God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1498 Queuing (third shift)

Seeing Mu Qinglan suddenly raised his head and yelled at the sky, everyone was bewildered.

What is she doing?

senior? who is it?

Isn't the first battlefield very difficult to enter? Those who are qualified to enter should have already stood on this colorful stone platform at this time.

Is there anyone else?

Afterwards, a golden light suddenly appeared above the originally dark sky!

It is like a sharp arrow, tearing the sky apart!

It is exactly the same as the long handover to you when Mu Qinglan first appeared, exactly the same!

Yuan Ruili suddenly thought of something and frowned.

He felt strange when Mu Qinglan came down from the sky before, but he had time to investigate carefully.

Now it seems that there is indeed something tricky!

Everyone was staring at that golden crack!

Immediately, a figure rushed out suddenly!

At the same time, a terrible coercion came!

"God Lord!?"

Master Yiran couldn't help murmuring.

"Why is there still a God Lord appearing here?"

Within the Heaven of Gods and Demons, there are only a handful of god masters, and this time, only a few of them came to the grand meeting of the gods.

But why is there another one now?

The man was extremely fast, heading towards the colorful stone platform!

In the blink of an eye, she landed beside Mu Qinglan!

"Haha, girl Qinglan, you've waited until now!"

The man laughed, his voice low and powerful.

At this moment, everyone finally saw what the man looked like.

He looked to be in his thirties, with a handsome appearance and an elegant demeanor. He was dressed in a gray and white robe, but he still did not conceal his demeanor, but what was even more shocking was his strength!

This is indeed a real god master powerhouse!

All the people around were stunned.

Shenmotian... When did there become such a divine master? How come they never met?

Mu Qinglan smiled at the man and said:

"Dean Xiling, I have kept you waiting."

Dean Xiling?

Who is this?

If it appeared from the sky, then it should have been in the dark area before, right?

Dean Xiling smiled and said:

"It's okay. I saw you do it yourself, I thought you didn't plan to ask others to help you."

Mu Qinglan coughed in embarrassment.

"Students are reckless."

"What's the matter? In the world, there are very few Holy Lords who can withstand a blow from the Holy Lord!" Dean Xiling said, giving Mu Qinglan a thumbs up and blinking. "As expected of the person I chose, he is truly amazing."

Seeing the other party's relaxed posture, as if he didn't take himself seriously at all, Yuan Ruili's face became even uglier.

But the other party is a divine master after all, so you have to be careful.

"May I ask who is your Excellency? This is my Yuan Clan's family affairs today, so it's better for you not to interfere?"

Hearing Yuan Ruili's words, Dean Xiling finally turned his head and glanced at him.

He looked Yuan Ruili up and down, and the smile on his face deepened.

"I'm Mu Qinglan's dean, and you can also consider me her master. You say I'm her master, can you ignore her affairs?"

Yuan Ruili was secretly startled.

Is this person Mu Qinglan's master?

No wonder Mu Qinglan was able to walk step by step from that small place to where he is today, and he can still cultivate to this level!

Perhaps it was her master who helped her a lot.

However, this man's aura is somewhat familiar...

After thinking about it for a moment, he suddenly thought of something, frowned and asked:

"The soul-suppressing stone is yours!?"

When Mu Qinglan took out the soul-suppressing stone and cast the star formation earlier, it had the same aura!

Dean Xiling was not surprised that Yuan Ruili could see this.

As a divine master, it would be strange if he couldn't even see this.

He nodded with a smile.

"That's right. To be precise, that thing now belongs to girl Qinglan."

Yuan Ruili was silent for a moment.

The other party's appearance made it clear that he wanted to support Mu Qinglan!

He sneered and looked at Mu Qinglan.

"I said why you are so courageous, it turns out that it is because there is a strong divine master backing you..."

"Hey, Patriarch Yuan, what you said is wrong."

Mu Qinglan interrupted Yuan Ruili's words, and said seriously:

"There is more than one God Lord who supports me."

Yuan Ruili was stunned for a moment, and then subconsciously thought that Mu Qinglan meant that Kagura and the others beside him were also speaking for her.

But immediately, a figure flew out of the sky again!

That is an even more terrifying coercion!

God Lord! ?

But just after that figure appeared, another one appeared right after it!

Everyone looked up in shock——and! ?

"Oh! What are you crowding about! Girl Qinglan said, please let us all go out, why are you so anxious!"

"Hmph, I think you all just want to show off in front of Qinglan girl! It's ridiculous, do you think Qinglan girl can remember you more if you rush to the front?"

