God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1487 Hit until you recognize it! (three more)

When Mu Qinglan finished speaking, everyone was shocked.

This is...she won?

Yes, at this moment, Yuan Xingze was lying on the ground, dying, while Mu Qinglan seemed to have consumed a lot of strength, but at least she was standing.

Most importantly, Yuan Xingze's Yuan Lantern...has fallen!

He has no strength to fight anymore!

The victory and defeat have been divided!

This point is actually very clear, but everyone didn't react for a while.

They've waited too long for this match, but it's only just begun, and it's... over?

Yuan Ruili stared blankly at the scene in front of him.

There was a smile on the corner of Mu Qinglan's lips, cold and proud.

That is the smile that belongs to the winners!

But what about Yuan Xingze?

At this time, he had already fallen to the ground, and in contrast, he looked particularly embarrassed.

Yuan Ruili just felt like he was slapped hard on the face, the pain was burning!

He was full of confidence before, thinking that Yuan Xingze would definitely win this last match, especially after Yuan Xingze summoned Yuan Lantern, he already felt that he was sure of it.

But in the blink of an eye, Mu Qinglan directly reversed the situation!

Yuan Xingze, who was lying on the ground, was also hit hard.

He only remembered that the water drop flew towards him, and then a huge explosion sounded in his ears.

After that, he was surrounded by that terrifying power.

His body seemed to have been crushed heavily, and there was no pain anywhere.

But this was nothing compared to the horror in his heart.

He lost.

With Yuan Lantern summoned, he lost!

Yuan Xingze is one of the most valued talents of the Yuan Clan, and he can be said to be the proud son of heaven.

For so many years, he has almost never been defeated by his peers!

What's more, this Mu Qinglan looks a few years younger than him!

Yuan Xingze gradually regained consciousness, but he would rather have passed out.

In such a scene, to admit defeat in public is tantamount to a great humiliation to him!

It doesn't matter if he loses himself, but the key is that he still represents the Yuan Clan at this time!

If he said "I lost", it would be equivalent to the Yuan Clan admitting defeat!

Yuan Xingze closed his eyes, feeling his body trembling slightly.

Mu Qinglan narrowed his eyes.

Yuan Xingze was clearly awake, but he didn't move.

As soon as she turned her gaze, she saw Yuan Xingze's tightly closed pale lips and slightly trembling hands.

This is... don't plan to admit defeat?

Mu Qinglan raised her eyebrows and asked again:

"I'll ask you one last time, admit defeat?"

Yuan Xingze didn't speak, but suddenly supported himself to stand up!

His movements were slow, but firm.

He barely supported himself to stand still, and wiped the blood from the corner of his lips.

Afterwards, his hands formed seals in front of his body, and the remaining breath in his body surged, and he was planning to make another move!

"Come again!"

He gritted his teeth and shouted.

Can't admit defeat!

Absolutely cannot admit defeat!

Otherwise, he would have no face to see everyone in the Yuan Clan again!

Mu Qinglan tilted her head and smiled lightly, but there was no smile in her eyes.

She faintly spit out a few words:


After finishing speaking, she raised her breath suddenly, pulled Qing Yuan Zhan out, and with a movement of her figure, she had already disappeared in place, and went straight to Yuan Xingze on the opposite side!

Although she is already at the end of her strength at this time, she is still much better than Yuan Xingze.

Since he wants to continue, then continue!

Between Yuan Xingze's hands, the red energy gradually condensed into the appearance of a divine seal!

In fact, his inner body was seriously injured at this time, and when the Yuan Li was running, he felt abnormal pain, as if there were countless knives scratching his body.

But he endured it patiently.

When the divine seal in his hand was finally condensed, Mu Qinglan actually came before his eyes!

Yuan Xingze poured out all the remaining power in his body!

The red god seal, which was only the size of a palm, flew towards Mu Qinglan!

Mu Qinglan swung his knife! He slashed at the god seal fiercely!


The divine seal seems to be nothing more than a condensed elemental force, but it is very strong.

Mu Qinglan's knife did not cut it off!

Whether it is the divine seal or Mu Qinglan's Qingyuan Zhan, they all contain the power of the divine master.

Fighting at this time is actually equivalent to a confrontation of power at the level of a god.

But Mu Qinglan had mobilized too much lake water of Qianye Honglianzi before, and in the blow just now, all of them have been thrown out.

At this time, Qingyuan Zhan was on top, but there was only a little remaining power left.

