God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1493 Courting Death (Part 2)

For some reason, seeing Yuan Yixuan's reaction like this, everyone felt even more uneasy.

How could she be so calm when she saw her son die tragically with her own eyes?

She didn't even cry hysterically, nor cry out of grief.

But the more this happened, the more it seemed that something was about to happen.

"Yi Xuan..."

Kagura looked at the familiar figure who was trapped, and tears kept streaming down his face.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I didn't protect him well..."

When Yuan Yixuan and the Yuan Clan got into trouble, she happened to be in retreat, so she missed everything.

When she knew this and wanted to help, Yuan Yixuan had already disappeared.

No one knew where she had gone, even the Yuan family had never found out her whereabouts.

Kagura regretted this unceasingly.

She once thought that if she could see Yuan Yixuan again, she would do her best to help her.

But she couldn't do it.

She failed to protect Yixuan's blood.

When Yuan Yixuan heard this, he turned his head and took a look at Kagura.

For a moment, she shook her head.

"Kagura, it's not your fault."

Hearing her voice, Kagura burst into tears.

Who can make the divine master of the supreme shrine shed tears, there are probably very few who can do it.

Yuan Ruili said coldly:

"To this day, you are still obsessed with your obsession! All the responsibilities are yours to bear! Do you think that you can really lie to the world for the rest of your life by hiding your name?"

He raised the black ruler in his hand.

"Now, it's finally your turn!"

Yuan Yixuan stood straight.

"Yuan Ruili! How dare you!"

Kagura quickly wiped away tears, and with a movement of her figure, she stood in front of Yuan Yixuan!

She flipped her wrist, and a purple long sword quickly appeared in her palm, pointing directly at Yuan Ruili!

"If you dare to hurt her today, I will definitely not let it go!"

Master Yiran originally wanted to pull her, but seeing the tears on her face, he still didn't move.

Hearing this, he couldn't help but frowned.

Kagura's temperament is used to being arrogant and self-willed, since she said so, she will definitely fall out with the Yuan Clan!

Although this didn't involve Tianwen Temple, once the peace of Shenmotian was broken, how could they avoid it?

Yuan Ruili squinted his eyes and asked:

"Kagura, are you going to represent the Supreme Shrine and completely turn against our Yuan Clan? You can think clearly, this is my Yuan Clan's family matter, and you don't even have the qualifications to meddle with it!"

Kagura was about to refute, when he suddenly heard Yuan Yixuan speak from behind.

"Kagura, I've involved you too much, and I feel guilty. You don't need to worry about this matter anymore."

Kagura turned around: "But what do you do?"

After Fang Caiyuan was announced, Kagura had already discovered that although her realm was still at the peak of the Holy Lord back then, her aura was very weak.

I don't know how long she was trapped by the Yuan Clan before she became what she is now.

If you do it, even Yuan Yixuan in his heyday would not be Yuan Ruili's opponent, let alone at this time, she has no strength to fight anymore?

If she didn't intervene, would Yuan Yixuan really want to accept Yuan Ruili's nine divine punishments?

Then she must die too!

Yuan Yixuan said lightly:

"I have my own way."

Kagura gritted her teeth:

"No! Since I'm here today, I will never let go! If he really dares to touch you, I will fight him to the end! Otherwise——do you want me to watch him kill you!?"

Yuan Yixuan paused, then suddenly laughed, a little indifferent and ironic.

"He won't kill me."

Kagura was taken aback.

Then, as if she suddenly realized something, she slowly opened her eyes wide.

"You mean—"

"How do you know I won't kill you?"

Yuan Ruili's face became much colder when he heard this.

Yuan Yixuan looked so determined, which made him very uncomfortable.

It is obvious that Yuan Yixuan is trapped at this time, and it is also Yuan Yixuan who is facing trial.

But she always seemed to have the upper hand.

Yuan also preached:

"You couldn't kill me back then, so it's even more impossible now. After all...you haven't got what you want, have you?"

Her tone was understated, but to Yuan Ruili's ears, it was like thunder!

His pupils suddenly shrank!

Did she already know?

Even if you don't know it all, you should have already guessed something, right?

After all, she is so smart, after experiencing what happened back then, I'm afraid she can figure out some reasons.

Yuan Ruili seemed to have been poked into an acupuncture point, his body stiffened for a while, and finally found his voice.

"You are a member of the Yuan clan, and the clan has spent countless efforts to train you. What did you do in the end? I thought you...you let me down so much."

Yuan Yixuan was unmoved.

"The clan cultivated me because my talent was outstanding, not because I asked for it. As for what happened later...why did I do that, don't you know? I am also very disappointed in the Yuan clan."

The conversation between the two made everyone confused.

What the hell are they talking about?

From this point of view, is there something else hidden about what happened back then?

And it doesn't seem like a big deal...

Yuan Ruili shook his head.

"It's useless to talk too much. Now, you have to suffer this divine punishment before you talk!"

After finishing speaking, the black ruler in his hand was raised high and fell heavily!


A loud whipping sound suddenly sounded!

With the power of the black ruler, he charged fiercely towards the cage of countless star formations!

However, at this moment, something flew over quickly, just blocking the power of the black ruler!

There was a crisp crash!

The power of the black ruler suddenly collapsed!

Everyone was shocked, and quickly looked at it intently.

When they saw the appearance of the thing that suddenly appeared, everyone gasped.

Because that thing--it was clearly Mu Linghan's fate card!

That life card, which was only the size of a palm, had already dimmed, but now it directly blocked Yuan Ruili's divine punishment!

Even Yuan Ruili was taken aback and looked at the fate card in disbelief.

Mu Linghan's life breath has already collapsed, how could this life card react? !

Moreover, the divine punishment fell on it, and it didn't seem to have any effect!

He suddenly thought of something, and suddenly looked at Mu Linghan who was on the ground!

A burst of intense jade-colored light suddenly burst out from the person everyone thought was dead!

That is…

The power of Yuanmai!

There is such a powerful divine power in his body? !

But... This means that Mu Linghan is not dead! ?

Before everyone could react, Mu Linghan had already opened his eyes, and immediately tiptoed, rushing towards Yuan Yixuan!

The distance between the two of them was extremely close, and in the blink of an eye, he was already in front of Yuan Yixuan!

Suddenly, a sharp arrow appeared in his hand!

After that, he stabbed fiercely into the cage of intertwined stars!

"court death!"

Yuan Ruili didn't have time to be shocked, he was about to act immediately!

However, just when he was about to make a move, Mu Qinglan, who had not moved all this time, suddenly disappeared in place! Go straight to Yuan Ruili!

The tip of her knife glowed with an endless golden glow!

"I think you are courting death!"

Yesterday I suffered from insomnia until three o'clock in the morning, and I felt that my whole body was going to be useless. I barely got up early to write these, and I couldn't hold on anymore.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, there are two more

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