God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1488: Nie Zi (1 more)

Yuan Xingze only felt a dull pain coming from his body!

His body trembled, almost feeling like his heart was going to burst!

Mu Qinglan's physical strength was actually stronger than his!

Yuan Xingze was shocked and was thinking about how to fight back, but Mu Qinglan suddenly made a wrong step and switched places with him!

What is she planning to do?

Just as this thought flashed across Yuan Xingze's mind, he felt a sudden gust of cold wind blowing behind him!

He was startled suddenly, and when he looked back, he saw that the divine seal he had just cast had been broken by Hongshi at this moment!

The seal of God collapsed, and the terrible aftermath began to surge in all directions!

And after that, Hongshi's attack has not completely stopped!

At this time, he was rushing towards him quickly!

Yuan Xingze was about to dodge immediately, but a strong sense of weakness suddenly came from his body, which made his movements slow for a moment, and he suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood.

Slow down this step, the ending is set!

The remaining Buddha light directly penetrated Yuan Xingze's shoulder blades!

Yuan Xing Ze was already injured, and the situation is even worse now.

His body flew upside down uncontrollably, dragging a long bloodstain on the ground before finally stopping!

Everyone fell into dead silence when they saw this scene!

Anyone could tell that Yuan Xingze had already lost this match!

Even if he doesn't admit defeat, he probably doesn't even have the strength to stand up right now.


Yuan Lingshu was the first to react.

With a cry of surprise, she immediately ran over.

Yuan Ruili frowned:

"Aya Shu!"

The game is not over yet, what is she going to do when she runs over?

Yuan Lingshu subconsciously stood still, and when she looked at Yuan Ruili, her face was full of panic and worry.

"Patriarch, Xingzhe——"

"Give me back!"

Yuan Ruili's face was cold and stern, without any unnecessary words.

Yuan Lingshu's eyes turned red immediately.

In normal times, she would never dare to disobey the patriarch's order.

But... Xingzhe has been seriously injured, isn't the patriarch not worried at all?

In fact, she knew why Yuan Ruili didn't let her go forward.

Once she got involved, it meant that they gave up the match on their own initiative.

Then the Yuan Clan is equivalent to a complete defeat.

But...she couldn't just watch Yuan Xingze suffer like this.

In fact, the result is already obvious, isn't it?

Although the family's reputation is very important, is it more important than their lives?

Yuan Lingshu bit her lip, her feet seemed to be nailed to the ground.

She didn't dare to move forward, but she was also unwilling to retreat.

Yuan Ruili frowned, and took a deep look at Yuan Lingshu.

Yuan Lingshu's heart trembled slightly at his glance, and she bit her lip tightly.

"Patriarch Yuan, we have reached this point, I see, the result of the competition can be announced, right?"

Kagura on the side suddenly smiled.

"Yuan Xingze should have no strength to fight anymore, and there will be no good results at all. Look at this little girl, she is about to cry, how pitiful! After all, she is a seedling carefully cultivated by your Yuan clan, How much do you want to feel sorry for?"

Anyone can hear the irony in Kagura's words.

The so-called "carefully cultivated seedlings" have only ended up like this.

This is undoubtedly equivalent to slapping the Yuan family in the face!

Yuan Ruili's face turned green and pale.

Kagura glanced at him, then lifted the broken hair by his ears, and said unintentionally:

"Bengong said long ago that although these two children are not bad, but compared to back then..."

She didn't continue talking, Liu raised her eyebrows slightly and smiled.

This sound was like a knife piercing Yuan Ruili's heart.

He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and finally said:

"Take him down and heal his wounds."

These words were obviously directed at Yuan Lingshu.

Yuan Lingshu was overjoyed, but she didn't dare to make it too obvious. After a hasty answer, she continued to walk quickly towards Yuan Xingze.

At this moment, Yuan Xingze could not even stand up by himself.

