God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1480 Star Formation Master (Third)

Mu Qinglan no longer intends to wait any longer.

Anyway, wait a few more hours, even a few days, the result is still the same.

She came here not only for number one, but also for more important things.

Time cannot be delayed.

Therefore, after Yuan Xingze summoned the artifact, Mu Qinglan hardly hesitated, and immediately started to act!

She glanced up.

Dean Xiling and the others are still arguing.

Anyway, this trouble was provoked by Dean Xiling, so we should leave it to him!

Thinking of this, Mu Qinglan immediately felt relieved.


She cried out in her heart.

Because of the soul-suppressing spirit, Dean Xiling could hear Mu Qinglan's words.

"Hey? What's the matter?" Dean Xiling quickly responded.

Mu Qinglan smiled silently.

"I'd better ask you to help me choose. After all, you are familiar with the seniors, aren't you?"

The originally noisy voice stopped abruptly.

Dean Xiling coughed hard.

"Isn't that appropriate? Or you—"

"The student thanked the dean first." Mu Qinglan said sincerely.

Dean Xiling thought to himself that it was really unusual for this girl to come to this step so quickly.

No way, he had no choice but to bite the bullet.

"Well... If that's the case... By the way, I looked at you earlier, it seems that you have broken through the sixth-level Star Array Master for a while, right?"

Dean Xiling's voice suddenly brightened.

Mu Qinglan didn't know, so: "Yes..."

"Okay! That's it! Tiankui, Yu Gan, how about just the two of you? I remember that you two are both Star Array Grandmasters?"

After a brief silence, the two echoed one after another.

"That's right! The two of us really fought several times back then!"

"It's just right! Then it's the two of us! You can't go back on your word!"

These two were happy, but the others quit.

"Xi Ling! Why are they two? Make it clear!"

"Exactly! Isn't it the Star Array Grandmaster? What's so great about it?"

"Isn't it because you are a star formation master that you take extra care of them?"

The noise kept coming and going, and Mu Qinglan felt a headache.

But she was a little strange, as if she didn't hear the voice of God Lord Shentu?

What she didn't know was that God Lord Shentu had already thought about it.

—He is different from everyone else!

Before Mu Qinglan came down, he offered to help!

And he has indeed done Mu Qinglan a big favor!

Mu Qinglan had already made an agreement with him, saying that as long as he helped, he would definitely take him out.

Then what is he still fighting for?

He is not at the same level as these people!

So after God Master Shentu figured it out, he completely relaxed and watched them arguing with a smile on the side.

When I watched it, I still didn't forget to complain secretly in my heart.

Hmph, tens of thousands of years ago, one was better than the other, and no one would accept the other. Isn't it like this now?

Dean Xiling explained:

"That's because Qinglan girl is going to break through the Star Formation Master Master!"

Mu Qinglan was startled.

Is she going to break through the Star Formation King Master?

Why doesn't she know?

"Now this girl is short of the last point of guidance, so it is most suitable for the two of them to go up. She is very smart. After watching them fight, she will probably break through smoothly."

The noise gradually died down.

Obviously, Dean Xiling's words are very convincing.

Among other things, there is no reason to stop Mu Qinglan from improving his strength.

They even wanted Mu Qinglan to break through quickly.

Only in this way can she have more strength to help them.

Mu Qinglan couldn't help thinking seriously: Is Dean Xiling too optimistic about her?

Wouldn't it be embarrassing if she didn't make a breakthrough after reading it?

But before she could figure it out, there was a loud bang in the sky!

Everyone was shocked and looked up!

In the sky, two figures appeared quickly!

Mu Qinglan blinked: so fast?

Everyone was shocked.

"God Lord?! God Lord!"

Master Yiran murmured subconsciously, and then immediately looked at several people.

Who summoned this?

The first time Yuan Ruili saw these two god masters, he immediately looked at Yuan Lingshu.

But Yuan Lingshu also looked surprised at this time.

This is not what she summoned!

Yuan Ruili's heart sank half.

So, is it Jinse, or Hongshi?

But Palace Master Kagura suddenly exclaimed.

"It's Mu Qinglan!"

Yuan Ruili immediately turned his head to look, and sure enough, he saw the two figures in the sky, and they went straight to Mu Qinglan without hesitation!

And Mu Qinglan also tipped her toes, and flew straight up!

An invisible barrier quickly accommodated the two god masters and Mu Qinglan in it!

