God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1486 Admit defeat? (Part 2)

Just as Mu Qinglan was thinking, she suddenly felt a wave of vibration coming from her side.

Turning his head to look, Hongshi's eyebrows unexpectedly showed a divine seal!

At the same time, the aura on his body also began to rise!

Is Hongshi also planning to use the power of the God Lord?

But... isn't he from Tianwen Temple, why does he have the power of a god?

It was only then that Mu Qinglan realized that she had completely ignored this question before.

In fact, she didn't know that the power of the god masters of these disciples of Tianwen Temple was not inherited through natural blood, but inherited through acquired cultivation.

The first person in power of Tianwen Temple, after breaking through the God Lord, has been worrying about how to pass on the power of the God Lord.

Although he has no worldly desires, but as the top powerhouse in the world, he still wants to leave more of his own things.

Especially the power of the God Lord, it would be a pity to waste it.

So, after several years of painstaking research, he finally sealed the power of his divine master in the Buddhist scripture pavilion of Tianwen Temple.

As long as one's talent is outstanding enough and one passes the test, one can naturally touch the seal and gain the power of a divine master.

In addition, he also put what he had learned all his life, as much as possible, in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion for distribution, so that the descendants of Tianwen Temple can learn.

After a long time, Tianwen Temple has gradually become such a unique existence.

The power of Hongshi's divine master comes from this.

Just as this thought flashed through Mu Qinglan's mind, she suddenly felt something and looked back at Yuan Xingze.


The aura on his body was like an erupting mountain torrent!

In an instant, he broke through the peak of the Holy Master!

The powerful fluctuation of power caused the surrounding space to faintly tremble.

The yuan lantern above his head turned slightly, and the sea of ​​stars surrounded him perfectly like a lake.

When he moves, countless stars fluctuate accordingly!

And his power also followed the sea of ​​stars, heading in all directions!

Sensing the bursts of coercion coming from above, Mu Qinglan suddenly realized something, and opened her eyes slightly.

This lantern...

Seems to be more than protective?

It also seems to be able to deliver attacks!

The power of Yuan Xingze seems to have become much stronger after passing through the sea of ​​stars under the Yuan Lantern?

In fact, Mu Qinglan has never been clear about what the Yuan Lantern is for. She only knows that it seems to be very important to the people of the Yuan Clan.

But she didn't know the specifics.

Before that, all she knew about the Yuan Lantern was that it had a strong protective effect.

So at this time, she inevitably felt a little curious.

However, she has two yuan lanterns in her hand.

One belonged to Yuan Liluo back then, and the other belonged to Niangqin.

She must still only be able to use the Yuan Lantern left by Yuan Liluo, but she doesn't know if it will have the same effect?

It wasn't her own after all.

Thinking of this, Mu Qinglan also directly summoned Yuan Liluo's Yuan Deng!

When they saw the red Yuan Lantern appearing above Mu Qinglan's head, everyone's expressions became more meaningful.

Yuan Xingze frowned slightly when he saw it.

He also knew a general idea of ​​what Mu Qinglan had done at the Ten Thousand Gods Gathering, so he was not surprised that Mu Qinglan had a Yuan Lantern in his hand.

But seeing this scene with my own eyes still makes people feel a little strange.

Yuan lanterns have always been owned by members of the Yuan clan, and this is the first time that they have been held by outsiders.

I don't know how much of the power she can display that yuan lantern...

Yuan Xingze raised his hand while thinking, and then quickly swung it down!

He didn't have any elemental weapon in his hand, this time, he just waved a red elemental force!

The sea of ​​stars around him suddenly fluctuated!

Following his movements, countless starbursts surged up one after another!

That ray of origin force was like a long whip, waving away quickly!

The farther to the back, the greater the surge of the star sea, and the stronger the power above it!


A red beam of Yuanli from Yuan Xinghai suddenly burst out from the Xinghai and hit Mu Qinglan straight!

Before arriving in front of him, Mu Qinglan already felt the terrible coercion coming from above!

This is indeed stronger than the peak power of an ordinary Holy Lord!

No wonder Yuan Ruili was so confident before.

With such a hole card, one can almost be invincible under the God Lord!

