God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1494 Origin Meridian Explosion (Three Shifts)

The situation on the field changed suddenly!

Mu Linghan, who thought he was dead, suddenly woke up again, and stopped the divine punishment that was about to fall on Yuan Yixuan!

And Mu Qinglan, who had never made any movement, suddenly made a move and rushed directly towards Yuan Ruili!

No one could have imagined that in the blink of an eye, the situation would be reversed like this!

Yuan Ruili was about to take Yuan Yixuan and Mu Linghan down when he felt a sharp and piercing aura coming towards him!

He took a closer look and saw that it was Mu Qinglan. He was startled, and then sneered.

Although Mu Qinglan is extremely talented, but at this moment, she just broke through with the Holy Master, and she tried to stop him?

How naive and arrogant!

Turning the black ruler in Yuan Ruili's hand, it fell towards Mu Qinglan!

The mighty and terrifying coercion of the divine lord descended suddenly!

The expressions of the people around have changed!

He is going to deal a cruel blow to Mu Qinglan!

Yuan Ruili is a true God Lord powerhouse, if this blow falls, Mu Qinglan may not die or be disabled!

However, to everyone's surprise, Mu Qinglan's speed did not slow down at all!

It seems that the coercion of Yuan Ruili's divine lord has no effect on her!

Now, not only Yuan Ruili, but everyone who saw this scene were secretly startled.

Mu Qinglan had just gone through a fierce battle. At this time, his strength was exhausted and his body was weak. How could he be able to fight again all of a sudden?

And even resisted Yuan Ruili's coercion!

Even Kagura, who was the closest, was taken aback.

When she saw Mu Linghan wake up again, her mind went blank, and when she saw Mu Qinglan attacking immediately afterward, she was even more puzzled.

A question quickly flashed in her heart: Why did Mu Qinglan suddenly help?

Didn't she say that she has nothing to do with Yixuan?

Also, when Mu Linghan appeared just now, she also looked very calm, as if she really didn't know her.

But now she is suddenly so bold, directly confronting Yuan Ruili...

A bold guess suddenly appeared in her mind!

Could it be—


The sound of a sharp weapon hitting suddenly resounded!

The Qingyuan Zhan in Mu Qinglan's hand had collided with Yuan Ruili's black ruler fiercely!

Seeing this scene, everyone opened their eyes wide in shock!

Mu Qinglan actually... got into a fight with Yuan Ruili!

He is a god!

Is Mu Qinglan desperate?

On and off the court, Qiqi fell into a suffocating silence!

Mu Qinglan clenched Qingyuan Zhan with both hands, and gave a full blow!

The moment Qing Yuan Zhan touched the black ruler, the jaws of Mu Qinglan's hands were instantly shattered!

The sticky scarlet blood gradually oozes out!

Almost at the same time, her arms were completely numb! Even the shoulders seemed to be shattered!

Her body trembled violently, her internal organs seemed to be crazily squeezed by a terrifying force!

The blood in the body kept rushing, almost bursting out of the heart!

Even within the sea of ​​qi, there was a turmoil!

As if something was rushing up the trachea, a thick bloody breath instantly spread between the lips and teeth!

With the two of them at the center, the aftermath of violent energy began to spread towards the surroundings!

There is no sound!

All sounds seem to be swallowed up!

However, under the feet of the two, several cracks appeared on the ground of the colorful stone platform!

Master Yiran was startled, and immediately flicked his sleeves, a rope flew out of his hand, wrapping around Hongshi's waist.

With a pull of his wrist, Hiroshi was brought behind him.

Only then did Hongshi react suddenly, with a look of shock that hadn't faded on his face, he subconsciously glanced at Master Yiran.

"Thank you, Master."

Master Yiyan shook his head:

"Stand back. It's too dangerous ahead."

Hiroshi nodded with lingering fear.

If it wasn't for the master's attack just now, he might have been crushed by the terrible aftermath!

Kagura is the closest.

She originally planned to help, but after seeing the two of them fighting and feeling the shocking aura, she hesitated for a moment, and quickly retreated to Mu Linghan and Yuan Yixuan's side.

At this time, Mu Linghan was trying to break through the silver star array cage.

The sharp arrow in his hand has pierced an arrow!

Kagura glanced nervously, feeling a little worried.

This star array cage was built by Yuan Ruili himself, and it is definitely not something that idlers can break free!

I don't know what is the origin of Yuan Ruili's arrow, it can directly penetrate into the star array!

I just don't know if I can actually tear it apart.

While thinking about it, Kagura called Jinse over and protected them all behind her.

Feng Tian and Long Zhan looked at each other.

help? Or not?

Feng Tian gritted his teeth: Of course we want to help!

