God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1511: Blood Soul Cult (3rd watch)

Back then when Yuan Yixuan broke with the Yuan Clan, he actually paid a very heavy price.

She was seriously injured, and it affected her practice.

Yuan Ruili originally thought that it was very rare for Yuan Yixuan to maintain his original realm after so many years.

Who would have thought that she would break through to the Grandmaster of the Star Array silently! ?

Yuan Yixuan glanced at him, smiled lightly and said:

"Thanks to Patriarch Yuan for taking care of you during this period of time."

Yuan Ruili was startled, and then his pupils shrank suddenly!

Could it be——she managed to break through after being trapped by his star cage! ?

Yuan Yixuan raised his hand casually, and the power of endless stars surged with it!

She sighed softly:

"After leaving the Yuan Clan, there is no chance to see the top star array again."

In fact, before these things happened, she and Mu Feng lived in the imperial capital very peacefully and happily.

She also always thought that maybe she would live like that in this life.

Watch your children grow up. People, watch their children and grandchildren circle their knees.

Then she already felt that she had no regrets in this life.

In the eyes of those people in the imperial capital, she is a woman with mediocre cultivation aptitude.

But in fact, she never stopped practicing.

Her Yuanmai was damaged back then, although it wasn't very serious, it still had an impact after all.

In addition, when the siblings were born, she was worried that their bloodlines would be discovered, so she separated most of the power of her own veins and sealed the two's.

Therefore, she knew that she basically had no possibility of breakthrough in Yuanli cultivation.

So she put all her energy on the star array.

Over the years, her primordial power has actually been increasing, but to break through from the Star Formation King Master to the Star Formation Master, not only requires abundant primordial power, but also requires a deeper understanding of the Star Formation.

It's a pity that in a place like the imperial capital, it is impossible for her to find the star array left by the star array master.

So even though she was on the verge of breaking through in all aspects, she was still a little bit short.

She did not expect that this last opportunity was actually given to her by Yuan Ruili.

Yuan Ruili specially built a star array cage to lock her tightly inside, but he didn't know that during this period of time, Yuan Yixuan just used the star array on the cage to continue his enlightenment.

Her breakthrough came naturally.

"The way you were before was all a disguise!?"

Yuan Ruili immediately figured out what was going on here, and he was in a bad mood.

Think about it, when Yuan Yixuan just appeared in front of everyone, he was clearly weak and thin, as if vulnerable to a single blow!

But actually?

She took advantage of this time to break through to Star Array Grandmaster!

Look now, her strength doesn't need anyone's help at all!

There was a slight smile on Yuan Yixuan's face.

"In the past few years, I have been like that all the time. I can't pretend. Besides... when I broke through, I really worked hard to prevent you from noticing."

Yuan Rui was so polite that he almost spat out another mouthful of blood.

Yuan Yixuan had actually been able to break through the cage before, but she knew very well that she was definitely not Yuan Ruili's opponent, and trying rashly would only make her situation worse.

It's just that she didn't expect the two brothers and sisters to come here.

She had been holding back before, but in fact, it was because she was worried that they would not be able to escape from here completely, so she planned to take the two brothers and sister away together when she was caught by surprise.

Unexpectedly, Mu Qinglan summoned so many gods later.

And at this moment, she finally planned to do it because of the man hidden in the black mist!

The huge star array enveloped Mu Qinglan and the others!

The twinkling stars formed a very strong barrier outside.

Mu Qinglan saw some black mist on the ground that wanted to rush over, and they were all blocked out.

Sure enough, the black mist that was about to rush over also stopped.


These words were clearly aimed at Yuan Yi!

Mu Qinglan was startled: Why does it sound like this is not the first time my mother has seen him?

Yuan Yixuan's expression gradually became condensed.

"You couldn't stop my people back then, but now it's even worse if it's me."

The man's tone was full of disdain.

Yuan Yixuan said coldly:

"It really is you!"

The first time she saw it, she felt something was wrong. Back then in Jiuge, she and Mu Feng were in trouble.

Later, several mysterious people appeared and forcibly took Mu Feng away.

She tried to stop it, and even used Yuanmai, but it still failed.

When she wanted to follow the clues to continue searching, people from the Yuan clan had already followed her exposed Yuan veins and brought her back.

Now, several years have passed.

But she was all too familiar with that cold and violent aura!

"His blood is very clean." The man laughed, as if aftertaste, "However, compared to your daughter, it is still much worse..."


The sound of breaking through the sky came!

The God King Sword in Yun Yi's hand has been chopped down suddenly!

"Wan Jian!"

In an instant, countless silver rays of light flew out from the God King Sword!

