God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1468 The Third Battlefield (Part 1)

How did the Ice Blue Excalibur appear here?

Just as this question flashed across Mu Qinglan's mind, a light flashed in front of his eyes, and the Ice Blue Excalibur had already arrived in front of him.

On the ice-blue sword body, there was a cold light, and it seemed that if you got closer, you would be cut by the sharp breath!

However, just when the ice blue sword was about to pierce Mu Qinglan's body, it suddenly stopped.

It shook slightly, and seemed to hover in front of Mu Qinglan with some uncertainty.

Mu Qinglan opened her mouth slightly, hesitated for a moment, and finally clasped her fists with both hands, and saluted seriously.

"Senior, long time no see."

"This... you know?"

God Lord Shentu who was beside him suddenly opened his eyes wide and asked.

Mu Qinglan glanced at him and nodded.

"Senior and I do have some connections."

Mu Qinglan frowned secretly as she spoke.

When she was in Xiling Academy, after she split the Seventh Peak, the Ice Blue Excalibur was born.

But after that, the Ice Blue Excalibur disappeared directly.

For such a long time, Mu Qinglan still didn't know where the Binglan Excalibur went.

Who would have thought that they would meet here?

Above the ice-blue Excalibur, a deep man's voice suddenly came.

"You...recognize me? No, you seem to be alone..."

Mu Qinglan was taken aback for a moment, and then remembered that when she split the seventh peak, what this senior saw was her pretending to be her brother.

Now that she has recovered her appearance and appeared as a woman, it is normal that the Ice Blue Excalibur did not recognize her for a while.

The corners of Mu Qinglan's lips curled up, and his smile became a little more wanton.

"Senior, I had other reasons back then, so I took over the identity of my elder brother. I didn't intend to deceive you. I hope you won't be offended."

"You are Mu Ling——no, you are Mu Qinglan?"

Only then did Ice Blue Excalibur confirm Mu Qinglan's identity, and her voice was full of surprise.

Mu Qinglan nodded with a smile.

"It turned out to be a girl!"

Suddenly, the Ice Blue Excalibur burst into light!

Mu Qinglan narrowed her eyes slightly, and saw that the ice blue sword suddenly disappeared, replaced by a man.

He looked only about thirty years old, with a handsome appearance and a refined temperament, but there was a hint of sharpness in his seemingly gentle eyes.

At this time, he was standing with his hands behind his back, and he looked even more elegant. Who would have thought that he was actually the Ice Blue Excalibur?

He looked at Mu Qinglan curiously, especially when he stared at her face for a long time, he still seemed a little surprised.

At that time, he only thought of him as a young man with extraordinary talent and perseverance, but he never expected... to be a woman?

"It's been a few years since I left. I never expected that the kid back then would turn into a girl."

Ice Blue Excalibur sighed a little.

Mu Qinglan said apologetically, "I really didn't mean to deceive senior back then."

"What's the matter! When you dressed up as a boy, you had a good-looking appearance, but you turned into a girl, and you were even better! Thinking about it now, I was a little harsh on you at that time..."

As he said that, the Ice Blue Excalibur looked a little annoyed.

If it was a boy, of course it would be fine to treat him however he wanted, but who knew it was a girl?

Although Mu Qinglan is not the Jiao Didi type, if he had known her identity earlier, he would not have pushed so hard.

Mu Qinglan coughed.

She found that the attitudes of these seniors towards men and women were really different.

Back then, when we made a mistake together, the one who was punished always seemed to be my brother...

Ice Blue Excalibur looked at Mu Qinglan, and then asked in surprise:

"Hey, you are now the Holy Master?"

Seems like a few years ago, doesn't it?

Back then, he had personally witnessed Mu Qinglan's breakthrough as the domain master, but he never expected to see her again, and she was already a powerful Holy Lord!

"It seems that you...have experienced a lot in the past few years..."

The Ice Blue Excalibur sighed, with a somewhat complicated expression.

To be able to break through to this level one after another in such a short period of time, I really don't know how much effort and price she has put in.

Mu Qinglan laughed, but didn't say much about it.

"The younger generation is luckier. But, after all, why are you here, senior?"

After the farewell back then, she didn't even have time to ask, and the Binglan Excalibur left directly.

