God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1476 First (Second Update)

Outside the ancient battlefield, the crowd watching were also nervously staring at the picture, wanting to see which young junior could be the first to climb the colorful stone platform and successfully summon the battle of the gods.

Yuan Xingze and the other four were all scattered around the first battlefield at this time, and after the colorful stone platform appeared, they all started to go there.

Time passed bit by bit, and the four of them gradually approached.

Yuan Xingze became the first person to arrive under the colorful stone platform again.

But it is not enough just to get here, the real difficulty lies in how to go up.

Because the colorful stone platform is suspended in the air, there is no connection with the ground.

The most important thing is that this area is very special, and ordinary practitioners cannot simply rely on their own strength to go up.

Even Yuan Ruili and the others from before showed their skills and used other methods to get up.

For Yuan Xingze and the others, this was undoubtedly the biggest problem.

Yuan Xingze tried several methods under the colorful stone platform, but all were in vain.

And when he was thinking hard and couldn't figure it out, Hongshi also arrived smoothly.

Both of them are very polite to each other.

"Brother Xingze, I have admired your name for a long time."

"Brother Hongshi is polite. I still need your advice this time."

Because they have heard of each other's name before, and they arrived at the first battlefield together at this time, the meaning of competition is naturally more obvious.

Even a shy person like Hongshi has a winning heart in his heart when facing this situation.

It doesn't matter if he loses, but now everyone is watching them from the sidelines, so they all represent their respective sects.

In such a situation, of course we must do our best.

Both of them were very courteous, but they were obviously thinking about how to go up as soon as possible. After exchanging a few simple greetings, they separated for a certain distance and studied separately.

Yuan Xingze originally thought that Hongshi would try several methods one after another like him before, but what he didn't expect was that after Hongshi came, he didn't try directly, but instead wandered around, as if observing wearing something.

Yuan Xingze's heart moved slightly.

He had heard that Hongshi had entered the tomb of the gods before, and he felt a little more jealous.

Moreover, Hongshi's temperament is more calm than he imagined.

This is even more difficult to deal with...

Hongshi didn't think so much, he looked up at the colorful stone platform, frowned slightly, and fell into deep thought.

Before coming here, Master once specifically mentioned that there are very few people who can enter the first battlefield, but the competition is the fiercest.

And this colorful stone platform is the first threshold.

The most important thing is that this colorful stone platform is very strange.

You can try various methods, maybe which one will succeed, or you may fail repeatedly.

But the prerequisite for success must be strength.

So here, there is no way to play tricks, everyone has to find their own way.

Master Yiran didn't say too much about it before, he just let him understand it by himself.

Hiroshi stared at it for a while, then suddenly took a few steps back.

Seeing Hongshi's movements from the corner of his eyes, Yuan Xingze paid extra attention.

Finally going to try it out?

But Hongshi was unexpected, and sat cross-legged, clasped his hands in front of him, and silently recited the scriptures.

Yuan Xingze was a little surprised, and wanted to listen to it, but found that Hongshi's scriptures were not clear at all.

He waited for a short while, then simply ignored it and withdrew his thoughts.

In fact, there is a method he is best at, which he has not tried yet - star formation!

I have tried several other methods, but it seems that I can only use the star array to try.

After all, Hongshi had already arrived, and it would be bad if he fell behind.

When Yuan Xingze was planning to build a star array, another person arrived.

But it is Jinse from the Supreme Shrine.

She has a beautiful appearance and a graceful figure, but there is no expression on her pretty face, and she looks a little cold.

Although she is the most important disciple of Palace Master Kagura, her character is quite different from Kagura.

Kagura likes to be lively, but Jinse likes to be quiet.

After arriving, Jinse greeted the two people who had arrived earlier, with a little alienation in their speech and demeanor.

Everyone watching this scene was also amazed.

I really don't know how the troublesome temperament of Palace Master Kagura could cultivate such a disciple.

But these are small things.

Who can go up first and summon the God Lord is the most important thing.

Jinse looked up, and without any hesitation, she just tapped her toes and jumped up!

She was originally wearing a green dress, but when she flew up, she waved her arms lightly, and two green sleeves flew out quickly!

Those water sleeves are like two clear and clean streams, gushing from bottom to top!

Jinse is as light as a swallow, but she stepped on the water sleeve and went all the way up!

The people who were watching outside couldn't help but gasp in amazement.

The movements are smooth and flowing, and they are done in one go, and they have already flown half of the distance!

Sure enough, he is worthy of being a disciple carefully cultivated by Palace Master Kagura!

If this one can directly succeed, it can represent the Supreme Shrine and win the first place here!

Many people held their breath nervously.

And on the colorful stone platform, those few people also noticed the movement below.

However, their expressions were very calm, and even Palace Master Kagura looked down and sighed softly.

It's still almost hot...

Sure enough, when Jinse was halfway up, she suddenly felt the pressure around her suddenly increase!

She was unprepared for a moment, and was directly knocked down by the invisible force.

Fortunately, when she landed, she was quite stable and not too embarrassed.

But this is still a big blow to Jinse.

She pursed her lips, and her expression became more determined. After a short rest, she tried again!

Seeing this, Yuan Xingze who was not far away shook his head slightly.

If it was so easy to get on the colorful stone platform, he and Hongshi would have gone up earlier, why would they wait until now?

After all, the three of them are all the same level at the beginning of the Holy Master.

Hongshi, on the other hand, didn't look at Jinse more from the beginning to the end, and was extremely attentive.

Yuan Xingze was about to move, but suddenly felt a familiar breath.