He had already agreed to Zhuzhu before!

It's just that at that time he never expected that Mu Qinglan would fight Yuan Ruili!

She is going to be turned upside down!

Even if this will create a gap between Phoenix Valley and the Yuan Clan, he must help!

If Mu Qinglan died, then Zhuzhu wouldn't be able to live either!

Long Zhan actually had the same thought in his heart.

Although the two ancient dragons had just broken through, they were still of the dragon clan.

Moreover, in recent years, there are fewer and fewer people on Shenlong Island who can successfully break through.

Now Mu Qinglan has two subordinates, and there is even a golden dragon who may break through at any time!

Of course he is going to make a move too!

The two quickly exchanged glances, and if something was wrong, they would immediately strike!

At this time, within Mu Qinglan's sea of ​​qi, the lake of Qianye Honglian has completely boiled!

She knew that only by relying on the power of God Lord Nine Thunders, could she hope to stop Yuan Ruili!

Everyone thought she was just standing there watching, doing nothing.

In fact, Mu Qinglan had already prepared for this moment!

In the previous battle with Yuan Xingze, she only used ten drops.

But now, facing Shang Yuan Ruili, she has almost stirred up the entire lake! Almost half of the power was used!

Mu Qinglan didn't think about whether her body could bear such a force at all.

She only knew that she and her brother had waited too long for today!

Absolutely can not make any mistakes!

The elder brother willingly endured the nine divine punishments, pretended to be dead, and waited for Yuan Ruili to relax his vigilance and release his mother before finally finding the right time to do it!

Mu Qinglan was waiting for this moment too!

She knew that the cage was not so easy to break open, so she had to hold Yuan Ruili back!

In the sea of ​​qi, the lake was surging, and the golden light above the ancient gods became more and more brilliant!

Endless power gushed out from it, heading towards Mu Qinglan's limbs and bones!

Subtle and severe pain came from all over the body!

Mu Qinglan almost felt that her own veins were about to be torn apart!

However, her hands still held Qing Yuan Zhan tightly, resisting Yuan Ruili's blow with all her might!

Never took half a step back!

"She actually accepted Yuan Ruili's move?"

Outside the first battlefield, everyone who was watching was extremely nervous.

I thought Mu Qinglan would fall directly in front of Yuan Ruili, but I didn't expect her to carry it!

One is the already famous God Lord powerhouse.

A little Holy Master who just broke through.

The gap between the two, you don't need to think about how huge it is!

Logically speaking, Yuan Ruili could easily handle Mu Qinglan with just one hand!

but none!

Seeing this scene, You Yue's expression became even colder.

Mu Qinglan's body not only has the power of the ancient gods, but also has a strong god master to help!

Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible for her to escape Yuan Ruili's coercion!

He glanced at You Jue.

"Did you see the water flow on her blade?"

You Jue immediately followed his line of sight, and sure enough, he vaguely saw Mu Qinglan's blue-black long knife. Although it was glowing with bright golden light, it was also pleasant to see that there seemed to be water flowing upstream.

"Just now, you were defeated here."

You Yue snorted coldly.

Only then did You Jue understand.

He has never figured out how Mu Qinglan won at the last moment in the previous battle with Mu Qinglan.

That's how it turned out...

"Then...Father, her strength is so strong, can she survive under the hands of Patriarch Yuan?"

The corner of You Yue's mouth curled up in a mocking arc.

"Back then, Yuan Yixuan was only one step away from breaking through to the God Lord, and set up many barriers, but in the end, he still did not escape the palm of the Yuan Clan? What's more, now, a few remnants have been defeated."

It's nothing for Mu Qinglan to resist the next move.

Is it true that Yuan Ruili, the divine master, is a dry meal?

After his words fell, there was a sudden exclamation from the crowd!

You Yue looked intently, and sure enough, he saw Yuan Ruili raise his arm!

Just hearing the piercing sound of a sharp weapon scratching, Yuan Ruili's black ruler had already set off Mu Qinglan's Qingyuan Slash!

Then, the black ruler in his hand fell down again!

At the same time, a huge silver star formation appeared under him!

In the middle of the star array is the divine seal of the Yuan clan!

"It's time to end!"

Yuan Ruili's face was cold and stern, and his voice was as deep as thunder!

In an instant, countless streamers flew out of the divine seal, sweeping towards Mu Qinglan!

That slender and exquisite figure was instantly wrapped in it!

Mu Qinglan could only feel countless sharp breaths blowing across her body! The whole person seems to be cut apart!

The severe pain almost made her mind go blank!

The surging power in the body has completely lost control!

Mu Qinglan suddenly let out a clear whistle!

It was as if something broke free from its restraint, and exploded crazily from Mu Qinglan's body!

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