God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1447 Doubts (one more)

Mu Qinglan's words made Yuan Ruili stunned on the spot.

She actually said that he wanted him to check it himself?

Is this a deliberate attempt, or... really fearless?

Looking at the woman covered in scars and bloodstains, but with a relaxed expression, Yuan Ruili was a little uncertain for a while.

He has seen countless people, so he can naturally see the openness in Mu Qinglan's eyes.

——She is really not afraid of his investigation.

But... how?

After that person was brought back, he hadn't actually met him formally, but in private, Yuan Chenghe had made it clear that there was indeed no Yuan Deng on her body.

There is also that evil son, no.

At that time, he didn't pay much attention to this matter. After all, with Yuan Deng on his body, it was too easy to reveal his identity.

She has worked so hard to hide for many years, so she definitely won't bring that Yuan Lantern with her.

Therefore, when the Yuan Lantern appeared on Mu Qinglan's body, his first thought was - it must belong to that person!

Yuan Lanterns can only be obtained through the blood test of the clan.

It certainly couldn't be Mu Qinglan's own.

In fact, Yuan Ruili had already identified Mu Qinglan's identity in his heart, and now he is pressing her to ask her to admit it.

But what does she say now?

Seeing that Yuan Ruili hadn't spoken for a while, Mu Qinglan raised his eyebrows slightly.

"What? Patriarch Yuan doesn't want to investigate anymore?"

"Of course we have to check!"

How could Yuan Ruili let her go so easily?

After the words fell, he stretched out his hand directly, and a suction force swept towards Mu Qinglan!

She shrugged, and let go of the Yuan Deng as if she didn't care.

Soon, the Yuan Lantern flew towards Yuan Ruili.

All eyes followed.

Most of the outsiders were watching the fun, but the people of the Yuan clan had a much more complicated mood.

After all, this yuan lantern is very meaningful, and it is very likely to show Mu Qinglan's amazing identity.

Yuan Ruili held Yuan Deng in his hand, and gave Mu Qinglan a meaningful look.

Mu Qinglan narrowed her eyes and smiled.

Yuan Ruili sneered in his heart, and then separated a piece of Yuanshen's power and poured it into Yuandeng!

The light of the yuan lamp suddenly lit up for a moment.

Soon, a few words gradually appeared on the Yuan Lantern!

It was also the first time for Mu Qinglan to see such a scene, so she watched it intently.

Seeing her like this, Yuan Ruili thought she was finally getting nervous, and became more determined in her heart.

The power of the primordial spirit poured in completely!

And the handwriting was finally clearly presented in front of everyone!

Yuan Liluo!

It's clearly a woman's name!

However, it is not the name Yuan Ruili and others imagined!

Seeing the faintly glowing name on the Yuan Lantern, everyone was shocked.

Some people had blank looks on their faces.

Yuan Liluo... who is that? How come it seems that I have never heard of it?

The woman who turned the Yuan Clan upside down twenty years ago seems to be... not called this name, is it?

Above the square, fell into dead silence.

Mu Qinglan let out a soft breath.

Back then in Tai Chi Valley, she only knew that woman was called Li Luo, but it turned out that her real name was Yuan Li Luo.

But think about it, she is from the Yuan clan after all.

But what she didn't expect was that the original owner's name could really appear on the Yuan Lantern.

No wonder Yuan Ruili was so confident just now.

Because he knows that this kind of thing cannot be faked at all.

But obviously he didn't expect that this yuan lantern really didn't belong to that person.

Many elders of the Yuan clan standing aside were also shocked when they saw the unexpected name.

Only Yuan Longyuan breathed a sigh of relief.

no... not her...

For a while, his mood also became very complicated.

It's like... wishing for that name to appear on it, but not wanting it.

Yuan Yikang stared at the name and couldn't help murmuring in a low voice:

"This person... who is this? There seems to be no such person in the Yuan Clan..."

In his memory, there is no such a woman named Yuan Liluo.

But this Yuan Lantern really belongs to their Yuan Clan.

The other elders also looked puzzled.

Only the second elder, Yuan Liangzhou, suddenly remembered something, and his expression was startled.

"Wait! Yuan Liluo? Could it be—"

He didn't finish the rest of the sentence, but looked directly at Yuan Ruili, but Yuan Ruili stared at the name with obscure eyes.

——Yuan Ruili clearly remembered it too!

Yuan Liangzhou gasped!

"What's wrong? Who is it?"

Seeing Yuan Liangzhou's reaction, he seemed to know something, Yuan Yikang couldn't help asking.

