God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1446 The original owner (four more)

The blazing light was so bright that it was almost blinding.

Many people subconsciously raised their hands to cover their eyes, but some people still stared at it persistently, without blinking their eyes, refusing to miss anything.

Among them, Yuan Ruili and others were naturally included.

God knows how much effort it took him not to rush up immediately and take Mu Qinglan down!

Yuan Yikang and the others were speechless and just stared blankly, with complicated thoughts.

The other members of the Yuan clan also realized something and fell silent. He didn't even dare to look in Yuan Ruili's direction.

During this tormenting time, the two chessboards have completely disintegrated!

Finally, two figures suddenly flew out from the berserk force!


The two of them fell to the ground heavily!

The impact was so powerful that the ground trembled violently!

Everyone quickly looked over.

——What is the result?

Mu Qinglan was in a dead end just now, and finally made a desperate fight, I don't know...

After seeing the appearance of those two people clearly, many people gasped.

——This has almost become two blood men!

Both of them were covered in cuts and bruises, and on their arms and shoulders, they could vaguely see a series of wounds with flesh and blood rolled over.

In some, even deep bone is visible.

Lu Yun was lying on the ground, his clothes were almost all dyed red, and he was dying.

One of his legs seems to have been broken, and a piece of his chest has collapsed deeply. It seems that it is extremely difficult to even move, which is really shocking.

He only heard a "clang", and suddenly something flew out and landed beside him.

If you look closely, it is a chessboard the size of a palm.

It is life and death chess!

But at this time, the chessboard was also stained with blood, and it looked bruised.

Everyone was speechless.

Who would have imagined that a top-notch Holy Master peak powerhouse would be reduced to such a fate?

And his opponent is only Mu Qinglan who is at the peak of the Lord!

Mu Qinglan's situation at this time was almost the same as that of Lu Yun.

Her left arm was broken, and the wound on her shoulder showed dense bones.

There were bloodstains all over his face.

A touch of red flew back to her side.

It is Yuan Deng.

At this time, the sea of ​​stars has disappeared, leaving only the red lantern floating quietly.

From the looks of it, the light seemed to have dimmed a lot.

The two of them were obviously seriously injured, and even... unable to fight anymore!

At this moment, Lu Yun finally moved!

He barely braced himself to stand up, and it took several attempts before he succeeded.

But the first thing he did was to visit Mu Qinglan.

Because his face was covered with blood, everyone couldn't see his expression clearly.

Many people looked at each other in blank dismay - this should be considered Lu Yun's victory, right?

But soon, Mu Qinglan's side also suddenly had movement!

She trembled, coughed twice, and choked up blood in her mouth.

But at this time, she didn't care about anything else, and used her other right arm, which was considered intact, to force herself to get up.

In this way, the two will face each other from afar again!

Mu Qinglan's calves were trembling. If she hadn't relied on willpower to support her, she might have collapsed again at this time.


She finally got to this point, how could she lose! ?

Mu Qinglan raised his hand to wipe off the blood on his lips, but his hand was sticky.

It turned out that there were more bloodstains on her hands.

She looked down and saw the blood stains, she knew how embarrassed she was without looking in the mirror.

But she laughed anyway.

"This round...how do you count?"

She looked at Lu Yun, her eyes were as bright as stars.

Lu Yun sighed in his heart.

He knew that Mu Qinglan was at the end of his strength at this time and was just trying to hold on, but his eyes were still burning with crazy fighting spirit.

It seemed that as long as he opened his mouth, she would continue to fight!

In fact, if he really insisted on continuing, Mu Qinglan might not even have the strength to go forward.



When Lu Yun opened his mouth, he concealed many complicated emotions.

The corner of Mu Qinglan's lips curled up, and he smiled slowly.

A draw was indeed the best result she could achieve.

"How can this be a draw?"

Seeing this, the people of Huoyun Pavilion were not very happy.

Although the situation of these two people is very bad, it is obvious that Lu Yun is better than Mu Qinglan!

Why doesn't he continue?

Maybe with just one punch, Mu Qinglan can be completely defeated!

Lu Heng turned his head and gave those people a warning look.

The voice of discussion stopped abruptly.

Lu Heng smiled coldly in his heart.

What about a draw?

On the side of Piaomiao Shenzong, they have no power to fight anymore.

They've already won.

What's more, Lu Yun obviously doesn't have much fighting power now, and if he wins, he won't be able to survive the next game.


It doesn't matter.

Mu Qinglan looked at Yuan Chenghe, and his smile faded.

