God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1452 How many more? (three more)

Since it is public, it is inevitable to attract some people's attention.

Many people are skeptical about Mu Qinglan's breakthrough.

After all, she has gone through three games just now, and each game has become more intense. Now her strength has been exhausted, and her body is also full of scars.

From anyone's point of view, she was at the end of her strength at this time.

Trying to break out in such a situation, is it possible?

In particular, she is now at the peak of the Lord, and if she wants to break through, she must go to the Lord.

——If the Holy Master really broke through so easily, everyone would have been the Holy Master long ago.

So in fact, many people have such a mentality of watching the excitement.

But I didn't expect that Mu Qinglan's resilience was so strong!

The bone-deep wound on her shoulder was already bloody and bloody, and it was shocking to watch.

But somehow, from a certain moment, her wound stopped bleeding.

Even in the blink of an eye, it started to scab? !

The speed at which the wound healed really shocked the crowd.

Some people thought they had read it wrong, but after a closer look, they found that it was actually beginning to recover!

After a while, the terrible wound on Mu Qinglan's shoulder had completely scabbed over, and even new skin had begun to grow on the surface!

"Isn't her recovery speed too strong?"

"Yes! Where is the speed of a normal person? I think there is probably something wrong with it!"

"Hey, what's wrong with her? I think that since Mu Qinglan was able to take down three Holy Lord powerhouses in a row before, such a small injury is nothing to her at all!"

"That's right, if you ask me, this Mu Qinglan can't be seen with ordinary eyes! Otherwise, he wouldn't have come to this point, would he?"

"Not to mention anything else, anyway, I understand a little now why those elders of Piao Miao Shenzong are willing to follow her..."

Mu Qinglan's previous state was indeed not high, especially compared with these people present, some of them were even unworthy of the stage.

It is even more incomparable with those big clans.

But it's only been a few days?

She has become the pinnacle of the Lord!

If she succeeds in breaking through this time, she will be the Holy Master!

When you are still in the realm of honoring the Lord, you can fight against the strong Holy Lord. If you really become the Holy Lord... I don’t know how strong the fighting power is!

There was a lot of discussion among the people, and their attitudes towards Mu Qinglan were mixed.

But no matter what these people think or say, Mu Qinglan has no intention of stopping.

However, for some people, what matters more is not whether Mu Qinglan can break through, but...

What is hidden inside her!

Ever since Mu Qinglan summoned Yuan Deng, Yuan Ruili has focused on her.

Even though she had given an explanation before, and even proved that the Yuan Lantern belonged to Yuan Liluo back then, the doubts in Yuan Ruili's heart were still not completely dispelled.

And after Mu Qinglan said that he was going to break through, Yuan Ruili had an intuition that something was going to happen. Although he didn't look there, as a god master and a star formation master, the power of Yuanshen was terrifying.

He still knows exactly what happened in this square.

So, when the faint golden light appeared on Mu Qinglan's body, he suddenly realized something! Quickly looked over!

That aura...although it is obscure, it cannot be mistaken!

Yuan Ruili looked at Mu Qinglan, and felt the terrifying fluctuations on her body more clearly, and his heart was terrified!

It turned out-really!

The reactions of the people next to him at this time were no better than Yuan Ruili's.

Several of them are god masters, so they are naturally the most sensitive to this.

Even Feng Tian and Long Zhan suddenly realized something, and fixed their eyes on Mu Qinglan.

"How...how is it possible..."

You Yue couldn't help mumbling, his face turned pale.

If he didn't realize that he was wrong, Mu Qinglan's body clearly contained...

How can this be?

You Yue couldn't believe the guess that suddenly popped up in his heart.

Isn't it rumored that that thing disappeared ten thousand years ago?

How could it suddenly appear?

And——is it still on Mu Qinglan's body?

who is she?

what is she

What qualifications does she have?

For a moment, You Yue was in a state of confusion, and his whole mind became confused.

Although he frantically thought that this could not be true, in fact, he already had the answer in his heart.

Even if his perception is wrong, what about... Yuan Ruili and the others next to him?

Their reaction also clearly proved this matter!

It is very possible for one person to get it wrong, but...the odds of all the strongest people present getting it wrong are extremely small.

Even Master Yiran, who was always calm, couldn't help opening his eyes slightly.

"Unexpectedly... Unexpectedly, in my lifetime, I can actually see it with my own eyes..."

Master Yiran couldn't help sighing and said.

"Master, what are you talking about? What are you looking at?"

The child standing next to him raised his face, looked at him curiously, and asked a childish voice.

Master Yiran smiled wryly, and patted his head lightly with his big hand.

When the two ice-eyed bone dragons broke through the ancient dragon at the same time, he told his little apprentice to watch carefully, saying that it was a rare scene.