There were bloodstains all over his face and body, Yuan Lingshu felt distressed when she saw it, and carefully helped him up, half-embracing him in her arms.

Yuan Xingze coughed and spit out more blood.

Yuan Lingshu looked down, and then noticed that his chest was also slightly sunken.

This was clearly left by Mu Qinglan just now!

Yuan Lingshu gritted her teeth and looked up at Mu Qinglan and Hongshi.

"It would have been better if it had been like this earlier, but if you refuse to admit defeat, you will suffer more, won't you?"

Kagura said with a smile.

Master Yiran coughed and winked at her.

At this time, it's better not to say too much... I didn't see Yuan Ruili's face, it looked gloomy like something...

Kagura doesn't care.

She finally seized this opportunity to bury Yuan Ruili, how could she not make good use of it?

Master Yiran also knew her temper, so he could only secretly shake his head helplessly.

If it wasn't because Kagura was a strong divine master and the palace master of the Supreme Shrine, Yuan Ruili would have already attacked her.

Why would she be allowed to do this?

Kagura looked at Mu Qinglan and Hiroshi again.

"Since Yuan Xingze has already lost, then...you two, how will you decide whether to win or lose?"

These two people are basically at the end of their strength now, if they continue to fight, the outcome is hard to say.

Mu Qinglan glanced at Hongshi, shrugged and smiled:

"If Hongshi hadn't helped me before, I might have been lying down now. He should have won this match."

Everyone was shocked.

What's happening here?

Mu Qinglan gave up the number one position and took the initiative to take the second place?

She's not crazy, is she?

It's already at this time, but if you take one step forward, you will be the first place in the Pantheon of Gods!

Such a supreme glory is beyond the imagination of many cultivators!

Now that she is at your fingertips, why don't you want her?

Hongshi didn't expect Mu Qinglan to say this, and he was shocked for a moment.

He hastily waved his hands:

"No, no, the shot just now was just because of your alliance with me, that's what it should be. And, and you also helped me just now—"

Having said that, he felt a little embarrassed.

"Actually, just now, even if I didn't help you, you wouldn't be in danger... After all, I was meddling in my own business."

Mu Qinglan was obviously planning a big move at the time, and it turned out that that blow did have the power to destroy the dead!

Mu Qinglan, who was able to perform such a powerful move, would never let herself be in that kind of danger.

If he doesn't make a move, Mu Qinglan must have his own way of dealing with it.

Mu Qinglan raised her eyebrows slightly:

"You have helped me a lot, how can you be meddling? Besides, I don't bother to call now."

Hiroshi was dumbfounded.

Too lazy...too lazy to fight anymore?

What does it mean?

Mu Qinglan blinked, looked at Yuan Ruili, and smiled meaningfully.

"Anyway... the person I want to win has already won."

She came here to defeat the Yuan Clan! ?

In the minds of countless people, such questions flashed across:

Could it be that in her heart, winning the Yuan Clan is more important than winning the first place in the Pantheon of Gods?

Hongshi didn't know what to say for a while, and was a little at a loss.

He thought that Mu Qinglan would continue to fight with him in the end, but he didn't expect her to say that.

In fact, he knew very well that Mu Qinglan seemed to have exhausted her strength, but in fact she could continue.

Even if she didn't do it herself, the summoned beasts and nine holy bodies would be enough to defeat him.

——She is really not interested in this number one.

The arena fell silent.

Hongshi couldn't help looking at Master Yiran with a questioning expression.

Master Yiran smiled and nodded slightly.

Hongshi took a deep breath, looked at Mu Qinglan again, and said seriously:

"This number one should be yours."

Mu Qinglan was already planning to leave the stage, but when she heard what he said, she turned around in surprise.

"I... am not your opponent."

Hiroshi looked sincere and shook his head frankly.

"I surrender."

Everyone was dumbfounded, not knowing what to do.

This... the number one of the Pantheon of the Gods, when did it become so worthless? Did you ask someone to let you come and go?

