God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1451 So Public (Part 2)

Elder Wei Yue is also the peak of the Holy Master, and after the start of the battle, he showed an aura that did not belong to Lu Heng at all.

This surprised many people secretly.

Before this, Piaomiao Shenzong was unknown, and even provoked Xiaoyaoling before, and was bullied quite a bit. Who would have thought that he would have such strength?

A single Mu Qinglan is enough to shock people, who would have thought that this Elder Wei Yue who suddenly appeared is also a supreme master! ?

Gao Feng looked at Elder Wei Yue in shock, feeling panicked for a moment.

——The strength displayed by Piao Miao Shenzong has far exceeded their previous expectations!

Wei Yue is the pinnacle of the Holy Master, regardless of whether he will win today's match, Piao Miao Shenzong is no longer something they Xiaoyaoling can easily offend!

With the backing of Phoenix Valley before, after the breakthrough of those two ancient dragons, I am afraid that Shenlong Island will not sit idly by.

There is also the Lord Kagura of the Supreme Shrine...it seems that he is quite protective of Mu Qinglan...

Do the math, she already has several backers!

It's not easy to deal with, if they produce a few more top powerhouses...they will definitely rise to the top and skyrocket in the future!

After this grand meeting of the gods, relying on these powers, Piao Miao Shenzong will definitely occupy a place in Shenmotian!

At that time, will Mu Qinglan ask them to settle the previous accounts?

He didn't think Mu Qinglan was such a broad-minded person!

I'm afraid that when the time comes, new and old grudges will be counted together!

"Brother, Wei Yue has actually broken through to the peak of the Holy Master, what shall we do..."

Gao Yi on the side was worried and couldn't help asking in a low voice.

Gao Feng glared at him fiercely—how dare you ask! ?

"Why didn't you say anything about his retreat before?!"

If I knew it earlier, I should have been on my guard!

Gao Yi was also very aggrieved:

"Brother, back then...I told you back then...not just Weiyue, but also two other people, they also retreated together..."

When he learned that the three of them were retreating together, he was secretly happy for a long time, and he became more courageous, and even took someone directly to find trouble with Elder Wushen.

At that time, he did it because he knew that Elder Wu Can could not find anyone to help him.

After a long time, many people ignore this matter.

Who knew it would suddenly appear today! ?

And it really broke through the peak of the Holy Master!

Gao Feng choked and shook his sleeves violently, feeling more and more irritable.

In the current situation, I am not afraid of ten thousand, but just in case.

If Mu Qinglan really wants to deal with them in the future...he has to find a way out early!

The only one who can help him is Gao Rong.

But Gao Rong's current situation is not optimistic.

Gao Feng glanced at Gao Rong from a distance, and saw her eyes were red, since You Yue reprimanded her, she returned to You Jue's side.

If You didn't wake up quickly to help intercede, I'm afraid...Gao Rong herself would be in trouble.

Can't count on it at all!

The more Gao Feng thought about it, the more anxious he became, and he didn't dare to say anything even with the people behind him.

Gao Yi suddenly remembered something, moved closer, and lowered his voice.

"Brother, have you forgotten that Mu Qinglan has provoked people who are not easy to provoke..."

As he spoke, he winked.

Gao Feng's heart suddenly moved——Yuan Clan!


He almost forgot this!

Judging from Yuan Ruili's reaction just now, he clearly has doubts about Mu Qinglan! Even hostile!

Although I don't know what's going on, but... the Yuan Clan will not let Mu Qinglan go easily!

Thinking of this, a dark color flashed in Gao Feng's eyes.

On the field, Elder Wei Yue and Lu Heng fought quickly, and the fight was inextricable.

From being pessimistic at the beginning, everyone gradually turned into amazement and curiosity.

——Could it be that this dangerous moon can really take Lu Heng down?

Even, there is no need to win, just a tie!

Then, it can already be regarded as Piao Miao Shenzong's victory!

So speaking of it, the Fire Cloud Pavilion is actually more dangerous.

Before this, who would have imagined that the one facing the danger of being eliminated in the end would be Huoyun Pavilion?

The fierce battle between the two soon attracted most people's attention.

Only a very small number of people are still paying attention to Mu Qinglan.

——Can she really break through to the Holy Lord one after another?

In such a seriously injured and completely unfavorable situation?

After Mu Qinglan closed her eyes, she finally had a chance to breathe, and tried her best to straighten out the almost boiling power in her body.

In fact, except for herself, no one else knew at all. Part of the reason why she looked so embarrassed was that when she was fighting with Lu Yun, she had already realized that she was about to break through.

The sign came very suddenly and violently, and there was no time for Mu Qinglan to react.

Because the breakthrough this time was initiated by the ancient gods themselves.

Therefore, even Mu Qinglan himself could not completely control it.

