God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1499 Reunion (1 more)

Think about which one to play against first?

Yuan Ruili is not stupid, in the face of so many god masters, if one of them really takes turns to give him a hand, then he will not die or be disabled!

Even if these are just remnants of souls, not in their heyday, they are still God Lords!

Not to mention there are so many more!

Yuan Ruili's whole body was stiff, his throat seemed to be blocked by something, and he couldn't speak a word.

It wasn't until this moment that he gradually understood the current situation.

——Mu Qinglan didn't know what method she used to summon all the remnants of the divine masters who fell from Shenmengya thousands of years ago! Stand up for her!

Yuan Ruili couldn't understand how Mu Qinglan did it, but he didn't have time to think about it now.

The oppressive gazes of several divine masters fell on him, forcing him to make a decision immediately!

"Everyone... Seniors, this is actually a misunderstanding..."

Yuan Ruili's lips trembled, and he managed to utter a word.

"Misunderstanding? What misunderstanding? Just now you bullied girl Qinglan, we all saw it clearly!"

God Lord Tiankui snorted coldly.

When he and God Lord Yu Gan came out before, although most of their energy was put on Mu Qinglan, they were not completely indifferent to the surroundings.

When Mu Qinglan broke through to the Star Formation Master, Yuan Ruili's expression was so stinky.

"Hey! If you mean that it was a misunderstanding that you fought against girl Qinglan just now as the God Lord, why don't we have a misunderstanding too?" God Lord Nine Spears turned the silver spear in his hand and asked with a smile.

Yuan Ruili's heart skipped a beat when he saw the silver spear gently draw a few black space cracks in the air.

There are so many gods, if you really do it...

He is absolutely powerless!

He gritted his teeth and forced himself to say:

"I don't mean that. It's just... Mu Qinglan and Mu Linghan are the children born to their mothers who violated the family rules and married outsiders without permission. According to the rules of the Yuan clan, they are all going to be judged ..."

"Judgment if you say trial?" Dean Xiling smiled lightly, but his expression was a little cold, "Is it really easy to bully the students who are the gods?"

Yuan Rui choked.

He was actually very aggrieved.

Back then, Yuan Yixuan made mistakes first, and even gave birth to two children after escaping!

Now that he has finally been arrested, he has to be tried in public to settle the accounts of the year.

Unexpectedly, Mu Qinglan still kept this hand!

Fortunately, she said that she was so pitiful before! ?

Looking around the world, how many people can have the support of so many divine masters!

Even though his lungs were about to explode, he had no choice but to continue to endure.

He took a deep breath, adjusted his emotions, and said slowly:

"Then... I don't know, seniors, what are you going to do now?"

"What else can I do, just do it!"

Not far away, Lord Yu Gan walked to the side of the silver cage at some point, and put one hand directly on the cage!

Then, give it a hard chop!

Chi la——

A tearing sound came quickly!

On the silver cage, a huge hole was torn open in an instant!

The Heavenly Sunflower God Lord immediately yelled and cursed:

"Yu Gan! How fucking shameless are you! Who told you to make the first move!"

That's girl Qinglan's mother!

If he helped her, wouldn't it be equivalent to helping girl Qinglan?

Moreover, seeing Qinglan's attitude towards her mother, helping her mother is probably easier to please her than helping her!

This Yu Gan, went over there without making a sound and started to fight directly!

God Master Yu Gan chuckled.

"I see that you are all busy there, aren't you looking for something to do yourself? Besides, staying here for a long time is not good for your health. I'm also thinking of Qinglan girl and the others!"

The corners of Tiankui's eyes twitched in anger—and emphasized? I'm afraid that girl Qinglan doesn't know that you have helped me a lot!

That cage was built by Yuan Ruili himself at the time, and it was jointly constructed by countless star arrays, connected and covered with each other.

It is difficult for ordinary people to crack.

However, among these people, God Lord Yu Gan and God Lord Tiankui did not include star formation masters of the same level as him.

What's more, in these ten thousand years, they have not been idle, and their understanding of the star formation is definitely far beyond that of Yuan Ruili.

At this moment, wouldn't it be a piece of cake to crack the star array cage he set up?

Mu Qinglan looked intently, and sure enough, she saw that after God Lord Yu Gan tore a hole, the streamers around her didn't fill up quickly like the situation with her brother just now.

