God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1481: Breakthrough (1 more)

Although Mu Qinglan's main star level is only a sixth-level star formation master, in fact, her primordial spirit power has already reached the level of a star formation master.

The most important thing is that she has comprehended the star array on the soul-suppressing stone and the eight-spirit conferred god array.

Although she only comprehended these two star arrays, it was enough for her now.

It was also because of this that Dean Xiling directly concluded that Mu Qinglan was going to break through the Master of Star Array.

It's just that Mu Qinglan didn't realize this.

Now, seeing the two star array masters constructing the star array in front of him, the feelings are naturally very different.

Mu Qinglan was in it, and could clearly feel the movements of the two star array masters.

At this level, the power of the primordial spirit is almost as vast as a river, and it can be divided into thousands of ways with a wave of hand.

And each primordial spirit power has its own trajectory.

This is undoubtedly an extremely large and complex process.

She subconsciously followed to describe the star array of the two star array masters, but soon felt a little powerless.

In order to split the blockade before, she repaired the huge star array, which has already consumed a lot of energy. Now she has just recovered a little, and started to consume crazily again.

But Mu Qinglan's movements still didn't stop.

A fuzzy outline of a star array gradually appeared in her mind, and as time passed, the outline gradually became clearer!

"God...there are two Star Formation Grandmasters, is she following suit?" Palace Master Kagura couldn't help murmuring.

The situation above the sky, the few people on the colorful stone platform, can see clearly.

Across the barrier, Mu Qinglan stood beside the two star formation masters, as if he hadn't done anything.

Only those tightly staring eyes and that tense posture let people know that she is not slack!

Yuan Ruili frowned.

Among the several divine masters present, he is the only one who is a Star Array Master, so he is the only one who can see the most clearly.

Mu Qinglan is trying to imitate those two star formation masters!

Could it be that she is crazy!

This is different from other people who summoned the God Lord and followed them to observe and learn.

Because these two are the masters of the Star Array, when Mu Qinglan was there, he could clearly feel the power of the Star Array when they were fighting each other!

But she still looks at it so seriously, it is almost certain that she is imitating it!

A star array master is different from ordinary Yuanli cultivators, as long as they continuously absorb the energy of heaven and earth, they can improve their own strength.

The most important thing for a star array master is talent.

Only when the power of the primordial spirit is abundant enough can it be possible to become a Star Array Master.

And if you want to break through successfully, it will be even more difficult.

The higher you go, the harder it becomes to break through.

To leap from a sixth-level star array master to a star array master, not only need to accumulate a lot of power of the primordial spirit, but also have the ability to control the complex star array.

Most of the members of the Yuan Clan are talented in star arrays, so there is a very complete system for cultivating star array masters.

Generally speaking, after the members of the clan break through to become sixth-level star array masters, they will intentionally let them learn and comprehend the star array built by the star array master.

Of course, it is very difficult at the beginning, and only by continuous experimentation and continuous comprehension can we gradually master it.

After such a long period of training, they will be allowed to try to break through the Star Formation Master.

The probability of success in that way is much higher than that of a sixth-level star formation master who only cares about improving the power of the soul.

Yuan Ruili could tell that Mu Qinglan was planning to take the opportunity to break through the Star Formation Master.

Did she do this because she just happened to meet this opportunity, or because she had planned this long ago?

However, Mu Qinglan is still only a sixth-level star array master. Although she summoned two star array masters, they are too much higher than her, which is not good.

Could it be that she can really comprehend the star array laid by the star array master?

Thinking of this, Yuan Ruili's mood eased a little, and he turned to look at Yuan Xingze and Yuan Lingshu.

"You guys take a good look too."

Both of these two had already broken through to the Star Formation King Master before, so it was even more beneficial for them.

Although he can't comprehend it nearby, he should be able to comprehend more than Mu Qinglan.

Both of them nodded in agreement.

Time seems to be getting extraordinarily long.

Yuan Ruili waited for a while, but seeing that Mu Qinglan didn't seem to stop, he couldn't help frowning secretly.

——The power of her primordial spirit should have been exhausted long ago, why is it still continuing?

He glanced at Yuan Xingze and the two again, and saw that they were also looking up at the star formation, earnestly comprehending it.

But it was obvious that the two of them had already begun to feel a little strenuous, and their expressions were a little nervous.

It wasn't long before the two of them broke through to the Master of the Star Formation, so they were still a little bit embarrassed after all.

He couldn't help but glance at Mu Qinglan again.

She seemed too relaxed like that...

Yuan Ruili secretly guessed in his heart, maybe Mu Qinglan is just pretending?

But she is within that enchantment, and it seems that she can't pretend...

A unease gradually emerged in Yuan Ruili's heart.

Mu Qinglan knew that her primordial spirit power could not support her to simulate the complete star array of these two star array masters.

So from the very beginning, she didn't plan to simulate the star formation completely.

