God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1445 Blessing (three more)

Mu Qinglan spat out a mouthful of blood!

Almost at the moment when the game of life and death was played, she had already sensed something was wrong, but it was inevitable!

She herself is in this game of life and death, how can she escape in such a short time?

Seeing, the space around her has collapsed one after another!

Mu Qinglan only felt as if she was being dragged into a meat grinder, and countless spaces were chaotic. Staggered, like the sharpest knife, scraping across her body!

"This kid actually still keeps one hand!"

This time, even Lord Jiu Lei Shen was taken aback.

The lotus seat spun quickly, and several thousand-leaf red lotus seeds flew out, transforming into an enchantment, surrounding Mu Qinglan!

But it's useless.

Just hearing a crackling sound, those layers of barriers were broken one after another!

The terrifying impact directly penetrated the sea of ​​stars and hit Mu Qinglan's body!

But in the blink of an eye, Mu Qinglan's whole body had already exploded with countless wounds!

All of a sudden, blood splattered everywhere!

She was wearing black clothes, and the blood was stained on it, but it was not clear.

But in the blink of an eye, her clothes were soaked in blood and stuck to her body.

Viscous scarlet blood ran down her cuffs and clothes corners!

In the air, there is a strong smell of blood!

Anyone who looked at it knew that Mu Qinglan had suffered a serious injury at this time!

Mu Qinglan gritted her teeth and held on, then suddenly raised her hand and yanked it hard!

The chessboard above the sky also crashed into pieces!

In an instant, the sky almost collapsed!

Red-golden flames and silver-white shards of ice fell down one after another!

Zhuzhu flapped her wings and planned to fly back to Mu Qinglan's side.

However, at this time, the space on the arena had completely collapsed, and the turbulence was intertwined. Zhuzhu could only barely protect herself, and there was no extra strength to help Mu Qinglan.

The situation of Yinfeng and Jinling is actually similar to that of Zhuzhu.

However, because they just broke through the ancient dragon, and they didn't lose any power before, their speed is faster than Zhuzhu.

Even so, it was extremely difficult for them to get close to Mu Qinglan.

The sea of ​​stars around Mu Qinglan began to shake violently!

Just at this moment, a small sound suddenly came from under her body!

Mu Qinglan's heart skipped a beat, and she immediately looked down, only to see a thin crack appearing on the jasper-like rosette!


Mu Qinglan quickly shouted in his heart.

The rosette was impacted, and scars appeared!

The situation of God Lord Nine Thunders is probably not good!

"Master, how are you?"

"Ahem... as a teacher... as a teacher, it's fine..."

The voice of God Lord Nine Thunders was indeed much weaker!

"It's just, it's just his life-and-death chess game...hidden a lot of the power of the divine master..."

The ancestor of Huoyun Pavilion was actually just a master of chess, but when he was refining this life-and-death chess, he devoted all his energy and painstaking efforts!

Moreover, after his fall, he actually hid his last strength in this chess game of life and death!

Lu Yun did his best just now, which inspired his last trick!

If Lord Jiulei was in its heyday, he would naturally not take these things seriously.

But on the one hand, he has been "dead" for tens of thousands of years now, his natal objects were destroyed, leaving only a remnant soul, barely survived by relying on Qianye Honglian, and his own strength is not even one-tenth of the peak period.

On the other hand, he has just left the tomb of the gods. Although he is supported by Mu Qinglan's ancient gods, he has not fully adapted to it and cannot exert his full strength at all.

What's more, he has helped Mu Qinglan take two shots just now, and his strength has been exhausted.

At this time, if you hit the chess of life and death, you will fall into a disadvantage.

Mu Qinglan's heart tightened.

Nine Thunder God Lord is afraid that he can't continue to fight.

Otherwise, the strength and vigor that has been cultivated with great difficulty may be destroyed.

"Master, you go back first."

Without any hesitation, Mu Qinglan summoned the lotus seat back to Qihai!

"Hey - you! You are like this, do you really want to admit defeat?"

Lord Jiu Lei Shen was in a hurry.

But because he himself survived by relying on the ancient gods, so at this time Mu Qinglan summoned him back, and he had no way to refuse.

Mu Qinglan said:

"Although I value winning or losing this game, I can't put you in danger just to win."

Lord Jiulei has kindness to her, and she will never let him take risks for her.

"Don't worry, I have my own measure."

After saying this sentence, Mu Qinglan raised his head and looked at the Yuan Deng!

Now, she only has one last gamble!

Everyone was shocked by the fierce battle between the two, but suddenly they saw that Mu Qinglan had summoned all three divine beasts back!

At the same time, she also took back the lotus seat under her body!

