God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1475: Chopping (One More)

Behind that radiant stream of light, there was a figure gradually emerging from the darkness.

Mu Qinglan could vaguely see that it was a man in a robe. Although he couldn't see his face clearly, Mu Qinglan immediately felt an extremely familiar aura when he saw his figure for the first time!

It is indeed Dean Xiling!

Although Mu Qinglan didn't stay in Xiling College for a long time, he has a close relationship with Dean Xiling.

The man's aura was indeed exactly the same as the aura she felt when she entered the long scroll building!

Mu Qinglan's heart seemed to be tightly grasped by something, and he was a little nervous, staring at the figure without blinking.

For her, Dean Xiling has always been a figure that only exists in legends.

reverence, admiration, look up to.

This is what Mu Qinglan feels most about Dean Xiling.

She never thought that one day she would see Dean Xiling herself with her own eyes!

It wasn't the first time Mu Qinglan had seen such a top-level powerhouse, but it was the first time she was so nervous.

Because the meaning of Dean Xiling is different.

Especially for her.

To a large extent, she was able to get to where she is today, thanks to Dean Xiling.

From this perspective, Dean Xiling is almost her mentor.

Mu Qinglan felt a gentle and sharp gaze sweeping over her body.

She straightened her back almost subconsciously.

The feeling as if she was being interrogated immediately cheered her up.

"Student Mu Qinglan, met Dean Xiling!"

Mu Qinglan saluted immediately.

Compared with the titles of senior and senior, she is more inclined to the relationship between students and teachers.

She was also a student of Xiling College.

The man gave a low laugh.

It was only then that Mu Qinglan realized that the voice sounded quite young... about thirty or forty years old.

"I didn't expect you to come so fast."

There is a huge star array between the two, but there is still a long distance between them, and with countless streamers flowing, both sides can only see a rough outline of each other.

But because the star array has been repaired, there is still no problem for the two to communicate.

Dean Xiling's tone was gentle and light, not at all the sleepiness and dullness of a person who has been trapped for thousands of years.

"You are better than I imagined."

Although he couldn't see the other person's face clearly, the meaning of appreciation in this sentence couldn't be more clearly understood.

Mu Qinglan suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

With Dean Xiling's words, her previous dedication and hard work seemed to be affirmed.

Even though Mu Qinglan didn't struggle to get praise from others before, but because she had too many connections with Dean Xiling, Mu Qinglan hoped that she could do well enough to let Xiling The dean is satisfied.

Looking at it now, she seems to have done it.

"Thank you, Dean Xiling, for your compliment. I hope you will forgive me for being late, this junior."

In front of Dean Xiling, Mu Qinglan was still very humble.

Dean Xiling laughed.

"Bing Lan has only been here for less than three years! I thought I would have to wait for you for ten years, or even longer!"

Mu Qinglan's speed was indeed beyond his expectation.

Afterwards, Dean Xiling said again:

"However, having said that, it turns out that you have comprehended most of the star array, and only the last point has not been comprehended!"

Looking at it this way, Mu Qinglan's talent above the star array is really amazing!

Mu Qinglan nodded lightly:

"The student is stupid. At this last step, he has been stuck for a long time and has been unable to comprehend it. If the dean reminded him, he does not know when he will be able to crack it."


Dean Xiling laughed out loud.

"If you are dull, there will be no wise people in the world!"

At the beginning, he rubbed the star array, but it took a lot of effort, even the master of the star array may not be able to fully comprehend it, let alone Mu Qinglan?

She seems to be about seventeen years old this year, right?

"Forget it, you and I don't need to talk about this. I was trapped in the star array before, and the power of the dark field was mixed together, so I couldn't repair the star array myself. This made the situation worse and worse .But now that you are here, it is naturally much easier to attack from the outside. The star array has been fully restored, and the chaotic forces between it and the dark realm have been separated. As long as you are ready, you can attack at any time!"

Such a crucial matter, even related to himself and several god masters, was as simple and easy as eating in the mouth of Dean Xiling.

Mu Qinglan couldn't laugh or cry, but the previous tension did dissipate a lot.

She nodded:

"Students must try their best."

After she finished speaking, she urged the energy in her body to rush towards Qingyuan Zhan!

A biting chill spread out from Qing Yuan Zhan!

The surrounding space began to condense inch by inch!

Mu Qinglan's hands were even covered with a thin layer of ice!

Both Binglan Excalibur and God Lord Shentu realized that she was really planning to make a move, and each stepped back a little.

And Dean Xiling, who was behind the star formation, seemed to have retreated for a while with a flash of his figure.

In the dark realm, countless forces are unpredictable.

This star array has been here for thousands of years, and has been entangled with each other in a subtle way.