Unexpectedly, this happened not long after.

This sentence, falling on me now, is actually very appropriate.

He sighed, but didn't explain further.

Seeing him like this, the child was extremely intelligent, so he didn't ask any more questions, but followed his gaze and looked at Mu Qinglan.

He blinked his clear eyes and bit his fingers curiously.

Is that pretty sister?

What did Master keep watching her for?

Could it be because she was injured?

He looked at it for a while, and couldn't help pulling Master Yiran's sleeve, and Baba said:

"Master Master..."

Master Yiran looked down at him with a look of inquiry.

"Master, that beautiful sister seems to be seriously injured. You have been looking at her, are you also worried about her?"

When Master Yiran heard this, he really couldn't laugh or cry.

Not to mention that he has nothing to do with Mu Qinglan, so why don't you feel distressed.

Even if I really miss Mu Qinglan...

She is like this now, do you have to worry about others?

It's other people who should feel uneasy now, right? ?

Master Yiran shook his head.

"Just look at it."

Seeing that there was still some worry in the child's eyes, he couldn't help adding another sentence.

"She'll be fine."

"Really?" The child's eyes lit up immediately.


After Master Yi Ran finished speaking, he couldn't help laughing bitterly.

He was also thinking before that Mu Qinglan offended people like Yuan Ruili, even with the support of Kagura, I am afraid that it will not be too easy at this grand meeting of the gods.

After all, there is still Youyue watching over him.

But who knew that she still hid such a secret?

No wonder she is so courageous!

No wonder she has already shown such means and strength at such an age!

This is really... a twist!

Kagura didn't say much this time, only a pair of beautiful eyes stared closely at Mu Qinglan.

The one with the ugliest face was Yuan Ruili.

He felt vaguely in his heart that Mu Qinglan's visit to the Pantheon of Gods this time seems to be...prepared?

In other words, her purpose does not seem to be to strive for a good ranking for herself and the entire Piao Miao Shenzong, so as to gain fame and fortune.

She would not be unaware that once she did, the secret would be revealed.

Isn't she afraid of committing crimes?

What is she trying to do?

Yuan Ruili looked at Mu Qinglan deeply for a while, and then glanced at Yuan Yikang calmly.

Yuan Yikang nodded unobtrusively, and swept his hand across the jade plaque on his chest seemingly unintentionally.

Yuan Longyuan next to him could see clearly, and couldn't help frowning.

Patriarch this is...

As time passed bit by bit, the faint golden light on Mu Qinglan's body gradually enveloped her whole body.

But outsiders can still clearly see that almost all the flesh injuries on her body have recovered.

Only some light-colored newborn skin remained, which looked a little conspicuous.

In addition, those shocking wounds that had turned flesh and blood have all been healed and restored to their original appearance.

Back and forth, it was only half an hour.

Everyone was amazed.

At first, they still had some doubts in their hearts, but now, they are completely speechless.

Mu Qinglan's resilience is indeed terrifying!

Although it was silent, it still caused shocking waves in the hearts of everyone.

In contrast, the match between Elder Wei Yue and Lu Heng was fierce, but it was also slightly inferior.

After all, the battle between two peak Holy Masters is as fierce and terrifying as anyone can imagine.

But Mu Qinglan's... is really weird!

Could she really break through the Holy Lord?

After confirming that all the flesh and blood wounds on her body had been healed, Mu Qinglan let out a long breath in her heart.

This is not the first time she has been injured, and there have been several times before that were more serious than this.

So this injury was nothing to her.

She felt that the more difficult thing was to evenly distribute the power gushing out of the ancient divine tome to every part of her body.

For Mu Qinglan, this is actually a more energy-consuming thing.

Because... the power gushing out from above is getting stronger every time! Every time more than once!

The ancient divine tome seems to be breathing, and every once in a while, a burst of power will flow out.

In the first two or three times, Mu Qinglan was still able to handle it.

But the further back you go, the more difficult it starts to get.

After recovering from the external injuries, Mu Qinglan started to deal with the internal situation again.

The impact on the internal organs was not small, so Mu Qinglan really spent some thought to gradually recuperate her body.

She was completely unaware of the passage of time, and her whole attention was already placed on the ancient divine tome.

Mu Qinglan finally felt at ease when the injuries in her body also fully recovered.

Now, her condition has been adjusted to the best, and the next step is to really try to break through!

Mu Qinglan took a deep breath, and was about to try to absorb the power of heaven and earth, but suddenly found that there seemed to be some movement in the sea of ​​​​qi, above the ancient divine tome.

She looked intently and was shocked!

Because around the outer circle of the three ancient avatars, there were three identical golden villains again!

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