God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1469 Wind Seventeen (Part Two)

"That Hong Xiao seems to have a good talent. Although he is not as good as Hong Shi, being the first to enter the third battlefield is also a testament to his strength..."

"I just don't know if he will have a good chance? If he can summon the replay of the battle in the third battlefield, that would be great!"

"Hey, maybe it's really possible! Anyway, there will definitely be many people entering the third battlefield. The battle situation of the year will definitely reappear."

"Almost every pantheon of gods in the third battlefield will summon the battle situation of the year, but it's nothing. After all, those who appear are some demigods or strong men who have just broken through to the gods. Among the three major battlefields, they are considered the weakest one. Yes. The really exciting ones are the other two battlefields."

Having said that, some people couldn't help looking at the other half of the ground.

If someone enters the second battlefield, any situation inside will appear in this half.

It's just that at this moment, it's still very calm up there, without any movement.

However, the second battlefield is difficult to enter. Generally, the screen of the second battlefield will not appear until all the people in the third battlefield appear.

So everyone is waiting patiently at this time.

After Hong Xiao appeared, a second person soon appeared.

It was a young woman from the Supreme Shrine.

But those two people were obviously not in the same place, so although everyone could see them, they didn't know each other's existence.

Gradually, the number of people in the third battlefield increased.

And these people also quickly began to act in the third battlefield.

After about a quarter of an hour, two people finally bumped into each other and started fighting without saying a word!

Those two were from Tianwen Temple and Yuan Clan respectively.

The usual relationship between the two is actually not bad, but in this situation, they will naturally do their best.

However, competing in the third battlefield is actually not a simple matter.

Because during the previous competition, all the anger of the ancient battlefield was blocked.

But at this time, they were unavoidable.

Therefore, when fighting, the terrible hostility on the battlefield will also have a great impact on them.

In this case, it will be more difficult to win.

Among the top four, the last one to appear in front of everyone was Piao Miao Shenzong.

No one was surprised by this.

On the one hand, the number of Piaomiao Shenzong is small, and on the other hand, because of their strength, compared with the other three families, they do not have an advantage.

Except for Elder Wei Yue and a few other Holy Masters who are still more concerned, in fact they don't care much about Piao Miao Shenzong as a whole.

Of course, the most curious thing here is Mu Qinglan.

However, more and more people appeared on the third battlefield, but Mu Qinglan never appeared.

"Can Mu Qinglan really enter the second battlefield?"

In fact, everyone has such a question in their minds.

Time passed bit by bit.

Everyone gradually quieted down, carefully watching the situation on the third battlefield.

More and more people entered, and battles broke out one after another.

Those who can enter it have the best talent and strength in Shenmotian, so even just watching them compete like this is quite beneficial.

Of course, everyone still hopes very much that in the third battlefield, someone can summon the grand occasion of the battle of the gods as soon as possible.

After everyone had waited for three hours, there was finally a change on the third battlefield!


Looking at the scene that suddenly became dark, everyone's hearts were lifted tightly.

——Who was the first one to call out the reenactment of the battle?

In fact, at this moment, everyone in the third battlefield also noticed the movement in the sky, and looked up one after another.

Although the third battlefield has a vast area, when this situation occurs, everyone can clearly see it.

Soon, a tall figure appeared in the sky!

A powerful coercion came suddenly!

Many people were secretly surprised—it was actually a divine master!

Generally, the first one to appear will be a demigod, but it is rare for a god to appear.

Then, behind that divine master, a figure also appeared!

This person turned out to be a god too!

Everyone couldn't help holding their breath.

The two gods fight against each other, I don't know what kind of scene it will be...

And which family is it that summoned this scene?

Just when everyone was suspicious, a graceful figure suddenly jumped up! Fly above the mid-air!

It was a man in his twenties who looked ordinary.

When he appeared, no matter whether it was the many sects who were watching this scene outside, or the top four in the third battlefield, they were all stunned.

Because this person... looks very strange.

"Who is that? Why haven't I seen it before?"

"He's not from the Yuan clan. He doesn't wear any clothes from the Yuan clan."

"Not even people from Tianwen Temple!"

"There should be no men in the Supreme Shrine... Wait! Is this someone from Piaomiao Shenzong?"

"Ah! I remembered! He is indeed a member of Piao Miao Shenzong. It's just that he didn't seem to have played in the previous competition, so no one recognized him."

This person is one of the twenty-eight elders of Piaomiao Shenzong: Feng Shiqi!

After a brief silence, everyone looked blank.

"No way... This man is the pinnacle of the Lord! How could he be the first—"

At this moment, there was a sudden movement on the half of the ground next to it!

"Someone has entered the second battlefield!"

Time is tight, and these two are a little less.

The third and fourth updates will be made up together, around eight o'clock. kisses

It's the last day, if you have a monthly pass, don't let it expire~

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