God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1467 Secret (fourth update)

After Mu Qinglan's figure disappeared from everyone's eyes, it quickly aroused everyone's reaction.

Xueyou realized something was wrong, and immediately went to pull her, but she still couldn't make it in time.

"Your Majesty!?"

Elder Wei Yue and the others were also taken aback.

By the time they realized something was wrong, Mu Qinglan's figure had disappeared into the abyss, completely invisible.

Now, the people of Piaomiao Shenzong panicked.

This is just the beginning, why did Jun Shang suddenly disappear like this?

The other people who saw this scene also had different thoughts.

"Mu Qinglan has disappeared... Could it be that she is in such a hurry?"

"What's the point? After all, the person who goes in first is likely to find the baby first, isn't it? Didn't look behind her, people from several other clans also went in one after another?"

The so-called "going in" refers to entering the abyss below.

Colorful ripples spread continuously, the ancient battlefield has been summoned, and the top four can go directly.

Others, on the other hand, could only watch from the sidelines.

Although Hongshi and the others went down before, the ancient battlefield has been officially summoned at this time, and the situation below must be quite different.

"It's useless even if you go down first. Entering the ancient battlefield, the competition has become more intense... Do you really think those big clans are vegetarians?"

There was a lot of discussion.

Yuan Ruili frowned.

So impatient, often end up with nothing.

This Mu Qinglan...is still a little impatient after all.

He turned his head and nodded at Yuan Longyuan and the others.

Only then did Yuan Longyuan respond, leading people to jump down one after another!

At the same time, people from Jishang Shrine and Tianwen Temple also started to act one after another.

They were obviously already prepared, and they entered one after another in an orderly manner, and their figures quickly disappeared below.

In the end, the Piaomiao Shenzong was the last one left.

Elder Wei Yue frowned slightly.

Mu Qinglan left suddenly, he was actually not very optimistic.

Although he doesn't know much about Mu Qinglan, it can be seen from the events of the Wanshen Festival that Mu Qinglan is a very responsible person.

She is definitely not the kind of person who just abandons Piao Miao Shenzong and leaves directly.

In other words, her sudden disappearance just now was largely due to something tricky.

But at this time, everyone must be stabilized.

All the Xingxiu elders are somewhat nervous and worried.

As if nothing had happened, Elder Wei Yue winked at them calmly.

The elders are not stupid, if at this time, let other people see the problem, it will only make the situation of Piao Miao Shenzong more unfavorable.

Therefore, under the instruction of Elder Wei Yue, all the elders entered the ancient battlefield one after another.

——If he was faster, he might still be able to catch up with Junshang!

In the end, only Elder Wei Yue and Xue You remained on Piao Miao Shenzong's side.

Xueyou didn't move, but looked in another direction.

Elder Wei Yue followed his gaze, but found that Xue You was actually looking at Nether Palace.

To be precise, he was looking at Yu Yue.

Even if Xueyou didn't say a word, Elder Wei Yue was keenly aware of Xueyou's hostility towards Youyue.

Could it be...

"Let's go."

Xueyou suddenly withdrew her gaze, her expression was hard to see.

He still underestimated that man's methods...

When cleaning Mu Qinglan's wound earlier, he actually felt something was wrong, but he didn't care too much.

After all, he was fighting against a strong God Lord, so he thought it was normal for the power of the God Lord to remain on the wound.

But... just now Mu Qinglan disappeared inexplicably!

And at that moment, he happened to see the meaningful smile in You Yue's eyes!

Others may not be able to see it, but he knows You Yue too well!

Elder Wei Yue moved closer and asked in a low voice:

"Have eyebrows?"

Xueyou sneered.

"Wait...after you come out, it's not too late to settle the matter."

The account on his side has not yet been settled, but Mu Qinglan has added another...

These years, Youyue really lived a very chic life!

Seeing his cold expression, Elder Wei Yue didn't ask any more questions, nodded and jumped down with Xue You!

Almost all the top four have entered, only Yuan Ruili and others are left.

People from the Yuan clan were entering one after another, but Yuan Ruili's gaze suddenly turned to the side.

Kagura followed his line of sight and looked over, slightly raising her willow eyebrows.

"What? Waiting for those two baby bumps from your clan?"

Yuan Ruili didn't speak.

Kagura's eyes rolled, and his smile was even brighter.