——she only picked a part of it!

The two star array masters fought each other, and each displayed an extremely complicated star array.

In Mu Qinglan's mind, he also divided his power into two parts, and tried to build each of them, forming a form of battle.

Because he had comprehended the Eight Spirits Conferred God Formation before, Mu Qinglan knew very well that star formations of this level were actually composed of several incomplete star formations superimposed and connected with each other.

So she planned early on to choose a broken star array from the two star arrays.

That way, it would be within her tolerance range.

The only more troublesome thing is to separate a broken star array from each of these two complicated star arrays.

It is actually very difficult for people who do not understand the star array to do this.

Especially the star array of the two of them, Mu Qinglan saw it for the first time today.

This becomes more difficult.

Fortunately, this is not the first time Mu Qinglan has done this.

It took her more than two years to form the Eight Spirits Conferred God Formation.

And in that process, Mu Qinglan did grasp a lot of things.

Among them is the method of stripping off the incomplete star array.

She pictured it in her mind little by little, whenever she encountered a node where the power of several stars converged, she would try several directions.

If it's the same broken star array, then the whole thing will become very smooth.

If not, after connecting, she will immediately feel that something is wrong, and then give up and choose the next direction.

This is actually a very time-consuming and laborious method.

But Mu Qinglan has enough patience.

She can use more than two years to comprehend an Eight Spirits Sealing God Formation, let alone this time?

Therefore, Mu Qinglan gradually perfected the two opposing star arrays in this continuous attempt again and again!

Although it is incomplete, the momentum is still growing!

Gradually, the other people watching also noticed that something was wrong.

Logically speaking, it is impossible for Mu Qinglan to persist for so long?

Feng Tian and Long Zhan belonged to the beast clan, and they didn't know much about this star array, but even they began to feel a little strange.

"Why hasn't she stopped yet?" Feng Tian couldn't help muttering in a low voice, "A sixth-level star formation master...it's impossible to comprehend the star formation set by the star formation master, right?"

Long Zhan stood with his hands behind his back, pondered for a moment, and said:

"Not necessarily. She is Mu Qinglan."

Feng Tian was shocked.

Does Long Zhan think so highly of Mu Qinglan?

Although he also felt that Mu Qinglan was stronger than he had imagined in his heart, he did not think that Mu Qinglan was omnipotent.

Could it be... because the two ancient dragons broke through together before, that changed Long Zhan's view of Mu Qinglan?

Fengtian himself did not witness Zhuzhu's breakthrough from Suzaku to ancient Phoenix, so his impression of Mu Qinglan was not as deep as that of Long Zhan.

Dragon War is the clearest. It is almost impossible for the ice pupil bone dragon to successfully break through the ancient dragon.

But the ice-eyed bone dragon contracted by Mu Qinglan not only did it, but they were two together!

So in fact, in Long Zhan's heart, Mu Qinglan had already been identified as the top figure among the younger generation.

But thinking about it carefully, Mu Qinglan has indeed done too many things beyond everyone's expectations from the beginning to the present.

Now this star array... who can be sure that she can't do it?

Kagura smiled and agreed:

"My palace lord said he was optimistic about Mu Qinglan, right? Look, she looks like that, but she is more relaxed than these two!"

As she said that, she cast her beautiful eyes, and her eyes fell on Yuan Xingze and the two beside her.

Yuan Xingze was quite calm, still staring closely at the star formation above the sky, except for the pale lips, everything else was fine.

Yuan Lingshu seldom heard others say that about her, so she bit her lip a little dissatisfied.

She and Xingze are star array masters, but Mu Qinglan is a sixth-level star array master. Isn't it clear at a glance who is stronger and who is weaker?

Then Mu Qinglan probably pretended to be like that...

But the person who spoke was Kagura, and she didn't dare to contradict, and it was with great difficulty that she suppressed the surging emotions in her heart.

Kagura took all this into his eyes, and only smiled lightly.

Not convinced?

This little guy from the Yuan clan has decent talent, but he seems to be a little too proud.

Yuan Ruili said lightly:

"Whether it is really easy or fake easy, you will know in the end."

After a pause, he said again:

"It is as difficult for a sixth-level star array master to comprehend the star array of the star array master. After all, it is not as good as the star array master..."

Inside and outside the words, they are all talking for Yuan Xingze and the others.

Kagura was about to say something more, but suddenly felt another wave in the sky!

She looked up, but saw Mu Qinglan's body. At some point, a sea of ​​stars suddenly appeared!

On the top of Mu Qinglan's head, there are countless stars, gradually converging, forming a vortex, rushing towards her body!

Everyone was shocked!

Kagura was in high spirits, turned to look at Yuan Ruili, and said with a smile:

"There is no comparison between a sixth-level Star Formation Master and a Star Formation King Master. But it seems that Mu Qinglan will catch up soon, right?"

The stitches really hurt...I didn't sleep well all night.

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