God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1453 Demigod (1 more)

This is... three more ancient avatars appeared?

After Mu Qinglan was surprised, she suddenly remembered that when she broke through to the Lord, the original owner of the Immemorial Divine Code seemed to have had the so-called three thousand real bodies...

At that time, she was only amazed, but she didn't expect to have multiple real bodies!

Now this has come up with six!

If she continues, doesn't that... mean that she may also...

Thinking of this, Mu Qinglan's heart skipped a beat!

Not to mention the three thousand real bodies, even if she only had three before, it has already shocked many people!

If there is such a day...

Just as Mu Qinglan was thinking, she suddenly saw the golden light flickering, and three golden villains appeared again!

There are now a total of nine ancient avatars!

Although Mu Qinglan had vaguely guessed something in his heart before, when he actually saw this scene, he was still full of shock.

Nine immemorial avatars...

That is equivalent to nine more helpers for her!

If there was a fight in the future, wouldn't she become a gang fight?

The three golden villains in the innermost part still maintained their original state, holding hands with each other and standing in a small circle.

Outside, the six who appeared later also held hands with each other, forming a big circle.

From a distance, it looks like two golden rings nestled together.

The golden light shrouded it, but Mu Qinglan could still clearly see the outlines of the nine ancient real bodies inside.

That blood bead was still floating inside, wandering back and forth.

Mu Qinglan suddenly came back to her senses, only then did she realize that the power gushing out from the Immemorial God's Tome, which she hadn't tried to control earlier, was flowing towards every part of her body naturally!

She breathed a sigh of relief in her heart—that's right, after all, the ancient gods have recognized her as the master, and they will not do anything that is not good for her.

Realizing this, Mu Qinglan felt a lot more relaxed.

While staring at the nine ancient avatars, she clearly felt that her body's strength was constantly increasing.

Every inch of muscle, every bone is constantly being washed away by that force.

And her breath, also in this process, gradually became stronger.

The golden light on Mu Qinglan's body flickered quietly.

Xueyou has been watching from the side, and at first he thought it was very interesting, but soon, he found that Mu Qinglan's strength was growing faster than he had expected.

Xueyou couldn't help raising her eyebrows slightly.

It seems that it is because of breaking through the Holy Master, so, has there finally been any movement in the ancient divine tome?

Even he was shocked, let alone others?

The Fourth Elder Chang and others stood by, and they were also very shocked.

However, the more this was the case, the more nervous they became, raising their vigilance to the highest level.

——My lord's breakthrough so ostentatious will inevitably attract the jealousy of some people. Who knows what those people will do to come out?

At this time, they have to be more cautious!

At this moment, the soul-suppressing stone floating in front of Mu Qinglan suddenly moved.

Xueyou took a look and saw that there were two stars twinkling on it.

Fourth Elder Chang also took a look, with joy on his face.

"It seems that Chang Qi and the others are here!"

As soon as the words fell, a star above suddenly floated up!


A black space crack appeared quickly!

This scene also surprised the people who were watching Mu Qinglan.

——Again! ?

Most of the people here don't know much about the Piaomiao Divine Sect, so they naturally don't know that before the Fourth Elder Chang, the three elders, including Elder Wei Yue, went to retreat together.

So seeing such a scene appear again at this time, many people were a little surprised.

Soon, the space crack expanded rapidly, and a figure walked out quickly!

The visitor had all white hair and beard, and was wearing a gray robe. His figure was thin and his cheekbones were a little protruding. He looked oppressive as if he was not close to strangers.

Elder Chang Si and Elder Wu Shen immediately shouted joyfully:

"Chang Qi! You're here!"

If the person here is not the second elder of the twenty-eight constellations of Piaomiao Shenzong——Elder Changqi, who is it?

After Elder Changqi walked out, he looked at Mu Qinglan at the first sight.

Even if she hadn't seen it before, but the soul-suppressing stone was in front of her, and her identity was already very clear.

In addition, the few of them contacted Mu Qinglan through Zhenhun Shipo, so they could recognize them at a glance.

However, he was a little surprised that Mu Qinglan had his eyes closed at this time, and his body was surging with energy. It seemed that he was preparing to break through?

He quickly withdrew his gaze, and nodded at Elder Chang Si and Elder Wu Shen, but his face became more serious.

