God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1512 Get it (four more)

Dean Xiling said meaningfully:

"The soul-suppressing stone and the star map are all in your place now. However, after you get out, you should probably enter the Misty Temple again."

Mu Qinglan was stunned.

What secrets are hidden in the Piaomiao Temple?

Dean Xiling obviously meant something.

"It's not that easy to go out now..." God Lord Shentu and the others didn't notice the glances between the two, and said worriedly, "None of his subordinates are weak."

Although both sides are incomplete existences that have survived tens of thousands of years in this ancient battlefield, the number of the other side seems to be more dominant.

And... that man hiding in the black mist has always been unfathomable.

No one knows how strong he is, and how many means he has.

"I said, don't we really need to go up and help?" God Master Nine Spears picked up the spear in his hand and pointed it in the air. "We have so many God Masters, why do you think it's inappropriate? That's Qinglan girl!"

Mu Qinglan coughed dryly.

The Heavenly Sword God Master also clenched the long sword in his hand: "I think he is above the way of the sword, and his strength is extremely strong. It is not easy to reach this level at this age..."

Looking at the sword light all over the sky, he also felt a little itchy.

"Don't go up and make trouble, I think that kid should have his own arrangements."

Dean Xiling spoke with a smile, as if full of confidence in Yun Yi.

All the gods looked at him suspiciously.

"That's the Holy Lord versus the Divine Lord!"

Dean Xiling waved his hand: "Then what's the matter? I think he should be able to fight against the God Lord with his strength. If he can't bear it, he will definitely say it directly. Besides... don't you realize that he Is the breath on your body familiar?"

Having said that, all the god masters were taken aback for a moment, and then showed suspicion.

Dean Xiling said:

"If I'm not mistaken, he should have been in the dark domain before. And... it should be a special dark domain connected to the three major battlefields!"


God Lord Shentu immediately retorted.

"Although the dark area is vast, it is absolutely impossible for anyone to enter that place! No, it should be said, it is impossible for anyone to come out alive!"

The three major battlefields divided the entire dark field into many areas, most of which were separated from each other. There was only one dark field, which connected the three major battlefields at the same time.

But there is a very special existence, even they have never been able to enter.

How could Yun Yi get in?

"But you see, the aura on his body...isn't it obvious?"

Dean Xiling's expression remained unchanged, and he said calmly.

All the gods fell silent.

Taking a closer look, in fact, they all noticed that something was wrong, but because the possibility was too small, they directly ignored it.

"How come... He is clearly just a Holy Master... That place, even if we go in, it is extremely dangerous..."

Mu Qinglan felt more and more strange listening to it.

Why does Dean Xiling seem to know the things here very well?

With so many gods gathered together, and almost all of them are gods, it stands to reason that they should know more than Dean Xiling.

But... that's clearly not the case.

What's more, Dean Xiling is still the next god, but these people seem to be very polite to him.

That attitude is completely different from the time when he saluted Yuan Rui.

Mu Qinglan suddenly remembered what the Ice Blue Excalibur said before, that all the gods in this dark area have mixed with Dean Xiling...

She thought it was an exaggeration before, but later she thought it should be because of the ancient gods.

But now she felt that she was thinking too little.

Dean Xiling is more mysterious and powerful than she imagined.

"If he is really...then that thing is on his body now?" Elder Yu Gan suddenly remembered something, and slightly opened his eyes and said.

All the gods looked at each other.

Mu Qinglan couldn't help asking:


Dean Xiling smiled and said:

"Now is not the time for you to know this. You just need to know that if Yun Yi really has... then today, we should be safe."

Speaking of him, he looked to the sky and crossed his arms.

"Actually, I think, 80% of them are like this..."

Boom boom boom!

When Mu Qinglan was full of doubts, he suddenly heard several loud noises coming from the sky!

She followed everyone's gaze and looked up.

The black mist and countless silver swords have been fighting for a long time, and now with this violent sound, the silver swords burst one after another! It turned into countless silver light spots!

The speed at which they shattered was so fast that before the black mist could react, it was directly implicated and collapsed!

At first glance, it looks like the stars flickering in the dark night!

This scene was so shocking that everyone just stared blankly at it, and didn't come back to their senses for a while.

Mu Qinglan subconsciously looked at Yun Yi, and saw that his face was very pale and blood was spilling from the corner of his mouth.

This blow almost exhausted his strength completely!

However, it does work!

The terrible aftermath hit the surroundings, and some of them hit the star array constructed by Yuan Yixuan, causing waves.

Mu Qinglan was about to step forward to help, but Yuan Yixuan suddenly glanced at her and shook his head slightly.

Mother won't let me make a move?

Was it because she was afraid that something would happen to her, or...

Mu Qinglan could see the worry in her mother's eyes clearly.

She didn't make a move.

However, she seemed to suddenly understand that when the Yuanmai level was tested before, the mother was going to pinch her hand.

——I'm afraid that mother knows the secret hidden in her and father's blood!

At this moment, Mu Qinglan suddenly felt something surging in the sea of ​​qi.

She frowned slightly, and then realized that it was the half of the life plate in her body that was moving!

Yun Yi?

Mu Qinglan realized something, looked at Yun Yi intently, and sure enough, she noticed a terrible fluctuation in his body!

And this fluctuation even directly affected the life dish!


Suddenly, there was a loud noise in the sky!

Everyone was shocked and looked up, only to see several golden cracks suddenly appeared on the originally extremely dark sky!

In an instant, Mu Qinglan suddenly understood something!

——That is the exit of the first battlefield!

Although she didn't know why such a movement suddenly occurred, but at this time, it was the opportunity to leave!

That golden light shines down!

It was heading towards the black mist!

The black mist, which was difficult to gather at first, stagnated in midair for a moment, but suddenly dispersed in all directions!

In the blink of an eye, all of them got into the ground and disappeared!

A hoarse and dull voice resounded throughout the sky.

"I'll play with you until today, and come back another day!"

As soon as the voice fell, the black mist completely disappeared in front of everyone's eyes!

In the exit above the sky, there is also a brilliant colorful light, flowing down the river!

Like a waterfall, falling from the sky!

Dean Xiling gave a low laugh.

"He did get it."

The level of the mothers in the previous pictures should be the master of the star array, but it has been changed.

Then there are revisions before the level. In the last chapter, those who are not clear can read it again.

I'm going to sort out the outline.

Hey, I really feel like I can see the end.

I will work hard to write the last part.

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