Yuan Xingze's current real state is only the early stage of the Holy Master, but when he mobilizes the power of the primordial spirit in his body, he directly reaches the peak strength of the Holy Master.

And Yuan Lantern is the icing on the cake!

Such a strong and swift attack is really unbearable for ordinary people, and they are afraid that they will be defeated directly in a short time.

But Mu Qinglan is not in this range!

It doesn't matter who she loses in, but she won't admit defeat in front of the Yuan Clan!

She fixed her eyes on Yuan Xingze, and clenched Qing Yuan Zhan with both hands.

Within the Sea of ​​Qi, that small lake has already caused waves!

"Baby apprentice, are you really going to do this?"

There was a bit of worry in the voice of God Lord Nine Thunders.

Mu Qinglan squinted her eyes, and said word by word in her heart:

"This time, I am determined to win!"

Lord Jiulei knew that there was a fire in her heart.

No one knows how much she has gone through and how much she has paid to get to where she is today.

Therefore, even if he was a little worried, he would not stop him.

"As a teacher, I will do my best to help you." Nine Thunder God Lord quickly made up his mind, and comforted him, "Originally, with your current state, you can mobilize at most five drops. But since you insist, then... as a teacher, I will support you to the end! Go ahead and do it, Master will take care of whatever you have to do!"

Mu Qinglan's heart warmed slightly.

"Thank you, Master."

The next moment, she suddenly moved the lake!

A turbulent sea surged suddenly!

Mu Qinglan could even clearly hear the sound of water flowing through her body!

A burst of severe pain came, but it was because she mobilized too much lake water, and the power contained in it was too overbearing. When it gushed out from her Yuanmai, it almost exploded her Yuanmai!

Every muscle and bone is suffering from severe pain!

At this time, Hongshi has already broken through to the middle stage of the Holy Lord!

He was about to make a move when he glanced at Mu Qinglan, but suddenly realized that something was wrong with her state.

Although she couldn't see anything on her face, her body seemed to be trembling slightly.

As if enduring something.

He turned his gaze, and saw that Yuanli from Yuan Xingze had already flown out of Xinghai and headed towards Mu Qinglan!

Seeing that he was about to reach her!

Hongshi didn't hesitate anymore, he took off the string of Buddhist beads on his wrist, and quickly threw it over!

Seeing the string of Buddhist beads, Yuan Ruili and the others looked at Master Yiran in surprise.

This string of bodhisattvas is the treasure of Master Yiran, who has never left his body for many years. When did it end up in Hongshi's hands?

Or...has he already identified Hiroshi as his successor?

That ray of origin collided with Hongshi's Buddhist beads just like that!


A sound of gold and stone colliding suddenly resounded!

That ray of red origin force suddenly dispersed!

The two forces collided fiercely, and immediately set off violent waves!

Yuan Xingze's face turned pale, and even the Yuan Lantern above his head was crumbling!

However, Hongshi's situation was not much better. His body was lifted by a powerful force, and he fell directly, hitting the ground heavily, his chest shook, and blood spilled from his lips.

This blow obviously caused great damage to both of them.

And the string of bodhisattvas turned half a circle in the air, and flew back into Hongshi's hand again.

Hongshi didn't care about his own injuries, and quickly lowered his head to take a look, and saw a shallow crack on one of the beads. He was very distressed and guilty for a while.

This bodhi string was specially given to him by the master before the grand meeting of the gods.

This is the second time he has used the Bodhi Skewer after he used it once when he was looking for the tomb of the god and saved his life.

Unexpectedly, it left traces on it.

Once the beads are damaged, they are useless.

He has now consumed two prayer beads.

Moreover, this prayer bead is already connected to his life, once it is damaged, it will cause a great blow to his body.

Just like this moment.

But... this favor, he had to help.

It's not for the so-called win, but... He always felt that Yuan Xingze's blow just now was too dangerous.

After all, Mu Qinglan was only in the early stage of the Holy Master, if he was really hit, his life might be in danger.


Mu Qinglan didn't expect Hongshi to take the initiative to help her, and was a little surprised for a while.

Seeing Hong Shi lying on the ground, Mu Qinglan frowned slightly, and immediately said:

"For helping you this time, I owe you a favor!"