There seems to be an invisible barrier on the edge of that opening, isolating all those forces.

While God Lord Yu Gan was speaking, he quickly tore off the second one!

The hole quickly turned into a hole!

Obviously, if this continues, within a few strokes, he will be able to completely solve the star array cage.

Several Star Formation Grandmasters, including Divine Lord Tiankui, all had bad faces at this moment, staring at Divine Master Yu Gan angrily.

What a cunning!

Mu Linghan was at the side, and when he saw God Lord Yu Gan making a move, he stopped, took a step back, and cupped his hands at God Lord Yu Gan.

"Thank you, senior."

God Lord Yu Gan didn't care about being scolded by Tian Kui and the others.

- It's all jealousy!

Hearing Mu Linghan's voice, God Lord Yu Gan said with a smile:

"Thank you! It should be! It should be!"

Then he was startled suddenly, his eyes fixedly looked around Mu Linghan's body, his expression was a little unpredictable.

As expected of brothers and sisters born from compatriots, this origin...

Hey, Yuan Ruili is really a no-brainer!

Even if Yuan Yixuan violated the clan rules back then, got together with so-called outsiders and gave birth to a child, so what?

Don't even look at the talents of these siblings!

If he is Yuan Ruili, he must first check the situation of the brothers and sisters.

Yuan Ruili's attitude is so tough at this time, maybe he doesn't know what?

After all, only the Supreme God Master can tell the level of a cultivator's Yuanmai at a glance.

It's a pity that Yuan Ruili is the next god master, and he obviously always thought about how to punish these people, but never thought about their talents.

I really don't know how he will react when he finds out...

Seeing that the cage was about to be completely torn apart, the figure inside became clearer.

There seemed to be something surging in Mu Qinglan's heart.

Then, she finally couldn't hold back anymore, and walked over quickly,

The god masters also knew that she was thinking about her mother and elder brother at this moment, so they simply stepped aside and let her pass.

Looking at this scene, Yuan Ruili felt that his face had been completely lost!

At the same time, as the cage was continuously torn apart by God Lord Yu Gan, it also had a considerable impact on him, causing the power in his body to surge.

When Mu Qinglan arrived, the cage had already been torn in half by God Lord Yu Gan.

Yuan Yixuan, who was trapped in it, finally appeared!

Seeing that familiar face, Mu Qinglan suddenly stopped in her tracks.

In fact, the distance between them at this time is only a few steps away.

But somehow, Mu Qinglan froze suddenly.

That face was much thinner and paler, but it was still the same as in memory.

She had fantasized about this scene thousands of times, but at this moment, she suddenly felt shy of being close to home.

Countless pairs of eyes also looked at Yuan Yixuan at this time.

For a while, inside and outside the arena, everything was silent.

It can be seen that her life is not good, her cheeks are very thin, her lips are pale, and her breath is weak.

However, it is still difficult to hide the peerless posture.

The moment she appeared, everyone immediately understood that the outstanding looks of Mu Linghan and Mu Qinglan's brother and sister were indeed derived from her.

But even though she looked weak, she kept her back straight and her eyes were full of firmness and stubbornness.

The star array around him gradually dissipated.

When she looked forward, she saw Mu Linghan beside her, and Mu Qinglan not far ahead.

She couldn't help stretching out her hand and grabbed Mu Linghan.

The tentacles were all sticky, and Mu Linghan was covered in scars all over his body.

The strong smell of blood is almost trembling.

She opened her mouth, her voice trembling slightly.

"Ling Han..."

Mu Linghan smiled lowly.

"Mother, I made you suffer."

Yuan Yixuan burst into tears instantly.

In fact, she should have said this.

She never thought that the child she loved so much would one day suffer such pain.

Seeing the wounds on his body, she was also heartbroken.

Mu Linghan turned his head and waved at Mu Qinglan.

"Qing'er, come here soon."

Mu Qinglan pursed her lips and finally lifted her foot.

She walked faster and faster, her heart was pounding!

Finally, it finally stopped in front of Yuan Yixuan and Mu Linghan.

Yuan Yixuan looked at her, and quickly wiped away his tears, wanting to look more carefully.


Mu Qinglan finally yelled this, her throat choked up, and her eyes were red.

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