But Mu Qinglan couldn't mobilize any more.

Because the strength in her body has actually been almost exhausted.

So now, she is just relying on her own will to hold on.

At this moment, Hong Shi who was next to him suddenly moved!

He barely sat up, crossed his legs, took a deep breath, put his hands on his knees, and started to meditate directly.

His lips moved, and a low chant came from his throat.

Gradually, a halo appeared behind him.

The halo reflected on his face, it was a bit more sacred.

Kagura opened his eyes wide in surprise, then looked at Master Yiran, and said in a low voice:

"You really hid it deep enough! I said why Hongshi hasn't summoned his holy body. It turns out that he has cultivated into a Buddha body!"

People in Tianwen Temple are somewhat different from ordinary practitioners.

When they practice the holy body, they often try to condense the Buddha body.

Once successful, the strength will be greatly enhanced.

From a certain point of view, the Buddha body can also be regarded as the unique sacred body of Tianwen Temple.

But in fact, there are very few people who can succeed.

That's why Palace Master Kagura was so surprised.

But in this way, it is not surprising that Master Yiran gave Bodhi to Hongshi.

Among the younger generation, he should be the only one who successfully cultivated the Buddha body.

Once he cultivates the Buddha's heart in the future, he can directly step into the realm of the god master!

It was not without reason that Master Yiran valued him so much.

"He has a pure heart, which is really rare." Master Yiran smiled lightly, showing relief, "However, compared with Mu Qinglan, he still seems to be a little worse."

Palace Master Kagura blinked.

She liked it.

Although Jinse failed to participate in the finals, and the Supreme Shrine also failed to win the first place, but this was in her expectation, so it can't be said that she was disappointed.

Instead, it was Mu Qinglan.

She has an inexplicable liking for her.

Not just because of that similar face.

Also because of character, temperament.

If Mu Qinglan can win, she will be very happy too.

She rolled her eyes and said with a smile:

"Master Yiran, don't be modest. Bengong sees Hongshi's talent, not to mention one of the best in the gods and demons, and it is definitely rare. At least... Compared with Yuan Xingze, it is not bad at all, right?"

Master Yiran smiled, but said nothing.

Yuan Ruili's face was very gloomy.

In Shenmotian, even if the major clans don't have much close contact with each other, they still have some knowledge of each other's situation.

Especially the younger generation.

Before this, Yuan Xingze and Yuan Lingshu had always been the top geniuses of the Yuan clan.

Almost the entire Shenmotian knew that the two of them were outstanding, and they were the best among the younger generation.

Others, such as Hongshi, are famous, but they are still far inferior to Yuan Xingze and the others.

The result now?

Hongshi's talent is indeed no worse than Yuan Xingze's!

As for Yuan Lingshu, she didn't even qualify for the final competition!

Seeing that Yuan Xingze was at a disadvantage and was in a mess, Yuan Ruili would be in a good mood to see the devil.

At this time, Hongshi finally makes a move!

A beam of Buddha's light, like a sharp sword, flew out of his hand!

Go straight to Yuan Xingze's divine seal!

Sensing the sharp breath coming from behind, Mu Qinglan made a decisive decision and slashed at the seal of God again!

But this time, her purpose was not to cut off the divine seal!

Mu Qinglan took advantage of the strength rebounded from Qingyuan Zhan, jumped up and rushed towards Yuan Xingze quickly!

Yuan Xingze was taken aback, he didn't expect Mu Qinglan to choose to attack head-on!

He frowned, gritted his teeth and sent a punch!

Fortunately, at this time, he is still in the peak state of the Holy Lord. Although his strength has been consumed, his physical strength is still better than that of Mu Qinglan——

Just as Yuan Xingze thought of this, he saw that Mu Qinglan didn't choose to use the blue-black long knife, but directly punched him instead!

Her hands were white and tender, and the fist looked completely harmless.

The next moment, the fists of the two collided fiercely!

A sharp pain quickly spread from the hand!


Yuan Xingze's hand bones shattered directly!

He looked at Mu Qinglan in shock, but he saw a shocking fighting spirit surging in the woman's eyes!

After Mu Qinglan finished speaking, he turned his fist into a palm, and then directly pulled Yuan Xingze towards him!

At the same time, he kicked hard in his heart!

"Don't admit defeat? I'll hit you until you admit defeat!"

I just went to take painkillers, and I'm done taking advantage of the effects of the medicine!

I'm going to have a meal and then go get some water

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