Those silver rays of light rose against the wind, instantly turning into sharp swords!

Countless silver swords shrouded the black mist in all directions!

Afterwards, all stabbed!

The cloud of black mist dispersed again!

But this time, the countless silver swords outside formed a huge sword field!

The black mist tried several times, but it couldn't escape from it!

Yun Yi put his fingers together, and his fingertips glowed with a faint silver light!

Countless sharp sword qi almost completely split this space!

"Return to the sect!"

His thin lips parted slightly, and he uttered two words coldly!

Following his order, countless silver swords stabbed towards the middle at the same time!

chi chi!

The sound of piercing the sky sounded one after another, and even the ground below was affected by the sword energy, leaving traces of it!

The strength of it is evident!

Under everyone's gaze, the countless silver swords all pierced into the black mist!


The black mist burst instantly!

The remaining prestige of violent energy spreads towards the surroundings!

Master Yiran and others shot out one after another, and once again set up an enchantment in front of him.

The way they looked at Yun Yi became even more shocked.

It is clearly at the peak of the Holy Lord, but the move he used just now... Even if he fights against a real strong God Lord, he may not be at a disadvantage!

"I really underestimated you..."

After the black mist dissipated, the black mist that continued to emerge all around rushed away one after another and gathered together again.

The man's voice also sounded a little surprised.

Yet the arrogance remained unabated.

"But it's a pity, you haven't broken through to the God Lord yet... If I'm not wrong, it should be as difficult as reaching the sky for you, right?"

Yun Yi's eyes were deep, and he didn't reply. With a thought, he controlled those swords to fly out again, and started fighting with those black mist!

For a moment, everyone could only see countless sword lights flying through the black mist in midair.

Looking at it, everyone couldn't help feeling a bit puzzled: Listening to the voice, there was clearly a man in the black mist, but the black mist continued to disperse and gather, but there was still no figure of him.

Is it a soul-like existence?

But it doesn't seem like you shouldn't see nothing.

"I didn't expect that after so many years, these things have become more difficult..."

God Lord Shentu said in a deep voice.

All the god masters looked at each other with solemn expressions.

"It seems that they haven't been idle all these years. Especially..." God Master Yu Gan hesitated to speak, as if he was a little apprehensive, but there was a deep loathing in his eyes.

Mu Qinglan asked:

"Seniors, do you... know that person?"

All the god masters glanced at her, hesitated for a moment, and their expressions were a little complicated.

"I know...we haven't seen his real appearance, but if I don't know...the opponent in that battle back then was him. In other words, it was his people."

Mu Qinglan was startled, she didn't expect that the battle of the gods back then would be so tricky.

She always thought that the battle broke out because of some reason, but now it seems that it is clearly not the case.

At the beginning, she didn't feel it when she met the Lord of Nine Thunders, but then she gradually discovered that although the gods she met were always noisy with each other, and they didn't even show good looks, they actually didn't like each other. What a deep hatred.

Even in a way, it's a bit like a friend.

Mu Qinglan originally thought that this was because tens of thousands of years had passed since what happened back then, and even if there was any real hatred, it had dissipated.

But now she realized that was not the case.

These divine masters seem to be on the same front from the beginning?

And their enemy seems to be... the same one!

——It was the man hiding in the black mist!

Mu Qinglan paused, and asked in his heart:

"Master, the person you dealt with...was the Blood Soul Cult?"

Nine Thunder God Lord was suddenly startled:

"how do you know!?"

Mu Qinglan thought it was true!

In the Heaven of Gods and Demons, there is no so-called Blood Soul Sect, and she had made a secret investigation before, and found that no one knew of its existence.

As for Nine Thunder Gods, they are clearly very clear.

What kind of existence is the Blood Soul Sect, that was able to attract hundreds of god masters from the gods and demons to join forces to deal with it?

And why, after that battle, the Blood Soul Cult disappeared in the Gods and Demons Heaven! ?

Mu Qinglan paused, and said: "It was their people who took my father away and trapped them for several years."

Lord Nine Thunders was even more shocked.

"How could it be? Even if he wants to arrest you, it should be you! You have it on your body—and I think he really wanted to do something to you just now!"

Mu Qinglan thought for a while, but she didn't immediately tell the other party that she had swallowed her blood. Instead, she looked at Dean Xiling.

Dean Xiling has been trapped in the dark realm for thousands of years. It stands to reason that he shouldn't know the existence of the Blood Soul Cult.

But the first time she knew this name was in Misty Temple!

She always felt that there seemed to be some secret hidden in Dean Xiling.

As if aware of her gaze, Dean Xiling suddenly looked over.

The two looked at each other.

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