Although Mu Qinglan has repaired the star array, in fact, except for Mu Qinglan who can clearly perceive the entire star array with the power of Yuanshen, no one else can see the whole picture of the star array.

Even at this moment, what was presented before their eyes was only a part of the huge star array.

But in the part they can't see, the situation is actually more complicated and terrifying.

Pull one hair and move the whole body.

If Mu Qinglan went down with this knife, he would not be able to cut off the blockage cleanly, and would affect the power of the surrounding dark domain, causing endless troubles.

Mu Qinglan held his breath.

When she was sure that the power in Qing Yuan Zhan had been stimulated to the maximum, and her own power had surged wildly through her limbs, she finally began to summon the power of the ancient gods!

At this time, the ancient divine tome was still shrouded in that faint golden layer.

Even the blood bead inside can still be seen.

With a thought in Mu Qinglan's mind, a vast and boundless breath suddenly descended!

A flash of deep fear and awe flashed in Shentu's eyes, and he took a few steps back.

Although he had always hoped that Mu Qinglan could use the power of the ancient gods to bring him out of here, but it didn't mean he had forgotten how powerful this thing was.

Still farther away is safer.

Because the Ice Blue Excalibur is not a divine master, it is not so afraid of the ancient divine tome.

Even he felt very kind.

After all, he also suppressed a piece of ancient gods for thousands of years in the Seventh Peak.

Mu Qinglan clenched the handle of the knife with both hands, golden light gradually gushed out from her hands, and then quickly covered the entire Qingyuan Zhan!

The terrifying coercion almost instantly stirred up the surrounding forces!

Mu Qinglan even felt that she heard the sound of the surrounding space collapsing!

However, because everything was in the dark, Mu Qinglan didn't know what was going on around her.

She doesn't need to know either.

The next moment, Mu Qinglan suddenly raised the Qingyuan Zhan in his hand!

Afterwards, without hesitation, she slashed down hard!

With a swipe of the tip of the knife, a blazing and brilliant golden light was left behind in the darkness!


There seemed to be no movement around.

Only the faint golden light of the knife flew away very quietly, and landed directly on the huge star array.


Mu Qinglan seemed to hear the sound of something being cut apart.

Her heart tightened.

Then she saw that the huge silver star array in front of her suddenly fluctuated violently!

The star array was quickly divided into two, and countless streamers spread towards both sides with the place where the knife light fell as the boundary!

At the same time, the golden light continued to overflow, gradually covering it!

The huge star array began to collapse completely!

In the first battlefield, after everyone arrived one after another, a huge colorful stone platform appeared above the huge battlefield.

Because only those who climbed the colorful stone platform can summon the battle of the God Lord in the first battlefield that year.

So, that is the people on the first battlefield, the place of the final finals.

Although a divine master like Yuan Ruili could climb the colorful stone platform, since he was already a divine master, it was basically impossible to summon him successfully.

After all, this is not the first time they have entered here, and if they could be summoned, they would have already been summoned.

After the colorful stone platform appeared, although Yuan Ruili and the others were in different positions, they all started to move towards the colorful stone platform.

Fengtian was the first to arrive.

He is also very familiar with this place, so he just waved his sleeve robe, stepped on the red-gold flame ladder, and climbed smoothly.

This colorful stone platform hangs in the air, and it can almost see the situation of most of the battlefield.

Arriving after him is Dragon War.

He also didn't expend any effort and went straight up.

After all, it is a divine beast, and its strength should not be underestimated.

Yuan Ruili and Master Yiran arrived under the colorful stone platform almost at the same time.

For cultivators of the human race, it actually takes a little effort to go up.

Yuan Ruili directly built the star array, and with the help of the power of countless streamers, he went up step by step calmly.

Master Yi Ran followed closely behind.

When Kagura arrived, he saw that those people were already standing on the colorful stone platform.

However, among the younger generation, no one has come here yet.

With a slight swing of Kagura's skirt, countless petals fell, and she followed those petals all the way up, reaching the top very easily.

She glanced at Yuan Ruili and said with a smile:

"Hey, it's been so long, why haven't those little guys come yet? I thought they were so highly valued by the Yuan clan leader, and they would definitely perform better than the previous ones."

Yuan Ruili knew that she meant something else, so he didn't talk to her.

Master Yiran kindly made a relief:

"It hasn't been long since the first battlefield opened. For the younger generation, it's really not that easy to get here right away... I just don't know, how many people will come up this time?"

Yuan Ruili glanced at the two of them and smiled faintly.

"The number of people is still uncertain, but... it seems that among the top four, only Piao Miao Shenzong has no one to come up."

The second update and the third update will be updated together at two o'clock in the afternoon.

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