"How did your lord become like this? What's going on?"

The faces of the Fourth Chang elders were suddenly a little embarrassed.

Compared with Elder Wei Yue, Elder Chang Qi's temperament is colder and stricter.

Among the five people, his temper is the hardest.

So sometimes, even Elder Wei Yue would give in.

Originally, Mu Qinglan was hurt like this, and he couldn't blame the Fourth Elder Chang and others, but for some reason, Elder Chang Qi asked such a question, which inexplicably made them feel a little guilty.

Fourth Elder Chang lowered his head slightly:

"It was because I was too incompetent to let the king..."

Afterwards, Elder Chang Si simply explained the cause and effect of the matter to Elder Chang Qi.

Elder Changqi's face changed several times.

In the end, he took a deep look at Mu Qinglan.

Your Majesty's ability is far beyond their previous imagination...

Sure enough, Soul Suppressing Stone Soul would not choose the wrong person.

"Don't let this kind of thing happen again in the future. I wait to follow you to help you. If it becomes a drag, then what's the point of existence?"

Elder Changqi put one hand behind his back, his cold and serious eyes swept over everyone.

All the Xingxiu elders were a little embarrassed.

In fact, although Elder Changqi's words are harsh, they are indeed true.

They really need to improve themselves...

Seeing this, Elder Changqi calmed down slightly:

"The top priority right now is to take good care of your majesty. We can talk about the rest when we get back."


Elder Changqi seems to have an inexplicable coercion that makes people surrender, and his aura is extremely strong, and everyone is also sincerely convinced.

After finishing speaking, Elder Changqi finally turned his head and looked at the others.

His eyes were extremely cold, as if they were covered with a layer of frost.

Many people didn't dare to look at him, and turned their eyes away one after another.

Elder Changqi sneered in his heart, and said lightly:

"Before I was not around, I was the one who casually bullied Your Majesty. From now on... you will never allow the same thing to happen again, understand?"

Elder Chang and the others responded immediately: "Yes!"

After the voice fell, some people's faces became a little ugly.

It seems that Elder Chang Qi is teaching Piao Miao Shenzong and others a lesson, but in fact, he said it deliberately for everyone to hear!

You Yue glanced at it, sneering inwardly.

how? Are these words aimed at their Netherworld?

This Piao Miao Shenzong's person is not very good, but his attitude is first-class and arrogant!

Isn't it just that there are two more Holy Master peaks? How dare you be so defiant?

When the time comes, he will always let them understand that some people... are not something they can provoke!


Just as this thought flashed through his mind, a loud noise suddenly came from the arena!

He turned his head to look, but his eyes widened in shock!

On the arena, the moon-like ball of light in Elder Wei Yue's hands has already risen to mid-air!

After he summoned this thing before, he didn't use it directly. Instead, he threw it out and fought Lu Heng with his bare hands.

The two fought hand to hand, and the fight was inseparable.

Lu Heng has indeed touched the threshold of the God Lord, and there is only one chance before he can break through.

Everyone thought that when the two played against each other, Lu Heng would definitely gain the upper hand and even win the game.

But soon, they discovered that Elder Wei Yue's strength was not much less!

Lu Heng wanted to prepare for a big move several times, but Elder Wei Yue seemed to have guessed his intentions, and refused to give him time and opportunity no matter what, and kept chasing him.

Lu Heng was very annoyed.

And in the process of this battle, the light ball thrown by Elder Wei Yue earlier has been covered by more than half of the shadow!

At first glance, it looks a bit like a dog eclipsing the moon.

The humming sound came from above!

Vaguely, it seems that something is about to burst out of it!

Lu Heng was also taken aback, and quickly raised his eyes to take a look.

A coercion is spreading from above!

At the same time, the aura on Elder Wei Yue's body also skyrocketed again!

Lu Heng was shocked!

——The strength of Elder Wei Yue is not only what he showed before!

Just as this thought flashed through his mind, Elder Wei Yue had already flew up!

At this time, that round of light cluster was completely covered by that layer of shadow!

Elder Wei Yue waved his sleeve robe, and the light group flew towards Lu Heng quickly!

"The moon that devours the sky!"

Elder Wei Yue sternly shouted!

Yu Yue finally couldn't help exclaiming:

"Demi god!?"

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