Hiroshi sighed softly in his heart and shook his head:

"No. You and I are teaming up, aren't we?"

Mu Qinglan froze for a moment, then laughed.

This Hiroshi seems to be dumb, but in fact it is very interesting.

"Okay! Let's solve the trouble together first!"

Mu Qinglan smiled, her fingers turned white.

Yuan Xingze frowned even tighter.

Is he in trouble?

This made him feel very uncomfortable.

Why did Mu Qinglan think they could win?

In this case, even if Hongshi broke through to the middle stage of the Holy Lord, the result would still be the same.

Because he has yuan lanterns to help out!

Yuan Xingze gathered the energy in his body again, and a strong aura gushed out from his hands at the same time!

He is planning to attack the two at the same time!

Hongshi suddenly became nervous, and put the bodhi seed back on his wrist, but the divine seal between his brows became much darker.

In that blow just now, Yuan Xingze made up his mind to deal with Mu Qinglan directly, so he almost used all his strength.

Hong Shi didn't make any preparations, and directly helped Mu Qinglan block it. In fact, Nei Li had already suffered serious injuries at this time.

At this moment, Mu Qinglan raised the knife in his hand first!

Yuan Xingze glanced at it, his eyes fixed.

Because he suddenly saw that many drops of water suddenly appeared on Mu Qinglan's blue-black long knife.

The drops of water gushed out from the handle, all the way down the blade, and gradually formed a thin stream of water.

Indistinct, but also glowing with a touch of red.

Yuan Xingze closed his eyes, and looked again, the stream of water was almost reaching the tip of the knife.

On the blade, how can there be water droplets inexplicably?

And at this time, Mu Qinglan had already raised the knife high, and the water flowed upstream.

Just when he was wondering, Mu Qinglan had already swung his knife!

Her movements were extremely crisp, and the water that had just condensed on the tip of the knife was thrown out in an instant!

The light red stream of water left a shallow trace in the mid-air, which disappeared in an instant.

Following that, Mu Qinglan's complexion suddenly turned pale, as if all the strength in his body had been drained at this moment.

But in her eyes, there is a crazy and burning fighting spirit!

"Break it!"

The water splashed in all directions and scattered in the sea of ​​stars around Yuan Xingze.

One drop flew directly towards him.

Yuan Xingze was taken aback.

The next moment, I suddenly saw a touch of red, which exploded in front of my eyes!

A shocking coercion suddenly spread!

Yuan Xingze was shocked!

As soon as he moved, he was about to dodge immediately!

This drop of water looks ordinary, but it actually contains astonishing divine power!

Even if he has broken through to the peak of the Holy Lord at this time, he will definitely lose when he encounters such a vast power of the Holy Lord!

Yuan Xingze's reaction was nothing short of unpleasant.

But unfortunately, it was too late!

The power of countless Taoist gods passed through the sea of ​​stars and arrived in front of Yuan Xingze!

bang bang bang!

The violent explosion sounded immediately!

The huge sea of ​​stars seemed to be stirred by something for a moment, and it surged crazily!

The light inside the Yuan Lantern also began to flicker, as if it would dim at any moment!


A loud noise suddenly spread far away!

The aftermath of terrifying power swept wildly towards the surroundings!

The sea of ​​stars around Yuan Xingze was already in chaos, completely covering his figure!

Everyone held their breath nervously.

After a while, the Xinghai gradually dimmed and returned to the Yuan Lantern.


The Yuan Lantern hanging above Yuan Xingze's head suddenly fell.

Yuan Xingze's figure reappeared in front of everyone!

Everyone gasped!

Because at this time, Yuan Xingze was lying on the ground, bloodstained all over his body, he was dying, and he was in a mess!

Dead silence!

Mu Qinglan's legs gave way, and she almost fell down.

She flipped her wrist, and with a "click", she inserted Qingyuan Zhan into the ground, supporting her body so that no one would notice anything strange.

Afterwards, she coughed, suppressed the bloody breath between her lips and teeth, smiled slowly, raised her chin slightly, looked at Yuan Xingze with disdain, and said word by word:

"Admit defeat?"

Three more at about nine fifteen

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