When she was planning to borrow the power of the Lord of the Nine Thunders, the Immemorial Divine Code reacted inexplicably, and even the Immemorial Real Body also ran out on its own initiative.

Mu Qinglan didn't know what was going on, but time was urgent, and Lu Yun summoned the life and death chess game, so she could barely suppress her situation.

After the battle with him was over, he was able to look inside his soul again and examine the situation in his body.

Mu Qinglan took a deep breath, then held his breath and concentrated, and checked his sea of ​​energy again.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, even Mu Qinglan himself was surprised.

Because the primordial crystal in her sea of ​​qi floated directly above the ancient divine tome without knowing when!

After breaking through from the lord to the domain lord, Mu Qinglan's black Yuandan turned into a five-star Yuanjing, facing away from the main star and surrounding each other.

But her Yuanjing has always been separated from the ancient gods, and has never been too entangled.

Unexpectedly, at this time, Yuan Jing actually changed its position...

Of course, the main star is still in its original position.

Mu Qinglan looked at the five-star primordial crystal floating quietly above the ancient divine tome, feeling a little uneasy for some reason.

Before this, she did not expect that she would break through from the early stage of the Lord to the peak of the Lord, and even try to break through the Holy Lord now!

So in fact, she still doesn't know much about breaking through the Holy Master.

Seeing this situation, no matter how you look at it, you feel strange.

——After all, when others break through to the Holy Master, there is no ancient divine tome, so this situation should not happen.

Facing all this unknown, Mu Qinglan inevitably felt a little uneasy.

In addition, the situation of the Immemorial Divine Code itself is somewhat special.

The three immemorial avatars held hands with each other, standing on top of the ancient divine tome, surrounded by golden light.

A touch of red, looming.

Mu Qinglan was a little surprised - when she looked at it earlier, it didn't seem that there was such a touch of red?

She looked carefully for a while, only to find that touch of red, like a red bead, floating in the golden light cluster.

That is…

An idea suddenly flashed in Mu Qinglan's mind!


On the ancient divine tome, there is a trace of dried blood!

Is this thing...

As if to verify her thoughts, the red streak suddenly moved closer to the edge of the golden light ball.

From Mu Qinglan's point of view, it's like a thin golden film.

And the red color can be seen more clearly!

It is indeed a blood bead!

However, the color of the blood drop is extremely dark, especially when it is seen clearly, it is even close to black.

It was exactly the same color as the dried blood that Mu Qinglan saw on the Immemorial God's Code back then!

At the same time, a faint smell of blood gradually permeated the air!

In fact, Mu Qinglan's Yuanshen was looking inside at this time, so logically speaking, he couldn't smell anything.

But that terrifying bloody aura can almost directly seep into the soul.

Mu Qinglan couldn't help holding her breath, and then became nervous.

She didn't know whose bloodstains remained on the Immemorial God's Tome, and she didn't know how she suddenly touched something, and the Immemorial God's Tome would force her to break through to the Holy Master.

The Primordial Divine Code recognized her as the master, and she didn't listen to her very much at first, but as more and more fragments gathered, her control over the Primordial Divine Code became stronger and stronger.

This can be called a passive situation, and it has not happened for a long time.

But fortunately, Mu Qinglan knew that the ancient gods would never hurt her, so although she was curious and nervous, she didn't worry too much.

The red blood beads lingered in the golden light cluster.

The three ancient avatars stood quietly.

In the sea of ​​​​qi, there is a piece of calm.

Only that ball of light flickered as if it was breathing.


Suddenly, there was a whimper from Xiaoyue.

Mu Qinglan looked over, but saw the always arrogant little thing, who was hiding far away in the corner at this time, with golden eyes staring at the ancient gods, with a bit of fear in his eyes.

Looking at the side again, Zhuzhu pursed her lips and stared at that place, apparently also very nervous.

Silver Wind and Golden Spirit stayed on the other side, side by side with the golden dragon.

Mu Qinglan was even more puzzled.

In this way, it looks like they are waiting for something...

At this moment, another burst of power suddenly gushed out from the ancient divine tome!

Mu Qinglan took a deep breath, and like before, quickly evacuated those forces to all parts of her body.

The time she nearly passed out before, it was mostly because she wasn't ready.

But now she's used to it.

However, the impact of power has also become more terrifying than before.

It's like a surging tide, washing away from every part of the body!

Fortunately, although this force is swift and violent, it doesn't hurt very much.

It's not painful, but itchy.

Mu Qinglan was stunned for a while before realizing that the wound on her body was itching.


This is recovering? !

Mu Qinglan's primordial spirit looks inside, so he can't see his physical condition for the time being.

She didn't know that at this moment, her whole body was already enveloped by a layer of faint golden light!

And the wounds on her body are also recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Xueyou noticed this movement, and couldn't help but twitch her lips.

Yo, is the little girl so flamboyant?

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