God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1466: Dark Field (3rd watch)

"Hmph, Jiu Lei, don't be ignorant of good people! I'm doing this for her own good!"

A red light flashed before Mu Qinglan's eyes, and a somewhat illusory figure quickly appeared.

This is an old man.

The face is still somewhat familiar.

Mu Qinglan froze for a moment, and quickly reacted.

"God Lord Shentu?"

The old man on the opposite side laughed, looking very satisfied.

"Haha! Do you recognize the old man?"

Mu Qinglan: "..."

Haven't you changed your face many times before...

"Shentu, I warn you, if you want to rob me of my apprentice, there is no way!"

Hearing the angry voice of God Lord Nine Thunders, God Lord Shentu rolled his eyes.

"Who wants to snatch it from you? You're old and you've been thinking about such things all day long! You don't even know when your apprentice was killed!"

As soon as the words came out, Mu Qinglan's heart moved, and the Lord of Nine Thunders became even more serious.

"What are you talking about? Who wants to kill her?"

God Lord Shentu shook his head:

"Who else? Don't you know how many people she offended?"

Mu Qinglan went through it quickly in her mind.

Hmm... At the Pantheon of the Gods, she offended a lot of people...

However, those who can do it at this level must have extraordinary status and strength.

"You mean Yuan Ruili?"

Lord Nine Thunders knew about Mu Qinglan's background, so the first thing that came to mind was Yuan Ruili.

"Ha, although he also wants to, but he hasn't had time to do it yet." God Master Shentu showed a mysterious smile.

Mu Qinglan's heart skipped a beat:

"Could it be... You Yue?"

"It seems that you are not stupid."

God Lord Shentu's words directly affirmed Mu Qinglan's conjecture.

Mu Qinglan frowned.

You Yue wants to harm her?

But before, her attention was all on the colored cylinder, and she didn't pay attention to Youyue at all, so she didn't know what God Lord Shentu meant.

"Do you think that if you win him, he will willingly give you this opportunity?"

Elder Shentu shrugged.

"He's not such an easy-going person! If you had been dull for a while just now, it would be difficult to come in again!"

Mu Qinglan frowned involuntarily.

"The ancient battlefield...isn't everyone able to see it? Even if he is not convinced, he is unlikely to do such a thing in public, right?"

Then how will he mess around in the future?

"Hey, the girl is still naive. Do you know where this is?"

Mu Qinglan looked around.

Except for God Lord Shentu, who was clearly visible, the rest was still dark, and nothing could be seen.

Even now, she still feels that she is suspended in mid-air, with no place to stand.

"This is the ancient battlefield!"

Mu Qinglan was taken aback by God Lord Shentu's words.

"Really?! But—"

"Do you think that after those people summoned the ancient battlefield, you can enter it casually? Once you enter, what you will see is the bloody battlefield from ten thousand years ago?" Divine Lord Shentu said with a hint of teasing.

Mu Qinglan didn't speak.

In fact, she really thought so in her heart.

"It's not that simple! In the ancient battlefield, there are areas of different levels. The stronger the strength, the higher the level reached. But apart from those places, there is still an extremely wide area called 'Darkness'. Domain'. After entering this dark domain, it will be difficult to get out. Not to mention not finding any good things, maybe you will be hurt by the hostility of some old things that have been dead for tens of thousands of years."

Mu Qinglan opened her eyes slightly:

"Dark domain?"

What is this place? Elder Wei Yue didn't mention it before...

"To put it simply, the Dark Realm is the place where some divine masters who fell on the ancient battlefield gathered their remaining hostility. In short, all you need to know is that those who enter here generally have no good end."

"It's normal if you don't know about this place. Because people who know about it are basically dead. And that Youyue has entered the ancient battlefield many times before, and the most important thing is that he has also entered here before, but later Seems to have gotten away with it."

Mu Qinglan understood: "So...you mean, he actually wanted to take the opportunity to push me here just now?"

"Where do you need to push?"

God Lord Shentu laughed, and lightly waved his palm across Mu Qinglan's shoulder.

A tingling pain came immediately!

Mu Qinglan frowned slightly, but she saw an icy blue ice crystal the size of a fingernail in the hand of God Lord Shentu!

There is a familiar coercion on it!

"This is--"

"This is the power of Youyue's God Lord. When he hurt you, he also left this thing in your body. Unless you are a strong God Lord, most people will not notice it at all. And relying on this little thing, He can easily lead you into the dark realm without any effort!"

Mu Qinglan's eyes were fixed on the blue ice crystal.

She was indeed careless, and was almost succeeded by You Yue...

He is far more scheming than she imagined! And more vicious!

"Jiu Lei, what's the use of staying in your sea of ​​qi? You can't even detect this little danger." God Lord Shentu did not forget to mock God Lord Jiu Lei.

God Lord Nine Thunders did not refute this time, and his voice became more condensed.

"It's my teacher's mistake...Although I noticed that you had his divine master's power before, I just thought it was caused by previous injuries...It's the master who is sorry for you."

Mu Qinglan shook her head.

"How can you blame Master for this kind of thing? Youyue is indeed a man with deep scheming and vicious methods. I underestimated him."

Elder Shentu chuckled.

"You Yue wanted to cause you to enter the dark realm that he had entered before, but I was one step ahead and brought you here. Guess, what is this place?"

Mu Qinglan shook her head honestly:

"I don't know this junior, so I ask God Lord Shentu to tell you."

God Lord Shentu couldn't hide his pride:

"This place is only a wall away from the highest-level area of ​​the ancient battlefield! As long as you can break through the barrier here, you can directly climb to the top and win the final game!"

Mu Qinglan was startled, and then asked in disbelief:

"Is it... so simple?"

God Lord Shentu coughed, turned his gaze away, and said with a guilty conscience:

"Cough, of course it's not that simple...you...you..."

Mu Qinglan suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart.

She stared at God Lord Shentu, and asked word by word:

"You...couldn't it be that you're just trapped here and can't get out?"

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