He turned his head to look, and saw a slender and exquisite figure coming quickly.

It was Yuan Lingshu.

"Yingshu, you're here."

Seeing her, a faint smile appeared on Yuan Xingze's face, making that already handsome face even more touching.

Yuan Lingshu stood still in front of him, noticing his gentle eyes on her, a blush flew across her cheeks.

"I'm late."

Yuan Xingze shook his head and said with a smile:

"It's not too late. I happen to be going up too. Why don't we go together?"

Yuan Lingshu knew that he had arrived earlier, and she said that just to comfort herself, she felt warm and nodded.


With a thought in Yuan Xingze's mind, the surging power of Yuanshen surged out quickly!

At the same time, a huge star formation quickly appeared under his feet!

Yuan Lingshu held her breath and followed closely behind!

The second star array appeared in front of the two of them!

And it just so happens that this star array is standing in the middle of the first star array.

In this way, the power of the two star arrays began to superimpose each other.

It is obviously not the first time that the two have cooperated, so they have a tacit understanding at this time.

If you have to say more, you will be able to perfectly integrate the power of the two star formations freely.

At this time, Jinse failed again and fell beside the two of them.

She took a fixed look, and there was a hint of stubbornness in her eyes.

Yuan Xingze and Yuan Lingshu looked at each other.

Yuan Lingshu nodded slightly, and then jumped up!

Her movements seemed to be very easy, with a touch of her toes, she seemed to have jumped directly to the top of the bunch of stars.

After standing still, she moved quickly, manipulating countless streamers to change the previous flow track.

Gradually, the star array below gradually disappeared, while a third star array appeared above her head.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Yuan Xingze also followed the star array and stood side by side with her.

But in the blink of an eye, the two of them have already used the star formation to cover a large distance.

And because of the support of the star array, the two of them can maintain this position without expending a lot of strength.

Following the third star array, you can continue to go up smoothly.

This scene amazed the onlookers.

Seeing that Yuan Xingze had failed many times before, he thought he was helpless, but looking at it now, it is clear that the two of them had plans long ago!

Such a design is not without care.

After all, no one said that they can't cooperate, especially since these two are both members of the Yuan clan.

This kind of cooperation is perfect, and it is only a matter of time before they go up to the colorful stone platform.

Even the several divine masters on the colorful stone platform were a little surprised when they saw this movement.

Master Yiran smiled and said:

"The two cooperate with each other, saving time and effort, they are really very smart."

Although Hongshi still didn't move below, Master Yiran had a big heart, so he didn't hesitate to praise these two.

A satisfied smile appeared on Yuan Ruili's face.

"It's just because the two of them grew up together, so they know each other better, and these things are easier for them than ordinary people."

Kagura snorted lightly.

"Two people coming up together, and one person coming up alone, can it be the same?"

These two little guys are indeed a little smart, and their talents are not bad.

But, that's all.

In her eyes, she was incomparable with that person.

Yuan Ruili smiled slightly.

Master Yiran quickly smoothed things over.

"Actually, the gap between one person and two people is not very big. The important thing is to be able to come up, right? Anyway, this is only the first threshold for them."

Kagura brushed the broken hair back and hummed softly.

Jinse has the ability to come up, but she intends to use this opportunity to give Jinse a good experience, so she didn't mention more.

As for the others... she doesn't care!

No, there is one more person, why hasn't he appeared yet?

Kagura looked around again.

What came into view was a desolate and vast wilderness, which looked more dull and depressing under the dark sky.

But the figure of that person has not appeared for a long time.

Could it be... She really didn't enter the first battlefield?

Kagura frowned involuntarily.

Logically speaking, it shouldn't be!

Mu Qinglan's talent is extremely high, in her eyes, even stronger than these few people.

Why didn't you come here?

With a thought, she suddenly remembered something, and her expression changed slightly.

In the previous Ten Thousand Gods event, some people did disappear.

That's because there is a weird gap between the three major battlefields.

Once lost in this ancient battlefield, strayed into that terrible gap...

If you don't want to, forget it, once you have this thought, you won't let it go.

The more Kagura thought about it, the more worried she became.

Although she had nothing to do with Mu Qinglan, but because of that face, she couldn't sit idly by.

I haven't shown up for so long, is something really wrong?

The same worries as Kagura, in fact, there are Feng Tian and Long Zhan.

For the two of them, it doesn't matter who wins the first place.

Inviting them to come is only as a testimony.

But it's different now.

Mu Qinglan contracted an ancient phoenix and two ancient dragons!

If something happens to her, all the contracted beasts will be in trouble!

Especially... if she dies, those few will definitely die!

Therefore, even out of concern for their own blood and clan, it is impossible for Feng Tian and Long Zhan to watch Mu Qinglan encounter an accident.

But based on past experience, Mu Qinglan should have entered the first battlefield, but he didn't show up for a long time... To a large extent, he was involved in that terrible dark field!

Seeing that the two members of the Yuan family were about to come up, Mu Qinglan still didn't make any movement.

Feng Tian and Long Zhan looked at each other, and they both saw a hint of worry in each other's eyes.

Just when a few people were worried, Yuan Xingze and Yuan Lingshu, who were below, had already climbed up quickly by relying on the star array!

Seeing, it is about to board the colorful stone platform!

The corners of Yuan Ruili's mouth curled up slightly.

"It seems that this time, our Yuan Clan has a slight victory—"


Before he could finish his sentence, a huge roar suddenly came from above the sky!

A touch of gold quickly split the dark sky!

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