Yuan Liangzhou didn't answer his words - because at this time, his heart was also in a mess!

It was even more shocking than when she first guessed that Mu Qinglan was that person's daughter!

Helpless, Yuan Yikang and others had no choice but to look at Yuan Ruili.

The patriarch obviously thought of this person too!

It's just that his face...

"how come…"

On the other side, Yuan Chenghe, who was not far away, also suddenly understood something, and murmured in astonishment.

Everyone looked even more strange - these few people who remembered something, why did they all have the expression of seeing a ghost?

Could it be that this Yuan Liluo has an unusual status?

Yuan Ruili held the Yuan Lantern and stared at the name for a while.

Immediately, he turned his head and looked at Mu Qinglan with complicated eyes.

Mu Qinglan looked at him frankly.

Yuan Ruili didn't know what to say for a while.

Yuan Lanterns cannot be forged, and whoever owns them will always belong to that person.

It doesn't matter whether what Mu Qinglan said is true or not, the name on the lantern cannot be doubted.

Yuan Liluo... This is actually Yuan Liluo's Yuan Lantern!

How did Mu Qinglan get this thing? !

"She...who is you?" Yuan Ruili asked, frowning.

Mu Qinglan shrugged.

"Didn't I say it earlier? I got it from a certain valley by accident. It was purely an accident to run into this senior. I have nothing to do with her. If I have to say it, she gave this Yuan Lantern to me." Me. That's all."

Mu Qinglan's tone was brisk, as if he was just talking about an insignificant matter.

However, when it comes to Yuan Deng, how can it be so easy?

Yuan Ruili frowned even deeper.

"You're telling the truth? You and her...really have nothing to do with each other? And she gave you this yuan lantern?"

Mu Qinglan blinked.

"Of course. Do I have any reason to make up this kind of thing?"

There was a blockage in Yuan Ruili's throat.

In fact, at this moment, his heart and mind were completely confused.

no... no...

Mu Qinglan's whole body, inside and out, has exposed her identity everywhere.

He has even thought about how to deal with her when her mask is revealed.

But now... everything started to go in an unexpected direction!

Yuan Ruili suddenly remembered something, and his expression became solemn.

"Yuan Lantern is of great significance to the people of the Yuan Clan, and it is even regarded as life! Since you have nothing to do with her, how could she give you this Yuan Lantern?! And - that tune, only the people of the Yuan Clan Yes. How did you know that!"

In the end, Yuan Ruili's voice had completely cooled down!

There was undisguised doubt on his face!

The atmosphere on the field suddenly became more condensed.

Mu Qinglan paused, and the smile on his face gradually faded.

After a while, she said:

"The head of the Yuan clan also said that this Yuan lantern is very important to the people of the Yuan clan. But... is she still a member of the Yuan clan?"

After saying a word, Yuan Ruili froze immediately!

Mu Qinglan coughed and spat out another mouthful of blood.

She wiped it off indifferently, with a slight curvature on the corner of her mouth, but it was not a smile, but a touch of sarcasm.

"When I saw this senior, she had been trapped under a mountain for hundreds of years, while her husband was suppressed under another mountain. The distance between the two mountains is not far, but it made the two , unable to meet each other for more than a hundred years. At that time, she said that she was expelled by her former tribe and suppressed there. Now it seems that... she said, it is the Yuan tribe?"

After Mu Qinglan's words fell, everyone in the Yuan clan was in an uproar!

It turned out to be her!

Yuan Liluo!


Hundreds of years ago, among the Yuan Clan, there was indeed such a person!

It is rumored that Yuan Liluo was also a rare genius in the clan back then, but fell in love with someone outside the clan, and was with him desperately.

Of course, the Yuan family would not agree, and in the end they even took extraordinary measures to solve it!

It's just that this matter has passed for too long, and the Yuan family has always avoided talking about this matter.

So, in fact, even Yuan Ruili was not very clear about it.

No wonder so many people didn't know Yuan Liluo's name when they saw it.

Mu Qinglan smiled but wasn't smiling.

"Since she was expelled at the beginning, then...she is no longer considered a member of the Yuan clan. Of course, she doesn't need to abide by your rules."


Now that he has suffered such torture, who will continue to regard everything in the clan as his belief?

I'm afraid it's too late to hate!

"As for the tune... of course that senior taught me."

Mu Qinglan said calmly.

She raised her chin slightly and looked straight at Yuan Ruili.

"Now, Patriarch Yuan, do you have any questions?"

Two or three more at four o'clock in the afternoon.

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