God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1450 Shadow (1 more)

I'm just going to break through.

Mu Qinglan's words immediately made everyone around him dumbfounded.

Is it really okay for you to suddenly say such a sentence at this time?


That's not the point!

The point is——didn't you just break through from the middle stage of the Lord to the peak of the Lord! ?

"Why do you want to break through again?!"

Xueyou suddenly felt that she was wasting her feelings in vain, and she directly shook off Mu Qinglan's wrist, wishing she could roll her eyes.

"you are annoying?"

Mu Qinglan looked at him sincerely:

"I'm not bothered. I'm happy."

Xueyou: "..."

I knew there was no need to worry about this girl at all!

Still happy?

You are happy!

Don't think about others at all!

At least he has followed Mu Qinglan for several years, witnessing Mu Qinglan's transformation from a genius to a good-for-nothing, and then to a genius.

Mu Qinglan's jaw-dropping things, he almost followed them.

So even though she was a little surprised at this time, Xueyou still accepted the range in her heart.

Earlier, he had vaguely felt that something was wrong with Mu Qinglan, and it was true.

"Do you want to protect you?"

Xueyou crossed her arms, glanced around lazily, and smiled meaningfully.

"Everyone is watching you now."

We have come to this point, who knows what will happen next?

Mu Qinglan smiled at him with crooked eyebrows, although her face was still stained with blood and her lips were very pale, but with this smile, her eyes still shone like stars.

"If you still understand me, thank you in advance!"

Xueyou hooked the corners of her lips.

As the two came and went, they came to a conclusion so directly and casually.

Everyone finally understood - Mu Qinglan was about to break through, and Xueyou was helping to protect the law.

A crowd of people waited, all froze in place.

Even Elder Chang Si and the others reacted for a while, looked at Mu Qinglan, then at Xueyou, and asked with difficulty:

"Your Majesty... are you... really going to break through?"

Mu Qinglan didn't speak, but closed her eyes.

Xueyou said:

"Is it still fake?"

Fourth Elder Chang was rarely embarrassed.

Also, how could anyone make a joke of this kind of thing?

But... Your Majesty, this is really... If she breaks through again, she will be the Holy Master!

Thinking of this, Elder Chang Si still couldn't believe it, but seeing Mu Qinglan's determined appearance, he felt a little anticipation and excitement.

Your Majesty always has certainty in doing things.

Maybe this time... it will really break through the Holy Master directly!

Elder Wu Shen couldn't help poking Elder Chang Si with his elbow, and murmured in a low voice:

"What the hell is going on here?"

It's not like he hasn't seen someone with good talent and fast breakthrough, but this is too fast, right?

"Your Majesty has his own ideas. Let's just do our own thing."

Fourth Elder Chang wanted to open his mind, and after a word of persuasion, he winked at several elders who were still stunned behind him.

After everyone received the message, they reacted and cheered up quickly.

Xueyou looked around and said with a smile:

"Everyone, please step back a little bit. Otherwise...I'm afraid it will be affected later."

Although Xueyou is not one of the twenty-eight constellations, but because of his close relationship with Mu Qinglan, deep trust, and his own strength, the elders of Piaomiao Shenzong also admire him very much.

After hearing his words, all the elders took a few steps back without any hesitation.

But they didn't dare to relax at all, they quietly surrounded Mu Qinglan and protected her.

Xueyou smiled and shook her head, but didn't say anything.

There are people who want to attack Mu Qinglan, but even if they are really anxious, they will not choose to attack Mu Qinglan when he breaks through.

— After all, that would be too shameless.

Once he did this, he would really have no face to continue messing around in the Heaven of Gods and Demons.

Therefore, even if some people are already itching with hatred at this time, they can only wait.

Many eyes of all kinds around have already looked at this side.

Xueyou seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

"It will really cause trouble for people. When is it not good to break through, do you have to choose this time? It's really a headache."

When everyone heard this, they all felt cramps in their chests.


Why are you laughing if you really have a headache!

This is blatant showing off!

"Heh. This Mu Qinglan is really beyond imagination... At this time, he can break through one after another..."

You Yue had lost his composure several times before, so this time he specially reminded himself in his heart to keep calm.

So when he saw that Mu Qinglan was about to break through, the muscles on his face twitched violently, but he finally managed to maintain his calm expression.

He even had a little smile on his face when he said this.

However, it looks very fake.

This tone is also yin and yang, which is very uncomfortable.

After You Yue finished speaking, he turned his gaze to look at Yuan Ruili next to him, secretly sizing up his expression.

It's a pity that Yuan Ruili's face no longer has any fluctuations, and even his eyes seem to have no waves, making it hard to see through.

You Yue felt a lump in his heart.

Yuan Ruili's previous reaction clearly determined that Mu Qinglan had something to do with that person back then.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have reacted so much.

Who would have thought that Mu Qinglan would still quibble and evade everything completely!