There is no such opportunity for other people to steal their heads. These two are lucky. After defeating Yuan Xingze together, they actually gave way to each other?

What do the Yuan people think?

Isn't this treating people like monkeys?

Almost everyone looked at Yuan Ruili subconsciously.

Including Mu Qinglan.

When she glanced away from the corner of her eye, she saw Yuan Ruili's face was ashen.

Tsk, it's so beautiful.

As Mu Qinglan thought about it, the smile on his face became brighter.

"In this case... how about counting it as a tie?"

Hiroshi thought about it and nodded.



good what good?

Piaomiao Shenzong and Tianwen Temple are all happy, what about the others?

This kind of situation has never happened before.

So everyone was a little confused for a while.

But at this moment, there are only a few people who are qualified to question this.

Feng Tian and Long Zhan were too lazy to meddle in these matters, and they didn't say a few words from the beginning to the end, and they still had a cold-eyed attitude at this time.

Kagura rolled her eyes, but felt that the result was really good.

The one with the most opinion should be Yuan Ruili.

But now he is so angry that he can't speak.

What's more, no matter what, Yuan Xingze has already lost, and the outcome has been decided.

No matter what he said, it would only make his situation more embarrassing.

Thus, amidst this strange silence, the final final of the Wanshen Festival ended with the defeat of Yuan Xingze and the draw between Mu Qinglan and Hongshi!

Kagura was the first to break the silence and said with a smile:

"I really didn't expect that I would be able to see such a wonderful show this time! This kind of opportunity is hard to come by! However, since the game is over, everyone should leave, right?"

Mu Qinglan tried her best to calm the turbulent turbulence in her body, while looking over curiously.

After the game is over, do you leave the first battlefield directly?

As Kagura said, she waved her sleeve lightly, and flew out a beam of Yuanli, which landed in the center of the colorful stone platform!

On the colorful stone platform, there was a sudden fluctuation!

Then, a colored cylinder gradually appeared!

It was clearly the same as the one that appeared on the top of Shenmeng Cliff before!

However, just when Kagura was about to walk over, Yuan Ruili, who hadn't spoken for a while, suddenly raised his hand, and a force flew out, hitting the colorful pillar!

With a bang, the colorful cylinder shattered!

Everyone looked over immediately.

What is Yuan Ruili planning to do?

The smile in the corners of Kagura's eyes gradually dissipated, and his eyes became cold.

"Yuan Ruili, what do you mean?"

In front of so many people, Yuan Ruili's behavior was equivalent to slapping her in the face, which was really too much.

Yuan Ruili's expression remained calm, and he said calmly:

"I don't mean anything else, I just want you to wait for a while. Now, it's not the time to leave, because some things haven't been dealt with yet."

Kagura frowned.

"Why didn't you say you didn't want to leave earlier? Besides, the game is over, what's left to deal with?"

Mu Qinglan's heart suddenly beat violently!

Yuan Ruili's appearance... clearly intends to do something!

Kagura's tone was a bit aggressive, but Yuan Ruili didn't care about it at this time.

There seemed to be something wrong with his expression.

"Actually, it's not a big deal. To be precise, it's a family matter of my Yuan Clan. However, I'm here today to invite everyone to be a witness."

Yuan Ruili's voice was very calm, as if he was really talking about a trivial matter.

However, if it is really a trivial matter, why would you choose to deal with it at such a time and in such a place?

The blood in Mu Qinglan's body seemed to be boiling!

She could even clearly hear the chug of blood hitting her temple!

family affairs...

What else can it be! ?

Kagura's eyes were full of puzzlement, but he also vaguely sensed something, so he didn't say any more.

All eyes were on Yuan Ruili.

He said:

"Within our Yuan Clan, marriages with people outside the Clan have never been allowed. If there is any disobedience, they will be severely punished! And the offspring they give birth to will also be punished by the Clan! Now, a wicked son will be judged!"

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