"It seems to be true... I said why they haven't shown up all the time. This grand meeting of the gods is once every ten years. It would be a great pity if I missed it. But... the lord of the palace is really curious about those two little guys Yes. After all, it must be an extremely rare genius who can make Patriarch Yuan pay so much attention, right? I don’t know how compared to—”

"It's better not to bother others about the affairs of the Yuan clan."

Yuan Ruili directly interrupted Kagura's words.

A trace of displeasure flashed across Kagura's eyebrows, and he sneered in his heart.

Can't hear her?

I don't even think about who is the best at doing things!

Soon, a crack in space suddenly appeared in midair!

Two figures appeared side by side!

The two looked to be around twenty years old, a man and a woman.

The young man is handsome and graceful, and the woman is graceful and elegant.

And the most shocking thing is the aura of the two of them!

At such a young age, they are all powerful Holy Lords!

Those two people came here quickly!

The top of Shenmengya Mountain was already covered by that strange barrier, making it impossible to enter.

But Yuan Ruili was already prepared.

He flicked his sleeve robe lightly, and a piece of jade color above the enchantment suddenly flowed.

Then, a gap really opened up.

The two quickly walked through it.

"Xingzhe came late, please forgive me from the patriarch."

The young man was dressed in a sky-blue brocade robe, with sword-like brows and star-eyed eyes from a closer look, his demeanor was extraordinary.

The woman next to him curtsied.

"Yingshu has met the patriarch."

Yuan Ruili flicked his sleeves and spared the ceremony from the two of them.

"go quickly."

He didn't say much, just directly urged the two to enter the ancient battlefield.

The two didn't hesitate and jumped down directly.

After their figures disappeared, Kagura turned his eyes, looked at Yuan Ruili, and smiled.

"But that's all. Patriarch Yuan, I really don't know when you will know how to write the word 'regret'."

After finishing speaking, before Yuan Ruili could speak, Kagura's figure flashed and left directly.

The master Yiran next to him had also handed over the children who had been by his side to the other two elders, and he followed closely behind.

Yuan Ruili took a deep breath.

Kagura's words really made him feel very bad.

But, no matter what, he will never regret what he did back then!

He turned his head and glanced at Yuan Chenghe.

Yuan Chenghe nodded calmly.

Only then did Yuan Ruili leave.

In the dark space, God Lord Shentu was awkwardly silent for a while before saying:

"Actually, you can't say that... It's not that the god master can't get out, it's just... a bit troublesome..."

Mu Qinglan looked at him suspiciously, but he had already guessed a general idea in his heart.

"Trouble? Is it true that the strong God Lord is also afraid of trouble?"

"of course!"

Divine Lord Shentu suddenly felt as if his tail had been stepped on, and his voice was raised several tones.

"Why don't you ask your master Jiu Lei to see if he is afraid of trouble? If he wasn't afraid of trouble, he wouldn't have accepted you as an apprentice after tens of thousands of years of death!"

God Lord Nine Thunders was very dissatisfied: "What are you talking about! I am Ning Que Wulan! How can I be like you! After accepting so many apprentices, none of them are reliable in the end! Finally trapped here, don't you still have to rely on my precious apprentice? help!"

Mu Qinglan: "Oh—"


"Then tell me, what kind of trouble is this? Let me see, junior, can I help you?" Mu Qinglan said bluntly.

The two priests who were arguing suddenly fell silent.

The scene was awkward for a moment.

But God Lord Shentu is not an ordinary person, so he quickly put these things behind him.

"Hey hey! So, you agreed to help? I know that you are different from your master!"

Mu Qinglan coughed.

"You helped me earlier, and I should repay you."

Lord Shentu beamed with joy:

"It's actually very simple! It's nothing to you! There was no problem with this dark area before, but a thousand years ago, for some reason, suddenly there was a strange force that blocked this area. .If you directly use...cough, it should be very easy to untie this blockade!"

Mu Qinglan knew that he was going to mention the ancient gods.

God Lord Nine Thunders had said earlier that the ancient divine tome had a very strong suppressive effect on the strong God Lord, but...how does it have anything to do with the blockade of this dark area?

But since he had agreed, Mu Qinglan planned to give it a try.

She nodded.

"Wait a minute, I'll check—"

Before she finished speaking, a wave suddenly came from within her sea of ​​qi!

It's actually... the soul-suppressing stone?

Mu Qinglan was wondering, but suddenly a scream came from her ear!

She followed the voice, but saw an icy blue light flying towards her!

That is--

Mu Qinglan's eyes suddenly widened!

Ice Blue Excalibur! ?

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