"You sound nice, don't squeeze if you have the ability!"

"Bah! I'm not stupid!"

"Okay! It's been arguing for tens of thousands of years, why is it still endless!"

"Shut up!"

A loud noise quickly reached everyone's ears.

At the same time, one figure after another rushed out of the golden crack!

In the blink of an eye, five or six came out!

But the trend hasn't stopped yet!

The most important thing is that these are all god masters!

At this time, they all rushed towards the colorful stone platform!

Everyone was dumbfounded.

What's going on here?

Why all of a sudden, so many god masters popped up! ?

Yuan Ruili and the others are also used to seeing big scenes, what things haven't they seen in their life?

But he was also stunned by the scene in front of him.

One or two.

three four.

In the blink of an eye, the number of god masters who appeared has reached eight!

And, obviously, there's more to come!

One after another, the gods rushed down and landed beside Mu Qinglan.

But they obviously have no interest in anyone else around them.

They only had Mu Qinglan in their eyes.

"Hey, girl Qinglan, we met just now, I am the God Lord Hui Cong!"

"Hey - we just talked, I am God Lord Xiao Qing!"

"Don't scare Qinglan girl! Say no one by one? Hehe, Qinglan girl, I am God Lord Yuqian. I have a very good relationship with Xiling! He has mentioned you a lot these years!"

The Ice Blue Excalibur, which also flew down among the god masters at some point, couldn't help but roll its eyes.

How many years has it been since Mu Qinglan obtained the ancient divine code and split the Seventh Peak? After he came here, Xi Ling knew about Mu Qinglan's existence.

After so many years, I haven't mentioned it much... I can really say anything!

Xi Ling coughed awkwardly and looked up at the sky.

He didn't mean to either.

Who let Qinglan girl have the ancient gods?

Besides, these divine masters, who have been trapped in the dark realm for many years, were finally split open by Mu Qinglan with the power of the ancient gods. I was already very grateful to Mu Qinglan in my heart, so it is understandable to be so excited at this time!

Mu Qinglan was soon surrounded by the gods.

She couldn't help but feel a little headache.

I thought these seniors had had enough noise just now, but I didn't expect...

In the midst of this noise, several other strong divine masters flew down.

Everyone was shocked from the beginning, and gradually became numb.

Inside and outside the first battlefield, everyone who was watching this scene was completely dumbfounded.

"Two, twenty-three..."

Master Yiran murmured in a low voice, his face full of disbelief.

Around Mu Qinglan, there were twenty-three divine masters!

And apart from the Dean Xiling who appeared at the very beginning, the remaining twenty-two are all Shangshen Lords!

Of course they could see that these god masters were just remnants of souls.

Come to think of it, it should be the remnant souls of those divine masters who fell in Shenmengya's battle of the gods back then!

However, even so, the gathering of so many remnant souls of the Supreme Lord is terrifying!

Some people never see a god in their life.

Among the gods and demons, there are heads and faces, and there are countless god masters, and the total number of major clans may not be more than a dozen!

But now, there are more than 20 of these appearing!

And they all came to support Mu Qinglan? !

Above the sky, that golden crack finally gradually dissipated.

Yuan Ruili slowly withdrew his gaze and looked at Mu Qinglan in front of him.

And the gods around her.

At this moment, he suddenly felt that his limbs were cold, and all the strength in his body seemed to be hollowed out.

His mind seemed to be dull, and he didn't react for a while, what was going on.

He opened his mouth, but no sound came out.

Seeing Mu Qinglan surrounded by so many gods, weak and helpless, Dean Xiling finally waved his hand.

"Stop arguing for now! Just settle the business first!"

As soon as these words came out, the excited god masters finally woke up.

That's right, they came down to support Qinglan girl!

Almost forgot.

All the gods finally looked at Yuan Ruili.

Even if they don't do anything, when Qi Qi looks at a person like this, they will naturally carry the pressure of the God Lord!

Yuan Ruili suddenly felt a weight on his body! I can't move my whole body!

"It was you who said you wanted to teach girl Qinglan a lesson?"

"Heh, a god lord, do you really think you are invincible?"

"I haven't touched it for many years, how about today, come and try it out?"

All the god masters talked in one go, and it was very lively.

Dean Xiling smiled and pressed his hands.

"Everyone calm down, it's really not good, can't just come by one person?"

Afterwards, he looked at Yuan Ruili and smiled brighter.

"Why don't you think about it, who will you fight with first?"

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