You Yue actually had the same idea as Yuan Ruili in his heart.

And, he really hoped so.

Because in that case, without him doing anything, Yuan Ruili and the others would naturally clean up Mu Qinglan.

"Although I don't like to see her very much, I have to say that this talent is indeed amazing. Even among the various clans of Shenmotian, among the younger generation, how many people can do this? I really don't know, What kind of parents can give birth to such a person..."

"No one will treat you as dumb if you don't speak!"

A cold reprimand suddenly came.

It wasn't Yuan Ruili, but the Lord of Kagura Palace.

After being scolded like this, You Yue was stunned.

Palace Master Kagura's eyes were full of impatience and irritability.

Her heart has been ups and downs several times, and she is already very sensitive, but this Youyue still wants to say such things!

Isn't this intentional!

After being reprimanded, You Yue blushed and wanted to refute, but seeing the coldness in the eyes of Palace Master Kagura, his heart skipped a beat.

——Almost forgot, Palace Master Kagura has always been very tough when it comes to that person...

When she scolded Gao Rong earlier, although her words were very ugly, she didn't do anything.

But if that person is involved... there's no guarantee she will do something.

You Yue thought about it and found that he was afraid and swallowed the rest of the words.

Heh, so what if you are verbally tough for a while?

It is absolutely impossible for Yuan Ruili to let Mu Qinglan go so easily!

He is watching!

Mu Qinglan started to prepare for a breakthrough, and completely eliminated everything around her.

Everyone's eyes lingered on her for a while.

For a while, it seemed that the real arena was a little deserted.

Elder Wei Yue was actually a little surprised. As far as he knew, Mu Qinglan's previous realm did not seem to be very high, but now he is about to try to break through the Holy Master, which is too fast.

Moreover, it was obvious that she had just gone through an extremely difficult battle, so scarred, it was supposed to be the time to recuperate, who would have thought that she would actually prepare to break through at this weakest moment?

You must know that when ordinary people prepare to break through the Holy Master, they have to prepare for a long time in advance, for fear that if they do not do enough, they will be defeated.

Mu Qinglan was straightforward. The blood on his body was still dripping, so he closed his eyes and began to try to break through.

However, Elder Wei Yue had some understanding of Mu Qinglan's strength because of the soul-suppressing stone, so he was not too worried at this time.

——At such a young age, he was able to successfully lead a dozen people up to Shenmeng Cliff, and fought all the way to reach his current position.

All of this is enough to explain Mu Qinglan's excellence.

He believed in the soul-suppressing choice, and he also believed in his intuition.

Elder Wei Yue looked at Lu Heng.

"Pavilion Master Lu, please."

Only then did Lu Heng come to his senses, his brows slightly wrinkled.

For some reason, seeing that Mu Qinglan wanted to break through, he felt very uncomfortable.

In such a fierce match just now, Lu Yun sacrificed life and death chess, but failed to win Mu Qinglan, allowing her to win a draw abruptly.

This is enough to make people uncomfortable, did not expect Mu Qinglan to be promoted in the blink of an eye?

On the other hand, Lu Yun is still healing right now!

They are all human, so why is there such a big gap?

Lu Heng is used to being proud, and he also loves face. When this happens, he will inevitably feel that he can't keep his face.

He put away his thoughts, planning to defeat Elder Wei Yue first, and then talk about other things.


As soon as Lu Heng's words fell, the aura on his body suddenly rose!

Noticing the astonishing movements on his body, many people looked at him again.

Lu Heng is the owner of the Huoyun Pavilion. Compared with those in front of him, he is naturally stronger but not weaker.

But even so, his move still surprised everyone.

——This is even stronger than Lu Yun!

I am afraid that Lu Heng's strength is about to break through the God Lord!

Facing such a top powerhouse... Ordinary people may not be able to win at all!

But Elder Wei Yue is not an ordinary person.

Sensing the aura on Lu Heng's body, Elder Wei Yue laughed.

No wonder Lu Heng is so confident. It turns out that his strength is indeed beyond the peak of the average Holy Master...

I'm afraid, he has already touched that threshold, right?

Elder Wei Yue folded his hands in front of him, and then, in the middle of his palms, a bright ball of light appeared.

Afterwards, he gently sent his hand forward, and the ball of light flew up gently.

The ball of light is like a bright moon, rising slowly, the light is soft and bright, just looking at it like that makes people feel more at ease.

Afterwards, the light group went straight towards Lu Heng!

Lu Heng glanced at the ball of light and frowned slightly.

Because he was not on it, and felt a little fluctuation!

But this is clearly the light group formed by the condensed energy of Elder Wei Yue, how could it be so calm?

Then, Lu Heng's heart skipped a beat!

Because he suddenly saw, above the light ball, there was a heavy shadow suddenly spreading out!

A coercion gradually spread!

Go to the hospital. The second update and the third update around four o'clock in the afternoon.

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