Almost everyone was fooled by her.

——What is she planning to do? Surrender directly?

You must know that with her own strength, it is absolutely impossible for her to go through three tricks under Lu Yun's hands!

Originally relying on the few divine beasts and the rosette obtained from the divine tomb, maybe I could last a little longer, but now...

Is she going to throw in the towel?

Just when everyone was full of doubts, they saw Mu Qinglan close her eyes again!

She stood under the Yuan Lantern. Although it was daytime, the sky was dark, and the red light emitting from the Yuan Lantern was still warm and brilliant.

The light reflected on her face was as clear as jade.

All around her is a sea of ​​stars.

No one knew what she was going to do.

Except for the people of the Yuan clan.

"Does she really think that she is the Grandmaster of Star Formation?!"

Yuan Ruili sneered, with undisguised irony in his voice.

Lu Yun used his life-and-death chess trick, but Mu Qinglan tried to use Yuan Lantern to fight against it?

In this case, she wants to win, unless she is a star array grandmaster!

But in fact, she is just a sixth-level star formation master now!

Even if she used the star array on the soul-suppressing stone before... it was just because the star array was rubbed on it!

But if you want to build it yourself...it's just a dream!

Seeing this, Kagura finally realized the seriousness of the problem. The smile gradually faded in his lavender eyes, and uneasiness and worry flooded in.

Mu Qinglan... nothing happened to her!

After searching for so long, she couldn't find it, but now that someone showed up on her own initiative, she had to protect whatever she said!

Kagura thought so, and secretly glanced at Yuan Ruili.

Today, I'm afraid there will be a bloodbath...

But no matter what, as long as she is here, no one can touch Mu Qinglan!

Kagura held his breath, and brushed a hand across the flowers on his skirt calmly.

Everything is falling apart.

Without the protection of the three divine beasts and the lotus seat, Mu Qinglan has basically been completely exposed to this terrifying energy vortex.

Every moment, she could clearly feel that her body was being torn apart by countless forces!

In fact, it is true.

No need to look, she also knew that there was no good place on her body at this time.

The strong smell of blood almost made it hard for her to breathe.

But when the pain is extreme, it is often numb.

Mu Qinglan was like this at this time.

She couldn't tell the difference at all, and she didn't bother to tell where the injury on her body was more serious.

The energy in the body is constantly surging, as if it is boiling.

Mu Qinglan even felt that if she didn't escape from the current predicament, the only way waiting for her was to explode and die!

Of course, she knew that she would not end up like that.

Just for Yuan Deng, Yuan Ruili would not let her die so easily.

Then her fate will only be worse.

Thinking of this, Mu Qinglan suddenly smiled.

Everyone looked at her as if they were looking at a lunatic.

Lu Yun's heart skipped a beat.

How can she still laugh?

Just as this thought flashed across, Mu Qinglan on the opposite side suddenly moved!

From nowhere, she took out a bell.

Jingle Bell--

The crisp and pleasant ringtones spread clearly.

Bright red blood continued to flow down her body, but she didn't seem to feel anything, only shaking the bell in her hand gently.

Jingle bells - jingle bells -

Gradually, the ringtone became a melodious tune, one after another, each sound was touching.

Following the tune, the Yuan Lantern above her head also spun gently.

Even with it, the entire Xinghai moved!

The storm that was heading towards Mu Qinglan suddenly slowed down.

It seems to be blocked by the star array!

Aware of this change, Lu Yun's heart sank.

However, Mu Qinglan didn't seem to notice it, her fair and slender hand was gently shaking the bell in her hand.

She is too familiar with this tune.

When she was young, she always liked to fall asleep to this song.

At that time, how could one have imagined that there would be such a day in the future?

Mu Qinglan closed her eyes, her thick black eyelashes trembling slightly.

If... Mother, can you hear...

She wanted to tell her mother, and even tell everyone that this song brought her endless joy before, but now, it can also bless her life.

Just like a mother.

Yuan Ruili and the others were completely frozen in place.

This tune - without any evidence, Mu Qinglan's identity is undoubtedly confirmed!

Countless people stared blankly at the woman on the field, not knowing how to react.

When ordinary people listen to it, they only feel that this song is melodious and pleasant, and it seems to have a reassuring power.

When the people of the Yuan clan heard it, they felt as if they had seen a ghost, and their hearts trembled!

Yuan Longyuan's face paled instantly.

Actually... really?

Kagura listened, the movements of his subordinates paused, tears welled up in their eyes.


Mu Qinglan finished the song and opened her eyes.

The star sea suddenly exploded!


The dazzling light instantly swallowed the figures of Mu Qinglan and Lu Yun!

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