This is undoubtedly the Lord God summoned by Mu Qinglan!

Yuan Ruili closed his eyes hard, unable to believe what he saw.

However, the coercion of the Supreme God Lord cannot be mistaken, and the one standing beside him is indeed Mu Qinglan!

His heart sank completely!

At the same moment, outside the three ancient battlefields, everyone who saw this scene couldn't help but exclaimed.

"It turned out to be Mu Qinglan!?"

"That's the Supreme God, no doubt? God...she really did it?"

"Tsk, this is a good show! Maybe this time, Mu Qinglan can really lead Piao Miao Shenzong to the first place! Hey!"

"What is the origin of this Mu Qinglan?"

After waiting for a long time, everyone felt that maybe no one could successfully summon the God Lord this time.

Mu Qinglan's move is undoubtedly equivalent to throwing a stone into the lake! Aroused countless ripples!

The crowd was in an uproar.

No matter what everyone thinks in their hearts, this is the truth in front of them!

You Yue raised his head, fixed his eyes on Mu Qinglan on the screen of the first battlefield, and almost crushed the armrest of the chair!

If it wasn't for the last sliver of reason, he would have collapsed right now.

Mu Qinglan!

How could it be her! ?

Not only was she not trapped to death in the dark realm, but she successfully entered the first battlefield, and even now, she has successfully summoned the God Lord!

Everything happened too fast.

After Mu Qinglan finally stood still, she saw the two divine masters standing not far from her.

Even though he had met him before, he was a very powerful senior after all, so Mu Qinglan still clasped his fists in a serious salute.

"Junior Mu Qinglan, I met two seniors."

In fact, she knew the names of these two, but she didn't call them out just to save some unnecessary trouble.

Seeing Mu Qinglan like this, everyone felt even more strange.

Although she summoned the two Supreme God Masters, they just entered the illusion of ten thousand years ago. The two God Masters would not recognize her at all, and they would not even notice her existence. Why is she still greeting her?

But they didn't know that Mu Qinglan was not in the illusion at this moment!

Standing in front of her were the real two divine masters!

The two god masters had a good impression of Mu Qinglan because she broke the blockade, and because she had the ancient gods in her body, their attitude towards her was even more polite.

Seeing her so humble and polite at this time, I naturally liked her even more.

Lord Tiankui glanced at Mu Qinglan.

"Next, you can look forward to it."

There is an enchantment blocking it, and other people can't hear the voice inside at all, so they can only see one of the gods talking to Mu Qinglan.

But how is this possible?

Everyone naturally felt that they should have made a mistake and didn't take this matter to heart.

But the few people on the colorful stone platform can see clearly!

In particular, they are gods themselves, so they are naturally more sensitive to these feelings!

Master Yiran opened his eyes wide, and subconsciously exchanged glances with Yuan Ruili and Palace Master Kagura.

Several people saw the same guess from each other's eyes!

What Mu Qinglan summoned was not an illusion! It is the real remnant soul of the god master!

"This this…"

Palace Master Kagura stuttered a little, and couldn't help but glance at Yuan Ruili again.

Although he didn't want to listen, she still wanted to talk.

"Such a thing... It seems that within a hundred years, it only happened once?"

Yuan Ruili's expression was tense.

That time was twenty years ago!

I didn't expect that such a scene would happen again today!

Palace Master Kagura said, tears welling up in his eyes.

She looked up and looked at the figure.

so similar!

Meanwhile, Yuan Xingze and the others had also stopped at this moment, looking up at the situation in the sky with different expressions.

who would have thought...

Suddenly, countless silver streamers appeared in the sky!

In the blink of an eye, two huge and extremely complex star arrays appeared under the feet of the two god masters!

"Those are two Star Array Grandmasters!"

Yuan Ruili's heart tightened!

Such a scene is so familiar!

Mu Qinglan stared at those two intently.

This is the first time she saw the Star Array Grandmaster constructing the Star Array with her own eyes!

The power of the vast primordial spirit! The power of the stars! Cross each other!

Mu Qinglan watched, and in her mind, subconsciously followed the movements of the two divine masters and began to describe them!

Going to have a tooth pulled today. Because it is an impacted wisdom tooth, the operation process is very troublesome and seems to be very painful.

If it hurts too much, I will update at 1:00 and 19:00 tomorrow, and if I can bear it, I will update at 9:00 in the morning.

I hope it doesn't hurt so much

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