At that time, when he said "it has a place to go", could it be that he was referring to the dark realm?

"It's a long story at this point."

The expression of Ice Blue Excalibur suddenly became a little strange, as if he hesitated to speak.

Just when Mu Qinglan was secretly wondering, God Lord Shentu next to him couldn't help but snorted coldly:

"Hmph, why don't you just tell her that you came here because of the strange power that suddenly appeared thousands of years ago?"

Mu Qinglan reacted for a moment, then suddenly guessed something.

Could it be - what God-Master Shentu said, that the dark area was entangled and blocked by a strange force thousands of years ago, is actually... related to Dean Xiling?

Seeing Mu Qinglan's expression, Ice Blue Excalibur knew that she had already guessed something, so he stopped hiding it and told the whole story.

He sighed and shrugged helplessly.

"You think right. I came here for that fellow Xiling."

Hearing this name, Mu Qinglan's breathing suddenly stopped for a moment.

Something surged in his chest, as if he was about to break free and rush out!

"He's not dead yet."

On Shenmeng Cliff, when all the top four entered the ancient battlefield, all the fluctuations finally subsided gradually.

Everyone stood on the edge, looking at the middle position.

With the colored cylinder as the center, the originally transparent rock around it had disintegrated a layer earlier, and now it has been covered with a layer of brilliant colored crystals.

It looks like a layer of colored transparent glass.

Looking down, you can still see the scene below.

It's just that there is an abyss below, and apart from the rough outline, nothing can be seen.

But everyone still stared eagerly, as if they could see some treasure.

Everyone's eyes are now focused on this.

The once noisy square is now quiet.

Time passed by.

Gradually, low voices of discussion came from among the crowd.

"Guess how long it will take to decide the winner this time?"

"It's hard to say... There are so many Myriad Gods Festivals, some of them lasted as long as two months, but some of them were very short. Just like the last Myriad Gods Festival, which ended in less than ten days?"

"That's true. I heard that the length of time depends mainly on the strength of these people among the top four. Some people have good talents and good opportunities. If they find good things in the ancient battlefield, they will naturally have more time. But if Everyone is not doing well, and it will be over soon."

"The last time the Pantheon of the Gods was really not very good... But last time, I heard that it lasted for nearly two months! It was almost about to break the record! The people who stood out the most at that time seemed to be people from the Yuan Clan Bar…"

"Hush! How can you and I mention what happened back then? People from the Yuan Clan are still watching!"

The voice gradually lowered down.

There were also some people who looked at the surrounding Yuan people with a guilty conscience.

Although Yuan Ruili and other high-status people were not there, it was somewhat cowardly to talk about other people's taboos in secret.

"Look! Someone has entered the third battlefield!"

Suddenly there was an exclamation from the crowd.

Everyone's spirits were shocked, and they quickly looked closely.

Suddenly there was movement on the colorful transparent ground!

Like a drop of ink, it suddenly dripped into the water and gradually blurred.

The color on half of the ground suddenly faded away!

Afterwards, what appeared in front of everyone was a vast and boundless wilderness!

On the gray sky, dark clouds billowed.

On the reddish-brown ground, blood flowed like a river, and it was almost impossible to distinguish those bloodstains.

Some broken swords, guns, swords and halberds fell scatteredly on the ground, and some of them could even see scarlet blood, which was slowly flowing down!

A strong bloody aura soared into the sky!

Everyone looked stunned, but there was more excitement in their eyes.

Because this is the third battlefield among the ancient battlefields!

When this picture appeared in front of everyone's eyes, it proved that someone had entered the third battlefield!

This is what they really want to see!

"Who is it? Who will be the first to enter the third battlefield?"

"Could it be Mu Qinglan? She was the first one to disappear just now."


"That's not necessarily the case. The third battlefield is the lowest among the three levels. Although Mu Qinglan's realm is not very high, her strength is not weak. Logically speaking, there is hope to enter the second battlefield, right?"

"Her combat power is indeed good, but the second battle is still a bit difficult for her..."

While everyone was discussing, a figure finally appeared in the picture of the illusion!

It was a young man in a robe.

"It's from Tianwen Temple! It seems to be... Hong Xiao?"

"It's him!"

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