"Yuan Cheng and Elder, now... can we announce the result?"

Yuan Chenghe looked at her deeply, as if something was surging in his chest.

She... can still pretend to be so nonchalant?

Yuan Lantern!



Her identity has been exposed without a doubt!

But why did she react like this?

At this time, do you still care about a draw?

Yuan Cheng smiled back angrily.

"Fire Cloud Pavilion, Lu Yun, fight...Piaomiao Shenzong...Mu, Qing, Lan—Ping!"

When calling out the name "Mu Qinglan", Yuan Chenghe deliberately emphasized his tone.

Everyone heard that something was wrong, and the voice that had just become agitated became lower again.

So far, Mu Qinglan, as a mere lord, has reached the pinnacle of the Holy Lord of Huoyun Pavilion in the third battle!

Two wins and one tie!

Such a brilliant record is enough to make her famous all over the world!

From then on, the name "Mu Qinglan" is bound to be remembered by countless people!

Originally, this should be an exciting event, but at this time, there was a strange silence on and off the field.

Mu Qinglan didn't seem to notice anything, and finally heaved a sigh of relief when she heard this sound.

She turned around, as if planning to go down.

As soon as he moved, Yuan Ruili's incomparably cold voice fell down like hailstones!

"Mu Qinglan, there are some things that you should explain, right?"

Although it was a question, every word was sonorous and cold!

Many people flinched subconsciously.

——The wrath of the God Lord, don't underestimate it!

Mu Qinglan paused, then turned around and looked up at Yuan Ruili.

Her gaze was clear and cold, open and frank.

"Explain what?"

she asked with a smile.

Seeing her like this, Yuan Ruili finally couldn't hold back, suddenly raised his hand, and angrily reprimanded:

"Say! Who are you!?"

Mu Qinglan's eyebrows slightly raised from the corners of his eyes, and his smile became a little weaker.

"Of course I am Mu Qinglan. Otherwise, who else could it be?"


Mu Qinglan's sloppy appearance directly made Yuan Ruili annoyed to the extreme!

"The Yuan Lantern has appeared, you still want to hide it!?"

In fact, she exposed more than Yuan Deng?


last name!


And the tune that only the people of the Yuan clan can do!

It has reached such a point, and she still refuses to admit it?

Mu Qinglan frowned slightly.

"Yuan Lantern? What's that?"

Yuan Ruili raised it to his chest in one breath, and blocked it immediately!

Mu Qinglan seemed to have suddenly remembered something, and suddenly said:

"Ah... are you talking about this?"

As she spoke, she raised her hand and held the Yuan Lantern in her hand, shaking it lightly.

"Isn't this just a red lantern? So it's called Yuan Lantern!"

Put on a show!

Yuan Ruili really couldn't figure it out, how could Mu Qinglan pretend to know nothing?

He took a deep breath, and smiled angrily.

"You said, you don't know what this is? But just now, you are very familiar with how to use this yuan lamp! Do you still want to deny it?"

Mu Qinglan laughed, her eyebrows and eyes curved.

"Of course I'm familiar with this thing, because it's mine. What? Could it be that it's not mine, but yours?"

Of course it's ours!

Yuan Ruili couldn't hold back, and almost blurted out this sentence.

But after all, he was used to the wind and waves, and at this time he probably guessed that Mu Qinglan wanted to die, so he sneered and asked:

"Since you admit that this thing is yours...doesn't it already admit your identity?"

Mu Qinglan blinked, with a look of impatience.

"Patriarch Yuan, I really don't know what you are talking about. If you insist on saying that there is something wrong with this Yuan Lantern...then I will tell the truth. This so-called Yuan Lantern is something I was in a certain valley before. I got it unintentionally. For some reason, you guys are holding on to me. Could it be... what does it really have to do with your Yuan Clan?"

If Yuan Ruili would believe her words, he would be damned!

He looked at Mu Qinglan ironically.

"It seems that you really don't want to admit it anymore... It seems that you don't care about the life and death of the master of the yuan lantern."

Mu Qinglan's eyes flickered slightly, and he looked straight at him, with the corners of his mouth curled up.

"I really don't understand Patriarch Yuan's words. The owner of this Yuan Lantern, isn't it me? Oh, if you mean the previous owner...I saw her die with my own eyes."

The expression on Yuan Ruili's face finally cracked.

Mu Qinglan handed over the lantern with a smile.

"If you don't believe me, the head of the Yuan clan can personally check to see who the original owner of this Yuan lantern is?"

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