan's chess pieces had surrounded Lu Yun's chess pieces at some point!

Besieged on all sides!

Like a knife, it was already hanging on Lu Yun's neck! It can be cut off anytime!

Lu Yun frowned.

In the above round, Mu Qinglan had the upper hand.

After all, it is the chessboard that she personally constructed. She knows where each step should go and what effect it will have. She knows better than herself.

Such a result is also expected.

For example, in the life-and-death game below, Mu Qinglan is still slightly inferior to the others.

In fact, there were a few times in the middle, and he had already found an opportunity to attack.

But Mu Qinglan's defensive power was too strong, and he couldn't take it for a while.

It also gave her a chance to fight back.

Until now, he was forced to such a point.

In the middle of the two chessboards, Lu Yun's holy body and the three beasts returned to their original positions and guarded the chessboard after a hard fight.

At this time, the competition between the two is no longer a competition of Yuanli, and it has almost nothing to do with Yuanshou.

The surrounding space has been completely locked by these two chessboards. If you want to win, you must win this game!

Lu Yun looked down.

The chess of life and death is just under your feet, the red and blue colors intersect, and the light is still bright.

But compared to the beginning, it seems to be a little less imposing.

Whether it is the lotus seat or the yuan lamp... the power contained in it is really too strong.

Especially the sea of ​​stars carried by Yuan Deng, spread out, can almost affect half of the game of life and death!

That's why he didn't have much advantage in the game of life and death.

I have to move...

Lu Yun took a deep breath, and then slowly closed his eyes.

His hands were suddenly clasped together, fingers crossed.

Mu Qinglan narrowed her eyes.

This posture looks like he is praying, but how could Lu Yun, a top powerhouse, pray at such a time?

There is only one explanation - I am afraid that he is about to release a unique move!

Master Yi Ran sat up straight unconsciously, looking at the chess of life and death with complicated eyes.

"Is he finally going to use that trick..."


Hearing his words, Kagura gave him a strange look.

Before Master Yiran could answer, a hurricane suddenly blew up in the square!

I saw the red and blue chessboard intertwined, suddenly floating slowly!

Then, the image was moved by an invisible hand, and it started to spin!

All the settled chess pieces above naturally started to move!

The power of the life-and-death chess game had already split the space here, such a move would directly lead to the collapse of the surrounding space!

Like a river breaking its embankment, rushing down suddenly! Destroy everything!

Everything, but happened in an instant!

There was no sound, but everyone watched the space on the square helplessly, and patches of black appeared!

Countless spatial turbulence began to flow out crazily! A storm is formed one by one!

"Life and death chess - reversal!"

All the energy in Lu Yun's body surged out crazily, pouring all of it into the chess of life and death!

The terrifying power of the divine lord was instantly aroused!

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